CHAPTER FOUR – (PS4) Have a “Love Affair” with Your Food...

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Have a “Love Affair” with Your Food and Eat Less Chapter Contents: Have a “Love Affair” with Your Food and Eat Less Ken Norton Story Sue Jarreau Story

Subway Story

Eating Tips Smart Eating Out Tips Become a Smart Lady “Nutrition Detective” Why I Take and Recommend Juice Plus+® to My Friends and Family Your Body is a Temple Story What to Do Next? Chapter Overview/Tool Box

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Have a “Love Affair” with Your Food and Eat Less What I want to coach you on now is to how to have a “love affair” with your food and eat less. Now, don’t get nervous. Most of my clients look at me with their eyes really, really big and they say, “Oh no, a “love affair” with my food? That means I’m going to eat more.” No! You’re going to learn to eat less. Self-hypnosis causes you to feel full, full, stuffed and satisfied with less and besides that, you do understand that you are a thin lady, don’t you? And as thin ladies, we can have anything we want to eat, we are not on a diet and under no restrictions, but we’re learning to eat smaller portions, especially when it involves sugars and carbs. Wouldn’t you rather be able to eat smaller portions of sugars and carbs than to be told that you cannot have any of them for the rest of your life? Hey, you cannot tell me that I cannot have something because that makes me want it more. It’s just like me telling you. “Don’t think about a pink elephant!” DUH! Of course, you are going to think of a pink elephant because I just gave you the suggestion. So as a smart lady “Nutrition Detective,” you do not have permission to put anything into your shopping cart until you look at and read the food label on each and every item you put in your shopping cart. And if you see that a serving size of ice cream is, for example, a ½ cup, then you have permission to eat one serving and one only (the ½ cup) and not feel guilty like you would have if you had eaten a whole bowl full that was three or four servings. You are also learning to slow down and savor each bite of your food that you put into your mouth like all thin ladies do. As thin ladies, we don’t fill our bowl to the top with ice cream anymore, or pack our wine glass so full of ice cream that it cracks, or wait until our husband goes to bed to eat our ice cream and our king size chocolate candy bars. We have come out of the “closet.” So, are you ready to learn how to have a “love affair” with your food, enjoy it more and eat less? If so, read on. This next part comes from my 9 Healthy Life-Building Stepping Stones®, #6 – Adopt New Healthy Eating Habits, and #7 – Become a Smart Lady “Nutrition Detective.” You remember that I told you that your first four chapters and your first four Power Session Self-Hypnosis CD’s are designed to turn your bad eating behavior around 180 degrees? Well, you are also learning that there are four things that slender people do that overweight people don’t. Here’s the list again of what slender people do in case you forgot:

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1. They only eat when their body sends them signals that they need sustenance or fuel for energy.

2. They eat exactly what they desire. 3. They derive pleasure out of every single morsel of food they eat

and, 4. They immediately stop eating when they recognize that their

body is no longer hungry. So, week by week, chapter by chapter, and Power Session by Power Session, we’ve been turning your bad eating behavior around. After you finish this chapter and listen to your Power Session (PS4) Self-Hypnosis CD, I would like you to start tracking not only the top of your “Does My Body Need Food NOW?” chart, for 28 days, but also start tracking the bottom part for the next 28 days. You can find your charts in Chapter Three. The bottom of the chart is fairly self-explanatory. All you need to do is place a check mark in the block for each meal or snack if you met the goal outlined on the left. Place a zero in the block if you did not meet the goal. After tracking your chart for a week, you can see clearly what areas you need to work on as those are the areas that contain a lot of zeros. Understand that your goal in tracking your chart is to get all of your 9 Healthy Life-Building Stepping Stones® in place by reinforcing them daily so that you make them permanent lifestyle habits. You’re going to ask yourself the following question anytime you’re getting ready to eat. You’re going to imagine that it’s written in RED letters across your forehead. You never ever have permission to put a morsel of food into your mouth until you ask yourself this question – “Does my body need food NOW?” You’re eating on a hunger scale called “LOSE WEIGHT” which is made up of ten letters. You’ve also got ten fingers on both hands, so you put those ten little fingers on your stomach and check in with it to see if your body needs food for fuel, NOT because you are happy or sad, or someone says, “Do you want a piece of candy?” And if you don’t come up with the letter “S” Stage which stands for, “Boy, I’m happy it’s lunchtime (or breakfast, dinner time). I am ready to start eating NOW,” then I want you to DRINK WATER. You learned earlier that 95% of the time when your stomach growls it only wants water yet you confuse that feeling with feeding it food. It really was dehydrated and just wanted water. Now I want you to think about this. You are a slim and trim lady, right? You can have anything that you want to eat. When its time to eat, your eyes light up. It’s going to be fun to eat now. It is your biggest event of the day. Think about this: you no longer eat in

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between meals; you only eat at meal times; and you can have exactly what you want to eat. You are learning to be a smart lady “Nutrition Detective” and also practice self-hypnosis which causes you to automatically gravitate toward choosing healthier foods. You are also learning to eat smart, which is #6 on your 9 Healthy Life-Building Stepping Stones®, “Adopt New Healthy Eating Habits”, so what you are really doing is forming a new habit to remember to always choose healthier foods. Plus, if you do decide to eat a starch/carb, you remember to eat only one serving (unless the carb is a fresh green vegetable). You can have two or three servings IF they are green leafy salads or fresh green vegetables. Just watch the salad dressing. More about that later. I also want you to remember to use your measuring cups to measure all of your food that you put on your salad plate. You will find them sitting on top of your salad plate to remind you to read your food labels and only eat one serving of sugary or starches/carbs. What I’m trying to help you understand is that nothing comes between you and your food, okay? Eating is a special time for you because you are only going to eat at Stage S, when you are really hungry, and stop eating when you are full at Stage W, as you are learning to do by tracking your “Does My Body Need Food NOW? Chart in Chapter Three – checking in with your stomach and your brain, learning to eat consciously. Then after you finish your meal, you won’t eat again until you are really hungry starting at Stage S. And, as a slim lady, you know exactly what you want to eat – healthy foods. Let’s just pretend you are getting ready to eat. You’ve decided what you want and you’ve got your special salad plate. And while you’re at it, why not use your pretty fine china salad plate, your sterling silver knife, fork and spoon and also use your fine crystal glass? Make your table look and feel special and attractive. When you sit down and look at the food on your plate and take your time to eat your food, look at the different textures of it. You smell it and boy, does it ever smell good. By the way, research has proven that the first bite is the tastiest because your taste buds are fresh, and after the tenth bite you really don’t know what you taste. So, remember that your first ten bites are always going to be the best, so there’s no need to hurry. Take your fork with your first bite of food on it and put it in your mouth. Move that food around on your tongue and have a “love affair” with that bite as you slowly swallow it. You put your fork down, look at your food again and think to yourself, “Oh that was wonderful!” You take the next bite and again move that food around on your tongue as long as you can and have a “love affair” with that bite because that is how

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slender people eat. We have a “love affair” with every bite of food that we eat. Now, this is really important. When you get through eating, learn to form a new habit of not rushing off to get moving on your next project. Learn to sit there for a few minutes savoring the memory of what you just ate and how good that meal was. We have all been taught to be workaholics. We have never been taught to honor our meal. When we are eating, we are normally reading the paper, watching TV, paying the bills, and ironing at the same time! This is what we’ve been taught to do. But now you’re going to change that bad habit and develop a new healthy habit of taking time to enjoy your food and linger for a few moments remembering how wonderful it was. Ken Norton’s Story

Years ago, Ken and his wife, Pat, were in my weight loss program. When I told Ken that I wanted him to form a new habit of sitting down at a table to eat and slow down and enjoy his food, he looked at me and said, “Linda, do you mean I can’t watch TV?” I said, “Ken, why don’t you try it for a week and see if it makes a difference?” Let me give you an example of why this is important. Let’s just suppose that instead of eating your meal at your table and having a “love affair” with each bite of your food with no distractions, you decide to take that same meal and eat it on a TV tray in front of your TV. Now just as you are getting ready to put your first bite of food into your mouth, which you know is the tastiest, something exciting happens on the television screen, you quickly swallow that bite and you don’t even remember tasting it. You take the next bite and swallow it and you don’t even remember tasting it either. Well, guess what? Suddenly you do not have any food left on your salad plate and what is worse, you don’t even remember eating because you did not pay attention to what you were doing. Consequently, you don’t have a feeling of satisfaction or being full which is really important after finishing a meal. Did you know that research has proven that we only eat for two reasons? 1) to give our bodies fuel for energy, and 2) for satisfaction. So when you slow down and have a “love affair” with your food, you get that full feeling of satisfaction, but if you sit in front of the television set, you don’t.

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Has this ever happened to you? After you have finished your meal sitting in front of the TV, all of a sudden, the cookie monster or the ice cream monster appears and you think you need something else to make you feel satisfied. Or you think you need a second helping where if you would have taken the time to have a “love affair” with your food, you would have felt full, full, stuffed and satisfied. This is the difference between eating in front of the television set and eating at your kitchen or dining room table without distractions. So, I told Ken to just try it for a week and to let me know what he thought of this practice. He came back the following week for his Self-Hypnosis Power Session and said, “Linda, I cannot believe the difference this has made in my life. I took my time and enjoyed what I had on my plate, and when I finished, for the first time in a long, long, time I did not feel like I needed more food to give me that satisfied feeling.” See? One simple change in your routine can make a world of difference in your weight loss efforts! Now let me tell you my “Sue Jarreau Story” and you’re really going to understand what having a “love affair” with each bite of your food can do for you! Sue Jarreau Story

Sue was in my weight loss program and lived in St. Franciseville, LA. After she completed Chapter Four and listened to her Power Session (PS4) Self-Hypnosis CD, the following weekend she and her husband were invited to eat out at a Mexican restaurant with two other couples they were friends with. Sue accepted the invitation and said, “Yes, that sounds great.” She then thought to herself, “I am a slender lady. Heck, my favorite thing to do is to eat out. “I am slim and trim. I am in control. I can do this.” When she got to the restaurant, she looked at the menu and decided to order the chicken fajita salad. Now everybody else had ordered all the onion mums and other appetizers and Sue didn’t care for any of that. When Sue’s meal came, she started eating her salad and didn’t even realize what she was doing. She was having a “love affair” with each bite of her food. She put the first bite of her food into her mouth and was saying, ‘Mmm, that’s good’ and then she’d put her fork down. Next, she’d take another bite of her food and again she’d say, ‘Mmm that’s good.’ Well, the third time she did this, her friend sitting next to her said, “Sue, what are you grunting about?” And Sue replied, ‘Oh,

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I’m sorry, I’m having a “love affair” with my food.’ HA! Anyway, guess what? Everyone else had these huge entrees after they had already devoured many appetizers, then they all had dessert. Her friends could hardly get up out of their chairs as they were so full, so sleepy, and totally lethargic. Sue popped up, full of energy, and took half of her fajita salad home in a ‘to go’ box to enjoy the next day. That’s how slim and trim ladies eat. So, you have my permission to start ‘Mmm Mmm Mmming’ all you want and start having a “love affair” with your food too!

Subway Story

After my own first self-hypnosis session for weight loss with Dr. Winkler, he told me that I was not on a diet and that I could have anything that I wanted to eat. He said that I would quickly discover that self-hypnosis is the quickest and easiest way to change eating behavior as it causes you to feel full, full, full and satisfied with less, and not feel deprived. Also through the power of hypnotic suggestion, he told me that I would notice I would choose healthier foods to eat as well.

Well, after I left his office it was lunch time and I thought to myself, “I’d better get something to eat before I go back to the office.” I thought to myself, “Dr. Winkler said I was not on a diet and that I could have anything that I wanted, so I will go to Burger King and get my usual, a Whopper and large fries.” I was getting close to Burger King when I had the thought that I wasn’t sure that that was what I really wanted to eat. Then suddenly I thought, “Maybe I will go to Subway and get a meat ball sub. That will be good.” So, I am standing in line inside Subway getting ready to place my order and when they asked me what I wanted I said, “I want a small turkey sub on whole wheat.” I got into my car and thought to myself, what just happened? Then I said, “WOW! My subconscious mind must have accepted those positive suggestions that Dr. Winkler gave me that said I would start eating healthier. So that is how self-hypnosis works.”

I want you to understand that you will play these mind games with yourself, especially when you go to a restaurant with a broad menu. You will look at all of your choices and think, “Oh, I’ll get that pasta dish. That will be good.” Or, “Oh, I’ll get this and that will be good,” and when you get ready to order you will notice that you will make a healthier choice. You will also notice in the future that you will be completely satisfied with just an appetizer for your entree or a cup of soup and a house salad. Remember that your stomach is about the

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size of your fist and in the past, you have eaten a platter of food. So, the good news is that Power Session by Power Session, you are going to allow your stomach to shrink back down to its natural size. Be alert for this to happen. You are going to be able to eat one-half or one-third of what you used to eat. You will also be pleased to notice that you will take home at least half of your meal and you will be able to enjoy it the next day. You may even be able to make three meals out of one meal which you used to eat at one time before practicing self-hypnosis. This is why my clients tell me all of the time that they end up recouping their investment from their Weight Off NOW Self-Hypnosis Home Study System™ due to seeing their food budget being cut in half! Smart Eating Out Tips Okay, now let’s talk about eating out. You understand that you are not on a diet and that you can have anything that you want to eat. Nothing is off limits. You also understand that self-hypnosis will cause you to feel full, full, stuffed, and satisfied with less and not feel deprived. That’s the beauty of practicing self-hypnosis daily. One of my favorite things to do is eat out, but you have to learn to be smart about it. When I eat out and look at the menu, I always try to choose something healthy for myself, but even if it is healthy restaurants tend to give you such huge portions. You can’t win because we Americans are supersized everywhere we go. So here are my tips for controlling your portions and eating smart when eating out:

1. Tell your server, “I need to tell you something important. They will immediately look at you and then you say, “Do you know that I leave great tips?” Well, immediately their eyes light up. So, then you say, “This is what I would like you to do for me. I would like to order this, but please box up half of my meal in a “to go” container and keep it in the kitchen until I am ready to leave. And, one more thing. Please serve the remainder of my food on a small plate.” They are only too happy to do this for you. Let me tell you what usually happens. Sometimes I can’t even eat everything they bring me, and then I have a perfectly wonderful meal to enjoy the next day. Sometimes I can get two or three meals out of what I used to eat in one meal. So, guess what? Your food bill is going to start going down.

2. Now you also need to be smart about your choices of salad

dressings. Some restaurants have low calorie dressing, but most don’t and the regular salad dressings are loaded with fat. Even if

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you order a healthy salad, you can still get into trouble by overloading on extra fat calories. Usually the lowest calorie content salad dressing you can choose is an Italian or a balsamic vinaigrette. Also remember that two tablespoons are a serving. When you order your salad, always request either fresh, raw spinach or romaine lettuce because iceberg lettuce has hardly any nutrition in it. It is just pure water so you’re not doing your body any favor nutritionally when you choose iceberg lettuce. Be sure and always ask for your salad dressing served on the side in a small bowl. This way you are in control of your calories and you can either put your two tablespoons of dressing on your salad yourself or take a bite of your salad with your fork and lightly dip it into the salad dressing.

3. Let’s say your entrée comes with some kind of a rich fattening

sauce. Instead of drowning your entrée in this sauce have it served in a small bowl on the side. This way again you are in control of the extra calories.

4. If you find yourself stuck at a fast-food restaurant, always ask if

they offer low-fat mayonnaise. Some places do if you ask, like McDonald’s or Subway, but if they don’t have low-fat mayonnaise then skip the mayonnaise and ask for mustard instead. If you are going straight home you can dress your sandwich with your own low-fat mayonnaise when you get home.

5. By the way, one of my favorite places to eat is Subway because

they offer choices of sandwiches with fewer than seven grams of fat. They also offer wheat bread, but it is not true whole wheat, rather a blend of whole wheat and white flour. However, it is a better choice than white bread because wheat has more fiber in it which research has proven that is healthier for you.

6. Try to stay away from cheese because it is just loaded with fat

and calories. If you order a sandwich and again if you are coming right home, order it without cheese and then add your 2% cheese slices once you get home. Let me tell you a funny story. The first year after my husband, Don, had his stroke, we went totally fat free. Now I can guarantee you that fat-free cheese will not melt – it just sits there and stares back at you, so we now use 2% fat cheese. I find the 2% Sharp cheese tastes better than the 2% American cheese, but that’s just a personal preference.

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7. The good news is, if you’ll watch your extra calories choices consistently every day, at the end of the month all of those saved calories that you did not eat will add up to lost weight resulting in a smaller waist and hips.

8. What you have to learn to do when you drive up to a fast-food

restaurant and the first thing they ask you is do you want a Value Meal, or do you want it supersized, you literally have to STAND UP and say, “I would like a grilled chicken sandwich with low-fat mayonnaise please. If you don’t have low-fat mayonnaise, just add mustard. I would also like a fruit cup, no fries, and a bottle of water, and NO I do not want the ‘super size’ Value Meal.” Practicing the role of a happy, slim and trim healthy smart lady “Nutrition Detective" can be fun. This way you will learn to FIGHT be thin because I guarantee you, if you do not learn to fight to be thin and stand up for your slim and trim body, no one else will!

9. Another great tip is to ask the fast food restaurant for a small

chicken sandwich, but unfortunately, most just have the grilled whopper size. Not to worry. Just have them cut your chicken sandwich in half and wrap each piece separately. This way you eat only half of your chicken sandwich and you have the other half to eat at another meal. Don’t make the mistake of trying to just eat half of the chicken sandwich without it being cut because that is harder to do. Before you know it, you are just taking one more bite and then suddenly realize you have eaten the whole thing.

Become a Smart Lady “Nutrition Detective” Below is a great nutrition education overview that I give my clients when they attend my Healthy Lifestyle “Sugarholic” Workshop. Enjoy!

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Become a Smart Lady “Nutrition Detective” Learn how to become a smart lady “Nutrition Detective” by using the following ten healthy life-style steps designed to help you lose weight and improve your family’s diet: 1. Drink water. People often confuse hunger with thirst. Before

eating, drink an 8-ounce glass of water and wait five minutes before starting your meal. If you are still hungry, eat. Drink a full 8-ounce glass before each meal. Consume at least 8 glasses of water per day (64 ounces.) You know you are drinking enough water daily if your urine is clear.

2. Walk. THIS IS A MUST! Walk briskly each day. Start with 20

minutes and work up to an hour. Take your walk before your largest meal of the day. If you aren't willing to commit to an increase in physical activity, then you might as well just forget the whole thing and accept being fat.

3. Eat smart. Eat smaller portions and learn to eat on a salad plate.

Chew your food more and eat slowly. This assists digestion and reduces overeating. a. Increase fruits, vegetables, fish, and poultry (½ your plate

should be vegetables). Eat a piece of fruit for dessert. b. Eat 3 meals or 6 smaller meals every day.

4. Read labels before you buy. Reduce your daily intake of sugar

and carbohydrates. 5. Sugar suppresses the immune system. Reduce your sugar intake

as sugar has no nutritional value and causes you to crave even more sugar. Eliminate sweetened drinks. Sugar (even as little as 2 teaspoons) can cause the body’s micronutrients to change radically, throwing the blood chemistry out of balance. 100 grams of sugar (25 teaspoons), which is about the amount of sugar in an

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average candy bar and a soft drink, is enough to suppress the immune system for up to 6 hours. a. 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon b. Look at labels – divide the number of sugar grams by 4 c. Look for the number of servings per container d. Remember: 1 teaspoon of sugar = 16 calories

6. Sodium. The American Heart Association recommends a daily

sodium intake of 1500-2400 mg. for all Americans. However, our bodies only need about 500 mg. of sodium daily. a. 1 teaspoon of salt = 2300 mg. of sodium.


a. THE BEST – Omega 3 Fats. Good sources of Omega 3 fats are: ground flaxseed, tuna, cod, mackerel, salmon, halibut, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, canola oil, alfalfa sprouts, soybeans, free range chicken and free-range eggs.

b. THE GOOD – Unsaturated Fats. (2 types – Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated) Monounsaturated: Almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans,

avocadoes, canola and olive oils. Polyunsaturated: Sunflower seeds, pine nuts, safflower

oil, sesame oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, and fish. c. THE BAD – Saturated Fats. (“Adults should consume less than

7% per day.” Dr. Pam Popper, Ph.D.) Sources: Beef, pork, poultry, bacon, butter, cheese, milk, cream, deli meats, coconut and palm oils, etc.

d. THE UGLY – Transfats. Sources: Any food with partially hydrogenated oil or shortening in the ingredients list. Here’s a partial list: cookies, crackers, chips, pastries, bagels, donuts, peanut butter, fried foods, coffee creamers, soups, fast food, candy, margarine, salad dressing, cereal bars, etc. A diet high in bad fats will cause your blood sugar to remain high for a longer period of time. When your blood sugar is elevated, you cannot burn fat.

8. Carbohydrates. General Rule of Thumb: Eat a maximum of 45

grams of carbs per meal (3 meals a day). 15 grams of carbs = 1 serving. If you exercise, you might be able to have more. a. 5 grams of carbohydrates = 1 teaspoon of sugar b. Look at labels – divide number of carb grams by 5 c. Look for number of servings per container d. Sugar grams have already been added into the carb count e. You can subtract fiber count from carb count

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9. Protein. Eat no more than 6 oz. of red meat, chicken or dairy daily. Fish, shrimp, crabs, soy protein are all okay. I consider these as “free” items (no carbs) and you can have more that 6 ounces provided they are not fried, but cooked properly, i.e., grilled, poached or broiled.

10. Fiber Foods. Try to eat at least 7 to 13 servings of different,

fresh, RAW fruits and vegetables daily. Eat at least 25 grams per day. The more, the better! If you can’t or won’t eat that much fiber, then I suggest you

take a whole food based product called Juice Plus+ (provides the nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains in a convenient capsule form). Please visit my Juice Plus+ website at and you’ll find endless options on how to incorporate healthy eating habits into your lifestyle quickly and easily.

Other fiber foods include whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans.

Eat fiber rich foods RAW as often as possible. RAW FOOD contains LIVE ENZYMES! Ideas for increasing fiber: Washed and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables; add berries to morning cereal; try veggie burgers; use whole grain bread (Try Ezekiel bread); use more beans; add nuts and seeds to salads; use brown rice; make mega fiber muffins and pancakes; fill a large bin with an assortment of raw nuts and dried fruit for snacking. Foods with little or no fiber to avoid: processed foods, processed cereal, white bread, some wheat crackers, meat, milk, eggs, and cheese.

Don't let mistakes stop you. If you eat the wrong food or miss a day of exercise, don't give up. Don't use your errors as an excuse to fail. Don't let others sabotage your efforts. Why I Take and Recommend Juice Plus+® to My Friends and Family I mentioned above in the fiber section of Become a Smart Lady “Nutrition Detective,” that if you can’t or don’t want to eat 7 to 13 servings of raw fruits and vegetables daily then I recommend that you take a whole food based product called Juice Plus+ (provides the nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains in a convenient capsule form.)

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Please understand that my ultimate goal is to help you become the happy, slim and trim lady that you want and deserve to be, but I also want you to be healthy! What good is it to be slim and trim if you are in a wheel chair or on life support? My goal is for you to have a wonderful quality of life and that means being “healthy” and “slim and trim” too. Let me give you some facts so that you can decide if Juice Plus+ makes sense to you as well as help you understand that the recipe for better health is as simple as 1-2-3.


80 million people have some form of heart disease. (American Heart Association)

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will have cancer in his or her

lifetime. (National Cancer Institute)

Over 20 million children and adults have diabetes. (American Diabetes Association)

64% of adults are overweight. (Centers for Disease Control and


About 59% of adults do not engage in any vigorous leisure-time physical activity. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Our national health care expenditures were 2 trillion in 2005 or

$7,600 per person. (National Coalition on Health Care)


By the age of 12, an estimated 70% of our children have developed the beginning stages of hardening of the arteries. (Bogalusa Heart Study)

1 in 3 Americans born in 2000 will develop diabetes. (Journal of

the American Medical Association)

1 in 4 children are obese. (International Journal of Obesity)

Nearly 50% of obese adolescents remain obese as adults. (Internal Journal of Obesity)

7% of school age children are diagnosed with ADHD. (Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention)

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About 6% of elementary school children and 7% of adolescent children miss 11 or more days of school yearly due to illness or injury. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Over 93% of all children and adolescents do not consume the

recommended 3 servings of vegetables per day. (Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine)


Poor food choices Not drinking enough water Lack of exercise Stressful lifestyles Environmental factors Sleep deprivation Approach to medicine:

o “Treatment” instead of “Prevention” What can we do about it?


The U.S. government has spent billions of dollars trying to find a cure

for heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.


Disease is easier to PREVENT than it is to cure.


Eat 7 to 13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.


Almost no one does.

This is why I take and recommend Juice Plus+® to all of my friends and family and why I am recommending it to you. Read on to see why I so strongly believe in this amazing product. My husband and I have incorporated the following healthy regime of taking the Juice Plus+® products after Don had a stroke in 2000. Don could not drive for over 6½ years because the stroke affected his eye

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sight. The good news is he is now driving again and we are so thankful. Here are just a few of the many benefits we’ve noticed in our lives: 1. We notice that we are hardly ever sick, and if we do get a cold we

seem to get over it a lot quicker. 2. We notice that we have energy to do everything we need to do in

our day and are not tired like we used to be. 3. And, Linda is now “regular.” What a blessing. HA! We take two fruit capsules at breakfast and two vegetable capsules at dinner which provides us with the nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains in a convenient capsule form. Included in these small, easy to swallow capsules are all the antioxidants, phytochemicals, active plant enzymes, chlorophyll, and fiber found in the 17 fruits and vegetables and grains from which they are made. Also, the “Sugarholic” in me and the “Sugarholic” in all of my weight loss clients love the sweet control treats that Juice Plus+® offers such as the Juice Plus+® Complete (a soy based protein smoothie meal replacement drink) that comes in Chocolate or French Vanilla. My husband and I have used this wonderful nutritious drink for breakfast for the last eight years. Also, the Thins (a chewable wafer that curbs your appetite naturally) that comes in Apple Cinnamon or Chocolate Fudge, and the delicious Gummies (fruit and vegetables) that are made for children under six years old, but are a great healthy snack for adults too. So, instead of eating junk food for a snack, we now have new choices of eating healthy fruits and vegetables by eating the Gummies and Thins. I want to be very clear up front. I am not a certified dietitian or a certified nutritionist. However, my husband’s stroke caused Don and me to become students of nutrition. So, this is why I take and recommend Juice Plus+® to my friends and family, and why I am recommending it to you too! If you decide that what I’ve told you makes sense, then I encourage you to checkout my Juice Plus+® website at: today so that you can be a “healthy” and “slim and trim” lady. Also, I have included some additional information about Juice Plus+® in the front inside pocket of your Weight Off NOW Self-Hypnosis Home Study System™, along with a powerful, cutting edge, health lecture supported by Juice Plus+® from some of the leading health experts around the world. This powerful and informative piece is sure to open your eyes about the connection between what we eat and the relationship it has to disease

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and give you some easy and simple solutions on how you can improve your family’s health and diet.

Your Body is a Temple Story

I want you to know that today I have a very good relationship with God, my Higher Power. We talk all of the time about what’s happening in my life, the good and the bad, or what I call our ‘talks’ – the lessons that I’m here to learn on Earth.

There was a time though when I was on the outs with God. It was when my father died at the young age of 57 from throat cancer. I was very young at the time and I was angry and bitter that God did not save my father’s life. I stayed angry and bitter for years with God until I had my first self-hypnosis session with Dr. Winkler. As Dr. Winkler gave me these wonderful, positive, supportive suggestions, i.e. that I was a good person, I was a kind person, I was important, I was special, I was loved, and I could achieve any goal that I desired, I could feel God’s presence with me.

With tears streaming down my cheeks, at that moment, I let go of all my anger and bitterness toward God. I also thought while I was being hypnotized, “WOW! What a wonderful job it would be to be a hypnotist and have the privilege of spending my days giving people these beautiful words of encouragement that I hadn’t heard in a long, long time.” This is also one of the reasons that I was pleased when I did decide to become a certified hypnotist, that both of my hypnosis mentors, Dr. Arthur Winkler and Dr. Paul Durbin, were ordained Methodist ministers.

Now back to My Body is a Temple Story. Years ago, in 1992, when I had first started my hypnosis practice, I came down with a cold and lost my voice which is the worst possible thing that can happen to a hypnotist, i.e. you cannot earn any money to pay your bills if you cannot talk, also being self-employed has a lot of great benefits but I had no paid sick days to count on. HA! By the way, losing my voice was something that happened to me quite often. Anyway, due to having no voice I had to cancel a week’s worth of new clients waiting to have a session with me.

I can remember going to bed one night having this highly charged conversation with God about having to cancel all of my sessions, and that I just didn’t understand why I kept losing my voice and told him

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that when I had to cancel sessions with clients, there was no money to pay the bills. I told God in no uncertain terms that, “I know you are sending people to me that you want me to help learn self-hypnosis so that they can achieve their goals and improve their quality of life, but why am I getting sick so often?

It was at this moment that I heard these words, “My child, the only way we can get your attention is to take your voice away. You need your body here on Earth to do our work”. WOW! Now, let me be clear, I didn’t hear a booming voice; it was just a knowing voice. And I replied, “But God, I am just starting my practice. I have to do everything! Be the hypnotist, do all of the marketing, clean the bathroom, answer the telephone, purchase all of the supplies, etc.” The knowing voice said, “Ask for what you need and it will be provided.” From that moment forward, all worries and concerns about paying my bills went away because I knew that all of my bills would be PAID by God.

But what was really important to me was that I understood for the first time in my life that I needed to treat my body as a temple. Although I was not overweight because I was practicing self-hypnosis which had caused me to stop overeating, I still made unhealthy food choices in my diet. I was still consuming way too many sugars and carbs, and sometimes I would go two months or more before I would eat a green vegetable. Guess what? I thought a potato was a vegetable!

So, as you progress in your Weight Off NOW Self-Hypnosis Home Study System™, I want you to think about what I just said and start treating your body like a temple. The following article was printed in our Baton Rouge, LA, Sunday paper, The Advocate, last year. It reminded me of “My Body is a Temple Story” and describes how I feel today about my body; a precious, precious gift from God. One day soon if you don’t already, I’d like you to feel this way about your body too.

YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE “Many of us treat our bodies more like a garbage can than a temple. We eat and drink all manner of unhealthy substances, we fail to get the proper rest and exercise that we need, and we generally neglect our health until we don't have it. We know a lot more about how to keep our bodies healthy than they did in Biblical times, and yet, ironically, more people are obese than ever before, simply because we eat too much and exercise too little.

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Sadly, much of modern-day illness and death are due to preventable causes, such as using tobacco or misusing alcohol, poor diet and inactivity, or simply not wearing seat belts. God did not give us our bodies to be squandered or defiled, and if we engage in bad habits which wear out or destroy our body before its time, we are neglecting this wonderful gift from God. So, we should take care of our body: eat right, exercise daily, and get plenty of rest. We will probably find that the spirit that dwells within us will be a lot happier once we start taking better care of our temple. And, we should remember that it's not just what goes into our body that defiles it, but also, the behaviors which come out of it. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” R.S.V.1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What to Do Next?

Complete all of the worksheets at the end of this chapter. Pick one of your 9 Healthy Life-Building Stepping Stones® to

work on weekly. Listen to Power Session (PS4) Self-Hypnosis CD. Pick one of your CD’s from your Home Study System library to

listen to each day. VIP: Do not proceed to Chapter Five in your Home Study System Manual until you have completed your Worksheet Exercises contained in this Chapter. Chapter Overview/Toolbox

What’s in My Tool Box? Chapter Four Have a “Love Affair” With Your Food and Eat Less Insert a checkmark next to each of the key elements

below as a reminder in case you’ve not completed these particular exercises in the chapter.

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� Continue tracking the top of your “Does My Body Need Food NOW?” chart for 28 days located in Chapter Three.

� Begin tracking the bottom of your “Does My Body Need Food NOW?” chart for 28 days located in Chapter Three.

� Have a “love affair” with each bite of your food...‘mmm mmm mmm’ and eat less!

� Try sitting at your table when you eat instead of in front of your TV.

� Review Linda’s Smart Eating Tips weekly. � Go to my Juice Plus+ website at

and under the bottles of Juice Plus+ click on “Watch the Video.”

Worksheet Exercise 1. Have you been reading all the labels on the food that you buy? Yes or no? _____________ 2. Are you using your salad plate instead of your dinner plate at each

meal? Yes or no? _____________ 3. Have you cut at least half of the fat content out of your daily diet by

switching to either low fat or non-fat salad dressings, etc.? Yes or no? _____________ 4. Did you order a regular sized portion or ask the server at your

favorite fast-food restaurant to cut your order in half this week? Yes or no? _____________ 5. Have you noticed that you’re eating healthier foods and smaller

amounts of calorie-laden carbs/sugars? Yes or no? _____________ 6. Are you a smart lady “Nutrition Detective?” Yes or no? _____________

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7. Do you treat your body like a Temple? Yes or no? _____________