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American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship

Chapter NineteenNational Security and Foreign Policy

Chapter Nineteen: Learning Objectives

• Sketch the history of foreign policy and its relationship to citizenship

• Describe the conflicting traditions of American foreign policy

Chapter Nineteen: Learning Objectives

• Lay out the organizations that develop and execute foreign policy

• Analyze the political struggle for control of foreign policy

• Discuss how policymakers and citizens deliberate on foreign policy


Foreign policy is

• Defense against immediate threats

• Advancing democracy, economic freedom, and human rights

Foreign policy requires deliberation and long-term planning.

A Brief History of U.S. Foreign and Defense Policies

Founding to the twentieth century

• Isolationism

• Monroe Doctrine

• Post Civil War America expanded activities in Latin America and Asia

A Brief History of U.S. Foreign and Defense Policies

World Wars and the Cold War

• World Wars I and II

• Policy of containment and the Cold War

• National Security Act of 1947

A Brief History of U.S. Foreign and Defense Policies

Iraq and terror

• Military action against Iraq in 1990s and 2000s

• September 11, 2001 terror attacks

• Afghanistan and al Qaeda

Conflicting Traditions in National Security

What competing ideas and sentiments influence American foreign policy?

What is the role of citizen deliberation in American foreign policy?

Conflicting Traditions in National Security:Moralism versus Pragmatism


American exceptionalism encompasses two ideas of moralism

• Desire to defend nation’s way of life

• Desire to remake the world

Conflicting Traditions in National Security:Moralism versus Pragmatism


• Practical focus on costs and benefits of action

• Throughout history, some presidents have avoided fighting “righteous fights” that the nation was unprepared to fight

International Perspectives

Views of U.S. influence

According to public opinion research, many foreign nations believe the United States has a negative influence on global affairs and that American foreign policy does not consider the interests of other nations.

Conflicting Traditions in National Security:Openness versus Secrecy

Openness in foreign policy allows more people to participate in deliberations.

Secrecy is also necessary in some circumstances, especially when engaging in covert operations.

Pledges and Promises


Oaths are one way to protect secrets related to national security and foreign policy.

Conflicting Traditions in National Security:Unilateralism versus Multilateralism

Unilateralism was prevalent through the early twentieth century.

Multilateralism became prevalent because of World War II and its aftermath.

Organization and Coordination in the Executive Branch

Who makes foreign policy, and how do they organize their deliberations?

Do you believe that there is one actor that may be more important than other actors in foreign policy?

Organization and Coordination in the Executive Branch: The President

Role of the president

• Key figure in foreign policy

• War Powers Resolution to limit war making

• Uses treaty power and appointment power to influence foreign and defense policy

Organization and Coordination in the Executive Branch: National Security Council

The National Security Council

• Created in 1947

• NSC meetings allow deliberation among several political actors

• National Security Adviser runs the NSC

Organization and Coordination in the Executive Branch: Departments, Agencies

Civilian departments and agencies

• State Department involved in foreign policy

• Commerce, Treasury, and Agriculture departments also involved in international economic policy

Organization and Coordination in the Executive Branch: The Military

The military

• Department of Defense oversees military

• Since 1972, military has been all volunteer forces

• National Guard and Reservists may also be called to national duty

Organization and Coordination in the Executive Branch: Intelligence

The intelligence community

• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

• National Security Agency (NSA)

• National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

• Intelligence important for deliberation

Congress, Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion

How should Congress, the courts, interest groups, and public opinion influence decisions on foreign policy and national security?

Kenneth Lambert, File/AP Photo

Congress, Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion: Congress

Congressional influence

• Budgetary power

• Appointment power

• Treaty power

Are there issues with congressional deliberation?

Congress, Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion: Courts

Influence of the courts

• Courts sometime hesitant about foreign policy

• 1952 Youngstown case

• 1971 “Pentagon Papers” case

• Two special courts deal with intelligence issues

Congress, Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion: Interest Groups

Interest group influence

• Business groups

• Ethnic groups

• Humanitarian groupsMandel Ngan AFP/Getty Images

Congress, Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion: Public Opinion

Influence of public opinion and the media

• Secrecy hinders public deliberation

• Foreign policy opinions reflect partisan polarization

• Media used to reach large audience

Congress, Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion: Public Opinion

Foreign Policy, National Security, and Deliberative Democracy

Why do Americans lack foreign policy knowledge?

• The way world history is taught in schools

• Popular culture lacks foreign representation

• Americans are lacking in language skills

Myths and Misinformation

The public and foreign policy


Many Americans do not understand world politics which may affect foreign policy preferences.

Deliberation, Citizenship, and You

Study abroad

Students are encouraged to participate in study abroad programs to increase their knowledge about international issues and improve deliberation.


• United States grown to be great power

• Conflicting ideas influence decisions

• Presidents lead foreign policy

• Other political actors attempt to influence foreign policy