Chapters 21 and 22. Round 1 Plant Cells and Tissues Plant Growth RootsStemsLeaves 10 20 30 40 50...

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Chapters 21 and 22

Round 1

Plant Cells and


Plant Growth

Roots Stems Leaves

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

Round 2

Plant Cells and Tissues – 10 points

• The most common plant cell; their function is mainly to store water, sugars and oils

• Parenchyma

Next Question

Plant Cells and Tissues – 20 points

• This layer is made of tightly packed parenchyma cells; found only in dicots

• Palisade mesophyll

Next Question

Plant Cells and Tissues – 30 points

• What is the function of collenchyma cells?

• Provides flexible support

Next Question

Plant Cells and Tissues – 40 points

• This tissue is found in roots, stems and leaves; it is mostly “filler” tissue

• Ground tissue

Next Question

Plant Cells and Tissues – 50 points

• What is the function of vascular tissue?

• Transport water/minerals and sugars

Next Question

Plant Growth– 10 points

• Plants grow vertically from __?__. This type of growth is called _?__

• Apical meristems; primary

Next Question

Plant Growth – 20 points

• A name for the areas of unspecialized cells in which mitosis occurs

• Meristems

Next Question

Plant Growth – 30 points

• What allows vascular plants to grow taller than non-vascular plants?

• Cell walls of vascular tissue are hardened by lignin

Next Question

Plant Growth – 40 points

• _?_ describes the growth of a shoot (or stem) toward the light. The hormone involved in this response is called _?_

• Positive phototropism; auxin

Next Question

Plant Growth - 50 points

• Hormones that stimulate cell elongation are called _?_; these hormones are responsible for __?__ (responses to environmental stimuli)

• Auxins; tropisms

Next Question

Roots – 10 points

• This structure is made of protective cells and is found at the very tip of a root

• Root cap

Next Question

Roots – 20 points

• Root surface area is increases when there are many __?__ present

• Root hairs

Next Question

Roots – 30 points

• Is this a monocot or a dicot?• dicot

Next Question

Roots – 40 points

• What is the layer of red in this monocot root called?

• Endodermis

Next Question


Roots– 50 points

• What is the structure on this dicot root indicated by the ??

• Xylem

Next Question


Stems– 10 points

• One of the main function of stems is __?__

• Carry water and nutrients; support; storage (any one)

Next Question

Stems– 20 points

• Monocot or dicot? What structure is ???

• Dicot; Vascular bundle

Next Question


Stems – 30 points

• The outer protective layer of a plant is called ???; it is covered by the __?__ which protects it from drying out

• Epidermis; cuticle

Next Question


Stems – 40 points

• Monocot or Dicot? How do you know?

• Monocot; vascular bundles are scattered throughout stem

Next Question

Stems – 50 points

• Some stems will wrap around an object to climb it. Ex: Ivy. What is the name of this plant response?

• Thigmotropism

Next Question

Leaves – 10 points

• Which number is referring to the cuticle? Spongy mesophyll? Guard cell?

• 1, 4, 7

Next Question

Leaves– 20 points

• Is this leaf a monocot or a dicot? How do you know?

• Dicot; its parenchymal cells are differentiated into palisade and spongy mesophyll

Next Question

Leaves – 30 points

• In which layer of a leaf would you be most likely to find the highest number of chloroplasts?

• Palisade Mesophyll

Next Question

Leaves – 40 points

• From which structure is water lost during transpiration?

• Stoma (Stomata)

Next Question

Leaves – 50 points

• What is a leaf vein?

• The vascular cylinder (xylem and phloem)

Next Question

Round 2Cohesion-Tension Theory

Pressure Flow Model

Plant Hormones & Responses

Flowers and Seeds


20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Final Jeopardy

Cohesion Tension Theory – 20 points

• _?_ lowers the pressure in the leaf xylem, creating a vacuum that pulls water upward in a plant

• Transpiration

Next Question

Cohesion Tension Theory – 40 points

• Cohesion is the result of __?__ between water molecules

• Hydrogen Bonds

Next Question

Cohesion Tension Theory– 60 points

• __?__ is important because it can conduct water and nutrients over long distances

• Xylem

Next Question

Cohesion Tension Theory– 80 points

• Name 2 properties of water that, along with transpiration, allow water to flow upward against gravity

• Adhesion, cohesion

Next Question

Cohesion Tension Theory– 100 points

• Name the two types of xylem cells AND give an unusual trait which they both have

• Tracheids and vessel elements; they are dead at maturity

Next Question

Pressure-Flow Model – 20 points

• The pressure-flow model explains the movement of _?_ through a plant

• Sugar

Next Question

Pressure-Flow Model – 40 points

• When a plant moves sugars from the leaves to it’s roots, the leaves are the __?__ while the roots are the __?__

• Source, sink

Next Question

Pressure-Flow Model – 60 points

• _?_ between companion cells and sieve tube elements allow them to communicate with each other

• plasmodesmata

Next Question

Pressure-Flow Model – 80 points

• Why is water involved in the movement of sugars?

• What must flow out of xylem into phloem to increase the pressure there; that is what makes sugar flow

Next Question

Pressure-Flow Model– 100 points

• True/False Questions: Sugars can move up, down, laterally in plants _?_; When water flows out of xylem into phloem, pressure decreases _?_

• T; F

Next Question

Plant Responses/Hormones – 20

points• The hormone that produces

increases in size (especially in length of stems)

• Gibberellins

Next Question

Plant Responses/Hormones– 40

points• Fruit ripening is stimulated by the

hormone _?_• ethylene

Next Question

Plant Responses/Hormones– 60

points• The plant response to touch is

called _?_• thigmotropisms

Next Question

Miscellaneous– 80 points

• What happens during double fertilization?

• 1 sperm joins with an egg making the embryo; 1 sperm joins with 2 polar nuclei making the 3n endosperm

Next Question

Miscellaneous – 100 points

• Name the 2 types of lateral meristems and tell what they produce

• Vascular cambium – secondary xylem and phloem and cork cambium – cork (bark)

Next Question

Flowers and Seeds – 20 points

• Describe a seed that you would expect animals would disperse

• Burrs (caught in fur) or fruits (eaten and then dispersed)

Next Question

Flowers and Seeds – 40 points

• The period during which an embryo is not growing is called _?_. What process occurs when this phase ends? What is the plant called when it can finally photosynthesis?

• Dormancy; germination; seedling

Next Question

Flowers and Seeds – 60 points

• Pollen grains are produced in the _?_; pollen grains produce _?_ and _?_

• Anther; sperm and pollen tube

Next Question

Flowers and Seeds – 80 points

• The female parts of the flower are: _?_; the male parts of the flower are _?_

• Stigma, style and ovary (Carpel); Anther and filament (stamen)

Next Question

Flowers and Seeds– 100 points

• Flowers pollinated by animals are generally large and _?_; while flowers pollinated by the wind are usually _?_

• Brightly colored; small

Next Question

Miscellaneous – 20 points

• The stalk that attaches a leaf to a branch is called a(n) __?__

• petiole

Next Question

Miscellaneous – 40 points

• Name 3 leaf adaptations that help a plant to reduce water loss:

• Thick cuticle, needles, spines

Next Question

Miscellaneous – 60 points

• Name the 3 plant organs and give the function of each

• Root (water absorption), Stem (Support), Leaf (collect sunlight for photosynthesis)

Next Question

Miscellaneous – 80 points

• The response of a plant to changing amounts of day and night is called _?_

• photoperiodism

Next Question

Miscellaneous – 100 points

• What kind of slide is this? Be specific!

• Woody dicot

Next Question

Final Jeopardy

Write down the amount you wish to wager on this


Final Jeopardy

• How are tree rings formed?• Vascular cambium produces new

xylem and phloem each growing season. 1 ring = spring wood (light colored with big cells) and summer wood (darker colored with smaller cells)