Charting the course to financial results with the IQ Pill Contoso Marketing Script by Pat Coleman.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Charting the course to financial results with the IQ Pill

Contoso Marketing Script by Pat Coleman

All product launches must navigate a sea of complexity and risk

Every board faces tough sailing through these rough waters

Market conditions and regulations loom on the IQ Pill's horizon

Our projected financial goals await a successful trip through Q3

Approve the IQ marketing plan and we'll sail there smoothly

$10 million will propel the launch with demand from doctors

5 million on advertising will increase medical awareness

Similar spending levels helped us reach our target rate in the past

Industry averages validate the projected results of our plan

Ad agency figures predict that ad responses will remain predictable

$3 million on educational visits will increase the IQ sampling rate

Our current program resulted in a 20% increase in sampling

The visit program for Company X has been doing extremely well

Based on comparable pills we can expect to meet our goals

$2 million on sponsoring conferences will increase visibility

At previous conferences we measured a 24% increase in visibility

The upcoming schedule ensures top decision makers will attend

Our sales reps report that conference sponsorship build strong

$50 million will smooth the way for demand from consumers

$25 million on TV ads will increase consumer awareness

$15 million on other ads will increase awareness online and off

$10 million on sponsorships will increase visibility

The plan will navigate through all regulatory requirements

It complies with federal, state and European regulations

It follows medical association ethics principles

It adheres to trade commission information practices

Will Contoso be able to make the Q3 journey to good results?

Market conditions and regulations threaten a successful trip

Approve the IQ marketing plan and we'll sail there smoothly

Charting the course to financial results with the IQ Pill

The IQ Pill - Twice as smart in half the time