Chase Oaks VBX - Wednesday - The Sacrifice Of The Journey

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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• The Moses Story & The Jesus Story are linked by PASSOVER…

• How so?

• Step into the time machine…

There’s a new Pharaoh in town…

Moses Chosen – And Sent…• New Pharaoh decides there

are TOO many Hebrews– Enslaves them and makes

them build all the Egyptian stuff (pyramids, Sphinx, etc)

– For 430 years!!!!!– Decides to kill all male Hebrew

children; but Moses rescued

• God ready to rescue His people– Exodus 3:7-9

– Appears to Moses in a burning bush that doesn’t burn

• God chooses Moses to lead His people out of slavery…– Exodus 3:10

– Sends Moses to Pharaoh

But Lord…I’m a nobody!

How can you

use me?

Just like God said…

10 Plagues, ending with death• God directs Moses to tell Pharaoh to “Let My people

go”• God hardens Pharaoh's heart and Pharaoh says “No”

• With each “No”, God brings a new plague:– Water Turned to Blood– Frogs Over the Land– Gnats– Flies– Egyptian Cattle Die– Skin Boils– Heavy Hail– Locusts– 3 days of total Darkness– Death of Firstborn

• By the way: Who in here is a firstborn child?

• Freedom FROM Spirit of death - granted through blood sacrifice of lamb without blemish.

• The First Passover – When I see the blood…

– Uncovered by the blood of the lamb = _______

– Covered by the blood of the lamb = ________

• In the Seen…– God freeing His people using Moses’ leadership

– The Hebrews commanded by God to celebrate Passover every year on anniversary of God’s famous rescue of His people.

• Hebrews would celebrate Passover some 1,400 times before Jesus came on the scene.

• In the Unseen…– God is setting the stage to free mankind from the

bondage of sin and death once and for all!

– He would send another perfect “lamb” for thatblood sacrifice…

What did we just get done talking about?

Remember the First Passover?

• One of the many names of Jesus = The Lamb of God

– John 1:29 – “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

• He was the perfect sacrifice and Who’s blood can cover the “doorposts & lintels” of your heart!

• Those covered by the blood of THE Lamb = NO (eternal, spiritual) DEATH!

• By the way, when did Jesus GIVE UP His life?

– During the annual Passover celebration– Coincidence? NOPE!

• Jesus paid the price to redeem us(buy us back) from the enemy

A Review:

The Task At Hand - The Chasm• God longs for the intimate relationship with us that He had in the

Garden of Eden.

• The Problem: We can’t have that relationship in our current sinful state…we are broken; the relationship is fractured by sin…

– Sinful man can’t re-enter perfect & holy relationship with God on their own, unless a blood ransom is paid to “buy back” or “redeem” the relationship.

• God’s love for us motivates Him to radical action…by giving up…

The Way, The Truth, The Life


• Jesus paid the price that WE owed (He died in our place);

• Jesus bridges the gap as only He can– He “parachuted in” behind the lines of enemy

occupied territory to save us/rescue us!!

• John 14:20 - The UNION!– “In that day you will know that

• I am in My Father,• And you in Me,

• And I in you.”

• Ephesians 1:13– “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your

salvation – having also believed,• You were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise,

• Who is given as a pledge of our inheritance…”– You were adopted into His Holy Family

• John 10:27-29– No one will snatch them out of My hand.– My Father, greater than all, gave them to Me. No one can snatch

them out of His hand either.

• Jesus defeated Satan on the cross.

• Jesus died in our place as our substitute

• It is not enough to just know this is true, one must “open the gift” and “accept the contents” as their own.

• If accept this free gift of salvation, you are adopted in to God’s family and He puts His Holy Spirit in YOU! Yes you!!

– This is a mystery – but true – “Christ in you, the hope of glory”(Colossians 1:27)