Chemical Bonding

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Chemical Bonding.

By: Annam B. Per. 1/2

What Is Hemoglobin ?

A red blood cell's protein that transports oxygen into the bloodstream, it colors the blood red. A hemoglobin contains designated alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.

Why is Hemoglobin Important ?

Hemoglobin transports oxygen in human's blood from the lungs to the tissues in our body.

Why Is the transport of Hemoglobin An Example Of Chemical Bonding ? It's an example because oxygen and hemoglobin come together and combine like a pure substance would.

Hemoglobin Vs. Climbing Mt.EverestHemoglobin measured to be a red cell (2.3-DPG) and the hemoglobin is 50% saturated, and acid-base expedition members at sdome altitudes. At high altitudes, the blood curve goes progressively leftward because of respiratory alkalosis.

pH of Hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin releases oxygen by H+ ions from the cells. The difference in pH (7.44) of blood is enough to release oxygen from the tissue. 

Blood Doping

Blood doping is the practice of boosting the number of red blood cell (RBCs) in the bloodstream in order to enhance athletic performance.

Autologus and Homologus Blood Doping.A Homologous Blood doping RBC's from a compatible donor are harvested, concentrated, and then transfused into the athlete's circulation for competitions. Autologus Blood Doping is when the athlete's own RBC's are harvested well in advance and then re-introuced before a critical event.

EPO And Why It Is Used?

EPO is a protein hormone produced by the kidney. After being released into the blood stream it binds with receptors in the bone marrow, where it stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Medical Uses for Blood Doping

It is useful to treat certain forms of anemia (e.g., due to chronic kidney failure). Artificial oxygen carriers are the only form of blood doping that has a medical use. 

Blood Doping in Sports.

Blood doping is used in sports to enhance a athlete's ability.

One Example of Blood Doping In Sports.Using EPO or transfusion of blood is an example .

Another Example of Blood Doping In Sports.Using steroids to make your performance better .

Side Effects Of Blood Doping

Side effects are:• kidney damage• jaundice• blood clots• blood infection• heart problems• allergic reaction• fever• aches & pains.