Chemical compositions of siderophile element-rich...

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GPochimicn et Cosmwhimica Acta Vd. 54, pp. 3491-3308 Copyright 8 1990 Pergamon Press pk. Printed in U.S.A.

0016-7037/90/$3.00 + .a0

Chemical compositions of siderophile element-rich opaque assemblages in an Allende inclusion


Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA *Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

)Lunatic Asylum of the Charles Arms Laboratory, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 9 1125, USA

(Received May 3, 1990; accepted in revised form September 2 1, 1990)

Abstract-Ten opaque assemblages, or Frcmdlinge, weighing 0.17- 19 pg, from an Allende Type B, Ca-, Al-rich, coarse.-grained inclusion were anaIyzcd by INAA for Ca, Na, Mn, SC, Ta, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni, Co, W, Re, OS, Ir, MO, Ru, Pt, Rh, Au, As, Sb, and Se. Refractory siderophiles are usually enriched by factors of 103-lo4 relative to C 1 chondrites, but not uniformly. From sample to sample, Cl chondrite-normalized Re/Os, Ir/Pt, Gs/Ru, and Pt/Rh ratios vary from 0.8 l-1.03, 0.70-~2.25, 0.67-3.32, and 0.45-1.43, respectively. Attempts to model the abundances of refractory siderophiles by condensation from the sol? nebula into a single phase, assuming ideal solution, fail to match the observed combination of subchondritic Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios, even allowing for fractionation of the highest-temperature condensates. A different model, in which all metals whose high-temperature crystal structures are hcp condense into one alloy, bee into another, and fee into a third, is capable of matching virtually all refractory siderophiie fiactionations in these Fremdlinge. In this model, all isostructural metals arc assumed to form ideal solutions with one another and metals of different structure are assumed to be insoluble in one another. After fractionation of high-temperature hcp and fee alloys, individual proto-Fremdlinge formed by mixing of high- and low- temperature varieties of each of the three alloys, either in the nebula before and during CA1 accretion, or during later partial melting of the silicate, oxide, and metal components of CAB.


THERMODYNAMIC CAL~UL.~~ONS suggest that many Ca-, Al- rich inclusions (CAIs) in carbonaceous chondrites formed by high temperature condensation from a cooling solar gas (GROSSMAN, 1972) and that the refractory siderophiles (W, Re, OS, Ir, MO, Ru, Pt, Rh) within CAIs were among the earliest condensates of all (GROSSMAN, 1973; PALME and WLOTZKA, 1976). The most common occurrences of refiac- tory siderophiles are as tiny, OS-5 pm single phase refractory metal nuggets (RMN) (WARK, 1986) and as larger, 10-1000 Mm aggregates of metal, oxide, sulfide, and phosphate phases, called “Fremdlinge” (EL GORESY et al., 1978) or “opaque assemblages” (BLUM et al., 1989). RMN occur most com- monly in Type A (fassaite-poor) inclusions, whereas Frem- dlinge are more often present in Type B (fassaite-rich) inclu- sions. In some Type A and B inclusions, RMN and Frem- dlinge occur together (EL GORE~Y et al., 1978; WARK, 1986).

Fremdlinge were once thought to have an origin distinct from their host CAB, either as pre-solar grains (EL G~RESY et al., 1978) or pristine nebular condensates (ARMSTRONG et al., 1985, 1987; BISCHOFF and PALME, 1987) that formed under highly oxidizing and sulfidizing conditions before in- corporation into their inclusions. More recent evidence sug- gests, however, that most Fremdlinge are neither pre-solar nor pristine condensates. A study of 11 Fremdlinge in 3 Al- lende CAB found no evidence for isotope anomalies in Mg, Fe, MO, Ru, and W (HUTCHEON et al., 1987). In another study, the phase assemblages of Fremdlinge were shown to reflect low-temperature (-770 K) re-equilibration under conditions of high fo, and fs, after capture by their CA1 hosts (BLUM et al., 1989). Fremdling precursors probably condensed from the nebular gas as submicron-sized metal

alloys of refractory siderophiles which became trapped be- tween and within the major condensing phases that accu- mulated to form CAD. Later, when CAIs were partially melted under reducing conditions (BECKET~ and GROSSMAN, 1986), proto-Fremdlinge formed by coalescence of immiscible liquid droplets of Fe, Ni, P, and refractory siderophiles (BLUM et al., 1989). Recently, ZINNER and EL GORESY (1990) reported evidence of 0 and Mg isotope anomalies in a periclasc-bearing Frcmdling in a CA1 in Vigarano. The petrographic, chemical, and isotopic properties of this Fremdling were interpreted in terms of formation prior to incorporation into the host CAI. No Fremdlinge with similar mineralogy have been observed in Allende, and we conline our arguments to metal-, oxide-, sulfide-rich Fremdlinge characteristic of CAD in most CV3 chondrites.

Bulk compositions of individual Fremdlinge may retain a record of the nebular condensation history of the refractory metals, if those metals were not fractionated from one another during later, low-temperature volatile alteration. It is with this reasoning that we report instrumental neutron activation analyses (INAA) of bulk Fremdlinge from an Allende CA1 and, through thermodynamic modeling, attempt to constrain the nebular conditions and processes that existed during con- densation of refractory siderophiles. We use the terms “opaque assemblages” and “Fremdlinge” interchangeably, and the latter only in its non-genetic, descriptive sense. Pre- liminary results of this study were presented by SYLVESTER et al. (1989).


Sample Preparation for INAA

Nine Fremdlinge were separated from the Allende Type B CAI, Egg 6 (MEEKER et al., 1983), at Caltech. A portion of the inclusion,


-3 g, was gently crushed into coarse fragments using stainless steel tools. The mm-diameter Fremdling, Zelda (ARMSTRONG et al., 1987), was recovered at this stage. Crushing continued until the ma- jority of the material passed through a 300 pm mesh. The sieved material was passed through a magnetic separator and the Fremdlinge were hand-picked from the most magnetic fraction using stainless steel tweezers under a binocular microscope. The Fremdlinge were attached to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) sample mount using double-sided adhesive tape, and carbon-coated for preliminary characterization using the SEM. Following this study, the Fremdlinge were mailed to the University of Chicago still attached to the SEM mount. The Fremdlinge were picked off the mount using stainless steel forceps which had been dipped in acetone to dissolve adhesive attached to the Fremdlinge. Each sample was then placed in an IINOT washed, aluminum-foil boat and weighed ten times with a Perkin- Elmer AD-2Z electronic microbalance. Weights are given in Table 1. One sample, F6, was not weighed because all of the adhesive tape could not be removed from it. A weight of 0.5 fig was assumed for F6, based on its volume.

We attempted to retrieve samples that are representative of bulk Fremdlinge, but we cannot be sure that this was the case. Fremdlinge are heterogeneous assemblages that ate difficult to remove completely from their silicate hosts (ARMSTRONG et al., 1987). Some Fremdlinge fragmented during crushing and sieving. Also, some of the specimens were broken into several fragments on the adhesive tape, and it was possible to retrieve many, but not all, of the chips. We indicate which assemblages are complete objects and which are fragments in sample descriptions presented later.

After weighing, the Fremdlinge were loaded into supersilica tubes that had been cleaned in aqua mgia. The tubes were then sealed, washed in aqua regia, rinsed with distilled water, and dried. The tube containing F5 was dropped before it was sealed and some of the sample was lost. The weight of F5 was assumed to be 0.5 pg.

A number of solid standards were weighed into supersilica tubes. These included powders of BCR- I, the Standard Pot SP (PERLMAN and ASARO, 1969, I97 1) and Johnson-Matthey Specpure TiOl , and a small chip of the well-analyzed group IIAB hexahedrite, Filomena (WASSON et al., 1989), used as a secondary standard for refractory siderophiles. Aliquots of several liquid standards were micro-pipetted into supersilica tubes, weighed, and evaporated to dryness before

Table 1. Element Concentrsliuns in Fremdlinge

3492 P. J. Sylvester et al.

sealing. These included the SPEX Industries Plasma Standards for MO, Rh, and W as well as one group chemical standard, NZ, con- taining Ni, Zn, Se, Pt, and Pd, prepared as in DAVIS et al. (1982) and another, AR, containing Au, Ir, Re, Os, and Ru, prepared as in MAO et al. (1990). Two empty tubes were included as blanks. Su- persilica tubes for standards, flux monitors, and blanks were sealed and cleaned by the same procedure used for the tubes containing Fremdlinge.

Irmdiition and Counting

Two irradiations were performed. In a rabbit irradiation, samples and standards (BCR- 1, Sp, TiOz, Filomena, and Rh) were individually subjected to a neutron flux of 5 X 10” n/cm*+ for 5 min in the first row of the graphite reflector of the University of Missouri Re- search Reactor (MURR) using a pneumatic transfer system. After irradiation, each tube was taped to an aluminum card and counted twice on an 11.6% efficiency Ge(Li) detector for ‘*V (t,,r = 3.76 min), lwrnRh (4.36 min), and “Ti (5.76 min). As Si interferes with Al, and Al with Mg, neither Al nor Mg were determined because the samples were irradiated in supersilica tubes. We did not use polyethylene pouches, as we were primarily interested in refractory siderophiles, most of which are determined in the long irradiation, and we did not wish to risk sample loss during transfer from pouches to tubes. In the first count, 2.2-9.0 min after irradiation, spectra were acquired for 3.0-5.7 min each. In the second count set, 4.3-29 min after ir- radiation, the samples were moved closer to the detector, and spectra were acquired for 3.0-7.0 min each. Two slightly longer-lived isotopes, 56Mn (t,,* = 154.74 min) and 24Na (898.2 min), were counted 170- 570 min after irradiition on Ge(Li) detectors with efficiencies of 28.1 and 35.5%. Spectra were acquired for lo-20 min.

Eight Co-doped aluminum wires irradiated during the rabbit ex- periment indicated that the neutron flux had increased 2.2% by the time the last tube had been irradiated. Corrections were made to each sample and standard accordingly. Room background was measured on each of the three detectors at MURR, but none of the short-lived radioisotopes of interest were observed. Sodium and manganese were present in the blank supersilica tubes. Two Fremdlinge (F5, FlO) had Na peaks after blank corrections amounting to 18-19% of the total Na present. For the other samples, Na blanks exceed 100% of

mass(pg) Fc(%j NI(%) Ti(%) V(%) Cr(%) Mn(%) Na(%o) CU(%o) SC Co Tn W F1 20.0 Il.51 2.01 1.22 1.37 0.553 o.M)525 < 0.041 13.7 195.9 1398 CO.14 58.0

f 0.3 kO.04 f0.02 f0.13 f 0.02 f 0.003 i o.wJ20 f 0.5 fO.l *4 f 0.5

F2 1.3 46.9 15.57 < 2.7 I .27 I.729 0.121 < 0.056 < 3.6 27.8 6990 ~0.82 491 f 0.3 to.2 f 0.09 f 0.03 It 0.009 f 0.004 zt 0.1 i.20 f3

F4 2.5 41.7 26.7 < 1.5 1.12 0.965 0.0502 < 0.11 3.4 4.62 7070 -z 0.82 5.8 f 0.5 to.2 io.l f 0.02 f 0.03 I f 0.0018 i 1.3 f 0.07 f20 * I.1

FS O.S[l] 73.7 4.58 < I1 0.154 34.82 3.41 12.2 I .49 0.96 701 < 0.74 40.0 f0.3 i 0.05 f 0.045 iz 0.09 f 0.05 f 0.5 * 0.57 It 0.38 i 18 + 2.5

F6 O.S[lI 201.9 20.9 < 7.9 0.371 17.27 2.77 < 0.36 II.4 17.5 8310 < 1.4 131 fo.6 f0.2 i 0.039 + 0.04 i 0.03 f2.1 i 0.4 f30 f3

F9 IO.5 35.5 30.9 f 0.4 f0.2 f0.2

F10 1.6 37.3 8.70 i 0.3 to.1 f0.04

Fll 2.1 58.1 3.13 f0.3 f0.1 f0.03

F12 0.4 12.2 20.7 * 0.2 f0.2 f0.2

Zorba 18.2 39.1 29.1 f 0.3 * 1.7 io.2

2.07 o.M)zoa < 0.051 < 3.2 7.17 f 0.01 fo.ooO24 f 0.09

I.021 osQ69 2.96 < 1.3 8.12 f 0.006 ~0.0014 f0.13 f0.10

0.594 0.0148 < 0.10 2.29 4.86 f 0.005 fO.Wl3 f0.49 f 0.06

0.95 1 0.0172 < 0.33 < 5.1 < 0.95 Yt 0.030 i 0.0053

0.60 0.0030 0.044 1.39 5s f 0.08 * O.Wl4 ro.013 to.20 + 1.4

7630 < 1.0 14.2 t 30 f I.0

3780 <047 < 4.3 i10

1484 0.425 10.7 f6 i 0.087 f 0.8

9340 41.6 < II f40 fl.1

Filomena 1409.3 (this study) f0.2

Filomena (previous 121)

5.65 ~_. ___ 0.0068 .._ .__ 4540 2.562 . f 0.06 zt o.cQO9 i so *0.013

ISOlOPC 59Fe 58CO 5’Ti 52~ 5’Cr 56Mn z4Na 4’Ca 46Sc 6oc0 182T* 187W

Half-Life 44.54 70.9d 5.76m 3.76m 27.7d 2.Sah lS.Oh 4.54d 5.27~ 114d 23.9h

Energy (ke’l) 1099 El0 320 1434 320 a46 1368 1297 an9 II73 1221 686

Standard SP NZ Chem BCR SP BCR SP BCR SP SP SP FlkXlIelU Notes: All units in p m unless otherwise indicated. Q uoted uncenamties for each concentration arc brsed on 1 0 counting stat~sucs errora. 11) Assumed mass. P 21 Wasson er al. (1989) unless otherwise noted. 131 Absolute conccntradons of Ir. Au, Re. OS and Ru tin chemiul standard AR unifwmly increased b (1989). ,4, Pwnicka an d’

13.3 40 to bnng the sbsolute concentrations of Re, Au and Ir in Filomena mcxe m line with the wlues of Wasson e* ol Wasson (19R7). [Sl Wasson and Wan (1986). 161 Herr et a/ (1961). 171 Smnles rr ol. (1967) 1111 Hara and Srndell

(1960). 191 Nichtporuk and Brown (1965). 1101 Willis (1981). J ee text for irradwtions used

the total Na, and Na data are, thus, reported as upper limits. Mn blank corrections were 5% or less for all Fremdlinge, except F9 ( 19%), FIO (30%), and F12 (48%).

A second irradiation was performed to determine longer-lived iso- topes, listed in Table 1. After being washed in warm aqua regia and rinsed in double-distilled water, the tubes containing the samples and Filomena which had been used in the rabbit irradiation were sealed in groups of 5 or 6 in larger, 4 cm long supersilica tubes, as were additional small tubes containing fresh standards @CR-l, SP, MO, W, NZ, and AR). A tube containing a fresh piece of Co-doped alu- minum wire was included in each large tube to monitor the spatial variation of the neutron flux. The large tubes were wrapped in a bundle and irradiated together in the first row of the graphite reflector of MURR for 206.3 h at a flux of 8 X 10” n/cm’/sec. The tubes were individually washed in warm aqua regia and mounted on alu- minum cards. Two high purity Ge detectors with efficiencies of 35.7% and 37.9% were used to count the samples at the University of Chi- cago. Each Fremdling was counted three times: for I .75-7.0 h, 15.6- 37.4 h alter irradiation; for 13.2-28.4 h, 4.7-8.4 days after irradiation; and for 5.8-7.1 days, 40.2-67.2 days after irradiation. Standards and blanks were also counted three times, after each of the Fremdling count sets. Count times for standards and blanks were comparable to count times for samples.

Data Reduction for Long Irradiation

Corrections for the spatial variation of neutron flux of 53.9% were made to each sample and standard. Because of the large neutron capture cross section of 19*Au, significant bum-out of 19*Au, used for determining Au, and production of lwAu, used for determining Pt, occur in high-fluence irradiations via 19’Au(n, r)19*Au(n, Y)‘~~Au. Resulting deviations from linear dependence of specific activity on fluence were taken into account in flux corrections for these nuclides produced from 19’Au. The following elements were undetectable in the blanks: Re, OS, Ir, Ru, Pt, MO, Au, Ca, Ta, and Se. Blank cor- rections were necessary for s’Cr (56.6% of the total counts in each sample), 59Fe (<7.0%), $sCo (~5.1% except 15% in sample F5), *SC (~8.2% except 62% in F5), 6oCo (~1.0% except 9.6% in F5), “‘W (5 18% except 39% in Fl 1,43% in F5, and 50% in F4), 76As (~16% except 29% in Fl, 50% in F2, and 86% in F6), and iz4Sb (36% in F5, 63% in F6, and 33% in Fl 1). Blank corrections tend to be largest for sample F5 because of its small mass and low siderophile element contents.

Table 1 (cont.)

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3493

Arsenic was determined from 76As at 559 keV. A correction was made for ‘93Gs, which also decays with this energy. The ratio of I9305 counts at 559 keV to ‘93Gs counts at 460 keV in an As-free, OS standard was multiplied by the ‘93Gs counts at 460 keV in the samples. This number was subtracted from the total counts at 559 keV in the samples; the correction amounted to O-68% of the total counts. Se- lenium was measured from ‘?Se at 264 keV, but two Fremdlinge (Fl 1 and F12) were found to contain ‘**Ta, which interferes with this determination. The ratio of ‘**Ta counts at 264 keV to those at 122 I keV in a Se-free, Ta standard was used to make corrections of 0. I and 3.6% in the two Fremdlinge, respectively. Platinum concen- trations were determined after subtraction of the contribution of Au to the total ‘%Au counts. In Fremdlinge, this contribution was 21-921.

Uncertainties due to counting statistics (I u) for all peaks used in the determination of an element were propagated into the error for that element in every sample.

Analytical Technique for Zorba

In our study of opaque assemblages from Egg 6, we also include Zorba, a large (200 pm diameter) Fmmdling from the same inclusion. Zorba was analyzed previously in this laboratory (GROSSMAN et al., 1986) using standards and experimental procedures described by EK- AMBARAM et al. (1984). In the rabbit irradiation used by GROSSMAN

et al. (1986) Zorba was irradiated for 6 min at a flux of 8.8 X 10” n/cm*/sec in the first row of the graphite reflector at MURR. It was counted twice, 2.5 min alter irradiation for 500 set and 6 h after irradiation for 1000 sec. In the long irradiation of that study, Zorba was placed in the flux trap at MURR and irradiated for 290.93 h at 3.8 X 10” n/cm*/sec. Three counts were made, 5.1 days after irra- diation for 3.1 h, 26 days after irradiation for 2.2 h, and 57 days aher irradiation for 19.5 h.

Sample Characterization

After INAA, 7 samples were retrieved from their supersilica vials, mounted in epoxy, polished, and examined with a JEOL JSM-35CF SEM equipped with a Tracer TN-5500 energy dispersive X-ray spec trometer (EDS). Quantitative X-ray chemical analyses were performed at 15 keV and 60 pa, and the data were corrected using the a-factor procedure of BENCE and ALBEE (1968) and ZAF procedures of LtWE

and SCOTT ( 1978) and PACKW~~D and BROWN ( 198 1 ), as modified


47.6 OS

633 Ir

495 MO

5570 RU

812 PI

1050 Rh AU AS Sb SC

133 29 26 2.26 < 0.29 206










f 0.9 fl

234 3739 f3 f8

395 6270 f6 f 10

4.24 67.1 f0.51 f 1.9

138 2205 f3 f8

4% 7710 iz2 f20

146 1886 f3 f3

139 2282 f2 f4

4.51 7260 f5 f 20

825 13400 f25 f300

Fil0tllCIll 0.230 1.06 (this study) f0.026 f 0.07

Filomcna 0.234 1.14-1.3 (prcvious[Zl) f0.014 I4-61

ISOtOpC ‘88RC ‘9’0s

Half-L& 17.0h 15.4

Energy (kcV) 155 129

fl f170 iz3 f30 * 13 M.07 fO.30

3530 f 10

5450 f20

20.36 * 0.09

2473 *7

7000 f50

997 *3

2329 *6

6860 *U)

15400 f20

3.44 * 0.03

3.37 f 0.05




8700 f 470

13600 *so0

174 f 57

3780 f 450

18200 f llum


710 fll0

lso0 f360

44800 f 4900

< 17

6.9-7.2 [71

%lo “‘3Ru ‘*AU ‘OlrnRh 19*Au 76As

65.9h 39.2d 3.14d 4.36m 2.69d 26.3h

739 491 158 51.4 412 559

6170 f 20

5330 f20

144 f3

2690 f 20

so00 f20

2190 f7

2232 f9

10300 f loo

8770 f 230

< 20

5830 f90

9900 f700

1030 f2.0

5250 f 110

1230 f 120

1260 f 70


960 f360

1510 f40

310 f90

497 i64

23.8 14.3 fO.1 f 1.1

257.4 57 f 0.6 f 12

2.23 < 7.7 f 0.02

58.4 < 7.0 * 0.2

318 15.0 r2 f 1.2

20.52 < 3.9 f 0.06

155.7 44.8 f 0.3 f 1.3

8110 8340 I150 542 391 f4O f360 f370 fl f9

5g)l) . . . . . . 5% < 79 flO0 f4

17.6 20.0 < 1.4 0.609 4.96 f 0.4 f 1.5 f0.004 f0.33

14.2-21.5 20.7 2.5 0.612 4.73 14, 8.91 f 0.7 [91 f0.008 *ox9

< 1.2

< 1.3

1.2 f 1.4

< 2.3

‘ 1.1

‘ 0.72

1.02 f 0.27

< 2.9

< 4.8

< 0.040

f 1.2

195 f9

113 * IO

< 9.2

149 f6

35 f 13

41.2 f 4.0

67.1 * 5.8

< 76

860 f240

< 0.28

0.048-0.1 I ___ 17. 101







Standard AR131 AR AR Chcm AR NZ Chem AR SP SP NZ

3494 P. J. Sylvester et al.

by ARMSTRONG (I 982, 1984). For Ru and MO, the L,, X-ray lines were used for quantitative analysis, whereas for Re, OS, Ir, and Pt, the M, lines were used. A more detailed discussion of the analytical procedures is given by ARMSTRONG et al. (1985).


SEM Petrography of Analyzed Fremdlinge


In this and all other Fremdling descriptions, modal per- centages are expressed in wt%. Originally spheroidal, - 180 pm in diameter, only about one-half of this Fremdling was recovered from the host inclusion; the polished surface has a semicircular cross-section, - 180 X 85 pm. The most strik- ing feature is a large region of molybdenite (MO&), -45 X 60 pm, located near the center and occupying -23% of the sample. The remainder of the assemblage is predomi- nantly pentlandite (33%), pyrrhotite (25%), Fe-, Mg-silicate (6%), apatite (4%), V-rich magnetite (6%), and NiFe metal (4%). Submicron-sized OsRu nuggets are concentrated in pentlandite and MO&. Larger, l-2 km, blebs of NiFe contain up to 30% Pt and occasionally surround OsRu nuggets. The assemblage is separated from its melilite host by a rim of V- rich, Ti-poor fassaite and rare, V-rich spinel. Also found in the host melilite, -250 pm from this large Fremdling, are two smaller opaque assemblages. The larger one, -30 pm across, is predominantly pyrrhotite with minor magnetite and a 3 X 10 pm crystal of MO&. The other, -20 pm away, contains no sulfide and is composed of NiFe and magnetite.


This Fremdling, 50 X 75 pm, is composed predominantly of a wormy intergrowth of pentlandite (72%) and Fe-rich silicate (Ca(M&.6sFq.35)Si04; 23%). Pentlandite is concen- trated around the periphery, and the Fe-silicate is most abun- dant in the interior. Cr-, V-rich magnetite, MO&, pyrrhotite, olivine (- Fo&, and apatite are minor phases ( - 2%). Metal nuggets scattered throughout pentlandite contain nearly equal atom fractions of Ru and 0s and -25% as much Ir. No NiFe is present.


This Fremdling, 130 X 130 pm, is composed predomi- nantly of pentlandite (48%) and NiFe (46%) which occur in distinct, relatively coarse-grained regions and are not exten- sively intergrown. MO& (2%) occurs as one relatively large (IO X 20 pm) crystal and numerous small blades. Small crys- tals of V-rich magnetite (3%) are included in pentlandite. F4 is one of only two Fremdlinge (F9 being the other) to have both apatite and whitlockite. The phosphates and pyrrhotite are minor phases. The majority of submicron-sized RMN are OsRu. Four larger RMN exhibit extreme segregation of Pt-group metals. Three consist of Pt with no Ir, the other of Ir with no Pt.


Originally spheroidal, -200 pm in diameter, this sample was very friable and broke into several pieces. All fragments were irradiated and counted together. The two largest pieces, 9A and 9B, were mounted separately and yielded polished

sections, each - 150 X 180 pm, which are strikingly different in appearance and composition from one another. Assem- blage 9A is composed primarily of pentlandite (60%), NiFe metal (32%) Ca-phosphate (4%), and pyrrhotite (2%). The central region contains abundant voids that occupy -25% of the exposed area and give the assemblage a lacy texture. Minor phases are V-, Cr-rich magnetite as thin rims (1-2 pm) around pentlandite and NiFe metal; molybdenite as bladed crystals, l-2 pm across and 5-10 pm in length; and micron-sized OsRu nuggets. At pentlandite-NiFe boundaries, irregular blebs of NiFe contain up to 30% Pt.

Assemblage 9B is composed primarily of pyrrhotite (43%), pentlandite (2 I%), NiFe metal (28%), and an Fe-, Mg-silicate (5%). Pyrrhotite is concentrated in a 20-30 pm wide mantle surrounding the assemblage but also occurs as isolated 5- 10 pm crystals in the interior. Pentlandite is found exclusively in the interior, commonly associated with NiFe metal. NiFe metal is also concentrated in the interior, but a few crystals are scattered throughout the pyrrhotite mantle. The Fe-, Mg- silicate fills interstitial spaces between sulfide crystals, giving fragment 9B a much less porous appearance than 9A. Larger (5- 10 pm) crystals of this phase are concentrated around the margin of the Fremdling. A 15 pm diameter olivine crystal (For5) is embedded in the pyrrhotite mantle. Minor constit- uents are molybdenite, V-, Cr-rich magnetite, and submicron- sized OsRu nuggets. Curiously, MO!!& is a prominent con- stituent of neither 9A nor 9B, despite the fact that crystals up to 20 X 70 pm were seen on the original surface of the Fremdling during its recovery from Egg 6.


This greenish Fremdling is rectangular in polished section, -80 X 190 pm, suggesting that it is a fragment of a once larger object. Pentlandite (47%) occurs as coarse grains, up to 30 km across, intergrown with smaller (2- 10 pm) crystals of V-rich magnetite (15%), NiFe metal (17%) pyrrhotite ( 17%), and Ca-phosphate (3%). This Fremdling is notable for the absence of MO& and RMN.


This Fremdling, 80 X 100 pm, consists of pyrrhotite with minor apatite, Ti-, V-, Cr-rich magnetite, pentlandite, and Fe-rich silicate (Ca(M&,,Fe.4)Si04). Numerous submicron- sized OsRu nuggets and a few l-2 pm nuggets of OsIr are scattered throughout the pyrrhotite. Apatite, magnetite, and pentlandite occur as isolated patches, 2-8 pm in size, enclosed in pyrrhotite. The Fe-silicate occurs as a wormy intergrowth with pyrrhotite at one end of the assemblage.


This Fremdling is roughly spherical, -200 pm in di- ameter, and is composed primarily of pentlandite (44%), pyr- rhotite (22%) NiFe metal (24%), molybdenite (4%), apatite (2%), Fe-, Mg-silicate (l%), V-, Cr-rich magnetite (2%) and RMN of OsRu (1%). These phases are distributed asymmet- rically within Zorba. Pentlandite and pyrrhotite are finely intergrown, with crystal sizes 5 10 Frn. Pentlandite around the margin of the assemblage contains - 12% Ni, while that

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3495

in the interior contains -27% Ni. NiFe metal occurs as iso- lated crystals, 10-30 ,um in size, in pentlandite. Metal grains have highly embayed edges and are fi-equently associated with blebs of Pt-rich metal. One large (15 X 60 pm) crystal of IHo& projects inward normal to the edge of Zorba. Apatite occurs primarily as narrow laths, -2 pm wide and up to 20 pm long. Most of the laths exhibit a preferred orientation approximately normal to the MO!& crystal. Fe-, Mg-silicate is ~on~n~t~ at one end of Zorba, as a few, 10 micron- sized, rounded crystals. V-, Cr-rich magnetite occurs as l-3 micron-sized crystals distributed throughout pentlandite. Submicron-sized RMN are concentrated in pentlandite at one end of Zorba, and a few, l-2 micron-sized RMN occur at the opposite end, associated with NiFe metal.


The results of the INAA experiment are presented in Table 1, along with the isotope, half-life, y-ray energy, and standard used to determine each element in the rabbit and long irra- diations. The 1 u uncertainties are based on counting statistics alone. An additional un~~nty of + l-5% is possible in the absolute concentrations due to counting geometry differences between samples and standards, but this effect will be the same for all elements in the same sample. Also shown in Table 1 are the results for Filomena, compared to previous analyses. There is generally good agreement between the two data sets. For W, however, our chemical standard gave a concentration for Ftiomena that is 14% greater than the “best” value of WASSON et al. (1989) and 8-11% greater than the data of ATKINS and SMALES (1960), so the WASSON et al. ( 1989) determination for Filomena was used as our standard. Our chemical standard AR gave concentrations for Re, Au, and Ir in Filomena that are 13.3, 13.6, and 13.0% lower, respectively, than those of WASSON et al. (1989). The uniform depletion of these elements suggests that the weight of the AR standard was - 13.3% higher than the value we measured. The weight was, therefore, increased accordingly for analysis of all Fremdlinge except Zorba. 0s and Ru, which are also in the AR standard, but which were not analyzed by WASSON et al. ( 1989), give ~n~d-~o~~~~ values for FiIomena that are comparable to those reported by other laboratories (Table 1). Our values for OS, 1.06 + 0.07, and Ru, 17.6 f 0.4, are particularly close to the most recent data of PERNICKA and WASSON ( 1987), 1.14 ppm 0s and 19.3 ppm Ru.

The element concentrations given in Table 1 for Zorba are those reported in GROSSMAN et al. (1986), except for Re, Ir, Ru, and Au, for which the chemical standards used in that work were inferior. One of the standards contained Au, Ir, and Re and the other cbntained OS and Ru. When sub- sequently measured against a different aliquot of the AR standard from that discussed above, these older standards were found to have 63% of the Re, 88% of the OS, 77% of the Ir, 67% of the Ru, and 65% of the Au relative to the concentrations assumed in the Zorba irradiation. Observed differences between the previously accepted and AR-stan- dardized Au/Ir and Os/Ru ratios in the older standards cannot be due to weighing errors. It was, therefore, assumed that, perhaps due to age, the integrity of the older standards had deteriorated by different amounts for each element and that

OS, whose previously accepted and subsequently measured abundances are most similar, is correct in the older standards. The ~ncen~tions of Re, Ir, Ru, and Au in Zorba were renormalized relative to OS, based on their depletion factors measured by the AR standard.

Recalculation of Sample Weights

The mineral modes of the Fremdlinge studied here were calculated from their bulk ~rn~tio~ determined by INAA for several tpasons First, some major elements in our samples, Al, Mg, Si, P, S, and 0, were not determined by INAA. Calculation of mineral modes from elements which are determined by INAA can be used to estimate concentrations of those which are not. Second, due to their small sizes, the weight of one sample, F12, was poorly determined, and the weights of two others, F5 and F6, were only estimated. From the masses of elements determined by INAA, mineral modes can be used to calculate the masses of other elements present, providing for these samples a better estimate of the total sample weight upon which element concentrations can be based. A sample weight was similarly calculated for each of the other seven Fremdlinge and compared to the measured weight. Third, since petrographic observations were made on only seven of our samples, calculated modes provide im- portant mineralogical information on the others. Calculated modes can be checked for accuracy by comparison with actual ~n~~~ compositions for those samples which were studied by SEM, although a particular section through a heterogeneous Fremdiing may not be representative of its bulk. Fourth, some of our Fremdlinge contain attached silicates from their CA1 host. Mineral modes allow recal- culation of element concentrations in the Fremdlinge themselves on an attached silicate-free basis. One assumption made in doing this is that V-rich spine1 is not an attached host phase. This phase rims Fremdlinge and probably formed by reaction of V from Fremdlinge with spine1 from the CA1 host (ARMSTRONG et al., 1987), but we have no way of estimating its abundance or the masses of Mg, Al, and 0 contributed by it. Another assumption is that fassaite and melilite, which arc found elsewhere in Egg 6 (MEEKER et al., 1983), and nepheline, which was found on the exterior surface of some Fremdlinge during the preliminary SEM study, are attached silicates which should be subtracted when calculated to be present. In contrasf Fe-silicate, which is not found elsewhere in the inclusion, is assumed to be an indigenous phase in Fremdlinge and is not subtracted.

For each sample, the calculation was done by solving a family of mass-balance equations that uniquely defines the modal mineralogy. In each equation, the concentration of an element in a sample, as determined by INAA (Table I), equals the sum of the products of the fraction of each phase containing that element in the sample and the con~ntmtion of that element in that phase. Equations were writ- ten only for elements that are major constituents of phases thought to be present (e.g., Fe, Cr, and V in magnetite; Fe and Ni in metal and pentlandite; Na in nepheline). The calculated mode was then checked for consistency with the abundances of other elements.

Representative mineral compositions used in this calculation are given in Tables 2 and 3. They were determined by SEM/EDS analyses of five of the seven opaque assemblages studied ~~o~phi~ly after INAA. Since the compositions of some phases are not consent from one assemblage to another, the calculation used compositions mea- sured in each Fremdling except in the cases of F5, F6, FlO, Fl 1, and F12. Quantitative analyses were not obtained for the latter, so average phase compositions from the other Fremdlinge were used. A stoi- chiometric composition was used for nepheline in F.5 and FlO. The high Na contents determined by INAA for these two inclusions allow large amounts of nepheline, but SEM study suggests that no more than 10% nepheline is present. We, thus, assumed that 10% nepheline was present and that the excess Na was the result of laboratory con- tamination. In order to obtain the proportions of Fe-silicate, apatite, and whitlockite, we had to ignore olivine in F2 and F9 and apatite in F2, F4, and F9 in our calculations. For Fl , Fl 0, F I 1, and Zorba, we had to assume that the amounts of Fe-silicate and apatite were those observed by SEM/EDS. No successful solutions for the modes of F5 and F6 could be found using the high Cr ~ncen~tions, 34.8 and 17.3%, respectively, determined by INAA. For each of these

3496 P. J. Sylvester et al.

Table 2. Co~tions of Metal and SulCtde Minerals in Egg 6 Fremdfinge (WI. %>

NiFe Metal Mean Range

s _.. . . .

Cr 0.2 0.1-0.4 Fe 29.8 29.1-32.6 CO 1.8 1.3-2.4 NI 62.5 60.1-65.2 MO --- --- RU 0.3 o-1.5 Re --- --- OS 0.2 O-o.7 II 1.6 0.9-3.6 PI 2.8 1.1-6.2

Pynhotite Mean Range 37.3 36.1-37.8 0.2 O-O.4

60.7 58.6-62.0 0.2 O-l.8 0.1 0.1-1.4 . . . .“. 0.6 0.3-1.2 ^.. . . . . .

^.. .._

Pentlandxe Mean Range 33.2 31.0-36.1

0.2 O-O.6 42.9 36.4-49.5

1.1 0.5. I .7 21.6 12.7-29.5

1.0 0.1-1.6 .

Molybdcnitc Mean Range 39.6 39.1-39.8

0.2 o-o.4 1.0 0.5-1.3 . . . . .

58.2 57.4-59.3

0.6 00.8 ._.

Ptlr KMN’ OsRu RMN’ Mean Range Mean Range

.._ ._. .

0.2 o-o.4 0. I O-l.9 32.2 31.8-33.0 13.3 7.1-23.1

1.0 0.7-1.3 0.2 o-o.4 29.3 4.2 1.8-9.1 . . . . . . . . 28.3 11.7-44.5

.^. 2.3 1.0-7.5 ^.. ._. 47.5 36.1-56.7 5.9 5.7-6.3 2.8 1.0-8.5

31.5 30.3-32.0 --. -..

Toiaf 99.2 99.1 tOO.0 99.6 lW.1 98.7

l&cc RMN we typically submicron-sir&, urslyscs originally included conuibuliono from sumxmdiag phases. DeconvoIution for RMN in pemlanditc or pynbetite assumed ail S present in sulfide, while for RMN in NiFc. dec~“olutioR minimized Ni in RMN consistent with NiFe composition.

samples, we disregarded our Cr datum and calculated the mass of Cr from the mode. The high values found in F5 and F6 may be due to laboratory contamination, although a specific source has not been identified. The derived mineral modes for all Fremdlinge are shown in Table 4.

As expected, the sums of the weights of phases calculated to be present in samples with poorly measured or estimated weights, F5, F6, and F12, differ greatly from the measured or estimated values, totalling 206, 380, and 4296, respectively, of the latter. We adopted the calculated weights. For each of the other samples, except FIO and Zorba, the sum of the weights of phases in the calculated mode summed to an amount #at was within error of the measured weight. We also adopted the calculated weights of these samples.

Calculated Mineralogy

Calculated mineralogical compositions of the Fremdlinge from Egg 6 are extremely variable (Table 4). NiFe metal ranges from 0% in four Fremdlinge to 74 wt% in F12. RMN range from 0% in Fl 0 to 3% in F 12. Calcium-phosphate varies from 0% in F2 to 5% in F6 and F12. Iron-silicate varies from 1% in FlO to 14% in F2. Attached silicate was calculated in three samples: Fi, F5, and FlO. All Fremdlinge, except F12, are sulfide-rich, like Zelda (ARMSTRONG et al., 1987). F9 has the most magnetite (23%), much less than Willy (SO%), an oxide-rich Fremdling described by ARMS~ON~ et al. ( 1985) from Allende CA1 524 1.

Calculated mineral modes compare favorably to those de- termined from petrography in samples F2, Fl 1, and Zorba. In F2, pentlandite is both calculated (78%) and estimated from SEM backscattered electron images (72%) to be the most abundant phase. Iron-silicate is the next most abundant phase, although the SEM/EDS estimate (23%) exceeds the calculated estimate (14%). Even the calculated amount of Fe-silicate may be too high, as it was derived from an INAA

upper limit of <3.6% for Ca. We suspect that Fe-silicate is over-represented in the polished section compared to the bulk sample. In Fl 1, pyrrhotite is the most abundant phase in the section and in the calculated mode (77%). In Zorba, there is 22% pyrrhotite, as determined by both calculation and SEM/ EDS. Calculated and SEM/EDS estimates for NiFe metal, molybdenite, and magnetite are also close: 35 vs. 24%, 7 vs. 44, and 7 vs. 2%, respectively. Only the calculated (22%) and SEM/EDS (44%) estimates of pentlandite are greatly dif- ferent.

For sample Fl, both the calculated and SEM/EDS esti- mates of the mode find pentlandite to be the most abundant phase, 35 vs. 33%, respectively. Also, NiFe metal is absent from the calculated mode and comprises only 4% of the sec- tion. The SEM/EDS estimate of the amount of molybdenite is much larger (22%) than calculated (4%). The section of Fl intersects a particularly large molybdenite crystal parallel to the base of a plate. Because these plates are usually much larger parallel to the base than perpendicular to it, the large area1 abundance of molybdenite in this section is probably an overestimate of its volume abundance. The calculated amount of fassaite (26%) is derived from the total Ti content of Fl (1.2%), after subtm&ting the amount contributed by magnetite, assumed to be the only other Ti-bearing phase present. Given this amount of fassaite, the above assumptions and the total Ca content of Fl, 40% melilite is calcuiated to be present. The calculated amount of magnetite (22%) is greater than the observed amount (6%), possibiy due to the fact that some V is present in spinel, which is not included in the calculation (see below).

In F4, we calculate 6 1% pentlandite and 18% NiFe metal, while 48% pentlandite and 46% NiFe are estimated by SEMI EDS. In addition, we calculate 4.5% whitlockite and 7% Fe-

Tabk 3. ~~ of Sitiitc and Oxide Minerals in Egg 6 Fremdiinge (wt. %)

Magnetite Whiltockitc Apatite Fe-,Mg-Silicate Fassaire Olivine Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean ftange Mean Range

Na20 --- 2.5 2.0-2.8 --- --- 0.2 O-O.6 __. ._. .._ .__

hii?0 1.8 0.5-3.0 2.5 w-3.0 --- --- 15.0 Al;&

13216.8 10.7 45.7 43.1-48.2 5.0 2.4-6.5 0.2 O-o.3 --- --- --- o-o.2 13.0 6.5-17.0 .--

Si& ___ ___ ___ . . . . . . ._. 34.7 34.1-35.1 42.4 36.8-47.0 39.5 38.0-40.7 P205 --- 44.6 42.8-46.7 42.1 40.0-43.5 .-- --- --. -.. --. --- Cl _ 0.5 . . . ..^ _..

CsO --- --- 45.1 42.1-48.0 53.8 51.8-54.6 32.8 32.2-33.4 25.2 24.0-25.9 0.7 0.2-1.3 la 0.7 O-1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 0.8-10.9 ..- --. V203 21.7 11.2-34.2 -.- --- -.- --. --- 2.7 0.7-6.8 --. -.. CQ@ 8.4 4.5-13.1 0.1 O-O.7 . . . . 0.4 0.2-0.8 0.2 o-o.4 0.2 o-o.4 Fe0 32.4 28.5-36.0 5.5 3.7-6.5 2.1 1.5-4.2 17.3 15.6-19.1 0.5 0.2-0.7 14.3 11.2-17.3 Fe.&,, 28.3 26,1_‘,05 ._. ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-- --. . NiO 2.0 1.J.3.4 _.. ___ ._. .-. .-. -.. -.. . . --- .--

7otaf loo.3 1tx5 99.1 100.4 99.5 tw.4

Chemical ~rn~~on of Fremdlinge in Allende 3497

Table 4. Calculated Minerat Modes of Fremdlinge (rut. %)

Fl FZ F4 F5 F6 F9 FIO FI1 F12 Zorba NiFe mrai --- --- 17.9 8.6 38.7 1.6 ._- 14.4 34.6 Ptlr RMN 1.3 .-- .-. _-_ .._ __. __. .__ .__ .._

OsRu RMN 0.49 0.78 1.0 0.01 0.08 1.7 . . . 0.44 3.3 2.9 MagneLile 22.2 5.5 7.0 1.4 0.66 23.2 16.7 2.3 3.1 7.1 Pyrrholite 27.3 . . . . . 79.2 80.8 3.1 32.3 76.8 _-_ 21.9 Penrlmdite 34.8 78.4 60.6 15.7 21.5 45.1 13.0 8.6 22.1 Molybdenite 3.5 1.3 2.1 0.02 0.17 3.1 _.- 0.11 0.61 7.4 Whitlocke _.” -_- 4.5 --- --- 3.2 ___ _-. _._ _--

Fetiiiicue 6.2 14.0 6.9 1.8 4.8 5.5 LO 4.6 5.0 1.5 Ap;rtitc 4.2 _.- .-- 1.8 4.8 -.- 3.3 2.8 5.0 2.5

Attached Mcarer (as ‘PD of rotai sam&?~

Fassairt 25.7 __^ _._ _.- .-- ___ __. _” .- ___

Meliliie 40.3 ._. ..- -- -- .-_ .I_ ___ _._ __. Mcpb&g .__ ___ .._ I@ .__ - 10 __. ___ -_

silicate? seen to be minor phases, and 7% magnetite, compared to 3% by SEM. In F9, calculated propontions are 39% NiFe, 23% magnetite, 22% pentlandite, and 3% pyrrhotite. Both fra8ments of F9 studied by SEM contained only minor mag- netite, and one contained major pyrrhotite. In FlO, we cal- culate 45% pentlandite, 32% pyrrhotite, and 2% NiFe metal, compared to SEM estimates of 47, 17, and 17% of these phases, respectively. Proportions of calcutated ( 17%) and ob- served ( 15%) rn~net~~ are similar. Discrepancies in mineral proportions for these three inclusions are probably due to unrepresentative sections, particularly for F9 whose sections contain only the two largest fragments of the several studied by INAA.

For reasons stated above, we have neglected V-rich spinel. The maximum amount of this phase that could be present is estimated by calculating the maximum masses of additional Mg, Al, and 0 required by V-rich spine1 such that the known sample masses are not exceeded beyond their errors. For Fl , the sample with the smallest uncertainty in mass and the only sample in which V-rich spine1 was observed by SEM, this estimate is rlO%.

The calculated, attached silicate-free wei8hts of the ten opaque assemblages are listed in Table 5. Also shown are our best estimates of the bulk Fremdling compositions derived from these weights. Refractory siderophile element concen-

trations are normal&d to their concentrations in Cl chon- drites (ANDERS and GREVESSE, 1989) and plotted in order of decreasing condensation temperature (see below) in Fig. 1. Refractory siderophiles are strongly enriched relative to chondrites, some by a factor of r 104. Even sample F5, which has anomalously low concentrations of these elements com- pared to the other Fremdlinge, is enriched in them by factors of 10 to more than 100.

Sample F2 has the simplest pattern in Fig. 1, with enrich- ment factors rising srn~t~y from 5-6 X 103 for W and Re to 8-9 X 103 for Pt and Rh. All of the other samples contain Iarge W anomalies. Only F5 has a positive W anomaly, with a Cl ~h~nd~t5~o~ WfRe ratio of 3.7 tt: 0.5. Negative anomalies exist in all remaining samples, with chondrite- normalized W/Re ratios varying from 0.48 + 0.01 for Fl to 5.8 f l-1 X IOm3 for F4 and most samples having ratios of - lo-‘. In F6, a small negative W anomaly is superimposed on an irregular pattern of slightly rising enrichment factors with increasing volatility. Many samples also have large MO anomalies. Three with negative W anomalies, FlO, Fl 1, and F12, also have negative MO anomalies, with Cl chondrite- normalized Mo/Ir ratios ranging horn 0.15 rt 0.02 for Ff I to ~0.10 For FlO. In F12, these anomalies are superimposed on a pattern of steadily declining enrichment factors with increasing volatility, from 2.9 X 104 for Re and 3.5 X 104 for 0s to 2.0 X IO4 for Pt and Rh. For FIO and Fl 1, large frao tionations among the refractory siderophiles other than W and MO show no regular relationship with volatility. Four with negative W anomalies, Fl, F4, F9, and Zorba, have positive Mo anomalies, with chondrite-normalized Mo/Ir m- tios ranging from 1.29 rt 0.05 in F4 to 5.8 + 0.2 in Fl. In these samples, enrichment factors for the more volatile si- derophiles, Ru, Pt, and Rh, tend to be lower than those for the more refmctory ones, Re, OS, and Ir, by amounts ranging from 15-20% in Ft to -70% for Zorba. Large fractionations of W and MO from other refractory siderophiles are clearly visible in Fig I, but its logarithmic scales tend to hide sig- nificant fmctionations among siderophiles other than W and MO. For example, Cl chondrite-normalized Re/Os, Qs/Ru, Ir/Pt, and Pt/Rh range from 0.81-1.03, 0.67-3.32, 0.70- >2.25, and 0.45-1.43, respectively.

Table S. Element Concentrations in Remdlinge Rwalculsted on an Attached Silint&ee Basis

msss(pg) Fe(%) Ni(%) Ti(%) Vf%) Cr(W) Mn(%) O(S) Nat%) Mg(%) Al(%)

Fi 5.3 42.59 7.59 -.- 5.17 2.06 0.0198 10.6 < 0.15 0.85 0.65 St’<?’ Pw; 212 t.1 0.86 ---

;g Cam)

3.00 E 1.44 42.3 23.5 14.04 0.03 O.ot 0.987 1.14 am I.559 0.109 0.04d2 6.E 6.4 <0.050 co.20 0.80 1.3 0.13 0.21 24.9 20.6 3.2

3.0 F3 ts E3 3s 0.003 O.118 0.29 2.61 1.8 --_ 0.17 a.03 0.30 0.34 35.0 1.14 F6 1.90 53.14 5.50 0.003 D.tB76 0.23 a.729 4.0 c 0.895 0.44 0.02 0.79 0.92 30.4 Ii-n3

Lf@ 10.5 I.26 47.3 35.5 M.9 Il.@ 0.05 0.07 2.46 1.96 2.07 1.295 omRO8 O.OfB8 9.3 6.5 c 0.051 --_ 0.78 0.27 0‘43 0.M 0.94 0.15 0.54 0.62 27.L 9.4 21 1.5 FII 2.2 54.4 2.93 0.009 0.336 OS56 0.0139 3.5 < 0.09 0.44 0.06 0.74 0.52 33. I 2.14 F12 0.17 X.8 43.9 0.006 0.26 2.25 wJda7 45 < 0.78 0.4s 0.07 0.?6 0.w 3.1 3.0 $?I 19.2 37.0 19.64 27.6 1.1 0.05 0.827 fm565 OS? 0.266 0.6028 o.mO 3.6 0.042 0.18 0.14 0.25 a.44 18.7 1.32

SC Co To W Rt OS Ir Mo Ru Pt Au As Sb Se Fl 739.7 5278 co.53 219 ::1 b 2390 1870 21000 3070 3960 E 110.5 8.53 < 1.1 77.8 F2 25.1 6300 co.74 443 3371 3180 7840 5560 9290 1110 21.5 12.9 < 1.1 176

:: 0.73 4.m 6230 536 co.72 < 0.56 3;:; 348 3.24 5520 51.3 4800 15.6 12Om 133 4700 110 7730 < 15 1100 _.. 226.8 1.70 < 50 5.9 < 5.5 1.1 loo < 7.0 F6 4.61 2190 < 0.37 34.5 36.3 580.4 650.9 995 708 1530 2x) 15.4 < 1.8 <0.61 39.2 F9 7.17 7630 < 1.0 14.2 496 7710 7m 18200 SOal ml0 1510 3f8 15.0 < 1.1 35 F10 10.3

z < OfJ0 < ss 185 2393 1265 c25Q 2780 1310 390 26.04 <4.9 <0.91 52.3

F1i 4.55 0.398 10.0 130 2137 218i 660 2090 49M 465 145.8 42.0 0.955 62.8 F12 < 2.2 22100 98.4 < 26 1O70 t7MO 1621X 3500 19200 19700 2720 1280 925 < 6.3 < 180 Zorba 5.2 7536 --- < 2m 781 127W 14600 42400 s6OO _-_ .__ $60 c 75 < 4.5 810 Cl [II 502 Q.0926 0.0365 0.486 O&i 0.928 0.712 0.990 0.134 O.fdO 1.86 O.fd2 18.6 Note: Ail units in pfm tm1c.w o&w&se iedimed. [il Ci chondrite darn from Anders md Grevwc (198984).

3498 P. J. Sylvester et al.


Re OS Ir MO Ru Pi Rh

10” I W Re OS If MO Ru pt Rh

Volatility *

FIG. 1. Enrichment factors for refractory siderophiies in Fremdlinge relative to Cl chondrites, plotted in order of increasing volatility. 1 (I error bars are shown when they are larger than the symbols.

Refractory siderophiles in seven Fremdlinge from Egg 6 previously reported by PALME et al. (1989) also have enrich- ment factors of lo4 or more relative to Cl chondrites. All of these have large depletions of W compared to other sidero- philes relative to Cl chondrites, and, like our samples, some of the PALME et al. (1989) samples also contain excesses or depletions of MO compared to other siderophiles. Sample E2 Of PALME et al. ( 1989) is similar to our samples FlO and F 12 in having W and MO depletions and lower enrichment factors on average for Ru, Pt, and Rh than for Re, OS, and Ir. Also, sample Florence Of PALME et al. (1989) is similar to our sam- ple Fl in having a W depletion and MO excess, but differs in having a higher, rather than lower, mean enrichment factor for Ru and Pt than for Re, OS, and Ir. Several of the samples of PALME et al. (1989), El, E4, and E6, show a progressive and rather steep decline in enrichment factor with increasing volatility which is not Seen in any of our samples, although, in our work, F4, F9, and FlO have substantially lower mean enrichment factors for Ru, Pt, and Rh than for Re, OS, and Ir. Also, our sample F 12 shows a progressive, but much less marked, decline in enrichment factor with volatility than E 1, E4, and E6 and, in this way, is quite similar to sample Zelda of PALME et al. (1989). Refractory siderophile elements other

than W and MO are fractionated strongly from one another in the Fremdlinge studied by PALME et al. (1989), like in our samples, with chondrite-normalized Re/Gs, Os/Ru, Ir/Pt, W/ Re, and Mo/Ir ratios ranging from 0.82-l .05, 1 .0-4.6,0.87- 5.3, <0.008-0.40, and <0.04-1.40, respectively.

Three Fremdlinge in our work are quite different from those of PALME et al. ( 1989). These include samples F2 and F6, which have progressively increasing enrichment factors with increasing volatility, and sample F5, which is strongly depleted in Ir and Pt relative to Re, OS, and Ru, compared to Cl chondrites. Also, F2 has no W anomaly and FS a W excess, quite unlike all of the PALME et al. (1989) samples.

C 1 chondrite-normalized enrichment factors for moder- ately volatile elements are plotted in Fig. 2 in the order of volatility (PALME et al., 1988). They tend to be less (5 10’) than those for refractory siderophiles (r103). Gold has en- richment factors intermediate between those of refractory siderophiles and those of other moderately volatile elements. C 1 chondrite-normalized b/Au and Ni/Au ratios range from 2.7-43 and 0.002-0.26, respectively. Similar features were found in the Fremdlinge studied by PALME et al. (1989) except that ranges of b/Au and Ni/Au ratios are narrower in their samples due to less variation in Au. Even excepting Au, our samples do not show progressive trends in enrichment

2 IO-" , , , , , , , , r

Co Ni Fe Cr Au As Sb Se



Co Ni Fe Cr Au As Sb Se

IO4 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ R Zorbo

Co Ni Fe Cr AU As Sb Se

Volatility -

FIG. 2. Enrichment factors relative to C 1 chondrites for moderately volatile elements in Fremdlinge, plotted in order of increasing vol- atility. Error bars as in Fig. 1.

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3499

factors from Co, the most refractory of these elements, to Se, the most volatile. Fl 1, however, has higher enrichment factors for all three of the most volatile of these elements, As, Sb, and Se, than for the most refractory ones, Co, Ni, and Fe. Pairs of elements with similar condensation temperatures have Cl chondrite-normalized ratios which are highly variable in our samples. For example, the Fe/Ni ratio is usually sub- chondritic, varying from 0.03-0.56, except for F5 and Fl 1 in which it is 0.93 and 1.07, respectively. The Co/Ni ratio is close to chondritic, 0.9% 1.04, for four samples, but the total range is 0.34-1.52. Fremdlinge studied by PALME et al. (1989) have similar ranges of Fe/Ni and Co/Ni ratios. C 1 chondrite- normalized As/Se ratios range from ~0.47 to >52 in our samples.


Condensation of Refractory Siderophiles

Thermodynamic calculations were used to model the manner in which both refractory and volatile (Co, Ni, Fe, Cr, Au) siderophiles condense from a solar gas. In the cal- culations, it is assumed that, in a high-temperature gas of solar composition, the monatomic species is the only gaseous species for each of these elements, except W and MO. For each of W and MO, a term is also included for the gaseous monoxide. Abundances of the elements are taken from AN- DERS and GREVE~~E (1989), and the total pressure is assumed to be 10e3 atm. Thermodynamic data for most monatomic gaseous siderophile elements were taken from HULTGREN et al. (1973) and for 0c8), WcB), WO,,, MO,, and MOO@, from the JANAF Tables (CHASE et al., 1985). The partial pressure of oxygen as a function of temperature was taken from the full equilibrium calculations used for modeling condensation from a solar gas by LATTIMER and GROSSMAN ( 1978) in the temperature range 1700-2000 K. Compositions of conden- sate alloys are determined as a function of temperature, fol- lowing calculations described in some detail previously (GROSSMAN, 1972; GROSSMAN and OLSEN, 1974; PALME and WLOTZKA, 1976; FEGLEY and PALME, 1985).

Our calculations examine two cases. The first assumes, as in all previous treatments of the subject (PALME and WLOTZKA, 1976; BLANDER et al., 1980; FEGLEY and PALME, 1985), that all refractory siderophiles form ideal solid solu- tions with each other, i.e., they condense into a common metal alloy. In this case, the mole fraction of an element in a condensate alloy equals the activity of that element because the activity coefficient is one. This is certainly an oversim- plification, as phase separation is known to occur in the phase relations along many of the binaries between pairs of elements in this system.

The second model assumes that only those siderophiles with the same crystal structures at high temperatures form ideal solid solutions with each other. Thus, W, MO, and Cr form a body-centered cubic (bee) alloy; Re, OS, and Ru form a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) alloy, and Ir, Pt, Rh, Co, Ni, Fe, and Au form a face-centered cubic (fee) alloy (BARRETT and MASSALSKI, 1980). The three phase model assumes that refractory siderophiles with different crystal structures are completely insoluble in one another; i.e., their activity coef- ficients are very large in one another, so their mole fractions

approach zero in one another. These assumptions are not entirely correct, and the three phase model is, thus, also an oversimplification. Calculation of the precise behavior of these elements during condensation, however, would require a de- tailed knowledge of the variation with composition and tem- perature of the activity coefficient of each metal in all possible alloys containing the other 12 elements. Vastly more data are required than actually exist at present. That the three phase model is probably a more accurate description of the actual situation than the one phase model is suggested by the following dam. Complete binary solid solutions, indicative of ideal solution behavior, are exhibited between all pairs of isostructural refractory siderophiles from the liquidus down to at least 2700°C for Re-Os, - 1000°C for Ir-Pt, -850°C for Ir-Rh, -800°C for Pt-Rh, at least 750°C for RsRu, and at all temperatures below the liquidus for W-MO and Os-Ru (TYLKINA and SAVITSKII, 1978; BERLINCOURT et al., 1981; MASSALSIU, 1986). On the other hand, the binary phase re- lations for all pairs of refractory siderophiles with different, high-temperature crystal structures from one another, e.g., W-Re, Mo-Ir, and Pt-Ru, exhibit miscibility gaps, compound formation, and only limited solubility, even at their solidus temperatures (MASSAL,%, 1986), indicating non-ideal so- lution behavior at very high temperatures. There is a high probability of even greater deviations from ideality in alloys containing more than two elements, the likely situation during nebular condensation. In this discussion, we have ignored non-ideal effects involving Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, and Au, as these elements begin to condense significantly into these alloys at such low temperatures that all refractory siderophiles are al- ready totally condensed. Possible effects of alloy formation between non-isostructural refractory siderophiles are dis- cussed qualitatively later.

Figure 3 summarizes the results of the calculation assuming condensation of all refractory siderophiles into a common alloy. The condensed fraction of each element is plotted as a function of temperature. The results of this calculation are not significantly different from those of previous workers (PALME and WLOTZKA, 1976; BLANDER et al., 1980; FEGLJZY and PALME, 1985). The alloy begins to condense at 1930 K. Re, OS, and W are the first siderophiles to condense from a cooling solar gas, followed by Ir, MO, and Ru at significantly lower temperatures and then, at even lower temperatures, Pt and Rh. Note that all refractory siderophile elements are


1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1600 1900

Tempmahiro (K)

FE. 3. Condensationcurves for 13 siderophile elements condensing into a common alloy.

3500 P. J. Sylvester et al.

completely or almost completely condensed before a signif- icant fraction of the Fe condenses at about 1460 K. Thus, fmctionations between refractory siderophiles that are the result of condensation reflect processes occurring above this temperature and before large-scale condensation of Fe.

In both models, the activity of each metal is calculated at successively lower temperatures. In the three phase model, the condensation temperature of each alloy is the temperature at which the sum of the activities of the metals with the same crystal structure reaches one. Results of the three phase con- densation model are shown in Fig. 4. The hcp alloy, consisting initially of -90 atom% 0s and 10% Re, appears at - 1925 K. The bee alloy, consisting initially of -99 atom% W and 1% MO, appears at - 18 10 K. The fee alloy, consisting initially of -97 atom% Ir and 3% Fe, appears at - 1645 K. Thus, there are some important differences in the order of conden- sation between the one phase and three phase models. In the three phase model, the onset of W and MO condensation is delayed until the appearance of the bee alloy and the onset of Ir, Pt, and Rh condensation until the appearance of the fee alloy. In contrast to the one phase model, this causes Ru, which is in the hcp alloy, to condense at a higher temperature than MO. Also, both Ru and MO begin condensing well above the initial condensation temperature of Ir, but, since Ir has such a steep ~nden~tion curve, it is completely condensed at a slightly higher temperature than Ru and MO.

In the next sections, we attempt to understand the com- positions of Fremdlinge studied here in terms of both the one phase and three phase models. No attempt is made, how- ever, to explain W and MO concentrations by condensation models. PALME et al. (1989) found that, relative to Cl chon- drites, W is depleted relative to other refractory siderophiles in Fremdlinge from Egg 6 and that some samples of the bulk inclusion are enriched in W relative to other siderophiles. Therefore, PALME et al. (1989) suggested that W was lost from Fremdlinge and deposited in the adjacent silicates during rne~o~~c oxidation and s~&tion. This suggestion finds some support in the experiments of K~HLER et al. (1988) who found that W and MO are preferentially removed from


Temperature (K I

Ro. 4. Condensation curves for 13 siderophile elements condensing into kc, hcp, and fee alloys, as described in the text. Elements assumed to condense into tlte bee alloy are indicated by half-filled symbols, into the hcp alloy by open symbols, and into the fee alloy by filled symbols.

1-li Ptd = ld3cm

.l-l,. ,I. * *t (. /, t, t, / ,‘. ,“,C 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 id 1.5

Re/Os relative to Cl chondrites

FIG. 5. Cl chondrite-normalized Ir/Pt vs. Re/Os ratios in the Fremdlinge studied here compared to ratios predicted in the one phase condensation model, assuming no removal ofearly condensates. Zorba is not plotted because its Pt concentration was not measured. Measured values are indicated by symbols with error bars. Model equilibration temperatures are indicated by diamonds. Error bars as in Fig. 1.

refractory metal grains when heated to 1200°C at the Ni/ NiO buffer.

One Phase Condensation Model

Figure 5 shows the calculated condensation path for the one phase model on a plot of Cl chondtite-normalized It-/ Pt vs. Re/Os. The Ir/Pt ratio is much greater than one at

high temperature (e.g., 400 at 1930 K) and increases slowly with decreasing temperature to a high of 750 at 172.5 K. This is because Ir is much more refractory than Pt in a solar gas. This means that, at high temperature, the fraction of Ir con- densed is several orders of magnitude greater and increases more rapidly with falling tem~mture than that of Pt (Fig. 3). At 1725 K, the Ir/Pt ratio of the condensate alloy begins to fall slowly with temperature. This reflects the fact that, below 1725 K, the rate of increase of the fraction of Pt con- densed with falling temperature rises above that of Ir whose own rate slows below 1675 K as Ir nears the limit of total condensation. The ratio reaches one at 1465 K, where Pt reaches total condensation. In contrast to the Ir/Pt ratio, the Re/Os ratio is only slightly greater than one at high temper- ature (e.g., 1.45 at 1930 K), because Re is only slightly more refractory than 0s. Since the condensation curve for OS is steeper than that for Re, the Re/Ck ratio decreases with de creasing temperature, reaching one at 1725 K when both Re and 0s are fully condensed.

Fremdling compositions from this work are also shown in Fig. 5. Eight samples have Re/Os ratios - 17% less than the chondritic value. Three samples also have subchondritic Ir/ Pt ratios, from 0.70 to 0.9 1 relative to C 1 chondrites. In con- trast, Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios are never less than the chondritic ratios in the one phase condensation model. We also inves- tigated a one phase fractional condensation model in an at- tempt to explain Fremdling compositions. Since. high-tem- perature alloys have Re/Os ratios greater than the chondritic ratio, removal of such alloys from the gas can cause lower

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3501

temperature alloys to have Re/Os ratios less than the chon- dritic value. Removal at 1905 K, for example, yields alloys with Cl chondrite-normalized Re/Os ratios of -0.83, as in most of the Fremdlinge (Fig. 6). At 1905 K, however, insig- nificant Ir will have condensed, so that subsequently con- densing alloys will never have subchondritic Ir/Pt ratios. A second fractionation that depletes the gas in Ir relative to Pt will yield subsequently condensing alloys with subchondtitic Ir/Pt ratios, but they will contain almost no W, Re, and 0s. This is because the latter elements are fully condensed before a significant fraction of the Ir condenses and will, thus, be removed with the Ir.

The one phase fractional condensation model also fails to explain other siderophile element ratios in Fremdlinge. For example, Cl chondritenormahzed Os/Ru ratios are between 1 and 2 in most Fremdlinge, whereas the model predicts val- ues less than one, when a high-temperature alloy is removed (Fig. 7). This is because OS, which is much more refractory than Ru, is depleted relative to Ru during the 1905 K frac- tionation event required to explain the Re/Os ratios. In ad- dition, at least one Fremdling has a subchondritic Pt/Rh ratio, which is not predicted by the one phase model (Fig. 7). These

ONE PHASE CONDENSATION MODEL thobrtam mmoval at 19iM K

.l I I , , , , , , . . * , * * , , , , , ( , I , ( , , , /

0.6 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

RWCh nlativo to Cl chondf6.8

aa?. , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , , , f 0.60 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05

WOs mWv@ lo Cl chondflfvs

FIG. 6. (a) Cl chondrite-normalized Ir/Pt vs. Re/Os ratios in Fremdlinge compared to ratios predicted in the one phase conden- sation model, assuming removal of early condensates at 1905 K. Zorba is not plotted because- its pt concentration was not measured. (b) Close-up view of (a), in the region of the measured data. Note change from logarithmic to linear scale on paxis. Symbols as in Fig. 5. Error bars as in Fig. 1.

(a) :

1 10 im lW6 10000

Os/Ru mbllve to Cl chondr6.8

i 0.6 a

I P I :

0.4 - I

(b) . 0.2 . I 1 ( I I I , * I 1 , I I I , , , ,

0.4 0.6 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4

OS/au fokatl~ to Cl chondfitm

FIG. 7. (a) Cl chondrlte-normalized Pt/Rh vs. Os/Ru ratios in Fremdlinge compared to ratios predicted in the one phase conden- sation model, assuming removal of early condensates at 1905 K. FS and Zorba are not plotted because their Pt/Rh ratios are not known. fb) Close-up view of (a), in the region of the measured data. Note change from logarithmic to linear scale on x-axis. Symbols as in Fig. 5.ErrorbarsasinFig. 1.

relationships are not altered at lower pressure. At total pres- sures as low as lo-’ atm, one phase fractional condensation models are completely incapable of producing subchondtitic Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios and superchondritic Os/Ru ratios at a single temperature.

The above arguments assume that subchondritic Re/Os ratios observed in Fremdlinge are the result of condensation, as opposed to later me~o~hism under oxidizing condi- tions. Since the latter process is probably responsible for the observed W and MO depletions and FEGLEY and PALBAE ( 1985) suggest that Re is the next most oxidizable refractory siderophile, is it possible that Re, too, was lost from Frem- dlinge during metamorphic oxidation? We think not because, while W and MO sulfides are seen commonly in Fremdlinge, oxides and sulfides of Re are rare (EL GORESY et al., 1978). The single reported occurrence of high Re in oxide and sulfide phases is in a Fremdling in a Vigamno CA1 (CAILLET et al., 1988). Also, the correlation that would be expected between Re depletions and W and MO depletions is not very good. For example, FS and F2 have the usual Cl chondrite-nor- malized Re/Os ratio, 0.84 f 0.10 and 0.83 t 0.01, respec- tively, but F5 is actually enriched in W and MO, with chon-

3502 P. J. Sylvester et al.

drite-normalized W/OS and Mo/Ir ratios of 3.1 + 0.2 and 4.4 -+ 0.5, respectively. F2 is only slightly depleted in W and enriched in MO, with W/OS and Mo/Ir ratios of 0.69 + 0.01 and 1.28 zt 0.01, respectively. Furthermore, F4, F9, and Zorba have W and Re depletions but also have MO excesses. Finally, FIO is one of only two samples with a chondritic Re/Os ratio, 1.03 + 0.02; yet, it has the lowest chondrite-normalized MO/ Ir ratio, ~0.10, and one of the lowest W/OS ratios, ~0.012.

The above arguments also assume that observed fraction- ations among refmctory siderophiles are not the result of non- representative, laboratory sampling of minor Fremdling phases with diverse ambitions. As seen above, Fremdlinge in Egg 6 have bulk Re/Os ratios which are either - 1 .O or -0.83 relative to Cl chondrites. Non-representative sampling of minor phases with different Re/Gs ratios would be expected to yield Fremdling compositions with both enrichments and depletions of Re relative to OS compared to Cl chondrites and by variable amounts.

It is also possible that current best estimates of the side- rophile abundances in Cl chondrites (ANDERS and GREV- ESSE, 1989) are in error such that the Fremdlinge do not have subchondritic Re/Os, Ir/Pt, and Pt/Rh ratios. Even if the cosmic abundance ratios for these element pairs are reduced to the lowest values in Fremdlinge, however, a condensation curve analogous to that in Fig. 5 that intersects the cluster of Fremdlinge will not intersect Fl and FlO, whose Re/Os ratios are significantly higher. In this case, if an alloy is re- moved at high temperature and is subsequently added to low-tempemture condensates, the mixture could have a higher Re/Os ratio than low-temperature alloys that escaped this remixing. Such a mixture, however, would also have the highest Gs/Ru ratio, which is not the case for either Fl or FlO. Because we have not investigated condensation from gases of non-solar composition, we cannot rule out the pos- sibility that all of the observed element fractionations in Fremdlinge could be produced during condensation of a sin- gle alloy phase from such a gas.

Three Phase Condensation Model

In the three phase model, bee, hcp, and fee alloys condense from a gas of solar composition and subsequently accumulate to form proto-Fremdlinge. Mixing of the three alloys occurs either in the nebular gas, before and during accumulation of the major oxide and silicate phases into CAIs, or in CAB themselves, when the latter phases, as well as the alloys, were subsequently partially melted. PALME and WLOTZKA ( 1976) calculated that it would take 500-5000 years to grow a Frem- dling-sized f - 10 firm) particle from the nebular gas. Such long time scales are unn~~ if, as envisaged here, the actual condensate grains were submi~on-size and only formed Fremdling-sized particles during later accretion and melting processes. As pointed out by BLUM et al. (1989), Fe- rich alloys, such as the fee condensate alloy discussed herein, are expected to be molten at the temperatures of CA1 melting. Although hcp and bee condensate alloys have higher melting points due to their anticipated lower Fe contents, they, too, would have become molten by dissolving in the Fe-rich droplets immediately upon contact with them. The final stage in the production of Fremdlinge occurs when oxygen and

sulfur are added to the prot~Fremd~nge at relatively low temperatures (BLIJM et al., 1989).

For the hcp alloy (Fig. 8), continuous removal of high- temperature condensates until the temperature falls to 1907 K yields subsequent, lower-temperature (~j 1750 K) conden- sates with Cl chondrite-normalized Re/Gs ratios of about 0.83, as is observed in most Fremdlinge. The subsequently condensing aIloys must equilibrate at temperatures ranging from 1638 K to 1530 K to form proto-Fremdlinge with OS/ Ru ratios from slightly greater than three to slightly less than one relative to C 1 chondrites. Two Fremdlinge with approx- imately chondritic Re/Os and Os/Ru ratios may have ac- cumuIated from constituents that did not undergo this high- temperature fmctionation event. Alternatively, they may have formed by mixing -8.5 parts of a condensate that equili- brated at 1555 K with 1 part ofthe previously removed, high temperature alloy.

It is not possible to apply the condensation model to the W/MO ratios of these samples because W, and possibly also MO, was probably leached from Fremdlinge during volatile alteration. We note, however, that total condensation of W and MO in the bee alloy that contributed to Fremdlinge would require low equilibration temperatures (- 1465 K). For the fee alloy (Fig. 9), Fremdling precursors with Cl chondrite-


10.; ’ I . , . I * I = , - I . I .

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.S

t&l/or rolattve IO Cl chondlttel

8.5: 1 m&

% 2 1 c ii i

00 0.75 0.w 0.05 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10

tWOa retattva to Cl chondrttes

FIG. 8. (a) Cl chondrite-normalized Os/Ru vs. Re/Os ratios in Fremdlinge eompamd to ratios predicted in an hcp alloy by the three phase condensation model, assuming continuous removal of early condensates between 1924 and 1907 K. (b) Close-up view of (a), in the region of the measured data. Note change from logarithmic to linear scale on y-axis. Symbols as in Fig. 5. Error bars as in Fig. 1.

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3503

3 PHASE CONDENSATION MODEL: FCC ALLOY continuous removal 1640-1626 K

3 ! * . * ....*I . . .‘....I . . ..**..I ’ ’ ’ *.***I . . .“-I-


l- mixirq L__........“.. .” J ;

p&q ;

0 10-l

. . . . . . .., . , . , , . . . loo

. . I . . . . . , IO’

. . . . . . . .( lo2

. . . . . . .., lo3 10’

It/PI folallv0 lo Cl chondritos

0.8 - Cl

0.6 - _

0.4 , . . . I . . . . 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Ir/Pt rotattve to Cl chondrttes

FIG. 9. (a) Cl chondrite-normalized Pt/Rh vs. h/F% ratios in Fremdlinge compared to ratios predicted in an fee alloy by the three phase condensation model, assuming continuous removal of early condensates between 1640 and 1626 K. (b) Close-up view of (a), in the region of the measured data. Note change from logarithmic to linear scale on x-axis. Symbols as in Fig. 5. Error bars as in Fig. 1.

normalized Ir/Pt ratios less than one are explained by con- tinuous removal of high-temperature condensates until 1626 K. Alloys condensing from the fractionated gas equilibrate within a narrow temperature interval (1478-1465 K) to give proto-Fremdlinge with close to chondritic Pt/Rh ratios. In most samples, these low-temperature alloys must be mixed back with the removed condensate in varying proportions to explain Ir/Pt ratios that are greater than the Cl value. A Fremdling with a Cl chondrite-normalized Ir/Pt ratio of 1.6, for example, can be modelled by mixing - lo5 parts of a condensate equilibrated at 1465 K with 1 part of the pre- viously removed, high-temperature condensate.

At total pressures as low as lo-’ atm, Re is still more com- pletely condensed than OS in the hcp alloy at a given tem- perature, and Ir is still more completely condensed than Rt in the fee alloy at a given temperature. This means that frac- tional condensation is still required in order to produce sub- chondritic Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios in the three phase model at pressures lower than 10m3 atm.

At least one Fremdling, FlO, has a subchondritic Pt/Rh ratio, 0.45 f 0.13, that is not explained by the above nebular history of the fee alloy. Since Pt is only slightly more refractory than Rh, and less than one part in a thousand of the total Pt and Rh condense into the removed high-temperature fee al- loy, subsequent, low-temperature fee condensates do not have

subchondritic Pt/Rh ratios. If the three phase model is valid, another mechanism must be responsible for this low ratio. One possibility is condensation of some of the Pt and Rh in the hcp or bee alloy. Unfortunately, the relative solubilities of pt and Rh are not known in the most abundant elements in the hcp alloy, Ru and OS, or in the bee alloy, MO. If a larger fraction of the Pt than the Rh could form hcp or bee alloys, the latter could condense from the nebular gas with Cl chondrite-normalized Pt/Rh ratios greater than one, and subsequent fee alloys that condensed from the same gas could ultimately achieve ratios that are less than one. Mixing of relatively large amounts of the fee alloy with relatively small amounts of the hcp alloy could, thus, form proto-Fremdlinge with subchondritic Pt/Rh ratios. Sample FlO does contain much more fee alloy than hcp alloy (see below) but so do most other samples and none of these have subchondritic Pt/Rh ratios. This suggests that the solution of Pt and Rh in the hcp alloy was probably not responsible for the subchon- dritic Pt/Rh ratio in FlO.

In Table 6 are shown the relative proportions and equili- bration temperatures of condensate alloys required to match the refractory siderophile element enrichment pattern in each Fremdling. In cases requiring mixing of an early condensate removed at high temperature with a later-condensing, iso- structural alloy, the table gives the temperature range over which the high-temperature phase was removed continuously. For the purpose of this table, the amount of bee alloy was calculated by assuming that both W and MO were fully con- densed into it, i.e., it equilibrated with the nebular gas at 1465 K, and that MO contents of Fremdlinge were unaffected by later alteration. For Zorba, it had to be assumed that the fee alloy also equilibrated at 1465 K, because its Pt and Rh concentrations were not measured. These data were used to calculate model enrichment factors of refractory siderophiles relative to OS compared to Cl chondrites for all ten Frem- dlinge. The data for five of these are plotted in Fig. 10, where they are compared to similarly normalized, measured data for the same Fremdlinge. Except for W, which is known to have been affected by volatile alteration (PALME et al., 1989), and the Pt/Rh ratio in FlO, which was discussed above, the model abundances are within error of the observed abun- dances for each sample. The excellent degree of coherence between the model and observed patterns is to be expected

Table 6. Condensate Alloy Mixtures in Each Fremdling

HCP Alloy FCC Alloy BCC Alloy Sample T(K) % T(K) I T(K) % Fl 1924-1907 0.0004 1640.1626 OX03 1465 0.0248

1555 0.0040 1465 99.91





F9 1627 0.0036

FIO 1924-1907 0.0014 1610-1626 0.0013 1555 0.0107 146s 99.98

FII 1614 4.19

FI2 1608 0.0057


1584 1.58

1619 0.0037

1530 35.84

1604 0.0026

1638 0.0010

1470 %.44

1640-1626 o.wO6 1465 99.99

> 1479 24.W

16101626 0.0002 146s 99.99

1640.1626 O.ooO8 146s 99.99

1472 94.77

1640-1626 0.0011 1465 99.99

1465 99.99

1465 1.96

1465 0.0071

1465 39.56

1465 0.0030

146s 0.0085

1465 O.CGQ9

1465 1.04

1465 0.0009

1465 0.0043

3504 P. J. Sylvester et al.

W Re Ir MO Ru PI Rh

W I20 Ir MO Ru PI Rh

FIG. IO. Comparison between enrichment factors for refractory siderophiles relative to C 1 chondrites and 0s in five Fremdlinge, and those predicted by the three phase condensation model. Error bars asin Fig. I.

from the large number of free parameters in the three phase model, which are not available in the one phase model.

Except for FS, the fee alloy is the most abundant of the three alloys (~-94%) in each Fremdling. Relative proportions of hcp and bee alloys range from O.OOl-4.2% and 0.0008- 2.0%, respectively. In F5, the proportions are 24% fee alloy, 36% hcp alloy, and 40% bee alloy. The reason why the fee alloy dominates is that Fe, which is much more abundant than refractory siderophiles, begins to condense significantly (> IO-’ of the total Fe) into the fee alloy at - 1473 K and most proto-Frem~inge accumulated from fee alloys that equilibrated at slightly lower temperatures, 1472-1465 K. The fee alloy that formed F5, however, ~uilibmt~ at - 1479 K, a temperature at which much less Fe had condensed. The relative proportions of the different alloys required to con- struct each proto-Fremdhng are different from the relative proportions that are predicted to have existed in the solar nebula at the equilibration temperatures shown in Table 6. Relative to the nebular proportions, the ranges of fcc/hcp, bccfhcp, and bcc/fcc ratios in Fremdlinge are 0.30-1.44, 0.03-2.33, and 0.04-3.0, respectively. The bcc/hcp and bee/ fee ratios may be underestimates, as the amount of bee alloy is based on MO which, as noted earlier, may have been lost

from Fremdlinge during secondary alteration. Fractionation of these alloys relative to one another in Fremdlinge compared to their nebular proportions may simply be the result of grain- gas separation processes in the nebula prior to and during aggregation of clumps of alloy grains and/or nonrepresen- tative sampling by immiscible alloy droplets in molten CAB.

FEGLEY and PALME (1985) suggested that condensation from an oxidizing gas may be responsible for W and MO depletions seen in some bulk CAB and Fremdlinge but, in this case, larger depletions are predicted for MO than W, as MO is more volatile than W. This cannot be the explanation for W and MO anomalies in the Egg 6 Fremdlinge since, in cases where both W and MO are depleted, W depletions are always larger than MO depletions. Furthermore, condensation from an oxidizing gas cannot readily explain the patterns of refractory siderophile enrichments found in Fl, F9, and Zorba, which have MO excesses. Both excesses and depletions of W and MO relative to other refractory siderophiles can easily be produced in the three phase condensation model without appealing to oxidizing conditions. In such a model, such fmctionations would simply be related to the equilibra- tion temperature of the bee alloy and the relative mixing proportions of bee and other alloys. As discussed above, however, application of this model to W and MO concentra- tions in Fremdlinge from Egg 6 is compli~t~ by later loss of W and possibly also MO during low-temperature oxidation and sulfidation. It is conceivable that some non-solar gas composition exists from which condensation of three phases could produce the entire range of element fractionations ob- served in Fremdlinge without removal of early condensates, but we have not conducted a search for such a composition.

Effects of Alloying between Non-Isostructural Metals

The three phase model assumes no solid solution between elements of different crystal structure. Although we do not have the data to model quanti~tively the extent to which this a~umption is violated, we can assess such behavior qual- itatively from binary phase relations of refractory siderophiles. Of particular interest is the possibility that partial solubilities of non-isostructural metals in one another can cause frac- tionation of Re from 0s or of Ir from Pt, as Cl chondrite- normalized Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios less than one otherwise require separation of early, high-temperature condensate hcp and fee alloys from the nebular gas.

In the case of Re and OS, the three phase model predicts total condensation of both elements in an hcp alloy before W begins to condense in a bee alloy at - 1810 K (Fig. 4). At this temperature, the hcp alloy is -93 atomic % 0s and the bee alloy is virtually 100% W. Assuming that the small amount of Ru in the hcp alloy and of MO in the bee alloy have little effect, the Os-W binary phase retations (MASSALSKI, 1986) may provide clues to the directions of deviations from the three phase condensation model. Because 0s can dissolve 35 atomic % W at this temperature, a significant fraction of the W can probably condense in the hcp alloy above 1810 K. It seems unlikely that dissolution of W in OS could reduce the solubility of Re in OS sufficiently, however, to produce condensate alloys with subchondritic Re/Os ratios, as total condensation of Re into such an alloy requires a Re solubility of only 57%.

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3505

We now consider whether subchondritic h/Et ratios, which lead us to fractional condensation of high-temperature, rel- atively h-rich, fee alloys in the three phase model, may instead be due to solution of a greater fraction of the Ir than the Pt in higher temperature bee or hcp alloys. Regardless of how much W condenses in the hcp alloy, the bee alloy will be composed predominantly of MO at 1644 K, where Ir other- wise begins to condense in the fee alloy. Binary phase dia- grams for the systems Ir-Mo and Et-MO (MASSALSKI, 1986) suggest that, at this temperature, -7% Ir and -5% Pt can dissolve in MO. Neglecting the possible effect of W on the relative solubilities of Ir and Pt in this alloy, and the possible effect of Pt and Ir on each other’s solubilities, this would be sufficient to reduce the C 1 chondrite-normalized Ir/Pt ratio to -0.82 in the fee condensate alloy, a value approaching the lowest observed value in Fremdlinge, 0.70. At 1644 K, the hcp alloy is composed predominantly of OS and Ru. Al- though we do not know the relative solubilities of Ir and Pt in Os, binary phase diagrams for the systems Ir-Ru and Et- Ru (MASSAIXU, 1986) show that -42% Ir and -62% Pt can dissolve in Ru at this temperature. This, too, would be sufficient to reduce the C 1 chondrite-normalized Ir/Pt ratio in fee condensate alloys, especially if Ir and Pt have similar solubilities in OS as in Ru. We can, therefore, not rule out the possibility that subchondritic Ir/Pt ratios in Fremdlinge are the result of partial solution of Ir and Pt in bee and/or hcp alloys.

Origin of Volatile Elements

The three phase condensation model makes specific pre- dictions about concentrations of volatile siderophile elements, Co, Ni, Fe, Au, and Cr, in condensate fee and hcp alloys. In Fig. 11, C 1 chondrite-normalized, volatile siderophile ele- ment/Ni ratios in representative Fremdlinge are compared to those calculated using the relative proportions of fee and hcp alloys shown in Table 5. Iridium is included in order to compare relative abundances of refractory and volatile si- derophiles.

In all samples except F2, F5, and Fl 1, Ir/Ni ratios are significantly higher than predicted by the three phase model, 260- 12 10 vs. 4-12, respectively. High Ir/Ni ratios in these Fremdlinge could reflect either loss of Ni relative to Ir during metamorphic oxidation and sulfidation, or higher equilibra- tion temperatures for the low-temperature fee alloys, 1468- 1469 K, than those predicted from Ir/Pt and Pt/Rh ratios, 1465 K. Except for FlO, Ir/Pt and Pt/Rh ratios in these Fremdlinge have 2u errors that allow equilibration of the low-temperature fee alloy at 1468-1469 K. Conversely, in F2 and F5, which have lower Cl-normalized Ir/Ni ratios, 520 and 10, respectively, than those predicted by the three phase model, 2060 and 56800, respectively, the 2a errors on the Ir/Pt and Pt/Rh ratios allow low enough equilibration temperatures for the observed and model Ir/Ni ratios to agree. This is not the case for F 11, however; this sample may have gained Ni relative to Ir during secondary alteration,

C 1 chondrite-normalized Co/Ni ratios in all samples except Fl are lower than predicted by the three phase model, 0.34- 1.04 vs. 1.08- 1.10, respectively. This discrepancy cannot be a consequence of uncertainty in the precise equilibration

Ir co Fe AU Cf

FIG. 1 I. Comparison between enrichment factors for Ir, Co, Fe, Au, and Cr relative to C I chondrites and Ni in four Fremdlinge, and those predicted by the three phase condensation model. Error bars as in Fig. 1.

temperature of fee alloys in Fremdlinge, since Co/Ni ratios of such alloys decrease only slightly from I. 14 at 1625 K to 1.06 at 1460 K. The ratio of 1.04, which is found in Fl 1, is not reached until even lower temperatures, and subchondritic ratios, which are found in the other samples, are not achieved by condensation. Thus, after condensation, Co was probably lost relative to Ni in these Fremdlinge. In Fl, however, the high Co/Ni ratio, 1.52, possibly reflects gain of Co relative to Ni.

C 1 chondrite-normalized Fe/Ni ratios in all samples except Fl, F5, F6, and Fl 1 are lower than predicted by the three phase model, 0.03-0.25 vs. 0.32-0.36, respectively. Because Fe/Ni ratios in fee condensate alloys do not fall below 0.32 at any equilibration temperature, these samples probably lost Fe relative to Ni during secondary alteration, as suggested previously (ARMSTRONG et al., 1987; BLUM et al., 1989). In contrast, the high Cl-normalized Fe/Ni ratios in F5, F6, and Fl 1, 0.93, 0.56, and 1.07, respectively, may reflect relative gain of Fe during secondary alteration. Only Fl , whose ratio, 0.33, is similar to that predicted by the three phase model, 0.36, may have escaped Fe loss or gain after condensation.

Cl chondrite-normalized Au/Ni and Cr/Ni ratios are higher than predicted by the three phase model for all samples

3506 P. J. Sylvester et al.

by factors of lo*-lo3 and 2-104, respectively. These large differences suggest that most of the Au and Cr in Fremdlinge was added during secondary oxidation and sulfidation and is not the result of primary condensation. As noted earlier, Au is anomalously enriched in Fremdlinge compared to vol- atile siderophile elements of both higher and lower conden- sation temperature (Fig. 2). If the more volatile siderophiles, As and Sb, and the more volatile chalcophile, Se, were also added during alteration, then they were not retained by Fremdlinge as well as was Au.

Physical Processes of Fremdling Formation

Chemical compositions of Egg 6 Fremdlinge suggest that they contain components which accumulated from hcp, bee, and fee alloys that condensed from the nebular gas. Removal of early, high-temperature hcp condensate alloys from the gas seems to be required to explain subchondritic Re/Os ratios found in many Fremdlinge. High-temperature fractionation of fee condensate alloys may also be necessary to explain Fremdhnge with subchondritic Ir/Pt ratios.

Subchondritic Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios in Fremdlinge are not the only chemical signatures that record early, high-tem- perature fractionation processes in the formation of CAIs. Group II REE patterns, found most commonly in the bulk compositions of line-grained CAIs, also are thought to form after removal of a high-temperature, ultrarefractory conden- sate. In the latter case, however, the removed condensate contains the most refractory REE, i.e., the heavy ones except Tm and Yb (BOYNTON, 1975; DAVIS and GROSSMAN, 1979). Like Group II REE patterns, subchondritic Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios in Fremdlinge are compelling evidence for the role of condensation in the formation of CAIs. CAIs or their con- stituents that possess either of these chemical signatures can- not be simple residues left over after evaporation of nebular solids (e.g., CHOU et al., 1976).

There are at least two processes by which high-temperature hcp and fee condensate alloys could have been removed from chemical contact with the nebular gas: entrapment of the alloys in early condensing oxide phases and transport of the alloys to a region of the nebula from which refractory side- rophiles had already condensed. It is unlikely that hcp alloys were entrapped in early oxide condensates, however. The removal temperatures of hcp alloys, 1924-1907 K, are sig- nificantly higher than the condensation temperature of co- rundum (1758 K at lo-’ atm; GROSSMAN, 1972), the earliest major oxide phase to condense. Early condensate fee alloys, in contrast, were removed from the gas at much lower tem- peratures, 1640-1626 K, and, thus, could have become en- trapped in oxide condensates. Transport of early condensate hcp and fee alloys to another region of the nebula requires a mechanism capable of separating submicron-sized particles from the surrounding gas at high temperature. Whatever the mechanism, the existence of Fremdlinge with C 1 chondrite- normalized Re/Os and Ir/Pt ratios greater than one requires that those early condensates be mixed back together with some of the proto-Fremdlinge.

Large fractionations between refractory siderophile ele- ments in the Fremdlinge studied here are found neither in Egg 6, the CA1 from which they were removed, nor in other

coarse-grained Allende CAIs. C 1 chondrite-normalized Re/ Os, Os/Ru, Ir/Pt, and Gs/Ir ratios are 0.81-1.03,0.67-3.32, 0.70->2.25, and 0.86-3.3, respectively, in the Fremdlinge, and 0.96, 1.1, 1.3, and 1.1, respectively, in Egg 6 (PALME et al., 1989). In individual, coarse-grained Allende CAIs, Re/ OS, Os/Ru, and Os/Ir ratios are within 10-l 5% of Cl chon- dritic ratios (GROSSMAN and GANAPATHY, 1976; GROSSMAN et al., 1977). These observations suggest that each CA1 con- tains such a large number of Fremdlinge that the excesses and depletions of some refractory siderophiles relative to others in individual Fremdlinge are largely cancelled out through mixing.

To pursue this idea, Cl chondrite-normalized, weighted average compositions for Fremdlinge and Egg 6 (PALME et al., 1989) are shown in Table 7. Data from PALME et al. (1989) for Zelda, the largest Fremdling, 504 pg, in Egg 6 are included in one weighted average. The weighted average Fremdling compositions have fiactionations between Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Rh that are smaller than those in individual Frem- dlinge. As seen in Table 7, the Cl chondrite-normalized Re/ OS and Os/Ir ratios, for example, are 1 .OO and 1.09, respec- tively, in the weighted average composition that includes Zelda. In the nine Fremdling average, Cl chondrite-nor- malized Ir/Pt and Pt/Rh ratios are 1.29 and 0.94, respectively. Ruthenium, however, is almost as fractionated in the weighted average Fremdling compositions as it is in individual Fremdlinge. Osmium/ruthenium ratios are 1.7-2.6 times the Cl chondritic ratio in the three weighted average composi- tions. This is because the hcp alloy that carried Ru into most of the Fremdlinge stopped equilibrating with the nebular gas at a high enough temperature, 1650-l 530 K, that Ru had not fully condensed into it (Fig. 8b and Table 6). Later con- densing, Ru-enriched hcp alloys were apparently not incor- porated into Fremdhnge. An alternative, that Ru was lost from Fremdlinge by S addition during metamorphism, is ruled out by the fact that RuS2 cannot form under the&,-T conditions that existed during metamorphism (BLUM et al., 1989) and that Ru is never found as a sulfide in Fremdlinge. Since the Cl chondrite-normalized Os/Ru ratio in Egg 6 is 1.1, this inclusion must contain most of the Ru missing from Fremdlinge, probably in a Ru-rich phase that we did not sample, perhaps because that phase occurs in grains separate

Table 7. Weighted Avenge Fremdling and Egg 6 Enrichment Factors Relative to Cl Cbondritn

Element 9 Fremdlingc 9 yxEt$ 9 Fremdlingc +zmta+z&a Egg6

w <860 <I400 < 190 32 Re 8580 14aw 6190 27 OS 9870 16700 6180 28 Ir 8870 17900 MO 14500 27700

z 26 21

RU 5500 6500 3590 25 P, 6890 ._. .._ M Rh 7300 . . . AU 1410 2510 588 ___ CO 11.6 13.0 7.29

NI 17.1 20.5 9.83 --- Fe 2.17 2.07 2.54

Cr 5.90 4.32 5.05 ---

Room relmve 10 Cl RelOs 0.87 0.84 1.00 O.% OS/Ir 1.11 0.93 1.09 1.1 lrfft 1.29 .._ 1.3 PVRh 0.94 --- ._.

OSiRU 1.79 2.57 1.72 1.1

Fraction of Egg 6 0.29 % 0.15% 0.46 s Note: Data for Zelda and Egg 6 from Palme a al. (1989).

Chemical composition of Fremdlinge in Allende 3507

from and much smaller than Fremdlinge. Tiny, Ru-rich RMN, which have been identified in other CAB (FUCHS and BLANDER, 1980; WARK, 1986; PAQUE, 1989), may, therefore, be important carriers of Ru in Egg 6. Such grains may be related to the late-condensing, Ru-rich alloys predicted to form above and may have escaped coalescence into Frem- dlinge during partial melting of Type B inclusions by being trapped inside grains of phases which did not melt.

The weighted average impositions in Table 7 indicate that Fremdlinge constitute 0.15-0.46% of Egg 6, fuming that all Ir in Egg 6 is in Fremdlinge. Fremdlinge probably comprise only 0.09-0.30% of most coarse-grained Ailende CAIs, however, since the latter are somewhat less enriched in refractory siderophiles, - 17 times C 1 chondrites (GROSS-

MAN, 1980), than is Egg 6, -26 times C 1 choudrites. GROSS- MAN and GANAPATHY (1976) measured the concentrations of Co, Fe, Cr, and Au in seven Allende Type B CAB. If the latter contain Fremdlinge whose mean composition is the same as that found here for the weighted average that includes Zelda, then Fremdlinge contribute >52%, > 1696, and >5% of the indigenous Co, Fe, and Cr, respectively, in the average inclusion. These are lower limits because measured concen- trations of these elements in bulk CAB include amounts due to matrix contamination during sampling in addition to the indigenous amounts of these elements. For Au, this calcu- lation implies that Fremdlinge contribute 2.8 times more Au than is actually present in the average inclusion, suggesting that most of the Au in CAIs is in Fremdlinge.


Large fmctionations between refractory siderophiles in in- dividual Fremdlinge cannot be explained if all of these ele- ments condensed from the solar nebula into a single phase. Fremdling compositions can be understood if these elements condensed into three separate alloys according to their crystaI structures, if fractionated alloys were removed from chemical communication with the gas at high temperature, producing lower-temperature alloys with complementaty fractionations, and if Fremdlinge formed by mixing of variable proportions of high- and low-temperature varieties of the three alloys. This mixing occurred by grain aggregation in the solar nebula, prior to and during accretion of CAIs, and by coalescence of droplets of immiscible metal-P liquids during later partial melting of CAIs, forming prot~F~m~inge. Fremdlinge formed from these by still lower-tem~rature addition of ox- ygen, sulfur, and other volatile& during which process W, and possibly also Mo;‘was mobilized, lost from Fremdlinge, and deposited into adjacent silicate and oxide phases in their CA1 hosts.

Acknowledgments-We thank B. D. Keck for assistance with ina- diations at the University of Missouri Research Reactor that went far beyond the normal call of duty, and L. Hedges for assistance with separating, mounting, and polishing the Fremdlinge. Helpful dis- cussions with A. M. Davis, S. B. Simon, and T. P. Ward are gratefully acknowledged. We also thank J. T. Wasson for generously providing a sample of Filomena. This research was supported by funds from the Louis Block Fund of the University of Chicago and from the National Aeronautics and Space Auction throu8h grants NAG 9-54 (to L. Grossman) and NAG 9-43 (to G. J. Wasserburg). This is

Caltech Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences Contribution (4894) (708).

Editorial handling: R. A. Schmitt


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