Chemicals, Reagents & Kits - Genetix Biotech

Post on 11-Feb-2022

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Specialty FBS (Processed, Naturally Occuring &


SH30068.01 US Charcoal/Dextran FBS3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dL Hemo 50 ml 5,213

SH30068.02 100 ml 8,805SH30068.03 500 ml 32,784

SH30151.02 US Low IgG FBS 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 7,154

SH30151.03 500 ml 26,590

SH30079.01 US Dializyed FBS 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo, <10 mg/dLHemo <10,000 mw cutoff 50 ml 4,870

SH30079.02 100 ml 8,117

SH30079.03 500 ml 30,169

SH30855.02 US Lipid Reduced FBS 3x100nmfiltered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 7,016

SH30855.03 500 ml 26,246

SH30070.02E US ES Cell Screened FBS3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 7,223

SH30070.03E 500 ml 26,659

SH30070.02M US Human Mesenchymal StemCell Screened FBS 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 7,223

SH30070.03M 500 ml 26,659

SH30070.03T US Tetracycline Screened FBS3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 500 ml 24,732

SH30070.03I US Insect Cell Screened FBS3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 500 ml 24,732

US Calf Serum

SH30072.02 US Iron Supplemented Bovine Calf3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,540

SH30072.03 500 ml 4,964

SH30073.02 US Bovine Calf 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,



















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Defined FBS

SH30070.01 US Defined FBS 40nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 50 ml 3,841

SH30070.02 100 ml 6,325SH30070.03 500 ml 23,218

Characterized FBS

SH30071.01 US Characterized FBS 3 x 100nmfiltered, <25 EU/mL Endo,<25 mg/dL Hemo 50 ml 3,562

SH30071.02 100 ml 5,846SH30071.03 500 ml 21,428

SV30014.02 USDA Tested FBS 3x100nmfiltered, <15 EU/mL Endo,<15 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 3,850

SV30014.03 500 ml 15,303

SV30096.02 USDA Tested FBS 3x100nmfiltered, <15 EU/mL Endo,<15 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 3,850

SV30096.03 500 ml 15,303

SH30396.02 Canadian Characterized FBS3x100nm filtered, <25 EU/mL Endo,<25 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 2,851

SH30396.03 500 ml 10,076

SH30406.01 NZ Characterized FBS3x100nm filtered, <20 EU/mL Endo,<25 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 6,325

SH30406.02 500 ml 26,462

SH30084.02 Australian Characterized FBS3x100nm filtered, <25 EU/mL Endo,<25 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 6,325

SH30084.03 500 ml 26,462

Standard FBS

SH30088.02 US Standard FBS 3x100nm filtered,Endo & Hemo tested/reported 100 ml 5,089

SH30088.03 500 ml 18,607

SH30397.02 Canadian Standard FBS3x100nm filtered, Endo & Hemotested/reported 100 ml 2,392

SH30397.03 500 ml 8,438

SH30370.02 Australian Standard FBS3x100nm filtered, Endo & Hemotested/reported 100 ml 4,883

SH30370.03 500 ml 19,580

HyClone pioneered serumcollection, filtration, and processingtechniques used to produceconsistently high quality, reliableserum products. To produce FBS,HyClone collects fetal bovine bloodusing a patented closed-systemcollection method that results inserum with exceptionally low levelsof endotoxin and hemoglobin.HyClone pioneered the use of highretentive filtration techniquesincluding triple 100 nm and 40 nmpore size rated filters to ensuresterility. Vertical integration of allserum collection and manufacturingprocesses provides completetraceability and high quality.

Defined Iron-Supplemented BovineCalf Serum is collectedby venipuncture fromformula-fed veal calves,which produceexceptionally high levelsof transferrin. This

serum is supplemented with iron to load serum transferrinlevels to physiological levels. After supplementation, Iron-Supplemented Bovine Calf Serum contains three to fourtimes as much available iron and transferrin as FBS orequine serum. Researchers have found this product to bean excellent and cost-effective alternative to FBS. Growthpromotion studies have demonstrated many applications ofIron-Supplemented Bovine Calf Serum and show that it oftenout performs FBS in many applications. As with all our calfserum products, this product is sterile filtered using threesequential 100nm (0.1 µm) pore-size rated filters.

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<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,343SH30073.03 500 ml 4,177

SH30087.02 US Cosmic Calf 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,737

SH30087.03 500 ml 5,292

SH30541.02 US Bovine Growth Serum (BGS)3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 2,589

SH30541.03 500 ml 7,717

SH30118.02 US Newborn Calf Serum3x100nm filtered, <50 EU/mLEndo, <25 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,605

SH30118.03 500 ml 4,636

SH30076.02 US Iron Supplemented AlphaCalf Fraction 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,868

SH30076.03 500 ml 6,275

SH30212.02 US Alpha Calf Fraction 3x100nmfiltered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,802

SH30212.03 500 ml 6,209

NZ Calf Serum

SH30414.02 NZ Iron SupplementedCalf Serum 500 ml 5,095

SH30591.01 NZ Bovine Growth Serum (BGS)3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mLEndo, <10 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 2,654

SH30591.02 500 ml 7,979

SH30413.02 NZ Cosmic Calf Serum 3x100nmfiltered, <50 EU/mL Endo,<30 mg/dL Hemo 500 ml 5,488

SH30413.03 1000 ml

SH30401.04 NZ Newborn Bovine Serum3x100nm filtered, <100 EU/mLEndo, <50 mg/dL Hemo 100 ml 1,605

SH30401.01 500 ml 4,243

SH30626.01 NZ Iron Supp Newborn Serum3x100nm filtered, <100 EU/mLEndo, <50 mg/dLHemo 100 ml 1,671

SH30626.02 500 ml 4,309






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Donor Serum

SH30074.02 US Donor Equine Serum3x100nm filtered, <10 EU/mLEndo, <10 mg/dLHemo 100 ml 1,409

SH30074.03 500 ml 4,440

SH30075.02 US Donor Adult Bovine Serum3x100nm filtered, <50 EU/mLEndo, <25 mg/dLHemo 100 ml 1,671

SH30075.03 500 ml 5,357

SH30417.01 NZ Donor Bovine Serum 3x100nmfiltered, <5 EU/mL Endo,Hemo tested/reported 100 ml 4,948

SH30417.02 500 ml 9,159

SH30627.01 NZ Iron Supp Donor BovineSerum 3x100nm filtered,<5 EU/mL Endo, Hemotested/reported 100 ml 5,014

SH30627.02 500 ml 9,224


SH30080.02 US FetalClone I 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dLHemo 100 ml 2,887

SH30080.03 500 ml 9,984

SH30066.02 US FetalClone II 3x100nm filtered,<10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dLHemo 100 ml 2,979

SH30066.03 500 ml 10,322

SH30109.02 US FetalClone III 3x100nmfiltered, <10 EU/mL Endo,<20 mg/dLHemo 100 ml 3,050

SH30109.03 500 ml 10,660

Other Serum

SH30409.02 NZ Adult Bovine Serum 3x200nmfiltered, <100 EU/mL Endo,<50 mg/dLHemo 500 ml 4,374

SH30402.01 NZ Adult Bovine Serum 200nmfiltered NON-sterile, <100 EU/mLEndo, <50 mg/dLHemo 3000 ml POR

SH30402.02 10 liter POR

As with our New ZealandFBS products, all NewZealand calf sera productsare carefully collected,processed, and filtered inNew Zealand and offer

maximum safety against bovine diseases. We follow thesame standards in processing our calf serum as with ourFBS to ensure the highest quality and absolute traceability.

Donor Equine serum is carefullycollected from selected US donorherds that receive regularveterinary inspection and care. Theanimals are fed an enriched diet toensure proper nutrition and arefasted prior to bleeding to reduce

lipid concentration. The horses are bled in an enclosed facilitythat is specially equipped for aseptic collection. Coggins testsfor equine infectious anemia are routinely performed on eachhorse. Donor Equine Serum is sterile filtered using three

sequential 100nm (0.1µm) pore-size rated filters.

FetalClone I is optimizedfor the growth ofhybridomas, and IgGlevels are comparable tothose found in FBS.Although FetalClone Iwas designed for usewith hybridomas, manycustomers have

identified several cell lines as being successfully cultured inFetalClone I,

FetalClone II is optimized for the growth of CHO cells andderivatives, offering the same basic formulation asFetalClone I, plus additional growth factors andsupplements. No adaptation is required and suggestedconcentrations are the same as those used with FBS. Thisproduct has been successfully used with the cell line

FetalClone III is the most widely applicable of theFetalClone family and is designed to include fibroblasts inits applications

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SH30402.03 12.5 liter POR

SV30016.03 NZ Porcine Serum filtered in theUS, irradiated, 3x200nm filtered,<100 EU/mL Endo,<50 mg/dLHemo 500 ml 4,177

SV30016.04 1000 ml POR


SH30002.02 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine,Sodium Pyruvate, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,424

SH30002.03 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine,Sodium Pyruvate, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,026

SH30002.04 DMEM/LOW with L-Glutamine,Sodium Pyruvate, 1 X 50 L Powder 3,985

SH30003.02 DMEM/HIGH withL-Glutamine, withoutSodium Pyruvate, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,207

SH30003.03 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine,without SodiumPyruvate, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,207

SH30003.04 DMEM/HIGH with L-Glutamine,without SodiumPyruvate, 1 X 50 L Powder 3,924

SH30004.02 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine,HEPES, 2 X 5 L Powder 3,018

SH30004.03 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine,HEPES, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,932

SH30004.04 DMEM/F12 1:1 with L-Glutamine,HEPES, 1 X 50 L Powder 6,278

SH30005.02 IMDM with L-Glutamine, HEPES,without Alpha-Thioglycerol, 2 X 5 L Powder 3,139

SH30005.03 IMDM with L-Glutamine,HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol, 1 X 10 L Powder 3,018

SH30005.04 IMDM with L-Glutamine,HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol, 1 X 50 L Powder 9,659

SH30007.02 MEM Alpha Modification, withL-Glutamine, Ribo-and Deoxyri-bonucleosides, 2 X 5 L Powder 2,898

SH30007.03 MEM Alpha Modification, withL-Glutamine, Ribo- and Deoxyri-bonucleosides, 1 X 10 L Powder 2,898

SH30008.02 MEM/EBSS withL-Glutamine, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,207

SH30008.03 MEM/EBSS withL-Glutamine, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,026

SH30008.04 MEM/EBSS withL-Glutamine, 1 X 50 L Powder 3,924

SH30009.02 Ham’s F10, withL-Glutamine, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,811

SH30009.03 Ham’s F10, withL-Glutamine, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,570

SH30010.02 Ham’s F12, withL-Glutamine, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,328

SH30010.03 Ham’s F12, withL-Glutamine, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,570

SH30010.04 Ham’s F12, withL-Glutamine, 1 X 50 L Powder 5,674

SH30011.02 RPMI 1640, withL-Glutamine, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,328

SH30011.03 RPMI 1640, withL-Glutamine, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,087

SH30011.04 RPMI 1640, withL-Glutamine, 1 X 50 L Powder 3,924

SH30013.02 Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS),without Calcium orMagnesium, 2 X 5 L Powder 532

SH30013.03 Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS),without Calcium orMagnesium, 1 X 10 L Powder 464

SH30013.04 Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS),without Calcium orMagnesium, 1 X 50 L Powder 1,926

SH30014.02 Earle’s Balanced SaltSolution (EBSS), withCalcium, Magnesium,Phenol Red, 2 X 5 L Powder 502

SH30014.03 Earle’s Balanced SaltSolution (EBSS), withCalcium, Magnesium,Phenol Red , 1 X 10 L Powder 435

SH30015.02 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), withCalcium, Magnesium,Phenol Red, 2 X 5 L Powder 502

SH30015.03 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), withCalcium, Magnesium,Phenol Red, 1 X 10 L Powder 435

SH30015.04 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), withCalcium, Magnesium,Phenol Red, 1 X 50 L Powder 1,860

SH30016.02 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,with Phenol Red, 2 X 5 L Powder 567

SH30016.03 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,with Phenol Red, 1 X 10 L Powder 502







In addition to standardproduct offerings forclassical and publishedmedium formulations,HyClone develops andoptimizes leading-edgeAnimal DerivedComponent Free

(ADCF™), serum-free, protein-free, and chemically-definedmedia. HyClone also specializes in the manufacture of custommedia formulations for large volume industrial applications.

The natural synergy of HyClone liquids and BioProcessContainers™ (BPCs) differentiates HyClone’s productofferings into integrated media delivery systems.

Exacting manufacturing processes ensure the highestconsistency and quality of sterile-filtered liquid media whetherbottled for laboratory and research use or packaged forindustrial use.

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SH30019.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with L-Glutamine, withoutSodium Pyruvate, 20 L Liquid 14,853

SH30021.01 DMEM with Low Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,with 110 mg/L SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30021.02 DMEM with Low Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,with 110 mg/L SodiumPyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30021.FS DMEM with Low Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,with 110 mg/L SodiumPyruvate, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30022.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,without SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30022.02 DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,without SodiumPyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30022.FS DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,without SodiumPyruvate, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30022.LS DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,without Sodium Pyruvate,6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30023.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, with2.50 mM L-Glutamine,15 mM HEPES, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30023.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, with2.50 mM L-Glutamine,15 mM HEPES, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30023.FS DMEM/F12 1:1, with2.50 mM L-Glutamine,15 mM HEPES, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 3,722

SH30024.01 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), with2.0 mM L-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30024.02 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), with2.0 mM L-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30024.FS MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), with2.0 mM L-Glutamine,6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30024.LS MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), with2.0 mM L-Glutamine,6 X1000 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30025.01 Ham’s F10, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30025.02 Ham’s F10, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30026.01 Ham’s F12, 1X, with 1.00 mML-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30026.02 Ham’s F12, 1X, with 1.00 mML-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30026.FS Ham’s F12, 1X, with 1.00 mML-Glutamine, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 3,722

SH30027.01 RPMI-1640, 1X, with 2.05 mML-Glutamine (Same asSH30091), 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30027.02 RPMI-1640, 1X, with 2.05 mML-Glutamine (Same asSH30091), 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30027.FS RPMI-1640, 1X, with 2.05 mML-Glutamine (Same asSH30091), 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30027.LS RPMI-1640, 1X, with 2.05 mML-Glutamine (Same asSH30091), 6 X1000 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30028.01 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,without Phenol Red , 100 mL Liquid 1,345

SH30028.02 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,without Phenol Red , 500 mL Liquid 1,463

SH30028.03 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,without Phenol Red , 1000 mL Liquid 1,680

SH30028.08 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,without Phenol Red, 10 L Liquid 10,917

SH30028.09 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,without Phenol Red, 5 L Liquid 6,098

SH30028.FS Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withoutCalcium, without Magnesium,without PhenolRed, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,971

SH30028.LS Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS),1X, without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,242

SH30029.02 Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution(EBSS), 1X, with Calcium,with Magnesium, withPhenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 1,555

SH30029.03 Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution(EBSS), 1X, with Calcium,with Magnesium, withPhenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 1,834

SH30030.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, with Calcium,Magnesium, PhenolRed , 500 mL Liquid 1,555

SH30030.03 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, with Calcium,Magnesium, PhenolRed , 1000 mL Liquid 1,834

SH30031.01 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, without Calcium,without Magnesium, withPhenol Red, 100 mL Liquid 1,463



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SH30031.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, without Calcium,without Magnesium, withPhenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 1,555

SH30031.03 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, without Calcium,without Magnesium, withPhenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 1,834

SH30031.FS Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, without Calcium,without Magnesium, withPhenol Red, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 3,515

SH30033.01 Sodium Bicarbonate Solution,with 75.0 g/L SodiumBicarbonate, 100 mL Liquid 1,741

SH30034.01 L-Glutamine, 200 mM Solution29.2 mg/mL L-Glutaminein 0.85% NaCl , 100 mL Liquid 1,616

SH30034.02 L-Glutamine, 200 mM Solution29.2 mg/mL L-Glutaminein 0.85% NaCl , 500 mL Liquid 2,081

SH30042.01 Trypsin, 0.25% (1X), with 2.5 gporcine trypsin (1:250/L gammairradiated) in HBSS with0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium,magnesium (liquid), 100 mL Liquid 1,519

SH30042.02 Trypsin, 0.25% (1X), with 2.5gporcine trypsin (1:250/L gammairradiated) in HBSS with 0.2 g/LEDTA, without calcium,magnesium (liquid), 500 mL Liquid 2,589

SH30043.03 HyQ-CCM1, 1000 mL Liquid 4,688

SH30050.02 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine,Non-Essential AminoAcids, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,328

SH30050.03 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine,Non-Essential AminoAcids, 1 X 10 L Powder 1,026

SH30050.04 MEM/EBSS with L-Glutamine,Non-Essential AminoAcids, 1 X 50 L Powder 4,105

SH30061.03 HYQ-CCM3, 1 X 10 L Powder 11,548

SH30065.01 HYQ-CCM3, 500 mL Liquid 3,008

SH30065.02 HYQ-CCM3, 1000 mL Liquid 4,207

SH30081.01 DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine and SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30081.02 DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine andSodium Pyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30081.05 DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine andSodium Pyruvate, 20 L Liquid 18,123

SH30081.FS DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine andSodium Pyruvate, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30081.LS DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine andSodium Pyruvate, 6 X 1000 mLLiquid 4,089

SH30096.01 RPMI-1640, withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30096.02 RPMI-1640, withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,778

SH30096.FS RPMI-1640, withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30096.LS RPMI-1640, withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,821

SH30126.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, withoutL-Glutamine, withHEPES, 500 mL Liquid 1,768

SH30126.FS DMEM/F12 1:1, withoutL-Glutamine, withHEPES, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 4,763

SH30138.01 HYQ PF-MAB , 100 mL Liquid 11,196

SH30157.01 BME/EBSS withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,502

SH30173.02 Sodium Bicarbonate, 105 g Powder 1,594

SH30187.01 HyQ SFX-CHO, 500 mL Liquid 2,921

SH30187.02 HyQ SFX-CHO, 1000 mL Liquid 3,965

SH30200.01 McCoy’s 5A withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30200.02 McCoy’s 5A withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30200.FS McCoy’s 5A withL-Glutamine, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 3,725

SH30203.06 RPMI 1640, without L-Glutamine,with HEPES, 1000 mL Liquid 3,435

SH30206.01 SFX-MAb, 1000 mL Liquid 4,126

SH30220.01 PF-CHO, 1000 mL Liquid 3,965








re W



HyPure™ WFI and Purified

Waters Water is one of the

major components used

widely used as a cleaning or

rinsing agent, as an excipient

in media and buffer

preparation, and in

reconstitution of products in

both therapeutic and

diagnostic applications.

Furthermore, there are various applications for uniquely

qualified types of water. For example, in cell culture

applications, the water used must be free of contaminating

endotoxin. It is crucial in many molecular biology

applications that water be free of nucleases (i.e., DNase

and RNase) and proteases. To meet these exacting

requirements, HyClone offers the following line of HyPure

water products:

HyPure WFI Quality Water

HyPure Cell Culture Grade Water

HyPure Molecular Biology Grade Water

SH30221.10 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 1000 mL Liquid 1,648

SH30221.17 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 500 mL Liquid 1,513

SH30221.18 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 100 mL Liquid 1,389

SH30221.24 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 10 L Liquid 7,952

SH30221.25 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 20 L Liquid 10,176

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SH30221.26 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 50 L Liquid 29,950

SH30221.27 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 100 L Liquid 45,645

SH30221.28 Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 200 L Liquid 57,757

SH30221.LS Water, HyPure™ WFIQuality, 6x1000 mL Liquid 4,061

SH30228.01 IMDM with L-Glutamine, withHEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol, 500 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30228.02 IMDM with L-Glutamine, withHEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol, 1000 mL Liquid 1,966

SH30228.FS IMDM with L-Glutamine,with HEPES, without Alpha-Thioglycerol, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30235.02 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS),Suspension Modification,with L-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 2,552

SH30236.01 Trypsin, 0.05% 1X, with 0.5 gporcine trypsin (1:250/L gammairradiated) in HBSS with0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium,magnesium, 100 mL Liquid 1,506

SH30236.02 Trypsin, 0.05% 1X, with 0.5 gporcine trypsin (1:250/L gammairradiated) in HBSS with0.2 g/L EDTA, without calcium,magnesium, 500 mL Liquid 2,477

SH30237.01 HEPES 1M Solution, 100 mL Liquid 2,482

SH30238.01 Non-Essential Amino Acid,(NEAA) Solution,100X, 100 mL Liquid 1,555

SH30239.01 Sodium Pyruvate 100 mMSolution , 100 mL Liquid 1,680

SH30243.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,466

SH30243.02 DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 1,684

SH30243.04 DMEM with High Glucose, with4.0 mM L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 20 L Liquid 20,214

SH30243.FS DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,with Sodium Pyruvate,6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,988

SH30243.LS DMEM with High Glucose,with 4.0 mM L-Glutamine,with Sodium Pyruvate,6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,272

SH30244.01 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,428

SH30244.02 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30244.FS MEM with Earle’s Balanced

Salt Solution (EBSS), withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,769

SH30244.LS MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30249.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with L-Glutamine, withHEPES, without SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,641

SH30249.02 DMEM with High Glucose,with L-Glutamine, withHEPES, without SodiumPyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 2,913

SH30253.01 M199 with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30253.02 M199 with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 2,027

SH30253.FS M199 with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), withL-Glutamine, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30255.01 RPMI 1640 Medium, with25 mM HEPES, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,466

SH30255.02 RPMI 1640 Medium,with 25 mM HEPES, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30255.FS RPMI 1640 Medium, with25 mM HEPES, withL-Glutamine, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,988

SH30256.01 Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS), 1X, .0067M PO4,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 500 mL Liquid 1,463









PBS is buffer solutioncommonly used inbiological research. It is asalty solution containingsodium chloride, sodiumphosphate, and (in someformulations) potassiumchloride and potassium

phosphate. The buffer helps to maintain a constant pH. Theosmolarity and ion concentrations of the solution usuallymatch those of the human body (isotonic).

PBS is isotonic and non-toxic to cells. It can be used todilute substances. It is used to rinse containers containingcells. PBS can be used as a diluent in methods to drybiomolecules, as water molecules within it will be structuredaround the substance (protein, for example) to be ‘dried’and immobilized to a solid surface. The thin film of water thatbinds to the substance prevents denaturation or otherconformational changes. Carbonate buffers may be usedfor the same purpose but with less effectiveness. PBS canbe used as a reference spectra when measuring the proteinadsorption in ellipsometry.

Additives can be used to add function. For example, PBSwith EDTA is also used to disengage attached and clumpedcells. Divalent metals such as zinc, however, cannot beadded as this will result in precipitation.

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SH30256.02 Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS), 1X, .0067M PO4,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, without PhenolRed , 1000 mL Liquid 1,680

SH30256.FS Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS), 1X, .0067M PO4,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,971

SH30256.LS Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS), 1X, .0067M PO4,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,242

SH30258.01 Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS) 10X, .067M PO4,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 2,019

SH30258.02 Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS) 10X, .067M PO4,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 2,761

SH30259.01 IMDM withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30259.02 IMDM withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 2,027

SH30261.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, HEPES,Sodium Pyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,641

SH30261.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, HEPES,Sodium Pyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 1,966

SH30262.01 DMEM with High Glucose,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, 500 mL Liquid 1,641

SH30262.02 DMEM with High Glucose,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, 1000 mL Liquid 1,966

SH30264.01 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withCalcium, with Magnesium,without Phenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 1,463

SH30264.02 Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withCalcium, with Magnesium,without Phenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 1,680

SH30264.FS Dulbecco’s Phosphate BufferedSaline (DPBS), 1X, withCalcium, with Magnesium,without Phenol Red, 6X500mL Liquid 2,971

SH30265.01 MEM Alpha Modification,with L-Glutamine, withRibo- andDeoxyribonucleosides, 500 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30265.02 MEM Alpha Modification, withL-Glutamine, With Ribo-andDeoxyribonucleosides, 1000 mLLiquid 1,966

SH30265.FS MEM Alpha Modification,with L-Glutamine, withRibo- and Deoxyri-bonucleosides, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 4,089

SH30268.01 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, with Calcium,with Magnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 500 mL Liquid 1,500

SH30268.02 Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, with Calcium,with Magnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 1000 mL Liquid 1,680

SH30268.LS Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS), 1X, with Calcium, withMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red , 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 4,242

SH30270.01 McCoy’s 5A withL-Glutamine, withoutPhenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30270.02 McCoy’s 5A withL-Glutamine, withoutPhenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 1,908

SH30271.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, withoutHEPES, 500 mL Liquid 1,759

SH30271.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, withoutHEPES, 1000 mL Liquid 1,966

SH30271.FS DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, withoutHEPES, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 4,715

SH30272.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, withoutHEPES, Phenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 1,840

SH30272.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, withL-Glutamine, without HEPES,Phenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 2,215

SH30278.01 SFX-Insect, 500 mL Liquid 3,162

SH30278.02 SFX-Insect, 1000 mL Liquid 4,367

SH30278.06 SFX-Insect, 10 L Liquid 34,090

SH30278.LS SFX-Insect, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,506

SH30280.02 TNM-FH, 500 mL Liquid 2,761

SH30280.03 TNM-FH, 1000 mL Liquid 3,564

SH30284.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with L-Glutamine, withoutPhenol Red, SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,778

SH30284.02 DMEM with High Glucose,with L-Glutamine, withoutPhenol Red, SodiumPyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 2,152

SH30285.01 DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,466

SH30285.02 DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 1000 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30285.03 DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 20 L Liquid 21,367

SH30285.FS DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 2,992

SH30285.LS DMEM with High Glucose,without L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 6 X 1000 mLLiquid 4,089










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SH30289.01 Calcium Chloride Solution,1M Solution, 1000 mL Liquid 2,564

SH30291.01 HEPES Solution, 50 mM,0.15 M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA,pH 8.0, 1000 mL Liquid 2,487

SH30305.02 Ham’s F12, with 1.0 mML-Glutamine, ADCF, 2 X 5 L Powder 1,389

SH30307.01 DMEM with Low Glucose,ADCF, with L-Glutamine, withSodium Pyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30308.01 DMEM with High Glucose,ADCF, with L-Glutamine,without SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30309.01 DMEM/F12 1:1, ADCF, withL-Glutamine, withHEPES, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30309.02 DMEM/F12 1:1, ADCF,with L-Glutamine, withHEPES, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30310.01 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), ADCF,with L-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30310.02 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), ADCF,with L-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30311.01 Ham’s F10, ADCF, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30312.01 Ham’s F12, 1X, ADCF, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30313.01 RPMI 1640, ADCF, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30313.02 RPMI 1640, ADCF, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30316.01 IMDM, ADCF, withL-Glutamine,HEPES, 500 mL Liquid 1,653

SH30317.01 DMEM with High Glucose,ADCF, with L-Glutamine,Sodium Pyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30318.01 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS),ADCF, withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30318.02 MEM with Earle’s BalancedSalt Solution (EBSS), ADCF,without L-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30319.01 DMEM with High Glucose,ADCF, without L-Glutamine,Sodium Pyruvate, Calcium,Magnesium, 500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30320.01 DMEM with High Glucose,ADCF, without L-Glutamine,with Sodium Pyruvate,500 mL Liquid 1,591

SH30320.02 DMEM with High Glucose,ADCF, without L-Glutamine,with Sodium Pyruvate,1000 mL Liquid 1,903

SH30333.01 PF-CHO MPS withoutGlutamine, 1 X 5 L Powder 7,699

SH30336.02 L-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 2,246

SH30349.01 ADCF MAb, 500 mL Liquid 3,123

SH30349.02 ADCF MAb, 1000 mL Liquid 4,367

SH30349.LS ADCF MAb, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,506

SH30350.02 HyQ SFX-Insect MP, 1 X 5 L Powder 8,831

SH30350.03 HyQ SFX-Insect MP, 1 X 10 L Powder 17,706

SH30350.04 HyQ SFX-Insect MP,1 X 1000 mL Powder 1,771

SH30359.01 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine, withPluronic, 500 mL Liquid 3,243

SH30359.02 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine, withPluronic, 1000 mL Liquid 4,527

SH30359.LS PF-CHO with L-Glutamine, withPluronic, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 19,374

SH30371.04 D-Glucose, 1 kg Powder 3,791

SH30378.02 Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS), 10X,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 2,019

SH30382.01 SFM4MAb-Utility, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 2,842

SH30382.02 SFM4MAb-Utility, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 3,805

SH30382.LS SFM4MAb-Utility, withL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 15,468

SH30391.01 SFM4MAb withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,002

SH30391.02 SFM4MAb withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,126

SH30391.LS SFM4MAb withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 17,203

SH30513.01 SFM4MAb, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,002

SH30513.02 SFM4MAb, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,126

SH30513.LS SFM4MAb, withL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 17,203

SH30516.01 SFM4CHO-Utility, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 2,921

SH30516.02 SFM4CHO-Utility, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 3,965

SH30516.LS SFM4CHO-Utility, withL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 16,336

SH30517.01 SFM4CHO-Utility MPS withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 5 L Liquid 7,982

SH30518.01 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 5 L Powder 7,314

SH30520.01 CDM4Retino, 500 mL Liquid 3,302

SH30520.02 CDM4Retino, 1000 mL Liquid 4,734

SH30521.01 SFM4HEK293, withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,323

SH30521.02 SFM4HEK293, withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,688

SH30521.LS SFM4HEK293, withL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 20,241

SH30522.02 SFM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 10 L Powder 19,246



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SH30525.01 Leibovitz L-15 Medium,with 2.05 mML-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,716

SH30525.02 Leibovitz L-15 Medium,with 2.05 mML-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 2,091

SH30526.01 Ham’s F12, Kaighn’sModification , 500 mL Liquid 1,778

SH30529.01 Water, HyPure™ Cell CultureGrade, Endotoxin-free(< 0.005 EU/ml), Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 100 mL Liquid 1,364

SH30529.02 Water, HyPure™ Cell CultureGrade, Endotoxin-free(< 0.005 EU/ml), Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 500 mL Liquid 1,476

SH30529.03 Water, HyPure™ Cell CultureGrade, Endotoxin-free(< 0.005 EU/ml), Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 1000 mL Liquid 1,586

SH30529.FS Water, HyPure™ Cell CultureGrade, Endotoxin-free(< 0.005 EU/ml), Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 3,044

SH30529.LS Water, HyPure™ Cell CultureGrade, Endotoxin-free(< 0.005 EU/ml), Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 3,698

SH30538.01 Water, HyPure™ MolecularBiology Grade, DNase, RNase,Protease free, Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 100 mL Liquid 1,524

SH30538.02 Water, HyPure™ MolecularBiology Grade, DNase, RNase,Protease free, Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 500 mL Liquid 1,765

SH30538.03 Water, HyPure™ MolecularBiology Grade, DNase, RNase,Protease free, Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 1000 mL Liquid 1,988

SH30538.FS Water, HyPure™ MolecularBiology Grade, DNase, RNase,Protease free, Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 6 X 500 mL Liquid 4,751

SH30538.LS Water, HyPure™ MolecularBiology Grade, DNase, RNase,Protease free, Deionized,Distilled, 0.1 µm SterileFiltered, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 6,059

SH30547.01 ADCF MAb, withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,123

SH30547.02 ADCF MAb, withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,367

SH30547.LS ADCF MAb, withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,506

SH30548.01 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, with /2.2 g/LSodium Bicarbonate, 500 mL Liquid 3,123

SH30548.02 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, with /2.2 g/LSodium Bicarbonate, 1000 mL Liquid 4,367

SH30548.LS SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,506

SH30549.01 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate, 500 mL Liquid 3,123

SH30549.02 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate, 1000 mL Liquid 4,367

SH30549.LS SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,506

SH30552.01 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,243

SH30552.02 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,527

SH30552.LS SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 19,374

SH30555.01 HyQ LS250 Lipid Supplement,ADCF, 100 mL Liquid 9,906

SH30556.01 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 5 L Powder 9,149

SH30556.04 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 100 L Powder 155,375

SH30557.01 CDM4CHO withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,263

SH30557.02 CDM4CHO withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,654

SH30557.LS CDM4CHO withL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 20,057




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SH30558.01 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,263

SH30558.02 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,654

SH30558.LS CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 20,057

SH30564.01 HyQ® MEM-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,528

SH30565.01 HyQ® DMEM-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,528

SH30565.02 HyQ® DMEM-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,840

SH30568.01 MEM/Alpha Modificationwithout L-Glutamine,without Ribo- andDeoxyribonucleosides,500 mL Liquid 2,144

SH30568.FS MEM/Alpha Modificationwithout L-Glutamine,without Ribo- andDeoxyribonucleosides,6 X 500 mL Liquid 6,973

SH30574.01 Bovine Serum Albumin,BSA, Cell Culture Grade,pH 7.0, LyophilizedPowder, 10 g Powder 3,219

SH30574.02 Bovine Serum Albumin,BSA, Cell Culture Grade,pH 7.0, LyophilizedPowder, 100 g Powder 6,577

SH30574.03 Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA,Cell Culture Grade, pH 7.0,Lyophilized Powder, 500 g Powder 29,953

SH30578.01 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 5 L Powder 11,437

SH30578.02 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 10 L Powder 22,874

SH30578.04 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine, 1 X 100 L Powder 195,155

SH30579.01 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,699

SH30579.02 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 5,529

SH30579.LS CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 24,783

SH30582.02 HBSS (10X) without PhenolRed, Sodium Bicarbonate, 500 mL Liquid 2,053

SH30582.03 HBSS (10X) withoutPhenol Red, SodiumBicarbonate, 1000 mL Liquid 2,402

SH30584.02 HyQ Cell Boost 1 (R05.2)Supplement withoutL-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 9,823

SH30585.02 DMEM with High Glucose,Modified, without PhenolRed, without SodiumPyruvate, withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,966

SH30588.01 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), 1X,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, without PhenolRed, 500 mL Liquid 1,500

SH30588.02 Hank’s Balanced SaltSolution (HBSS), 1X,without Calcium, withoutMagnesium, withoutPhenol Red, 1000 mL Liquid 1,680

SH30590.01 HyQ SG-200, (Stable dipeptideof L-Alanyl L-Glutamine)200 mM, in 0.85% NaClSolution, 100 mL Liquid 3,275

SH30594.01 Pluronic® F-68 (10%Solution), 100 mL Liquid 2,071

SH30596.01 HyQ Cell Boost 2 (R15.4)Supplement withoutL-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 8,114

SH30597.01 Dulbecco’s PhosphateBuffered Saline (DPBS),10X, with Calcium, withMagnesium, 500 mL Liquid 1,846

SH30598.01 MEM Amino Acid Solution,50X, 100 mL Liquid 2,245

SH30599.01 MEM Vitamin Solution,100X, 100 mL Liquid 2,065

SH30601.01 MEM (Richter’s Modification)with L-Glutamine andPhenol Red, 500 mL Liquid 2,289






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As biotherapeutics are desired more closely representativeof their native form, the application of human-derived celllines for recombinant protein, monoclonal antibodies andgene therapy viral vectors has rapidly emerged. Theirproducts include high performing serum-free media capableof providing optimal cell culture conditions for HEK 293 andPER.C6® cells in such applications. These media have beendeveloped through the Metabolic Pathway Design approachto ensure that the needs of human-derived cell lines are metto enable the highest level of productivity.Hyclone CDM4HEK293™

HyClone CDM4HEK293 is a chemically-defined, animalderived component free and protein-free cell culture mediumdesigned to support the growth of HEK 293 cultures, andpromote adenovirus and recombinant proteinproduction.This regulatory-friendly medium was developedto support high cell density and specific cell productivity insuspension cultures.Hyclone SFM4Transfx-293™

HyClone SFMTransfx-293 is a serum-free, animal derivedcomponent free medium designed to support the growth ofHEK 293 cultures and promote transfection using lipofectionor similar methods. This regulatory-friendly medium wasdeveloped to support high transfection efficiency,productivity and cell density in suspension cultures.Hyclone CDM4PERMAb™

HyClone CDM4PERMAb is a chemically-defined mediumcontaining no animal derived components.This highperformance cell culture medium has been developed toincrease process yields in the production of humanantibodies and recombinant proteins using PER.C6®technology. It has been successfully tested in a variety ofapplications, including fed-batch bioreactors.

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SH30602.03 McCoy’S 5A with L-Glutamine,with HEPES, 100 mL Liquid 1,765

SH30604.01 DMEM with High Glucose,Modified, without PhenolRed, without L-Glutamine,with Sodium Pyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 2,227

SH30605.01 RPMI 1640, withoutL-Glutamine or PhenolRed, 500 mL Liquid 2,237

SH30606.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with Sodium Pyruvate,without L-Glutamine,without Methionine, withoutCystine, 500 mL Liquid 1,983

SH30607.01 DMEM with High Glucose,with Sodium Pyruvate,without L-Glutamine andPhosphate, 500 mL Liquid 1,983

SH30609.01 HyQ® RPMI 1640-RS™with L-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,528

SH30609.02 HyQ® RPMI 1640-RS™with L-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,840

SH30610.01 Grace’s Unsupplemented,500 mL Liquid 2,483

SH30623.02 HyQ® Ham’s F12-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,840

SH30801.01 CDM4MAb withGlutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,263

SH30801.02 CDM4MAb withGlutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,654

SH30801.LS CDM4MAb withGlutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 20,057

SH30802.01 CDM4MAb withoutGlutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,263

SH30802.02 CDM4MAb withoutGlutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,654

SH30802.LS CDM4MAb withoutGlutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 20,057

SH30822.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™IMDM4SC, withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,851

SH30824.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™DMEM4SC, with 4500 mg/LGlucose, withoutL-Glutamine and SodiumPyruvate, 500 mL Liquid 1,821




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SH30612.01 Pluronic® F-68 (powder),100 g Powder 1,860

SH30614.01 Hypoxanthine/Thymidine (HT)Solution, 50X, 100 mL Liquid 1,705

SH30622.01 HyQ® DMEM/F12-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,528

SH30622.02 HyQ® DMEM/F12-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 1,840

SH30623.01 HyQ® Ham’s F12-RS™ withL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 1,528

SH30850.02 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™ES Qualified Dulbecco’sPhosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS),Modified without Calciumor Magnesium, 500 mL Liquid 1,898

SH30850.03 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™ES Qualified Dulbecco’sPhosphate Buffered Saline(DPBS), Modified withoutCalcium or Magnesium,1000 mL Liquid 2,493

SH30851.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™ES Qualified HEPES Solution(1M), 100 mL Liquid 2,589

SH30852.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™ES Qualified L-Glutamine200 mM Solution, 100 mL Liquid 1,699

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Dissociation products are used todisaggregate adherent cells fromthe surface or substrate to whichthey are attached. HyClone offersboth gamma irradiated porcinetrypsin products and a new non-mammalian trypsin replacementcalled HyQ®Tase™.

HyQTase cell detachment solution is a naturally derivedcomplex of proteolytic and collagenolytic enzymes. It doesnot contain mammalian or bacterial derived products and isnon-recombinant. HyQTase enables rapid cell detachmentwhile being gentle to cells and does not require inhibition. Itis ideal for use in both serum-free and serum-containing cellculture systems with a broad array of cell lines. It is effectivefor tissue dissociation for primary cell culture and for routinedetachment of adherent cells from various substrates,including standard tissue culture plasticware and adhesioncoated plasticware. Formulation includes 1X HyQTaseenzymes in a solution of phosphate buffered saline with0.5mM EDTA. HyQTase should be stored frozen and isstable for up to 60 days at 4º C.

SH30853.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™ES Qualified Non-EssentialAmino Acids Solution(100X), 100 mL Liquid 1,627

SH30870.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Low Osmo DMEM withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 2,579

SH30870.02 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Low Osmo DMEM withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 3,721

SH30874.02 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Serum Replacement, 100 mL Liquid 6,686

SH30874.03 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Serum Replacement, 500 mL Liquid 19,585

SH30875.KT HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Mesenchymal Stem CellExpansion Kit. Contains:SH30878.01, SH30879.02, KIT,1-100 mL and 1-1000 mL Liquid 20,225

SH30878.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Stem Cell GrowthSupplement, 100 mL Liquid 9,634

SH30879.01 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™ BasalMedium for UndifferentiatedHuman MesenchymalStem Cells, 500 mL Liquid 7,038

SH30879.02 HyClone AdvanceSTEM™Basal Medium forUndifferentiated HumanMesenchymal StemCells, 1000 mL Liquid 11,745

SH30825.01 HyClone Cell Boost 3(JM 3.5) Supplement withoutL-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 6,406

SH30857.01 HyClone Cell Boost 4 (PS307)Supplement, withoutL-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 11,531

SH30858.01 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,142

SH30858.02 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,453

SH30858.LS CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,972

SH30860.01 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,554

SH30860.02 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 5,278

SH30860.LS SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 23,427

SH30865.01 HyClone Cell Boost 5 (CN-F)Supplement, withoutL-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 10,159

SH30866.01 HyClone Cell Boost 6 (CN-T)Supplement, withoutL-Glutamine, 100 g Powder 10,304

SH30871.01 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine, 500 mL Liquid 3,142

SH30871.02 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine, 1000 mL Liquid 4,453

SH30871.LS CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine, 6 X 1000 mL Liquid 18,972

SH30890 HyClone Cell Boost ProcessSupplement Kit. Contains:SH30584.02, SH30596.01,SH30825.01, SH30857.01,SH30865.01, SH30866.01,6 Gram/Kit Powder 39,804

SV30010 Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution10,000 Units /mL Penicillin,10,000 µg/mL Streptomycin in0.85% NaCl, 100 mL OEM POR




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SV30030.01 HyQTase Cell DetachmentSolution, in DPBS with EDTA(non-mammalian), 100 mL Liquid 2,899

SV30031.01 Trypsin 0.25% (1X) Solution,with 2.5 g Porcine Trypsin(1:250)/L in HBSS, withoutCalcium and Magnesium, with0.1% EDTA, 100 mL Liquid 1,765

SV30037.01 Trypsin 2.5% 10X Solution,with 25.0 g Porcine Trypsin(1:250)/L in HBSS, withoutCalcium and Magnesium,without EDTA or PhenolRed, 100 mL Liquid 2,408

SV30040.01 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,FACT 102-L Collagen-CoatedPlastic with Surface Charge.General Purpose Bead., 10 g Powder 9,143

SV30040.03 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,FACT 102-L Collagen-CoatedPlastic with Surface Charge. GeneralPurpose Bead., 100 g Powder 35,264

SV30044.01 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,CGEN 102-L Same as FactBead without SurfaceCharge., 10 g Powder 8,707

SV30044.03 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,CGEN 102-L Same as FactBead without SurfaceCharge., 100 g Powder 32,435

SV30048.01 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,Pro-F 102-L ADCF PlasticBead Coated WithProNectin ® F, 10 g Powder 11,320

154 Call +91-11-45027000 Fax. +91-11-25419631 E-mail :

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SV30075.01 Puromycin 2HCl, USP, 100 mg OEM POR

SV30078.01 Amphotericin B (Fungizone)Solution, 250 µg/mL, 50 mL OEM POR

SV30079.01 Antibiotic AntimycoticSolution (Pen/Strep/Fungizone),100X, 10,000 U/mLPenicillin G, 10,000 µg/mLStreptomycin, 25 µg/mLAmphotericin B, 100 mL OEM POR

SV30080.01 Gentamycin Solution,50 mg/mL, 10 X 10 mL OEM POR

SV30082.01 Penicillin/Streptomycin/Glutamine Solution, 100 mL OEM POR

SV30084.01 Trypan Blue Solution,0.4% in PhosphateBuffered Saline, 100 mL Liquid POR

SV30090.01 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,HLX II-170 PolystyreneMicrocarrier Coated withCationic Trimethyl AmmoniumWith Surface Charge, 10 g Powder 12,190

SV30090.03 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,HLX II-170 PolystyreneMicrocarrier Coated withCationic Trimethyl AmmoniumWith Surface Charge, 100 g Powder 39,183

SV30092.01 HyQ®Sphere™MicrocarrierStarter Kit, Contains 5 GramsEach of Pro-F 102-L, P 102-L,P Plus 102-L, FACT 102-L,CGEN 102-L, and HLXII-170 Microcarriers OEM Powder 37,150










id S




Microcarriers aretiny beads orparticles with asurface chemistrythat facilitatesattachment andgrowth ofanchorage-dependent cells incell cultureprocesses. Thereare numeroustypes ofmicrocarriers,

widely varying in their composition, size, shape and density.Microcarriers typically range in size from 90-250 µm indiameter and have a specific gravity such that they can bemaintained in suspension with gentle stirring. They may becomposed of animal-derived or synthetic materials,including collagen, dextran, and plastic. Most are sphericalin shape and may be either solid or porous. Surfacetreatments with biological proteins, synthetic compounds,and/or cationic charges may be added to further enhancecell attachment and propagation. All these differencespresent unique advantages depending on the intendedapplication.A primary benefit of microcarriers is that they provideincreased surface area to volume ratios, allowing large-scaleculture inside a relatively small footprint. They can bemaintained in a simple spinner flask or in a highly controlledstirred tank bioreactor. For the large-scale cultivation ofanchorage-dependent cells, the incorporation ofmicrocarrier technology in bioreactor systems providesnumerous additional benefits versus roller bottles or otherflat surface formats, including:

l Scalability – Easy subpassaging of cellsl $ - Significant cost reductionl Simpler harvesting, downstream processingl Reduction in required technical laborl Precise control of cell growth conditionsl Increase in titers

SV30048.03 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,Pro-F 102-L ADCF PlasticBead Coated WithProNectin® F, 100 g Powder 43,100

SV30052.01 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,PPlus 102-L ADCF PlasticBead With SurfaceCharge, 10 g Powder 8,707

SV30052.03 HyQ®Sphere™ Microcarriers,PPlus 102-L ADCF PlasticBead With SurfaceCharge, 100 g Powder 27,863

SV30056.01 HyQSphere Microcarriers,P 102-L, 10 g Powder 8,707

SV30056.03 HyQSphere Microcarriers,P 102-L, 100 g Powder 24,163

SV30068.01 G418 Sulfate, > 90%Purity, 1 g OEM POR

SV30068.02 G418 Sulfate, > 90%Purity, 5 g OEM POR

SV30069.01 G418 Sulfate Solution,50 mg/mL, 20 mL OEM POR

SV30070.01 Hygromycin B Solution,50 mg/mL, 20 mL OEM POR

SV30094.01 HyClone CelPro-LPS™Lipoprotein Solution, 100 mL Liquid 27,978

SV30094.02 HyClone CelPro-LPS™Lipoprotein Solution, 1000 mL Liquid 104,990

E-mail : Fax. +91-11-25419631 Call +91-11-45027000 155

CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.) CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.)





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SH30043.02 HYQ-CCM1 (Liquid), 500mL 3,323

SH30043.03 HYQ-CCM1 (Liquid), 1000mL 4,688

SH30058.01 HYQ-CCM1 (powder), 10x1L 20,016

SH30058.02 HYQ-CCM1 (powder), 2X5L 19,246

SH30058.03 HYQ-CCM1 (powder), 1X10L 18,477

SH30058.04 HYQ-CCM1 (powder), 1x50L 85,140

SH30058.05 HYQ-CCM1 (powder), 1X100L 165,472

SH30059.01 HYQ-CCM1 without PhenolRed (powder), 10x1L 20,016

SH30059.02 HYQ-CCM1 without PhenolRed (powder), 2X5L 18,507

SH30059.03 HYQ-CCM1 without PhenolRed (powder), 1X10L 18,477

SH30059.04 HYQ-CCM1 without PhenolRed (powder), 1X50L 85,140

SH30059.05 HYQ-CCM1 without PhenolRed (powder), 1X100L 165,472

SH30061.01 HYQ-CCM3 (powder), 10x1L 13,857

SH30061.02 HYQ-CCM3 (powder), 2X5L 13,088

SH30061.03 HYQ-CCM3 (powder), 1X10L 11,548

SH30061.04 HYQ-CCM3 (powder), 1X50L 48,270

SH30061.05 HYQ-CCM3 (powder), 1X100L 98,528

SH30065.01 HYQ-CCM3 (Liquid), 500mL 3,008

SH30065.02 HYQ-CCM3 (Liquid), 1000mL 4,207

SH30065.03 HYQ-CCM3 (Liquid), 50L 146,351

SH30065.04 HYQ-CCM3 (Liquid), 10L 32,484

SH30100.01 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 100mL 2,921

SH30100.02 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 500mL 2,921

SH30100.03 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 1000mL 3,965

SH30100.04 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 10L 30,073

SH30100.05 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 20L 57,387

SH30100.06 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 200L 455,632

SH30100.07 HYQ-CCM5 (Liquid), 20L 1,154

SH30100.08 HYQ-CCM6 (Liquid), 100 L POR

SH30138.01 HYQ PF-MAB (Liquid), 100mL 11,196

SH30138.02 HYQ PF-MAB (Liquid), 1000mL 41,320

SH30187.01 SFX-CHO-GLN-GHT, (Liquid), 500mL 2,921

SH30187.02 SFX-CHO-GLN-GHT, (Liquid), 1000mL 3,965

SH30187.03 SFX-CHO-GLN-GHT, (Liquid), 20L 57,387

SH30187.04 SFX-CHO-GLN-GHT, (Liquid), 50L 134,301

SH30187.05 SFX-CHO-GLN-GHT, (Liquid), 100L 246,767

SH30206.01 SFX MAB (Liquid), 1000mL 4,126

SH30206.02 SFX MAB (Liquid), 20L 60,600

SH30206.03 SFX MAB (Liquid), 500mL 3,002

SH30220.01 PF-CHO (Liquid), 1000mL 3,965

SH30220.02 PF-CHO (Liquid), 500mL 2,921

SH30220.03 PF-CHO (Liquid), 50L 134,301

SH30220.04 PF-CHO (Liquid), 20L 57,387

SH30220.05 PF-CHO (Liquid), 100L 246,767

SH30220.06 PF-CHO (Liquid), 200L 455,632

SH30220.07 PF-CHO (Liquid), 20L 57,387

SH30333.01 PF-CHO MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1 x5L 7,699

SH30333.02 PF-CHO MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1X10L 15,398

SH30333.03 PF-CHO MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1X50L 68,404

SH30349.01 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 500mL 3,123

SH30349.02 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367

SH30349.03 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 5L 18,024

SH30349.04 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 10L 34,090

SH30349.05 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 20L 65,419

SH30349.06 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 50L 154,384

SH30349.07 ADCF Mab (Liquid), 100L 286,933

SH30349.LS ADCF Mab (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 18,506

SH30333.04 PF-CHO MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1X100L 132,000




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SH30278.01 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 500mL 3,162

SH30278.02 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367

SH30278.03 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 20L 65,419

SH30278.04 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 50L 154,384

SH30278.05 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 5L 18,024

SH30278.06 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 10L 34,090

SH30278.07 SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 100L POR

SH30278.LS SFX-INSECT (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 18,506

SH30280.02 TNM-FH (Liquid), 500mL 2,761

SH30280.03 TNM-FH (Liquid), 1000mL 3,564

SH30282.01 IPL-41 (powder), 1x5L 8,468

SH30282.02 IPL-41 (powder), 1x10L 16,937

SH30282.03 IPL-41 (powder), 1x50L 75,098

SH30282.04 IPL-41 (powder), 1x100L 145,390


156 Call +91-11-45027000 Fax. +91-11-25419631 E-mail :

CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.) CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.)





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SH30350.02 HyQ SFX-INSECTMP (powder), 1X5L 8,831

SH30350.03 HyQ SFX-INSECTMP (powder), 1X10L 17,706

SH30350.04 HyQ SFX-INSECTMP (powder), 1X1 L 1,771

SH30350.06 HyQ SFX-INSECTMP (powder), 1X100 L POR

SH30352.01 PF VERO withoutLglutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,162

SH30352.02 PF VERO withoutLglutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367

SH30355.01 PF 293 MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1 x5L 9,238

SH30355.02 PF 293 MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1X10L 18,477

SH30355.03 PF 293 MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1X50L 81,792

SH30355.04 PF 293 MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1X100L 158,778

SH30355.06 PF 293 MPS withoutGlutamine (powder), 1 x 1L 1,848

SH30356.01 HyQ PF 293 (Liquid), 500mL 3,162

SH30356.02 HyQ PF 293 (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367

SH30356.03 HyQ PF 293 (Liquid), 20L 65,419

SH30356.04 HyQ PF 293 (Liquid), 50L 154,384

SH30356.05 HyQ PF 293 (Liquid), 100L 286,933

SH30359.01 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine,with Pluronic (Liquid), 500mL 3,243

SH30359.02 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine,with Pluronic (Liquid), 1000mL 4,527

SH30359.03 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine,with Pluronic (Liquid), 20L 68,634

SH30359.04 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine, withPluronic (Liquid), 50L 162,418

SH30359.05 PF-CHO with L-Glutamine,with Pluronic (Liquid), 100L 303,000

SH30359.LS PF-CHO with L-Glutamine,with Pluronic (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 19,374

SH30382.01 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 2,842

SH30382.02 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 3,805

SH30382.03 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 15,212

SH30382.04 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 28,467

SH30382.06 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 126,268

SH30382.07 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 230,700

SH30382.08 SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 200L 423,499

SH30382.LS SFM4MAb-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 15,468

SH30391.01 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,002

SH30391.02 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,126

SH30391.03 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 16,818

SH30391.04 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 31,681

SH30391.06 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 142,335

SH30391.07 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 262,834

SH30391.08 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 200L 487,764

SH30391.LS SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 17,203

SH30513.01 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,002

SH30513.02 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,126

SH30513.03 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 16,818

SH30513.04 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 31,681

SH30513.06 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 142,335

SH30513.07 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 262,834

SH30513.08 SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 200L 487,764

SH30513.LS SFM4MAb, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 17,203

SH30516.01 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 2,921

SH30516.02 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 3,965




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SH30516.03 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 16,015

SH30516.04 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 30,073

SH30516.05 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 57,387

SH30516.06 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 134,301

SH30516.07 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 246,767

SH30516.08 SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 200L 455,632

SH30516.LS SFM4CHO-Utility, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 16,336

SH30517.01 SFM4CHO-Utility MPS withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 7,982

SH30517.02 SFM4CHO-Utility MPS withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 13,088

SH30517.03 SFM4CHO-Utility MPS withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 58,362

SH30517.04 SFM4CHO-Utility MPS withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 111,918

SH30518.01 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 7,314

SH30518.02 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 14,627

SH30518.03 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 65,057

SH30518.04 SFM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 125,306

SH30519.01 CDM4Retino (powder), 1X5L 9,912

SH30519.02 CDM4Retino (powder), 1X10L 19,824

SH30519.03 CDM4Retino (powder), 1X50L 87,683

SH30519.04 CDM4Retino (powder), 1X100L 170,557

SH30520.01 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 500mL 3,302

SH30520.02 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 1000mL 4,734

SH30520.03 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 5L 19,850

SH30520.04 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 10L 37,752

SH30520.05 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 20L 72,758

SH30520.06 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 50L 172,845

SH30520.07 CDM4Retino (Liquid), 100L 324,009

SH30521.01 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,323

SH30521.02 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,688

SH30521.03 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 19,630

SH30521.04 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 37,304

SH30521.05 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 71,847

SH30521.06 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 170,450

SH30521.07 SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 319,066

SH30521.LS SFM4HEK293, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 20,241

SH30522.01 SFM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 9,624

SH30522.02 SFM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 19,246

SH30522.03 SFM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 85,140

SH30522.04 SFM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 165,472

SH30535.02 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 7,314

SH30535.03 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 14,627

SH30535.04 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 65,057

SH30535.05 SFM4MAB withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 125,306

SH30547.01 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,123

SH30547.02 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367

SH30547.03 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 18,024

SH30547.04 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 34,090

SH30547.05 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 65,419

SH30547.06 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 154,384

SH30547.07 ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 286,933

SH30547.LS ADCF MAb, WithoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 18,506

SH30548.01 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 500mL 3,123

SH30548.02 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367

SH30548.03 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 5L 18,024

SH30548.04 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 10L 34,090

SH30548.05 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 20L 65,419

SH30548.06 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 50L 154,384

SH30548.07 SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 100L 286,933

SH30548.LS SFM4CHO without L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 18,506

SH30549.01 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 500mL 3,123

SH30549.02 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 1000mL 4,367




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SH30549.03 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 5L 18,024

SH30549.04 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 10L 34,090

SH30549.05 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 20L 65,419

SH30549.06 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 50L 154,384

SH30549.07 SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 100L 286,933

SH30549.LS SFM4CHO with L-Glutamine,with /2.2 g/L SodiumBicarbonate (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 18,506

SH30550.01 SFM4MAb-Utility withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 6,929

SH30550.02 SFM4MAb-Utility withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 13,857

SH30550.03 SFM4MAb-Utility withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 61,710

SH30550.04 SFM4MAb-Utility withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 118,612

SH30552.01 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,243

SH30552.02 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,527

SH30552.03 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 18,827

SH30552.04 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 35,697

SH30552.05 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 68,634

SH30552.06 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 162,418

SH30552.07 SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 303,000

SH30552.LS SFM4MegaVir withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 19,374

SH30554.01 HyQ LS1000 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 50mL 5,974

SH30554.02 HyQ LS1000 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 100mL POR

SH30554.03 HyQ LS1000 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 500mL 40,116

SH30554.04 HyQ LS1000 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 1000 mL POR

SH30555.01 HyQ LS250 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 100mL 9,906

SH30555.02 HyQ LS250 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 500mL 42,530

SH30555.03 HyQ LS250 Lipid Supplement,ADCF (Liquid), 1000mL 82,289

SH30556.01 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 9,149

SH30556.02 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 18,299




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SH30556.03 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 81,053

SH30556.04 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 157,298

SH30557.01 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,263

SH30557.02 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,654

SH30557.03 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 19,453

SH30557.04 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 36,957

SH30557.05 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 71,166

SH30557.06 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 168,867

SH30557.07 CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 316,053

SH30557.LS CDM4CHO, WithL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 20,057

SH30558.01 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,263

SH30558.02 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,654

SH30558.03 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 19,453

SH30558.04 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 36,957

SH30558.05 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 71,166

SH30558.06 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 168,867

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SH30558.07 CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 316,053

SH30558.LS CDM4CHO withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 20,057

SH30578.01 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 11,437

SH30578.02 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 22,874

SH30578.03 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 100,943

SH30578.04 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 197,078

SH30579.01 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,699

SH30579.02 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 5,529

SH30579.03 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 23,828

SH30579.04 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 45,708

SH30579.05 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 88,670

SH30579.06 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 212,625

SH30579.07 CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 403,570

SH30579.LS CDM4NS0 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 24,783

SH30586.01 GS-MAX (Liquid), 100mL POR

SH30586.02 GS-MAX (Liquid), 500mL POR

SH30586.03 GS-MAX (Liquid), 1000mL POR

SH30587.01 SFM4MegaVir (Powder), 1X5L 9,624

SH30587.02 SFM4MegaVir (Powder), 1X10L 19,246

SH30587.03 SFM4MegaVir (Powder), 1X50L 85,140

SH30587.04 SFM4MegaVir (Powder), 1X100L 165,472

SH30610.01 Grace’s Unsupplemented(Liquid), 500mL 2,483

SH30635.01 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder, 1X5L 7,699

SH30635.02 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder, 1X10L 15,398

SH30635.03 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder, 1X50L 68,404

SH30635.04 ADCF-MAb Complete Powder,1X100L 132,000

SH30800.01 CDM4MAB without Glutamine(powder), 1X5L 9,149

SH30800.02 CDM4MAB without Glutamine(powder), 1X10L 18,299

SH30800.03 CDM4MAB without Glutamine(powder), 1X50L 81,053

SH30800.04 CDM4MAB without Glutamine(powder), 1X100L 157,298

SH30801.01 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 500mL 3,263

SH30801.02 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 1000mL 4,654

SH30801.03 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 5L 19,453

SH30801.04 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 10L 36,957

SH30801.05 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 20L 71,166

SH30801.06 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 50L 168,867

SH30801.07 CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 100L 316,053

SH30801.LS CDM4MAb with Glutamine(Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 20,057

SH30802.01 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 500mL 3,263

SH30802.02 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 1000mL 4,654

SH30802.03 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 5L 19,453

SH30802.04 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 10L 36,957

SH30802.05 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 20L 71,166

SH30802.06 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 50L 168,867

SH30802.07 CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 100L 316,053

SH30802.LS CDM4MAb without Glutamine(Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 20,057

SH30584.01 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2)(Powder), 50g 5,893

SH30584.02 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2)(Powder), 100g 9,823

SH30584.03 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2)(Powder), 500g POR

SH30584.04 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2)(Powder), 1kg POR

SH30584.05 Cell Boost 1 (R05.2)(Powder), 5kg POR

SH30596.01 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4)(Powder), 100g 8,114




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160 Call +91-11-45027000 Fax. +91-11-25419631 E-mail :

CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.) CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.)





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SH30596.02 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4)(Powder), 500g POR

SH30596.03 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4)(Powder), 1kg POR

SH30596.04 Cell Boost 2 (R15.4)(Powder), 5kg POR

SH30825.01 Cell Boost 3 (JM3.5)(Powder), 100g 6,406

SH30825.02 Cell Boost 3 (JM3.5)(Powder), 500g POR

SH30825.03 Cell Boost 3 (JM3.5)(Powder), 1kg POR

SH30825.04 Cell Boost 3 (JM3.5)(Powder), 5kg POR

SH30857.01 Cell Boost 4 (PS307)(Powder), 100g 11,531

SH30857.02 Cell Boost 4 (PS307)(Powder), 500g POR

SH30857.03 Cell Boost 4 (PS307)(Powder), 1kg POR

SH30857.04 Cell Boost 4 (PS307)(Powder), 5kg POR

SH30865.01 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F)(Powder), 100g 10,159

SH30865.02 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F)(Powder), 500g POR

SH30865.03 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F)(Powder), 1kg POR

SH30865.04 Cell Boost 5 (CN-F)(Powder), 5kg POR

SH30866.01 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T)(Powder), 100g 10,304

SH30866.02 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T)(Powder), 500g POR

SH30866.03 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T)(Powder), 1kg POR

SH30866.04 Cell Boost 6 (CN-T)(Powder), 5kg POR

SH30890 Cell Boost ProcessSupplement Kit (Powder), 6 x 100g 39,804

SH30861.01 SFM4Transfx-293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine (Powder), 1x5L 10,780

SH30861.02 SFM4Transfx-293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine (Powder), 1x10L 21,561

SH30861.03 SFM4Transfx-293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine, 1x50L 95,424

SH30861.04 SFM4Transfx-293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine (Powder),1x100L 186,041

SH30860.01 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,554

SH30860.02 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 5,278

SH30860.LS SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 x 1000mL 23,427

SH30860.03 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1L POR

SH30860.04 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 22,527

SH30860.05 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 43,150

SH30860.06 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 83,646

SH30860.07 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 200,751

SH30860.08 SFM4Transfx-293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 380,734

SH30859.01 CDM4HEK293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine, 1x5L 8,624

SH30859.02 CDM4HEK293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine, 1x10L 17,248

SH30859.03 CDM4HEK293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine, 1x50L 76,676

SH30859.04 CDM4HEK293 Powderwithout L-Glutamine, 1x100L 148,544

SH30858.01 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,142

SH30858.02 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,453

SH30858.LS CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 x 1000mL 18,972

SH30858.03 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1L POR

SH30858.04 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 18,920

SH30858.05 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 35,914

SH30858.06 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 69,127

SH30858.07 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 164,117

SH30858.08 CDM4HEK293 withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 307,016

SH30871.01 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 500mL 3,142

SH30871.02 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1000mL 4,453

SH30871.LS CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 6 X 1000mL 18,972

SH30871.03 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 1L POR

SH30871.04 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 5L 18,402

SH30871.05 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 10L 34,901

SH30871.06 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 20L 67,148

SH30871.07 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 50L 159,505

SH30871.08 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (Liquid), 100L 298,242

SH30872.01 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X5L 8,624

SH30872.02 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X10L 17,248

SH30872.03 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X50L 76,676

SH30872.04 CDM4PERMAb withoutL-Glutamine (powder), 1X100L 148,544

FMD Vaccine Medias

SH30377.04 MEM Modified with 3.8g/l,Phenol Red free, 4x1000L POR

SH30543.04 MEM Modified with 3.8g/l,with Phenol Red, 4x1000L POR


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E-mail : Fax. +91-11-25419631 Call +91-11-45027000 161

CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.) CAT# Product Description Size Price(Rs.)





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Serum-Free MediaApplications for HyClone Serum-Free Media can be found in many biotechnology fields, including the production of

human and animal biopharmaceuticals, diagnostic reagents and bioagricultural products. Due to increased

attention on producing biologicals representative of their native form, HyClone Serum-Free Media focuses on

supporting mammalian and invertebrate cell culture platforms. Some of the critical cell culture applications of these

platforms include the expression of recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, viral vectors for gene therapy,

and viral vaccines.These applications constitute the majority of biopharmaceutical research, development and

manufacturing employing eukaryotic cell culture. Developed through the Metabolic Pathway Design™ approach,

HyClone Serum-Free Media support superior performance in multiple cell culture platforms.This development

process produces SFM targeted to increase process yields for each respective cell platform.

Current HyClone SFM applications include hybridoma, NS0, insect, Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO), PER.C6®,

HEK 293, MDCK, MDBK, COS-7 and Vero cell cultures.The use of serum-free media provides many time- and cost-

saving advantages, including:

• Eliminating the need to pre-screen serum lots

• Simplified regulatory documentation

• Consistent media performance

• Reduced downstream purification challenges

Thermo Scientific HyClone Serum-Free MediaMaximize Cell Culture Production and Performance

Developed through Metabolic Pathway

Design™ to Support Maximum Cell

Growth and Productivity

Rapid Response Production™Customized and optimized prototypes for industrial

applications must be evaluated quickly to facilitate final

product selection and implementation. In research

settings, minor modifications of existing media and

reagent formulations are necessary to accommodate

specific goals and objectives. The Rapid Response

Production facility is a short-turnaround media

manufacturing service designed for the production of

client-specific media and reagents. Requests are

typically manufactured within seven days. The Rapid

Response Production facility is a non-cGMP media and

reagents manufacturing suite capable of preparing up to

200 L liquid lot sizes and up to 20 kg dry powdered lot

sizes. Liquid lots are packaged in 100, 00 and 1000 mL

bottles, or inThermo Scientific HyClone BioProcess

Container™ (200 L maximum) systems. Dry powdered

lots are packaged in volume-specific bottles or in bulk
