Child Sensitive Social Protection: Making Social ... · Child Sensitive Social Protection: Making...

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transcript Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Child Sensitive Social Protection:

Making Social Protection Work for Children

Keetie Roelen

International Conference:‘Putting Children First: Identifying Solutions and Taking Action to Tackle Child Poverty and Inequality in Africa’

23 October 2017, Addis Ababa Engaging, Learning, Transforming


The road travelled so far… Where next? Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Road travelled so far…2009: Joint Statement

Target 1.2: By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and CHILDREN of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitionsTarget 1.3: Implement NATIONALLY APPROPRIATE SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEMS and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Road travelled so far…

Family allowances in Africa:28 (out of 54) countries

with at least one programme anchored in national legislation

Source: ILO (2015)

Recipients of Child Support Grant in South Africa Recipients of OVC-CT in Kenya

CSSP encompasses programmes that aim to maximise positive impacts on children and to minimise potential unintended side effects. This includes both direct interventions (i.e. child-focused or targeted) and indirect interventions.

Source: Global Coalition to End Child Poverty (forthcoming)

Source: Stotsky, Kolovich and Kebjah, 2016, p. 27









2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Cash transfers in SSA

Source: World Bank, 2015, p. 10

Sources: Asfaw et al. 2012; Bosworth et al. 2016 Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Road travelled so far…

Source: World Bank, 2015, p. 51 Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Road travelled so far… and where next?

Source: World Bank, 2015, p. 51 Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Where next? – ‘Cash plus’

= components integral to cash transfer programming

= components external to cash transfer programming

LEAP in Ghana IN-SCT in Ethiopia

Source: Roelen et al. 2017 Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Where next? – Social workforce

Mozambique Zimbabwe


“we are sitting on heated charcoal and we have to jump” –Social worker in Botswana

Source: Roelen et al. (2011) Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Where next? – Complex realitieseconomic empowerment perceptions of child work

Youth Employment Support Programme in Sierra Leone -cash for work for 15-35 year old youth:

• Income and investment

• School absenteeism children 6-14

Source: Dammert et al. (2017)

Casual labour in Uganda

“My parents income is very low, we are always hungry and poor, I feel ashamed by engaging in casual labour to supplement family income” – Bernard, age 16, Uganda

Source: Bantebya et al. (2017)

Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme in Rwanda –public works for able-bodied adults :

“There are parents who choose to sacrifice some children for being able to go to work in the VUP. [...] These children stay home and are refused to go to school because they’re taking care of their siblings.”

Source: Roelen and Karki Chettri (2014)

Selling chewing gum in Ethiopia

“I had saved around 300 birr over the last six months. Then my mother got seriously sick. […] I gave her all the 300 birr for medical treatment. Now she is very well. I am happy to have done so; […] I would be sad if my mother did not get the treatment because of financial problems” – Bamlaku, age 13, Ethiopia

Source: Pankhurst et al. (2015) Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Where next? – ‘Missing children’

humanitarian settings

urban areas

children outside of

family settings

youth Engaging, Learning, Transforming

To conclude…

The Decade of Adjustment:

A Review of Austerity Trends

“Contrary to public perception, […] consolidation strategies are not limited to Europe, and, in fact,

many are more prevalent in developing countries. All of the

different adjustment approaches pose potentially serious

consequences for vulnerable populations.”

Source: Ortiz et al. (2015), p. 40trends in welfare spending in the UK

Source: Office for Budget Responsibility (2016), p.6

• Great achievements and exciting opportunities and challenges ahead• No complacency! Engaging, Learning, Transforming

Thank you!
