Children Are Smarter Than You Think

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Approach to Multiple Intelligences theory as a way to help a new generation.


An Approach to Multiple Intelligences Theory

New Times, New Concepts, A New Generation Able to Transform the


A New Education Must Help our Students to:

• Solve Problems in different ways• Be more tolerant• Learn Together• Help each other• Protect Nature• Be Critical• Enjoy Life• Be Creative• Use resources with care and responsiblity• Be Peace-Builders

Nowadays Problems

• Wars• Pollution• Famine• Injustice• Natural Disasters• Global Warming• Rain Forest Destruction• Animals in danger• Overpopulation

Smog produced by cars

Pollution and Famine

No air to Breath

What will we eat tomorrow ?

No water to Drink

Will they survive ?

You have, I don’t

Children At War

Do We have any Chance ?• We Live in the Paradise, but we are blind.• Economy is more important than Values.• We have forgotten the healing powers of love

compassion and forgiveness.• We don’t remember that Nature is our mother, and

all living beings are our brothers and sisters.• We have sold our entire lives for facilities.• Families are facing up huge changes.

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in

School.” Einstein

• “Qué jartera un examen de memoria!”• “SE AVECINA UN cambio en la forma como son evaluados los estudiantes en el

país.”• “También se revisará la norma sobre pérdida y promoción de grado. La discusión

prosigue ” . • “EL RETO MÁS GRANDE es que los jóvenes no traguen entero, que pregunten y

desarrollen nuevos conocimientos, sostiene la ministra de Educación ”.• “Los libros no deben ser la única fuente del saber. ”• La Educación de enciclopedias está “out”.• ¿será cierto que después del proyecto dirigido a la construcción de la paz, el

prioritario es el educativo? • “Estamos invitados a hacer un alto en el camino y pensar la problemática educativa

para replantearla con responsabilidad histórica y convertirla en el proyecto prioritario para Colombia.”

El Colombiano , October 5th /08

Education and Change

• Nations like Canada, Japan and Korea have shown than education has the power to transform economical, social and political realities.

• UNESCO recognizes efforts in Cuba and Chile and emphasises that a higher support to education will promote democracy , justice and peace in Latin American countries.

We Must Create The Hope

What Is Intelligence ?• The Capacity to understand, analize and

process data.• The ability to understand and produce oral

and written messages.• The ability to solve problems.• The capacity to invent.• The capacity of adaptation.• The capacity of improvisation. • The ability to solve conflicts.

Howard Gardner

Dr. Gardner created the Multiple Intelligences theory, proposing that there is not only one kind of intelligence, in his opinion what really matters is not how much intelligent you are, but they way you are intelligent.

Multiple Intelligences Theory

Basically, Gardner showed that there are different types of intelligence

• Visual Spatial: the ability to visualize relationships between objects or ideas in your mind.

• Linguistic: the ability to use words and language. Writing or talking about something so people understand you.

• Mathematical: recognizing patterns and number systems. • Body - Kinesthetic: athletics and gymnastics. This also combines elements

of drama and dance.• Musical-Rhythmic: the ability to recognize audio patterns and sounds, as

well as rhythms and beats. • Interpersonal: the capacity for person-to-person communications and

relationships. • Intrapersonal: the spiritual, inner states of being, self-reflection, and

awareness. • Naturalist: understanding the natural world and using this ability (for

example in hunting, farming or biological science).

Teachers’ Challenges

1) Discover which is our intelligence.2) Change our practices, preparing classes including

meaningful activities, and our students’ intelligences.

3) Develop class-projects, organize team-work based on different skills and promoting cooperative learning.

4) Believe in Ourselves.5) Organize study groups, forums, debates and share
