Post on 15-May-2015

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To shape our leaders mindset and we basically want to see leaders that sensitive and responsive to their people. We should be ashamed we have let down our children and those sick photos of starving vulnerable children routinely displayed on TV or other media is a gross indication of how we have failed them- Ivan Ukiwah



By Ivan Ukiwah For Project Peace

Wars are fought by lame, short sighted and visionless leaders with guns and weapons of mass destruction. Wars that never rains happiness but pours blood from riddled souls to outmanoeuvre defenceless people.

Children are the most vulnerable when extreme, unattractive and unpopular decisions are made by eccentric leaders with un-ebbing ecstatic appetite for wars and weapons of mass destruction.

Popularity is NEVER gained by gross abuse of power and dehumanization of your own people it is gained through good leadership, talent and achievement. Real, famous and popular leaders knew the straight and narrow path and worked hard to leave a lasting footprint on the hearts of their people. What we basically see in some parts of Africa and other forgotten corners of the world are leaders who pride themselves on corruption, and extreme violence. Wanting to leave their footprints using awkward and extreme violence. This is totally unacceptable and must not continue. I think it would be a profound mistake to allow such leaders to go unpunished , let us have the courage to stand up and shame such despicable leaders regardless.

Humanitarian WARS are fought by fearless, purposeful

people flanked by inspirational leaders. It is a

war which gives pleasure knowing you are making an immeasurable difference.

It is a WAR that can only be fought with hugs, kisses and love

Wish I had a DreamIt would be to laughTo smile and hug my friendsTo play and share my joyTo put smile on those huge expressionless eyes of children.To give hope to the hopeless A dream where the anxiety about humanity’s future is not centred on sightlessness of our leaders and weapons of mass destructionA dream clouded by opportunities and a spectrum of possibilities for childrenA dream to make the world a safe and happy place for children not a string of endless wars