
Post on 17-May-2015

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China's national flag was adopted in September, 1949.

The red colour of the flag symbolizes revolution. The large star symbolizes the Communist Party (which rules China) and the smaller stars represent the people of China.

"National Anthem of the Republic of China”

Mentions how the hopes and visions of new nation and its people can and should be achieved and maintained through the People's Principles.


Location: China is the largest country entirely in Asia. China is bordered by Russia, India, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau (semi-autonomous), Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Vietnam.

All About China

Capital: BeijingPopulation: about 1,321,851,000 (as of July, 2007). China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 4 municipalities.

Climate: China's climate ranges from desert to tropical to subarctic.

Major Rivers: The major rivers in China are the Yangtse River, the Yellow River, and the Pearl River.

Mountain Ranges: The highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas, borders China. Other major mountain ranges in China are the Ch'ang-pai Mountains, theTsinling Mountains, and the Nan range.

Lowest Point: Turpan Pendi (the Turpan Depression), 154 meters (505 feet) below sea level. It is located in northwestern China.

Highest Point: Mount Everest (8,850 m tall), in the Himalayas.

Development of Writing

The earliest examples of Chinese writing were found on oracle bones. Shang dynasty rulers consulted the gods through the use of oracle bones, animal bones and tortoise shells on which priests scratched questions for the gods. The priest applied a hot poker to the bones which cracked and then interpreted the cracks to see how the gods answered the question.

The Chinese writing system is not alphabetic like English. It used symbols for words called characters.  Each character stands for an idea, not a sound. The characters are read vertically in columns (down and up). The written language is not linked to the spoken language, so people all over China could learn the same system of writing, even if they spoke different languages.


Age of bronze began in China

Porcelain and painting

Terracotta Horses

Terracotta Soldier

Most Chinese culture was carried out in materials bronze, wood, ivory and jade.

With the arrival of Buddhism in China, were builtterraces, pagodas and temples.



Lama Temple

The type of Chinese architecture are civil, military and religious.

Triumphal arches

Beihai Park

The great Wall of China

The Great Wall is one of the largest building construction projects ever completed.

The Great Wall of China was built over 2,000 years ago, by Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China. In Chinese the wall is called "Wan-Li Qang-Qeng" which means 10,000-Li Long Wall (10,000 Li = about 5,000 km).

Typical clothes

The clothing of China has varied greatly over different periods of time. A variety of clothing for each time were printed in artifacts, art and photos throughout Chinese culture. Each social or historical period brought a new style. Unlike many other cultures, have not adopted the style of contemporary fashion until much later.

Festivals are events, that usually held by a local community, which centers on some unique aspect of that community.

Chinese New Year Dragon Dance

Chinese Lantern Festival

Cheung Chau Bun Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival


Buddha refers to Prince Siddhartha Guatama, an Indian prince who lived more than 2,500 years ago.

Buddha means "The Enlightened One", and by following the teachings of Buddha a person may overcome the craving of earthly pleasures and become enlightened.

These paths include the understanding of the Four Noble Truths, correct thoughts, correct speech, proper actions, the right work and efforts, the right state of mind and the ability to concentrate.

Buddhism has remained a simple and democratic religion through the centuries.


Chinese astrology is related to the Chinese calendar and cycle of animal 12 years, known as the Chinese Zodiac. This system is known by predicting the future based on this zodiac, the five elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Metal and Sand), the cyclical movement of the stars and the ancient Chinese religion.

Calendar for year 2010 (China)

Work done byMarta Vieira