China City of Beijing China City of Beijing by Jiwang Li.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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ChinaCity of Beijing

by Jiwang Li

• I am from China,Before I came to U.S.A,I had been lived in Beijing.

• Beijing is a great city,It is the Capital of China,It is also Center of politics, economics and culture of China.

• It has very long history,It had leaved a lot of scene of history,for instance  Tianamen Square, Forbidden City (Imperial Palace), Summer Palace (Imperial Garden), Great Wall and so on.

• Every year in China,The traditional festival has Tomb-Sweeping Festival, Moon Festival and Spring Festival and so on.

My name is Jiwang Li.

Tianamen Square

Forbidden City (Imperial Palace ~ Beijing, China

Summer Palace (Imperial Garden)

Great Wall

The End