Chinese and korean art before 1279 boundless ppt

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Chinese and

Korean Art Before

1279 CE

The Middle Kingdom

The Neolithic Age

The Bronze Age

The Qin Dynasty

The Han Dynasty

The Six Dynasties Period

The Sui and Tang Dynasties

The Song Dynasty


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• Art of the Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Middle Kingdom

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• The decorative arts are extremely important in Chinese art, and much of the finest

work was produced in large workshops or factories by essentially unknown artists.

• Much of the best work in ceramics and textiles was produced by Imperial factories

and distributed on a huge scale to demonstrate the wealth and power of the


• The two main techniques in Chinese painting are Gong-bi (meaning "meticulous",

and using highly detailed brushstrokes that delimits details very precisely) and ink

and wash painting (also loosely termed watercolour or brush painting).

• Artists from the Han (202 BC) to the Tang (618–906) dynasties mainly painted the

human figure, while the time from the Five Dynasties period to the Northern Song

period (907–1128) is known as the "Great age of Chinese landscape."

• Chinese ritual bronzes from the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties have exerted

a continuing influence over Chinese art.

• Large religious sculpture is nearly all Buddhist, dating mostly from the 4th to the

14th century.

Art of the Middle Kingdom

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Dong Yuan. Xiao and Xiang Rivers. 10th century

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Middle Kingdom

• Painted Pottery

• Liangzhu

The Neolithic Age

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Neolithic Age

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• Yangshao artisans created fine white, red, and black painted pottery with human

facial, animal, and geometric designs.

• Unlike the Longshan culture, the Yangshao culture did not use pottery wheels.

• The Longshan culture was known for its highly polished black pottery and the high

level of skill employed in the creation of this pottery.

Painted Pottery

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Yangshao Bowl

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Neolithic Age

• Liangzhu jade is characterized by finely worked large ritual jades, commonly

incised with the taotie motif.

• Other significant artifacts from the culture include its cong (cylinders) and Yue

axes (ceremonial axes).

• Liangzhu religious structures were elaborate and made of carefully positioned

piles of stones and rock walls.


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Liangzhu Jade Bi

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Neolithic Age

• Shang Dynasty

• Zhou Dynasty

The Bronze Age

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Bronze Age

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• The Shang Dynasty ruled in the Yellow River Valley during the second

millennium, BCE.

• Tens of thousands of bronze, jade, stone, bone, and ceramic artifacts have been

obtained from the Ruins of Yin.

• While many Shang royal tombs have been raided, bronze vessels, stoneware and

pottery vessels, bronze weapons, jade figures, hair combs, and bone hair pins

were found at the intact Tomb 5 at Yinxu.

• Chinese bronze casting and pottery advanced during the Shang dynasty, with

bronze commonly being used for art rather than weapons. As far back as c. 1500

BCE, the early Shang Dynasty engaged in large-scale production of bronzeware

vessels and weapons.

Shang Dynasty

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Tomb of Fu Hao

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Bronze Age

• During the Zhou Dynasty the use of iron was introduced to China, China

witnessed the zenith of bronze-ware making, and written script evolved into its

modern form.

• Zhou art borrowed heavily from the Shang, as demonstrated by the practice of

casting inscriptions in bronze vessels and the design of the vessels themselves.

• Zhou art was also influenced by religious rituals and military instability.

Zhou Dynasty

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Zhou Bronze

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Bronze Age

• Art of the Qin Dynasty

The Qin Dynasty

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Qin Dynasty

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• In the mid and late 3rd century BC, the Qin accomplished a series of swift

conquests, eventually gaining control over the whole of China and creating a

unified China.

• During its reign over China, the Qin Dynasty achieved increased trade, improved

agriculture, and revolutionary developments in military tactics, transportation and

weaponry, such as the sword and crossbow.

• Qin Shihuang, the self-proclaimed first Emperor, is responsible for the initial

construction of what later became the Great Wall of China, which he built along

the northern border to protect his empire against the Mongols.

• The Terracotta Army, consisting of more than 7,000 life-size tomb terracotta

figures of warriors and horses, was buried with Qin Shihuang in 210–209 BC to

protect him after death.

• Prime Minister Li Si standardized the writing system to be of uniform size and

shape across the whole country, having a unification effect on the Chinese culture

for thousands of years.

• An attempt to purge all traces of the old dynasties led to the infamous burning of

books and burying of scholars incident, which has been criticized greatly by

subsequent scholars.

Art of the Qin Dynasty

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Qin Empire, 210 BC

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Qin Dynasty

• Philosophy and Art

• Architecture

The Han Dynasty

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Han Dynasty

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• The early Western Han court simultaneously accepted the philosophical teachings

of Legalism, Huang-Lao Daoism, and Confucianism in making state decisions and

shaping government policy. However, the Han court under Emperor Wu gave

Confucianism exclusive patronage.

• During the Western Han period, grave goods were usually wares and pieces of art

that were used by the tomb occupant when he or she was alive. During the

Eastern Han period, new stylistic goods, wares, and artwork found in tombs were

usually made exclusively for burial.

• The Han Dynasty was known for jade burial suits.

Philosophy and Art

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Model of Han ceramic tomb

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Han Dynasty

• Timber was the chief building material in Han architecture. It was used for grand

palace halls, multi-story towers, multi-story residential halls, and humble abodes.

• Thatched or tiled roofs were supported by wooden pillars, since the addition of

brick, rammed earth, or mud walls of these halls did not actually support the roof.

Stone and plaster were also used for domestic architecture.

• Valuable clues about Han architecture can be found in Han artwork of ceramic

models, paintings, and carved or stamped bricks discovered in tombs and other



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The Gaoyi Que, a stone-carved pillar-gate (que)

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Han Dynasty

• Painting

• Calligraphy

• Art and Architecture

The Six Dynasties Period

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Six Dynasties Period

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• From this time we begin to know about individual artists, such as Gu Kaizhi. Even

when these artists illustrated Confucian moral themes—such as the proper

behavior of a wife to her husband or of children to their parents—they tried to

make the figures graceful.

• Xie He—a writer, art historian, and critic in 5th century China—is most famous for

outlining six points to consider when judging a painting, taken from the preface to

his book, The Record of the Classification of Old Painters.

• The six elements that define a painting are: 1) Spirit Resonance, 2) Bone Method,

3) Correspondence to the Object, 4) Suitability to Type, 5) Division and Planning,

and 6) Transmission by Copying.


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Luoshenfu Gu Kaizhi

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Six Dynasties Period

• Chinese calligraphy is a form of calligraphy widely practiced and revered in the

Sinosphere, which often includes China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

• The various styles of calligraphy in the tradition adhere to a general

standardization. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely

related; they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques.

• In ancient China, painting and calligraphy were the most highly appreciated arts in

court circles; they were done almost exclusively by amateurs, aristocrats and

scholar-officials who had the leisure to perfect the technique and sensibility

necessary for great brushwork.

• Paper, invented in the 1st century, gradually replaced silk. Original writings by

famous calligraphers have been greatly valued throughout China's history; they

are mounted on scrolls and hung on walls in the same way that paintings are.

• Some of the most famous Chinese calligraphers, including Wang Xizhi, lived

during the Six Dynasties period.

• Wang Xizhi's most famous work is the Lanting Xu, the preface to a collection of

poems written by a number of poets who gathered at Lan Ting, near the town of

Shaoxing in Zhejiang province, and engaged in a game called "qu shui liu shang".


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Palace Lady detail from Admonitions of the

Instructress to the Palace Ladies

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Six Dynasties Period

• The Six Dynasties generally includes the periods of the Three Kingdoms (220–

280 AD), the Jin Dynasty (265–420), and the Southern and Northern Dynasties


• Although relatively short, the period of the Three Kingdoms has been greatly

romanticized in the cultures of China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

• The Jin Dynasty was known for its miniature models of buildings used to decorate

the tops of "soul vases", as well as for its celadon porcelain wares.

• Literature was particularly vibrant during the Southern Dynasty and tended to be

flowery and frilly, while Northern Dynasty literature was rougher and more

straightforward. The Chinese arts of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and music also

reached new heights during this time.

Art and Architecture

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Jar of the Western Jin

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Six Dynasties Period

• Art and Architecture

• Figure Painting

The Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Sui and Tang Dynasties

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• From the Tang Dynasty (618–907) onwards, brick and stone architecture

gradually became more common and replaced wooden edifices.

• The earliest examples of this transition can be seen in building projects such as

the Zhaozhou Bridge completed in 605, or the Xumi Pagoda built in 636.

Nevertheless, stone and brick architecture is known to have been used in

subterranean tomb architecture of earlier dynasties.

• The tombs and mausoleums of imperial family members can also be counted as

part of the imperial tradition in architecture. These above-ground earthen mounds

and pyramids had subterranean shaft-and-vault structures that were lined with

brick walls.

Art and Architecture

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The Xumi Pagoda

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Sui and Tang Dynasties

• Figure painting reached the height of elegant realism in the art of the court of

Southern Tang (937-975).

• Buddhist painting and "court painting"—including paintings of the Buddha, monks,

nobles, etc.—played a major role in the development of painting.

• The landscape (shan shui) painting technique developed quickly in this period and

reached its first maturation.

• The painting of people also reached a climax. The outstanding master in this field

is Wu Daozi, who is referred to as the "Sage of Painting".

Figure Painting

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Yan Liben, Thirteen Emperors Scroll (detail)

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Sui and Tang Dynasties

• Neo-Confucianism

• Paintings from the North

• Paintings and Ceramics from the South

The Song Dynasty

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Song Dynasty

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• Advanced in landscape and portrait painting heightened the the visual arts during

the Song Dynasty.

• The elite engaged in the arts as accepted pastimes of the cultured scholar-official,

including painting, composing poetry, and writing calligraphy.

• Emperor Huizong was a renowned artist as well as a patron of the arts and his

court entourage included court painters, calligraphers, poets, and storytellers.

• In philosophy, Chinese Buddhism had waned in influence but it retained its hold

on the arts and on the charities of monasteries.

• Buddhism had a profound influence upon the budding movement of Neo-

Confucianism, led by Cheng Yi (1033–1107) and Zhu Xi (1130–1200).

• Different clothing styles distinguished peasants, soldiers, artisans, merchants,

scholars, and officials.


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Wood Bodhisattva

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Song Dynasty

• The shan shui style painting—"shan" meaning mountain, and "shui" meaning

river—became prominent features in Chinese landscape art. Distant mountain

peaks rise out of high clouds and mist, while streaming rivers run from afar into

the foreground.

• The Northern Song period (960–1127) was characterized by large, sweeping

landscapes, influenced by political ideals of bringing order to large societal issues.

• In contrast, the Southern Song period (1127–1279) was more interested in

reforming society from the bottom up and on a much smaller scale, and their

paintings similarly reflected smaller, visually closer, and more intimate scenes.

• The imperial courts of the emperor's palace were filled with his entourage of court

painters, calligraphers, poets, and storytellers. One of the greatest landscape

painters of the court was Zhang Zeduan, who painted the original Along the River

During Qingming Festival scroll.

Paintings from the North

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Snow Mountains by Guo Xi, located in the

Shanghai Museum.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Song Dynasty

• Trends in painting styles among the gentry notably shifted from the Northern

(960–1127) to Southern Song (1127–1279) periods, influenced in part by the

gradual embrace of the Neo-Confucian political ideology at court.

• Chinese painting during the Song Dynasty reached a new level of sophistication

with further development of landscape painting. The shan shui style painting—

"shan" meaning mountain, and "shui" meaning river—became prominent features

in Chinese landscape art.

• Southern Song officials were more interested in reforming society from the bottom

up and on a much smaller scale. Hence, their paintings often focused on smaller,

visually closer, and more intimate scenes, while the background was often

depicted as bereft of detail as a realm without substance.

Paintings and Ceramics from the South

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Song Dynasty ding ware porcelain bottle, 11th


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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > The Song Dynasty

• Three Kingdoms Period

• Unified Silla Period

• Goryeo Dynasty


Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > Korea

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• This period began circa 57 BCE to 668 CE. Three Korean kingdoms, Goguryeo,

Baekje, and Silla vied for control over the peninsula.

• Korean artists sometimes modified Chinese traditions with a native preference for

simple elegance, purity of nature and spontaneity.

• Buddhism inspired the Goguryeo kings to begin commission art and architecture

dedicated to the Buddha.

• Baekje Buddhist sculpture is characterized by its naturalness, warmness, and

harmonious proportions exhibit a unique Korean style.

• The Silla Kingdom was the most isolated kingdom from the Korean peninsula

because it was situated in the southeast part of the peninsula. The kingdom was

the last to adopt Buddhism and foreign cultural influences.

Three Kingdoms Period

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Goguryeo Moon

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > Korea

• The Silla craftsmen were famed for their gold-crafting ability, which have

similarities to Etruscan and Greek techniques, as exampled by gold earrings and


• The most notable objects of Silla art are its gold crowns; they are made from pure

gold and have tree and antler-like adornments that suggest a Scythe-Siberian and

Korean shamanistic tradition.

• Unified Silla was a time of great artistic output in Korea, especially in Buddhist art.

Examples include the Seokguram grotto and the Bulguksa temple.

• Bulguksa is a head temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism in the North

Gyeongsang province in South Korea. It is home to seven national treasures of

South Korea.

Unified Silla Period

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Seokguram Buddha

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > Korea

• UNESCO designated the Complex of Goguryeo Tombs as a World Heritage Site

because Goguryeo painting influenced a lot of art in East Asia, including the wall

murals of Horyu-ji in Japan.

• The murals portray Buddhist themes and provide valuable clues about the

kingdom, including its architecture and clothing. These murals were also the very

beginnings of Korean landscape paintings and portraiture.

• The inhabitants of Goguryeo wore a predecessor of the modern hanbok, just as

the other cultures of the three kingdoms. There are murals and artifacts that

depict dancers wearing elaborate white dresses.

• Goguryeo art, preserved largely in tomb paintings, is noted for the vigor of its

imagery. Finely detailed art can be seen in Goguryeo tombs and other murals.

Many of the art pieces have an original style of painting.

Goryeo Dynasty

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Goguryeo Mural Art

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE > Korea

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Key terms

• archaic Of or characterized by antiquity; old-fashioned, quaint, antiquated.

• artifact An object, such as a tool, weapon or ornament, of archaeological or historical interest, especially such an object found

at an archaeological excavation.

• bronze A natural or man-made alloy of copper, usually of tin, but also with one or more other metals.

• Buddhism The religion and philosophy founded by the Indian teacher Gautama Buddha.

• calligraphy The art of writing letters and words with decorative strokes.

• celadon A ceramic ware with a pale green glaze.

• Confucian One who follows the teachings of Confucius.

• Confucianism a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucious

(孔 Kǒng Fūzǐ, or K'ung-fu-tzu, lit. "Master Kong", 551–479 BC). Confucianism originated as an "ethical-sociopolitical teaching"

during the Spring and Autumn Period, but later developed metaphysical and cosmological elements in the Han Dynasty. At the

core of Confucian ethics were the selected virtues of filial piety, harmonious relationships, ritual, and righteousness. The

amalgamation of these ideas into a theological system involving earlier cosmological theories of yin and yang as well as the five

phases (i.e. natural cycles which governed Heaven, Earth, and Man) was first pioneered by the official Dong Zhongshu (179–

104 BCE).

• Confucius Western name of Kong Qiu (孔), an influential Chinese philosopher who lived 551 – 479 .

• ensemble A group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole.

• fu poetry A form of Chinese ryhmed prose that was the dominant literary form during the Han dynasty, in which an object,

feeling, or subject is described and rhapsodized in exhaustive detail and from as many angles as possible.

• grave goods wares and pieces of art buried with the dead that were used by the tomb occupant when he or she was alive.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

• hermitage A house or dwelling where a hermit lives.

• Legalism term invented during the Han Dynasty, Legalism was a utilitarian political philosophy that did not address higher

questions like the nature and purpose of life. Instead it was a realist reform-oriented philosophy meant to strengthen

government and reinforce adherence to the law, stressing that government had to rely on a strict system of punishments and

rewards to maintain law and order.

• Legalism A philosophy of focusing on the text of written law to the exclusion of the intent of law, elevating strict adherence to

law over justice, mercy, grace and common sense.

• Neo-Confucian Describes a moral, ethical, and metaphysical Chinese philosophy influenced by Confucianism; it originated with

Han Yu and Li Ao (772-841) in the Tang Dynasty, and became prominent during the Song and Ming dynasties.

• Neo-Confucianism A moral, ethical, and metaphysical Chinese philosophy influenced by Confucianism; originated with Han Yu

and Li Ao (772-841) in the Tang Dynasty, and became prominent during the Song and Ming dynasties.

• Neo-Confucianism A moral, ethical, and metaphysical Chinese philosophy influenced by Confucianism; originated with Han Yu

and Li Ao (772-841) in the Tang Dynasty, and became prominent during the Song and Ming dynasties.

• Neolithic The New Stone Age, from circa 8500 to 4500 BCE.

• Oracle bones Oracle bones are pieces of shell or bone, normally from ox scapulae or turtle plastrons, which were used for

scapulimancy – a form of divination – in ancient China, mainly during the late Shang dynasty.

• piece-mold A method of casting in which the object to be created is first designed as a model, and then enclosed in a clay mold

that can be cut into pieces to remove it from the model.

• pillar a large post, often used as supporting architecture

• Qianling Mausoleum Tomb site located in Shaanxi province, China. It is 85 km (53 mi) northwest of Xi'an, formerly the Tang

capital. Built by 684 (with additional construction until 706), the tombs of the mausoleum complex house the remains of various

members of the royal Li family.

• Qin Shihuang The self-proclaimed first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

• rammed earth A construction material made by compressing or packing earth (dirt).

• shaft in architecture, the body of a column; the cylindrical pillar between the capital and base

• shan shui style ("mountain-water") A style of Chinese painting that depicts scenery or natural landscapes such as mountains,

rivers, and waterfalls, using brush and ink rather than more conventional paints.

• Silk Road An extensive interconnected network of trade routes across Asia, North and Northeast Africa, and Europe,

historically used by silk traders.

• sinosphere Areas and countries that have been heavily influence by Chinese culture.

• soot Fine black or dull brown particles of amorphous carbon and tar, produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil etc.

• Taoism a Chinese mystical philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-tzu in the 6th century B.C. that teaches conformity to the

tao by unassertive action and simplicity

• Taotie The Taotie is a motif commonly found on Chinese ritual bronze vessels from the Shang and Zhou Dynasty. The design

typically consists of a zoomorphic mask, described as being frontal, bilaterally symmetrical, with a pair of raised eyes and

typically no lower jaw area.

• thatched or tiled roofs a roof built with dry vegetation such as straw, water reed, sedge, rushes, or heather, layering the

vegetation so as to shed water away from the inner roof, or with tiles.

• vitality Energy or vigor.

• Wang Wei (699-759) A Tang Dynasty Chinese poet, musician, painter, and statesman. He was one of the most famous men of

arts and letters of his time. Many of his poems are preserved, and twenty-nine were included in the highly influential 18th

century anthology Three Hundred Tang Poems.

• Warring States Period The Warring States period, also known as the Era of Warring States, is a period in ancient China

following the Spring and Autumn period and concluding with the victory of the state of Qin in 221 BC, creating a unified China

under the Qin Dynasty.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

• Wu Daozi (680–740) A Chinese artist of the Tang Dynasty, famous for initiating new myths in his artwork. Wu Daozi is

considered to be the greatest Chinese painter in the Tang Dynasty. He is also considered by many Chinese to be the greatest

Chinese painter of all time.

• Zhang Zeduan (1085–1145) famous Chinese painter of the Song Dynasty. He lived during the transitional period from the

Northern Song to the Southern Song, and was instrumental in the early history of the Chinese landscape art style known as

shan shui.

• zoomorphic Having the shape, form, or likeness of an animal.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Main text of a Tang Dynasty copy of Wang Xizhi's Lantingji Xu by Feng Chengsu.

Throughout Chinese history, many copies were made of the Lantingji Xu, which described the beauty of the landscape around the Orchid Pavilion and

the get-together of Wang Xizhi and his friends. The original is lost, however some believed that it was buried in the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of

Tang. This Tang copy made between 627-650 is considered the best of the copies that has survived. Located in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

The Gaoyi Que, a stone-carved pillar-gate (que)

A stone-carved pillar-gate, or que (闕), 6 m (20 ft) in total height, located at the tomb of Gao Yi in Ya'an, Sichuan province, Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220

AD). Notice the stone-carved decorations of roof tile eaves, despite the fact that Han Dynasty stone que (part of the walled structures around tomb

entrances) lacked wooden or ceramic components (but often imitated wooden buildings with ceramic roof tiles).

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Wikipedia. "Gao Yi Que2." CC BY-SA View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Model of Han ceramic tomb

A Han ceramic tomb model of a multiple-story residential tower with a first-floor gatehouse and courtyard, mid-floor balcony, windows, and clearly

distinguished dougong support brackets

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Luoshenfu Gu Kaizhi

Luoshenfu by Gu Kaizhi (344-406 CE)

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Wikipedia. "Luoshenfu Gu Kai Zhi." Public domain View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Liangzhu Jade Bi

Jade bi from the Liangzhu culture. The ritual object is a symbol of wealth and military power.

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Wikipedia. "CMOC Treasures of Ancient China exhibit - jade disk." CC BY-SA

_jade_disk.jpg View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Portrait of the Zen Buddhist monk Wuzhun Shifan (1238)

Portrait of the Zen Buddhist monk Wuzhun Shifan, painted in 1238.

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Wikipedia. "Chinesischer Maler von 1238 001." Public domain View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Song Dynasty ding ware porcelain bottle, 11th century

The making of glazed and translucent porcelain and celadon wares with complex use of enamels was developed further during the Song period.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Palace Lady detail from Admonitions of the Instructress to the Palace Ladies

In ancient China, painting and calligraphy were the most highly appreciated arts in court circles; they were done almost exclusively by amateurs,

aristocrats, and scholar-officials who had the leisure to perfect the technique and sensibility necessary for great brushwork. Writing and painting were

done on silk

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Wikipedia. "Nvshizhentu." Public domain View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Ma Lin, Listening to the Wind (1246)

Southern Song officials were interested in reforming society from the bottom up and on a small scale. Hence, their paintings often focused on small,

visually closer, and more intimate scenes, while the background was often depicted as bereft of detail as a realm without substance or concern for the

artist or viewer.

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Wikipedia. "Ma Lin 001." Public domain View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Yan Liben, Thirteen Emperors Scroll (detail)

Yan Liben was the personal portraitist to the Emperor Taizong.

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Wikipedia. "Chen Feidi Tang." Public domain View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Zhou Bronze

A Western Zhou bronze gui vessel, c. 1000 BC.

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Wikipedia. "Western Zhou Gui Vessel." CC BY-SA View on

Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Qin Empire, 210 BC

The coloured territories show the approximate extent of Qin political control at the death of Qin Shi Huang in 210 BC.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Dong Yuan. Xiao and Xiang Rivers. 10th century

Dong Yuan painted the rolling hills and rivers of his native countryside using soft, rubbed brushwork.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Detail of the original "Along the River during Qingming Festival" by Zhang Zeduan, early 12th century

Zhang Zeduan was instrumental in the early history of the Chinese landscape art style known as shan shui. Zhang's original painting of the Along the

River During the Qingming Festival reveals much about life in China during the 11th-12th century. Its myriad depictions of different people interacting

with one another reveals the nuances of class structure and the many hardships of urban life as well. It also displays accurate depictions of technological

practices found in Song China.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Snow Mountains by Guo Xi, located in the Shanghai Museum.

Guo Xi, a representative painter of landscape painting in the Northern Song dynasty, has been well known for depicting mountains, rivers and forests in

winter. This piece shows a scene of deep and serene mountain valley covered with snow and several old trees struggling to survive on precipitous cliffs.

It is a masterpiece of Guo Xi by using light ink and magnificent composition to express his open and high artistic conception.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

A Solitary Temple amid Clearing Peaks (晴), Li Cheng (c. 919 - c. 967 AD)

Li Cheng was among the great landscape painters from northern China.

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Wikipedia. "Li Cheng,temple boudhiste dans les montagnes." CC BY-SA,temple_boudhiste_dans_les_montagnes.jpg

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Wu Daozi, The Teaching Confucius (685-758)

The painting of people reached a climax under the Tang Dynasty.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Tomb of Fu Hao

With over 200 bronze ritual vessels and 109 inscriptions of Lady Fu Hao's name, archaeologists realized they had stumbled across the tomb of the

militant consort to King Wu Ding, as described in 170 to 180 Shang oracle bones.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Crossbow men from the Terracotta Army, interred by 210 BC, Qin Dynasty

The spectacular Terracotta Army was assembled for the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of a unified China from 221–210 BCE.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

The Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army consists of more than 7,000 life-size tomb terracotta figures of warriors and horses, buried with the first Emperor of Qin in 210 BC.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Picture of Qin Dynasty Arcuballista Bolts shown with Regular Handheld Crossbow Bolts, 5th- 3rd century


The crossbow was introduced in the 5th century BC and was more powerful and accurate than the composite bows used earlier.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

The Xumi Pagoda

This square-base stone and brick pagoda was built in the year 636 AD during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It stands at a

height of 48 m (157 ft) and has been well preserved since its initial construction. The monastery that once surrounded the pagoda, however, has largely

been destroyed, with the exception of a few structures.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Pottery Palace

Han Dynasty pottery palace created for elite burial, c. 2nd century BCE - 2nd century CE, Henan Provincial Museum, Zhengzhou, China.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Jar of the Western Jin

Jar designs of the Jin Dynasty often incorporated animal, as well as Buddhist, figures.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Northern Wei wall murals and painted figurines from the Yungang Grottoes.

The Chinese arts of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and playing of music found greater precedent during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, as their

sophistication and complexity reached new heights.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Longshan Pottery

Black eggshell pottery of the Longshan culture.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Wood Bodhisattva

A wooden and gilded statue of the Buddha (bodhisattva) from the Chinese Song Dynasty (960-1279), from the Shanghai Museum.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

A Han Dynasty Jade burial suit

A Jade burial suit is a ceremonial suit made of pieces of jade in which royal members in Han Dynasty China were buried.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Seokguram Buddha

Buddha at Seokguram in South Korea, World Heritage picture.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Goguryeo Moon

Goguryeo Tomb Mural

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Yangshao Bowl

Human-faced fish decoration bowl, 5000-4000 BCE, from Banpo village, Shaanxi.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

Goguryeo Mural Art

Ssireum, depicted on a Goguryeo mural.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE

The Zhaozhou Bridge

The Zhaozhou Bridge, built from 595–605 during the Sui Dynasty. It is the oldest fully stone open-spandrel segmental arch bridge in the world.

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Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 CE