Chinese Comparison Images

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Comparing China Before & After the Rise of Communism

Dynastic China & Communist China

Objective I can explain how life was similar and

different in Dynastic and Communist China.

Standard: Change & Continuity

Activity Instructions1. Open your Chinese History Activity Notes and

have the “Comparing China Before & After the Rise of Communism” section open.

2. Examine each pair of images. Record your observations about similarities and differences between the topic in each era in the correct Venn Diagram

3. Read the short reading from the “Comparing China Before & After the Rise of Communism” reading. Add to your Venn Diagrams

4. Complete this for all topics.

Comparing Leaders

Comparing Nature

Comparing Social Class

Comparing Literacy and Education

Comparing Women’s Roles

Comparison of Economies