Chinese Dream : a goal of Global China,Harmonious China

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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Chinese president Xi Jinping presented the idea of the Chinese Dream in 2013 which means the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Xi has described the dream as "national rejuvenation, improvement of people’s livelihoods, prosperity, construction of a better society and military strengthening." He has stated that young people should "dare to dream, work assiduously to fulfill the dreams and contribute to the revitalization of the nation. The Chinese Dream is about Chinese prosperity, collective effort, socialism and national glory. Actually, Chinese dream is a set of individual goals, national aspirations which has become a national vision to achieve better wellbeing in the 21st century, mostly termed as Asian century led by China. So Chinese Dream is a broader philosophy of achieving Individual happiness and success as well as a goal of national progress, prosperity and peace. A presentation by Muhammad Arif, Editor Nihao-Salam News(NSN)


My Understanding of Chinese Dream

Muhammad Arif: Editor Nihao-Salam News(NSN)

National Progress

Mission of China's new leadership

The Chinese Dream

Personal Success

Objective: Project new China with new spirit of global significance

The Chinese Dream

Strong China

Harmonious China

Beautiful China

Global China

Prosperous China

Peaceful China

The phrase of “China Dream” is used by journalists, government officials, and activists to describe the role of the individual in Chinese society

The Chinese Dream

“China Dream” is buzz word now

The Man behind Chinese Dream

1. Achieving prosperity for people 2. Happiness for Chinese citizens 3. Great rejuvenation of Chinese nation

Chinese President Xi Jinping presented this idea while attending an exhibition themed "road towards renewal" at the end of 2012.

Content of Success: Better Food, housing, educating, good health care, higher living standard

1. Better quality of people's life

2. Better family 3. Better job 4. Better opportunities 5. Better education 6. Better health 7. Better environment 8. Better future

Long & short term Goals

China Dream

1. China project, multi dimensional goal 2. Chinese have ability and potential to success 3. To bring people together to share a vision for

the future 4. It is harmony between modernization and

cultural heritage

Background of Renewal of Chinese Nation

1.Aspirational 2. Inspirational

New leadership's Mission

Building of "a moderately prosperous society in all respects"

Key Features : 1. Prosperous China: Creating Economic opportunities for all 2. Strong China: Social stability, national security 3. Democratic, China : Public participation in policy making 4. Culturally advanced China : explore new ways of 5. Harmonious China: peace, cooperation, mutual benefit for all

1.3 billion people, 500 million have been left out of poverty, while 100 million are still living below poverty line.

Important Years towards China Dream

China becomes World Super Power in 2027

China marks its centennial in 2049.

CPC- celebrates 100 years leadership in 2021

Hu Jintao's rousing “scientific-development outlook.”

Nelson Mandela has dream of freedom , prosperity

American Dream dream of individual success , prosperity

European Dream of connectivity, sustainable development, and Human rights

Big People, Big Dreams

1. Freedom in Material life 2. Freedom in Movements in country and across borders 3. Freedom in expression of views 4. Freedom for Public policy participation

Professor Li Daokui, CPPCC member ,Tsinghua University economics,

“The China Dream is to help people in China to be able to have more Freedom”.

China Dream and China’s Political Party

I. China will maintain modern identity: “modern socialist welfare state" and a

"responsible great power,”

II. China will remain faithful to its rich cultural heritage and own socialist identity.

III. China will pursue an independent foreign policy

China’s Global Outlook after Chinese Dream

1. Increase mutual cooperation with world 2. Help dealing with global challenges together 3. Work to make a contribution to global development 4. Respects diversity of civilizations 5. Enhance win-win cooperation for common prosperity

"Global China"

China contributed over 30 percent to global trade growth in 2013

China highest foreign reserves supporting to recover from economic down fall

China's has huge Industrial &manufacturing base

China will invest in High Tech Sector

China World’s second largest economy

Chinese Dream to benefit World

Shanghai Free Trade Zone

Chinese Dream to benefit World

72 Hours Visa Free Trip

China Opening Up

China’s Success Indicators

China has 5000 years old history

China believes in Harmony of World

China Ali Baba Group earned $5.7 billion in 24 hours on 11.11

China’s Moon Mission Chang'e-3

China built ,Three Gorges Dam, world's largest power dam (22,500 MW).

China lifted 500 million out of poverty in last 40 years

Tennis Star Lina Wins Australian Open

Chinese author Mo Yan wins Nobel Prize

Chinese Nation with passion for Sports

Chinese are Winning

Ang Lee's won Academy Award

Reviving Silk Road : Trade, Commerce, Culture, Civilization

Investment New Energy –Environment Friendly Culture

Chinese Leaders are in reconciling with World Leaders

China provides more peacekeepers to the United Nations than all four other permanent 2013

Future Actions

Mechanism to Realize China Dream

1. Initialized Reforms, policy Changes 2. Boosting Economic Growth 3. Anti Corruption measures 4. Steps for creating Clean Environment 5. Promoting Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship

Anybody can, through hard work and intelligence and perseverance, rise from the lowest level of economic society to great success. The American Dream has always focused on the opportunity for individual advancement.

Focuses on everybody rising together through shared sacrifice and work.

“American Dream”

"China Dream"

"Chinese Dream” and “American Dream”

Both dreams aim at building a peaceful, equal and more prosperous society.

Two Countries , Two Dreams

Chinese dream" is NOT set to make China overtake the United States and become the No.1 country in the world

“American Dream” "China Dream"

“Me" “US"

“Happiness" “Success"

Public Trust and Support

China’s impressive new achievements have only strengthened its citizens’ commitment to achieving the Chinese Dream

China will need creative ideas, talented people, potential business ideas, scientists, engineers, thinkers, professionals for future success.

China Dream for You

China is still far from becoming a strong trading nation as it is not competitive in the high tech sector, which is the key sector of the modern economy…

Steve Jobs, Whyte brothers, to create wonders

China is large and complex so China’s focus will not outward, it will be inward.

What will China Do?

Hegemonic or Harmonious?

Success of China Dream will be Harmonious

China is now Africa's largest trading partner

Prosperous China , Prosperous world

China promotes harmony in region, world

"Modern China", "Civilizational China“ "Global China"

China Integrates with World

China, US,EU economic partners

Chinese civilization Teaches Harmony of Life

•Pursuit of a spiritual and moral life •Reconciliation between man and nature, •Balance tin he pursuit of material wealth and the good life

Chinese Dream benefit all of Humanity



Thanks for Presence

Muhammad Arif


Editor Nihao-Salam News(NSN)

Keep Smiling

Dream &