Chitkara MUN 2.0 -- Volume 2, Issue 2

Post on 21-Feb-2015

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Statutory Warning:Reading this newsletter thoroughly may result in screwing up of your grammar, as the Chief Editor, Ms. XXX was absent from the scene. :D




Aparajita Paul (Vice Chair - HRC) - A word (or many :D)

Q: Nickname? A: Roma, Octopus (with reference to

late octopus paul)

Q: Relationship status A: SINGLE mom .certainly not

hoping to find one in CHITMUN 2.0

Q: What’s on your mind..(right now)


Q:Orientation A:straight

Q:What makes CHITMUN 2.0 EPIC this year?

A: the very thing CHITMUN 2.0 ..its second level.its

gonna be bigger n i personally have a fascination with

this 2 .0 way of comeback

Q:How would you like to cal ur MUN experience so far?

A:MUN helped me evolve as a debater and i have

learned a lot from it.a perfect delegate is an amalgam

of sincerity,dedication,researcher

Q:Looks like our vice chair was more interested in THE

GENERAL ASSEMBLY? Why be that? Any personal

reasons? *Wink*

A:i am a big committee person .i like the feel of diplomacy and the intellect the.but for me HRC Is equally good

Q:what would u like to do about human rights ?

A:I have started a foundation called “PAINTED SKY “ which works on the human rights n inculcating leadership skills in people.but

what i really think to be working on a bigger frame one really needs to have i big approach and have a lot of contacts and its a tedious

job but i certainly wish to take my foundation to heights and make a change

Q:Favourite past time?

A: sleeping

Q:Favourite Sport

A: football

Q:Favourite Object

A:pen and paper

Q:Fav music

A:classic rock

Q:Wildest fantasy

A:meeting a friend wearing fluorescent green hat having bells on it

Q:Future plans?

A:graduating from my college as soon as possible

Q:what are your future plans About MUN ?

A:I really would like to achieve a lot in MUN and learn a lot a more than i know though i just plan to go ahead with it until 4 th year

Q:what made u go fr MUN ?

A: I would like to thank my school principal for that. not aware about what MUNs were my principal forced me to participate in one

and thats wen i discovered my fascination about MUN and i enjyed the debate happening. So here i am today enjoying my mun jour-

ney all thanks to my principal

Q:where did you hear about ChitMun 2.0 for the first time and what made you apply for it

A:well i got to know about it frm my friend Krissna saraswat

Q: so what are your Expectations from the council?

A:i expect it to be a good obedient session where delegates stick to their rules and follow the proceedings properly .i wish to see a

good substantial debate and hope that the delegated enjoy every part of the debate and eventually i would like to see a good resolu-

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tion formed by the end of the session

Q:Mood of the council? ( Straight, Happy, Sad, Horny, Confused? )

A:the council will surely be fun .there would be a lot of happy faces to see

Q:Finally, do you hate yourself for not being a part of the EPIC Chitmun 1.. which was so EPIC that no one could ever get enough

of it?

A:yes i do, frankly i missed to controversies regarding the IP which took place in last year CHITMUN and hopefully i would get to

see lot more controversies this time

Q:Any last words?

A:i am looking forward to CHITMUN 2.0 and i hope its really fun



Q:relationship status :SINGLE .i don’t believe in relations

Q:Orientation: straight

Q:How would you like to call your MUN experience so far?

A: its been a very learning experience .i got opportunity to be in EB in my 6th mun which i consider myself lucky to be in EB with

that less of ive got hooked on to MUNs since then

Q:What makes u apply for CHITMUN2.0?

A: i have heard the first one was really nice and a lot of good people participated in it so i wanted to be a part of CHITMUN 2.0

and experience it

Q:What makes CHITMUN 2.0 EPIC this year?

A:an MUN is all about a good agenda ,research.ia good topic of discussion would make it EPIC

Q:what makes you so interested in HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL ?

A:because the topics of human roghts are of my interest and concern. Ive been writing articles for newspaper ‘YOUTH 360 “ and

these articles are related to people and and explotation and thats what my concern is to makes lives better

Q:Favourite past time?

A: watching TV

Q:Favourite Sport

A: i am not fond if sports

Q:Favourite Object


Q:Fav music


Q:Wildest fantasy

A:to be a single male traveller and travel across the world

Q:Future plans?

A:i would try to get admission in a good MBA college

Q:what are your future plans About MUN ?

A:i want to be part of an international MUN and on lighter side i want to get post of chairman too someday

Q:what makes u go fr MUN ?

A: as a delegate a good agenda and having lot of known faces around me

Q: so what are your Expectations from the council?

A: i expect a really good delegation and delegates are well known with their agendas and i want to see a good discussion

Q:Mood of the council? ( Straight, Happy, Sad, Horny, Confused?

A:I hope the delegation to be clam, nice but if the agendas are provocative then i can imagine lot of aggression but in no case i

wish it to be horny :P

Q:any advice of chairman and vice chairman?

A:I hope all of us get along well and have lots of fun.its easier to be in EB than being a delegate.

Q:Any last words?

A:i wish OC best of luck and lots of success and would want to see CHITMUN 3.0 .

Harsheen Kaur

USG—Human Rights Council


Day 2 (Sigh*)

The hot and happening HRC could be seen

loosing its ‘JIZZ’ today. But with spirits still up, a

high octane debation with charged arguments

from the beautiful nation of Australia, USA and


Ironically, USA (of all the countries in the world)

supported a complete freedom of speech, while

denying any straight answer on speaking of the

record for the IP on the suppressing of the

building 7 in the 9/11 attacks.

US again appealed to china (who has sup-

pressed my soul networking websites by the

way) to its obsession with porn, which was

lacked by Estonia, who said it was all suppor-

tive for any form entertainment to all.

‘USA is here just to take advantage of its own

nation’ -USA

‘Really?’ - Chair

‘Yes, obviously’ - USA

The vice chair spotted in casual jeans, was sur-

prisingly supporting s procedural protocol to be


With one draft resolution with signature from

Russia, China(the fatal combinations of Rus-

sian horses and Chinese turrets).

‘The delegate of China dances in the council’.

Rustam aka RUSTY


Delegate of iran has to be reminded again

and again that his plank card should be up-

side up..straight, I mean not upside down.


excited that she just fell on the floor…thank

god its safe..THE FLOOR I mean.

DELEGATE OF USA : The most (or the only

one) to speak here.



ON..)BY HER WORDS….When she speaks she

makes sure everybody is chucked away.

DELEGATE OF FRANCE: Confident but not

that appealing .

IRAN’S DELEGATE: The most accused one.


observer ( But dude, you are not here to

spectate but to speak.. It’s a DEBATE!)


and the best part is he is ready to accept that

with a smile (STUPID ENUF!! HAHA!)

DELEGATE OF INDIA: A bit comprehensive

and MUTE!

In all only 3 delegates are speaking , rest are

observing .Don’t know what.

Malini Jain



Chit—Pic v2.1

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