Chocolate truffles + a tired 5 year-old = A Million Dollar Idea

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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description Marketing Plans: If you’re in retail, coaching, design, marketing, business services or any other industry, these two words ask - What? and Why?, in the right way at the right time will guide you to your very own Million Dollar Idea.There was magic in the moment when we deliberately choose to put aside the regular old solution to our problem.


Chocolate Truffles + a Tired 5-year-old = A Million Dollar Idea

A Mom, a Daughter and the MILLION DOLLAR IDEA!

It Was One of THOSE Mornings…

My heart belongs to my angel 5yo daughter. She is the best thing that’s ever come into our life. As much as I love her, I am, alas, imperfect and patience is not my strongest suit. There are times, any of us who have been around children understand, that patience is a necessity – not just a nicety.

This morning was one of THOSE mornings.

I don’t remember what set her off, but she was upset! Usually, she winds up on the ‘happy toilet.’

(happy, because that’s when she can get off, when she decides to be happy again and the toilet, because toilets are NO fun to sit on, so it motivates her to get off faster!)

As I was saying, she USUALLY ends up on the happy toilet when the meltdown is inconsolable.

So in an effort to be awesome mom (at least momentarily) I had no idea I was about to be schooled

by my kindergartner.

I let her cry (sob) a bit as we sat at the breakfast table together. She cried and I just sat there – praying for help to know what to do, if you want to know the truth. Then it occurred to me…

–the MILLION DOLLAR IDEA spanked me right on my behind and I felt pretty sheepish.

As she took a breath between tears I would ask a what or why question. I kept my voice pretty monotone as to not add to the drama and to help her feel safe. It went something like this:

“Honey, why do you feel upset?”*sobs* “I’m frustrated.” *sobs*“What are you frustrated about?”

*sobs* “School is so boring.”(School hadn’t even been a topic of discussion until this moment in the morning.)

“Ok, what is it that makes it so boring…”

We’ll, she told me the ‘problem’ and now it was my turn to help find a solution! I told her I was sure there was something in the house that could fix this.

I told her we should take the special ‘energy chocolate’ on our daily commute and that she should eat it in the car just as we were getting to the school. I then concluded that we would decide when school was over if the ‘energy chocolate’ had worked or not.

That was it, the meltdown had faded into the far-distant past and she was ALL smiles for the rest of the day.

So What is the Million Dollar Idea and How Does it Apply to Your Business?

It’s asking What and Why in the right way…

When it comes to connecting with clients and growing a rocking business there is a time and a place that we need to be all ears –

really listen – then the ‘magical’ solutions come. As we:

1) Asses the situation, 2) Listen to the feedback and 3) Apply it to the principles we know from our given

professions, we will know the best ways to serve the needs of any current and potential clients or customers.

When your listening ears are on and you can ask What? and Why? you will find a great

solution for any client need.

If you’re in retail, coaching, design, marketing, business services or any other industry, these two words, in the right way at the right time will guide you to your very own Million Dollar Idea.

So, until the next meltdown, go forth and MAX that! Whatever it is, knock it out of the park and remember this lesson from a

5yo: chocolate is always magical.

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