Choose The Right (CTR)

Post on 27-May-2015

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Why should you CTR?Why should you CTR?

You should CTR because it will help you to succeed in life.

You will have a happier life.

Academic ChampionsAcademic Champions

If you CTR you are likely to become an Academic Champion.

An academic Champion does all school work given to him/her. And even makes time to do extra work.

That person turns in all assignment on time does great work on the assignment.

The Class MissionThe Class Mission

In Mr. Haymore’s classroom he has a mission for the class.

It is:

Work Hard

Work Smart

Work Together

The Academic The Academic Champions ClubChampions Club


The ACC is for Academic Champions.

Only Academic Champions can have membership to this prestige club.

But when they choose the wrong they are kicked out.

Graduating with honorsGraduating with honors

Being an academic champion will most likely get you in to honor roll.

And if you stay on the path of CTR then you will have honors through all for years of high school.

And most likely graduating with honors.

CTR in UniversityCTR in University

If you CTR in college or university then you will fly by their.

All you have to do in school is CTR and you will graduate.

Any and every University and college are looking for bright young adults.

So choose the right and you will be accepted into the school of your choosing.


What is CTW it’s the complete opposite of CTR.

CTW is choosing the wrong and you should never choose the wrong.

Choosing the wrong will never do any good for you.

CTR outside of schoolCTR outside of school

If you choose the right outside of school then you will always stay out of trouble.

You will be very successful.

So that’s why you should choose the right.