Choral Evening Prayer

Post on 07-Jan-2022

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Choral Evening Prayer

T In Nomine Jesu T

Pre-Service Music Benedictus Alec Rowley

Stand and face the processional candle at the back of the nave.

Opening Versicles

Phos Hilaron

Thanksgiving for Light

L We praise and thank You, O God, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, that You

have enlightened us by revealing the Light that never fades. Night is falling, and day’s

allotted span draws to a close. The daylight which You created for our pleasure has

fully satisfied us, and yet, of Your free gift, now the evening lights do not fail us. We

praise You and glorify You through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord; through Him be

glory, honor, and power to You in the Holy Spirit now and always and forever and ever.


Psalm 141 – LSB 245

C All ! Lectern (left) side @ Pulpit (right) side

Choral Psalmody O Be Joyful (Psalm 100) Benjamin Britten

O by joyful in the Lord, all ye lands:

Serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with a song.

Be ye sure that the Lord he is God:

It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves;

We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving,

And into his courts with praise

Be thankful unto him,

And speak good of his name.

For the Lord is gracious,

His mercy is everlasting:

And his truth endureth from generation to generation.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning,

Is now and ever shall be:

World without end.


First Reading 1 Peter 2:21–25

P O Lord, have mercy on us.

C Thanks be to God.

Choral Response Paschal Lamb, Who Suffered For Us Carl Schalk

Paschal Lamb who suffered for us,

Sheepgate guarding all your sheep,

Let us hear your voice which summons

Each of us, God’s will to keep.

Dead to sin through your great mercy,

By your wounds we are made whole;

You have gathered us from straying,

O great Shepherd of our souls.

Guide and guard us through our suff’rings,

Let us hear you call our name,

Knowing you as our Messiah

Who, for us, bore cross and shame.

In your vict’ry make us sharers;

Lead us now through sin and strife

That we all who share one Baptism

Safe may pass from death to life.

Second Reading John 10:12–16

P O Lord, have mercy on us.

C Thanks be to God.

Stand at the conclusion of the hymn introduction.

Hymn 847 Christ, Our Human Likeness Sharing


Cantata Du Hirte Israel, Höre (BWV 104) Johann Sebastian Bach

Chorus (Psalm 80:1)

Du Hirte Israel, höre der du Joseph hütest wie der Schafe,

erscheine, der du sitzest über Cherubim.

You Shepherd of Israel, listen, you who watch over Joseph like sheep,

Shine forth, you who are seated above the cherubim.

Recitative (Tenor)

Der höchste Hirte sorgt vor mich,

Was nützen meine Sorgen?

Es wird ja alle Morgen

Des Hirten Güte neu.

Mein Herz, so fasse dich,

Gott ist getreu.

The highest Shepherd takes care of me,

What use are my cares?

Indeed every morning

the kindness of the shepherd is new

My heart, compose yourself,

God is faithful.

Aria (Tenor)

Verbirgt mein Hirte sich zu lange,

Macht mir die Wüste allzu bange,

Mein schwacher Schritt eilt dennoch fort.

Mein Mund schreit nach dir,

Und du, mein Hirte, wirkst in mir

Ein gläubig Abba durch dein Wort.

If my Shepherd stays hidden too long

And the wilderness makes me too fearful,

My weak steps still hurry forward

my mouth cries to you,

and you, my Shepherd , bring about in me

A faithful Abba through your word.

Recitative (Bass)

Ja, dieses Wort ist meiner Seelen Speise,

Ein Labsal meiner Brust,

Die Weide, die ich meine Lust,

Des Himmels Vorschmack, ja mein alles heiße.

Ach! sammle nur, o guter Hirte,

Uns Arme und Verirrte;

Ach lass den Weg nur bald geendet sein

Und führe uns in deinen Schafstall ein!

Yes, this word is the food of my soul,

a refreshment for my breast,

the pasture, that I call my delight

a foretaste of heaven, indeed my all.

Ah ! Gather together now, O good Shepherd,

us who are poor and gone astray;

Ah let our path soon be ended

And lead us into your sheepfold!

Aria (Bass)

Beglückte Herde, Jesu Schafe,

Die Welt ist euch ein Himmelreich.

Hier schmeckt ihr Jesu Güte schon

Und hoffet noch des Glaubens Lohn

Nach einem sanften Todesschlafe.

Happy flock, Jesus' sheep.

The world is for you a heavenly kingdom.

Here you already taste the goodness of Jesus

and hope for the reward of faith

after a sweet sleep in death.

Chorale Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt,

dem ich mich ganz vertraue,

Zu Weid er mich, sein Schäflein, führt,

Auf schöner grünen Aue,

Zum frischen Wasser leit' er mich,

Mein Seel zu laben kräftliglich

Durchs selig Wort der Gnaden.

The Lord is my faithful shepherd

to whom I entrust myself completely

He leads me, his little sheep, to pasture

in beautiful green meadows,

he guides me to fresh water

to revive my soul mightily

through his blessed word of grace.


Canticle Magnificat Dietrich Buxtehude (attributed)

My soul doth magnify the Lord my God,

and now and ever my spirit is joyful in God who is my only Savior.

For he hath looked upon the low estate of his handmaiden;

Lo, from henceforth all men shall call me blessed, even every generation.

He hath shown me mighty wonders,

The mighty one, and great and holy is his name.

And his mercy is on all nations,

He is merciful now and evermore to them that do fear him.

He hath made manifest the greatness of his arm

And scattered the proud ones, even them of proud heart,

He hath put down the princes from high places, and hath exalted the humble,

He hath filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.

He hath holpen Israel, Israel his servant

In remembrance of all his loving kindness.

As it was promised unto our forefathers,

Abraham, and all of his children forevermore,

Glory to the Father, glory be to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit,

As it was in the beginning, is now and evermore, world without end, Amen.

Kneel Litany – LSB 249 The congregation is invited to sing the response in harmony, with the last note of the response hummed by all as the next prayer bid is sung.

Following the Lord’s Prayer, all stand, leaving the kneelers in place until the conclusion of the service.

Benedicamus and Benediction – LSB 252 Hymn 886 The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Has Ended Stanzas 2 and 4 may be sung in harmony.

Postlude Toccata in F Major (BuxWV 157) Dietrich Buxtehude

T Soli Deo Gloria T

A freewill offering for the future work of the Schola Cantorum will be received at the door.


Paschal Lamb, Who Suffered For Us Text: J. Michael Thompson, © 1997 Concordia Publishing House

All rights reserved. Used with permission. One License no. A-728163.

Office of Vespers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 CPH. Used with permission.



The Reverend Professor William Weinrich

Professor of Historical Theology

Officiant The Reverend Professor Paul J. Grime

Dean of the Chapel

Organist Kantor Matthew A. Machemer

Choir Director

Kantor Kevin J. Hildebrand

Soloists Jonathan Busarow, tenor

Daniel Eifert, bass

Instrumentalists Timothy Tan, violin

Alexandra Tsilibes, violin

Brian Klickman, cello

Seminary Schola Cantorum

Soprano Ingrid Appell

Lillian Hildebrand

Emily Johnson*

Lauren Kinne

Kathryn Peperkorn*

Alto Christy Burns

Rebecca Cichocki

Michaela Dub

Ruth Mussmann

Sara Pulse

Rachel Shamburger

Rebecca Souer*

Lauren Stoppenhagen

Tenor Benjamin Cunningham

Joshua Dub

Rev. Martin Moehring

Rev. Ralph Schmidt

Rev. Marsh Shamburger

Eric Souer*

Bass Matthew Kinne

Nathan Grime*

Oscar Matter

Ethan Stoppenhagen

* soloists

Future Events in Kramer Chapel 2021

8 November 4:30 p.m. Vespers and Organ Recital

Dr. Steven F. Wente

8 November 7:30 p.m. Hymn Festival

Seminary Kantorei

11 December 4:00 p.m. Advent Candlelight Choral Vespers

*SATURDAY* The Choirs of Concordia Theological Seminary

Music Program Donors (from the past year)

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, is blessed with hundreds of supportive donors to

the seminary music department and The Good Shepherd Institute. These donors’ financial gifts

support the rich and living tradition of church music at the seminary. We truly value and deeply

thank every individual, family, and congregation for their many and various gifts, whether large

or small. We join with the apostle Paul in addressing fellow believers with these words:

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer

of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership

in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3–5)

You are invited to become a donor of the Seminary’s music programs or Good Shepherd

Institute. Checks should be made out to Concordia Theological Seminary and earmarked

“Schola Cantorum,” “Seminary Kantorei,” “Good Shepherd Institute,” “Good Shepherd

Institute Endowment,” or “The Rev. Roger M. Goetz Kantor Chair Endowment.” Gifts,

which are tax deductible, may be mailed to:

Concordia Theological Seminary

Music Department

6600 N. Clinton St.

Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Mr. Grey and Mrs. Patricia Baals

Mr. Robert and Mrs. Judith Bascom

Mr. Ivan and Kantor Irene Beethe

Mr. James and Mrs. Elaine Beltz

Rev. John and Mrs. Kathleen Berg

Mr. William and Mrs. Carolyn Burns Jr.

Mr. William and Mrs. Nancy Bussing

Mr. John Buszin

Mr. James Crouse

Mrs. Katherine Daenzer

Mr. Kenneth De Young

Mrs. Lynne Eifert

Rev. Dr. Carl and Mrs. Claire Fickenscher II

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Tommy Franke

Deac. Lynnette Fredericksen

Rev. Prof. Charles and Mrs. Janet Froh

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Sue German

Rev. Dr. Charles and Mrs. Kristi Gieschen

Rev. Dr. Paul and Dr. Debra Grime

Ms. Diane Hartmann

Ms. Ruth Hartmann

Mrs. Dorothy Hendricksen

Dr. William and Dr. Jane Hettrick

Kantor Kevin and Mrs. Danielle Hildebrand

Mrs. Delores Hildebrand

Mrs. Virginia Hodnefield

Mrs. Joyce Kaldahl

Rev. Dr. Wilfred and Mrs. Lynette Karsten

Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Mary Klaustermeier

Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Betty Knauff

Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Mariann Koeneman

Mr. Darin and Mrs. Emily Koenemann

Mr. Steven and Mrs. Rachael Lange II

Rev. George and Mrs. Lois Lange

Rev. Richard and Mrs. Carol Maassel

Rev. Roland and Mrs. Janet Meyle

Mrs. Dianne Mischlich

Mr. Ronald Mueller

Deac. Nayva Mulder

Rev. Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Annette Quill

Dr. William and Mrs. Nancy Raabe Jr.

Rev. Nathan and Mrs. Barbara Rastl