Christ Church United Reformed Church NEWSLETTERand best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2016!...

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Minister Rev Henriette Wentink Church Secretary Stephen Gilburt Visit us online at

Christ Church United Reformed Church


SUNDAY 11:00am Morning worship (Holy Communion - first Sunday) (Family Parade Service - third Sunday) (regular service - other Sundays)

11:00am Adventurers (3 years upwards) 12:30pm Church Meeting (as announced - see diary)

MONDAY 2:15pm Friendship Club (once monthly - see diary)

6:00pm - 7:30pm BB Anchor Boys (5-8 years) 6:00pm - 7:30pm BB Junior Section (8-11 years) 7:30pm - 9:00pm BB Company Section (11-15 years) 7:30pm - 9:00pm BB Seniors (15-18 years)

WEDNESDAY 9:45am - 11:30am Joint Bible Study at Lancaster Road URC (every other week - see diary)

FRIDAY 5:00pm - 6:15pm Rainbows (5-7 years) 6:00pm - 7:30pm Brownies (7-10 years) 7:30pm - 9:00pm Guides (10-14 years) 7:30pm - 9:00pm Rangers (14-20 years)

VARIOUS DAYS 8:00pm Elders Meeting (as announced - see diary)



Expecting Christ In the Netherlands, people give each other gifts and little poems on 5th December, to celebrate St. Nicholas day. But when my son and I moved to the UK decades ago, presents became part of our Christmas celebration, as is the custom here. It made sense to me. Not only did it fit culturally, but I also believed it to be right theologically. What better time to give each other gifts, than when we celebrate the birth of Jesus? God gave the world the gift of his Son, to show us how much He loves us! Although theologians throughout the centuries have tried to explain the incarnation of Jesus in human language, it still remains a mystery beyond our understanding. And it does not stop there, for the vulnerable baby Jesus grew into a boy and became a man of many miracles. And it is the adult Christ, crucified for our sins and victoriously risen from the dead, whom the Church expects to return in glory with all his angels one day. This second coming of Christ (parousia in Greek) is what Advent is about (adventus is the Latin translation of parousia). Advent is a time to reflect - to get ready if you like, for the mystery of Christmas. We wish to welcome the little baby in our world. But it should never take the focus away from the other Advent, from Jesus Christ returning in power as King of the universe. We are a people waiting and longing for the consummation of time when the fullness of Christ’s reign will come about. During Advent and at Christmas, may you know the grace of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, who chose to come among us


as a vulnerable baby - the love of God the Father, who gave his Son to reconcile the world to himself - and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, poured out to guide and sustain us in a life of holiness and expectation. Wishing you a blessed Christmas together with your loved ones.


We are very sorry to report that Marion Wiley passed away on Thursday 5th November. Marion’s funeral will take place on Monday 7th December at 12:45pm at Enfield Crematorium. There will be a service of thanksgiving for her life at 1:45pm at Christ Church, followed by a tea in the hall. We are also very sorry to report the death of Eileen Sanders, mother of Chris. Please hold Chris and the family in your thoughts and prayers at this sad time. We were delighted to receive Sarah Harry into church membership at our Church Anniversary Service on Sunday 15th November. At the same service, Charlie Harry (son of Sean and Sarah) was baptised. Let us remember all our church family in our prayers and caring.


A very merry Christmas to all of our members and friends, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2016!


“Enter to worship, depart to serve”


Christ Church URC aims to provide through its worship, work, witness and mission an effective contribution to the spiritual and social welfare of the Church family and the

wider community.



The election of Elders to serve for 2016 will take place at our next Church Meeting, which is taking place on Sunday 6th December at 12:30pm. The induction will take place at the Family Parade Service on Sunday 17th January 2016, which is being led by Henriette.


Please note that from January 2016, Henriette’s day off will change to Thursday. Henriette will be at Bush Hill Park URC for Wednesday morning prayers and early on Friday morning, Lancaster Road URC on Friday mornings from 11:00am and at Christ Church on different occasions. If people would like to come and see Henriette, it is best to email her on or phone her on 020 8366 1284 to arrange a time and place in advance.


Meetings of the Joint Bible Study Group with Lancaster Road URC take place in the Church Lounge at Lancaster Road URC on alternate Wednesday mornings from 9:45am to 11:30am. Forthcoming meetings will take place on 9th December, 6th January, 20th January and every two weeks thereafter. Everyone is very welcome. For further information, please speak to the minister, Rev Henriette Wentink.

The next meeting of the Friendship Club will take place as follows, at 2:15pm in the Christ Church Hall.

Monday 18th January Organising dance competitions - Frances Bentley

Please note that the meeting on Monday 7th December has been cancelled due to the funeral of Marion Wiley,

which takes place that day.

There will also be tea, cakes and a chance for a natter at the meetings!

Everyone is very welcome to these friendly meetings.

‘The Lord your God will be with you

wherever you go’

For more information please contact Sylvia Coombs on 020 8363 3543.


MARION WILEY 1929 - 2015

Marion leaves the memory of someone always ready to help others. I best knew her as a friend, when she returned to Enfield and Christ Church’s Friendship Club, having been an Enfield resident as a child. She went to the County School in Enfield before moving with the family to the south of England. Marion was always reliable and dependable, a great help in keeping the club going over a long period of time. She loved meeting those of like beliefs and was always willing to help others in an emergency in the Friendship Club, stepping in to help if a speaker was unavailable. Marion cared for her mother until she passed away and had a firm belief in God. When she knew she had cancer, she carried on and didn’t let it deter her. She visited us at our new home in Towcester, with others from Christ Church, at the beginning of July, which showed her determination to carry on life as normal, while she was well enough. I will miss Marion as a supportive and good friend.

Lily Smith, November 2015


All are welcome at any of our Christmas events this year…

Sunday 30th November (11:00am in the church) Advent Sunday Service

Wednesday 9th December (8:00pm in the church)

North London Brass concert (in aid of Refuge)

Saturday 12th December (5:30pm in the church) Spirit and Life Baptist Church Carol Service

Sunday 13th December (11:00am in the church)

Christmas Nativity Family Service

Friday 18th December (6:00pm in the church) Girlguiding “Final Festive Friday”

Sunday 20th December (11:00am in the church)

Service of Lessons and Carols

Sunday 20th December (3:00pm) Carol singing at Bay Tree House

Thursday 24th December

(9:30pm at Lancaster Road URC) Christmas Eve Communion Service

(Combined service with Lancaster Road URC, to coincide with midnight in Bethlehem)

Friday 25th December (10:30am at Lancaster Road URC)

Christmas Day Service (Combined service with Lancaster Road URC)

Sunday 27th December (10:30am in the Church Hall)

Breakfast Service

Members of the 9th Enfield Rangers recently went white water rafting at Lee Valley White Water Centre, check out some quotes from their experience below: Katherine: Scary but definitely worth it. Karis: Awesome experience / adventure ticked off the bucket list. James: Phenomenally cold! Well that’s the polite word… Tracy: Exhilarating! Team spirit but no team work! Amy: Terrifying but fun. Venita: Amazing! Tamzin: I want to do it again.



On Saturday 24th October, Enfield Battalion held an Activity Afternoon for members of Anchor Boys and Junior Section groups in Enfield, Inner North London and Barnet Battalions, as well as Explorers and Juniors groups from Girls' Brigade London North District. The event was held at Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church, home of the 18th Enfield BB. The Anchors and Explorers did some crafts, cooking, bouncy castle, parachute games and team games, while the Juniors had a conkers competition, went on the climbing wall and had a team games competition. In the latter, the team from the 3rd Enfield were the overall winners, meaning they won the Enfield Battalion Junior Section Team Games trophy for the second year in succession. Well done boys! Our thanks to everyone who put a lot of work into organising the event.

On Sunday 8th November our Remembrance Sunday service took place. It was led by our friend Michaela Lawrence and during the service, the Last Post and Reveille was sounded and we took time to remember those from the church who gave their lives in the World Wars. In the afternoon of the same day, people from all over Enfield came together for the Enfield Remembrance Sunday Parade, which is organised by the Enfield Royal British Legion. Members of the 3rd Enfield Boys' Brigade paraded as part of the Enfield Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade contingent, which included around 100 members of the two organisations. The contingent was headed by a combined band made up of members of the Enfield Battalion and North London Brass bands. After parading to the War Memorial on Chase Green, a Service of Remembrance took place which included members of many local organisations, politicians and a large number of members of the public. Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Boys' Brigade members, with a two minute silence being observed in between, after which wreaths were laid at the foot of the memorial. Following the service, the parade marched through Enfield Town and past the Civic Centre, with many onlookers watching on.


October Church Diary REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY continued...

On Saturday 14th November, members of the 1st and 3rd Enfield Companies joined together to collect money for Children in Need in Palace Gardens Shopping Centre (Enfield Town). Despite a very miserable day in terms of weather, we are pleased to report that around £400 was raised for Children in Need. Well done to everyone who was involved!


On Saturday 14th November, Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade members from across London and beyond took part in the Lord Mayor's Show as part of the London Massed Bugle Band. The procession takes place annually in the City of London to welcome in the new Lord Mayor. Despite a lot of rain on the day, there was a large crowd watching the show and it was certainly a memorable event to be a part of!


On Sunday 15th November our Church Anniversary Family Parade Service took place in the church. The service, in celebration of 140 years since the opening of our current building, was led by Rev Henriette Wentink. We also welcomed our friends from Lancaster Road URC to the service. During the service the baptism of Charlie Harry, son of Sarah and Sean, took place, and we were also delighted to welcome Sarah into church membership.



There were also musical performances from the Girlguiding groups and Spirit and Life Baptist Church, and a variety of craft activities for the young people to have a go at!


Our annual Holiday Memories took place on Saturday 21st November in the Church Hall. During the evening it was lovely to hear and see holiday presentations from Sarah (Australia), Stephen (Russia), Sheila (Ghana), Pamela (Mediterranean cruise) and Sylvia (North East India). Our thanks to everyone for coming along, to the speakers and especially to Pamela for the lovely meal which we all enjoyed!

Lancaster Road URC is taking part in the Enfield Churches Winter Night Shelter Project for the Homeless under the umbrella of the Christian organisation ‘All People All Places’ (APAP). It is a church based ‘rolling shelter’ run by volunteers providing food, shelter, warmth and friendship overnight during the winter months. Each night of the week up to 12 guests are hosted by a different church. Lancaster Road URC will be hosting the shelter on Tuesday nights from 5th January to 8th March 2016. Admittance to the shelter is by referral only via APAP. Only guests with low support needs are referred as the project operates with volunteers rather than trained professionals. People with medium or high support needs will not be referred to shelters. There are rules for guests and they sign a guest agreement to ensure their comfort and safety. Volunteers are crucial to making the shelter work. There are a number of roles and each volunteer will indicate which job or shift they would like to be involved in, and which weeks they are available. A volunteer rota will then be drawn up by the co-ordinator who liaises with APAP and whose responsibilities also include ensuring someone provides meals for evening and breakfast; and getting team leaders for each shift. Each session of the shelter comprises of 3 shifts: evening (6:30pm to 9:30/10:00pm), night (9:30/10:00pm to 6:45am), morning (6:45am to 8:30am). Shift team leaders are required for each shift with responsibilities including allocating tasks to volunteers; taking key decisions on the day; supporting volunteers; ensuring bedding and towels get taken to the launderette; the communication book and getting it passed to the next church. Teams of volunteers



are needed for each shift or part of a shift, and tasks include preparing the sleeping areas and making up the beds (can be earlier than 6:30pm); setting tables; moving chairs; welcoming the guests and providing a friendly environment; overnight supervision (3 people - 2 men and a woman - who share the time in sleeping or being awake); serving food; washing up; clearing the beds away in the morning. Teams of cooking volunteers are needed to prepare and cook evening meals and breakfasts. What does it take to be a volunteer? Key requirements are anyone who can smile! is non-judgmental; can deal with situations calmly; is willing to take instructions; is responsible; and, most importantly, is reliable - must not be late! Knowledge of first aid is helpful, as is knowledge of homelessness, but not a necessity. If you are interested in volunteering at the shelter, please contact Beryl Woolley as soon as possible. Her email is, phone 020 8351 1089. A Volunteer Handbook from APAP is available from Beryl electronically or in paper copy. As well as volunteering, donations would also be welcome to help run the shelter. Things that could usefully be donated include toiletries, hot water bottles, new underwear and socks for men and women, gloves and hand warmers, and clothing. Cash donations would be very welcome as there are costs in running the shelter. The main costs are heating and laundry, and additional insurance cover. Beds and bedding are provided by APAP although more blow-up mattresses and sheets etc. are needed. If you can donate please sign the gift aid form to increase the value of your donation - many thanks.


The February 2016 newsletter will be published on Sunday 24th January (a week earlier than usual due to there being no service at Christ Church on 31st January -

we are at Lancaster Road URC instead).

Items intended for inclusion in this issue should be with the Editor, Tom Boorman, by Sunday 10th January.

Late submissions may be held over to the following issue.

Please contact Tom with any items to be included in future issues. Items can be received either in paper form at

Sunday worship, by email to or by phone on 07903 605 545.



Rev Henriette Wentink 020 8366 1284

Church Secretary & Serving Elder

Mr Stephen Gilburt 020 8363 0031

Church Treasurer

Mr David Fisher 020 8482 4610

Bookings Secretary

Mrs Pamela Mansley 07936 798 722

Worship Group, Adventurers & Serving Elder

Miss Rosemary Milns 020 8363 6571

Property Committee & Serving Elder

Mr Philip Taylor 07714 325 902

Serving Elder

Mrs Pamela Fisher 07775 505 999

Friendship Club & Serving Elder

Miss Sylvia Coombs 020 8363 3543

Boys’ Brigade - Anchor Boys

Miss Sue Bullock 07961 504 123

Church website/social media & newsletter, Boys’ Brigade - Junior Section, Company Section & Seniors

Mr Tom Boorman 07903 605 545

Girlguiding - Rainbows & Rangers

Mrs Tracy Rainbow 07971 171 511

Girlguiding - Brownies & Guides

Miss Vicki Stratton 07968 483 609

Facebook /ccurcenfield Twitter @ccurc

Website Email

1st - Pray for all those who suffer from Aids, on World Aids Day today. 2nd - Pray for France following the recent terror attacks. 3rd - Give thanks for the youth work in the local area that the 3rd Enfield Boys’ Brigade has provided over exactly 125 years and counting. 4th - Pray for the Rainbows and Brownies as they meet in the hall this evening. 5th - Pray for a successful evening as the 3rd Enfield Boys’ Brigade holds its 125th Anniversary social event. 6th - Pray for God’s guidance at our Church Meeting, which takes place following morning worship. 7th - Give thanks for the life of our friend Marion Wiley as her funeral takes place today. 8th - Pray for all those affected by the air disaster in Egypt. 9th - Pray for tonight’s North London Brass Christmas concert in the church. 10th - Pray for the external groups who hire our premises. 11th - Pray for the Guides and Rangers as they meet today. 12th - Pray for our friends from Spirit and Life Baptist Church as they hold their Carol Service in the church this evening. 13th - Pray for the young people who are taking part in our Christmas Nativity this morning. 14th - Pray for the Boys’ Brigade groups as they hold their Christmas Party this evening. 15th - Pray for the residents and staff of Bay Tree House. 16th - Pray for peace in areas of the world where there is conflict. 17th - Pray for the children and staff of Chase Side Primary School. 18th - Pray for the Girlguiding groups as they hold their “Final Festive Friday” in the church this evening. 19th - Pray for our friends from Lancaster Road and Bush Hill Park URCs.


20th - Pray for all those who are taking part in our Service of Lessons and Carols this morning. 21st - Pray that people will take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. 22nd - Pray for Henriette, our minister. 23rd - Pray for those who spend Christmas time alone. 24th - Christmas Eve: Pray for our combined Communion Service with Lancaster Road URC. 25th - Christmas Day: Give thanks for the birth of a Saviour! 26th - Pray for all those who are spending time with friends and family over the Christmas period. 27th - Pray for our Breakfast Service, which takes place this morning in the hall. 28th - Pray for missionaries who work to spread the Word of God around the world. 29th - Pray for the residents in and around Chase Side. 30th - Pray for our Government and that they will take decisions in the best interests of all in 2016 and beyond. 31st - Give thanks to God for what He has done in 2015.

PRAYER DIARY DECEMBER 2015 continued...

1st - Pray for God’s guidance in your life over this year. 2nd - Pray for all children and young people who are preparing to return to school in the coming days. 3rd - Pray for our Communion service and for Terry Silvey, who is leading us this morning. 4th - Pray for the Anchor Boys as they meet in the hall this evening. 5th - Pray for Lancaster Road URC as they begin to host the Enfield Winter Night Shelter on Tuesdays from today. 6th - Pray for the Joint Bible Study Group as they meet in the Church Lounge at Lancaster Road URC this morning. 7th - Pray for those who will be leading worship at


Christ Church over the coming year. 8th - Pray for the Rainbows as they meet this evening. 9th - Pray for our Church Elders. 10th - Pray for the Adventurers and that more children may be encouraged to join the group. 11th - Pray for the Junior Section as they meet today. 12th - Pray for the work of Property Committee. 13th - Pray for those who are unemployed and seek work. 14th - Pray for the local businesses in the area. 15th - Pray for the Brownies as they meet this evening. 16th - Pray for today’s Vision Day at the church. 17th - Pray for our Family Parade Service and Induction of Elders this morning and for Henriette, who is leading it. 18th - Pray for the Friendship Club as they meet today. 19th - Pray for all those who are unable to join us at church events through sickness or ill health. 20th - Pray for the Joint Bible Study Group as they meet today at Lancaster Road URC. 21st - Pray for the local community around the church. 22nd - Pray for the Guides as they meet today. 23rd - Pray for the 3rd Enfield Boys’ Brigade as they hold their Quiz Night in the hall today. 24th - Pray for the Enfield Town & Forty Hill and North West Enfield Groups of Churches as they worship together this afternoon at Enfield Baptist Church. 25th - Pray for the Company Section and Seniors as they meet in the hall this evening. 26th - Pray for the staff of Chase Farm Hospital. 27th - Pray for the work of Christian charities worldwide. 28th - Pray for the wider United Reformed Church. 29th - Pray for the Rangers as they meet this evening. 30th - Pray for those who suffer struggles in their faith 31st - Pray for the North Enfield Group of URCs as we join together for worship at Lancaster Road URC this morning.

PRAYER DIARY JANUARY 2016 continued...

October Church Diary CHURCH DIARY DECEMBER 2015

Saturday 5th December 7:00pm 3rd Enfield Boys’ Brigade 125th Anniversary social event (at Holtwhites Sports & Social Club) Sunday 6th December 11:00am Rev Henriette Wentink Holy Communion (offering for the Bible Society) Duty Elder - Philip Taylor Sunday 6th December 12:30pm Church Meeting Wednesday 9th December 9:45am - 11:30am Joint Bible Study Group with Lancaster Road URC Wednesday 9th December 8:00pm North London Brass concert (in aid of Refuge) Sunday 13th December 11:00am The Worship Group Family Service (Christmas Nativity) Duty Elder - Rosemary Milns Sunday 13th December 3:00pm Carol singing at Bay Tree House Friday 18th December 6:00pm Girlguiding “Final Festive Friday” Sunday 20th December 11:00am The Worship Group Service of Lessons and Carols Duty Elder - Stephen Gilburt

Thursday 24th December 9:30pm Rev Henriette Wentink Christmas Eve Communion Service (Combined service with Lancaster Road URC at Lancaster Road, to coincide with midnight in Bethlehem) Friday 25th December 10:30am Rev Henriette Wentink Christmas Day Service (Combined service with Lancaster Road URC at Lancaster Road) Sunday 27th December 10:30am The Worship Group Breakfast Service Duty Elder - Worship Group members

CHURCH DIARY DECEMBER 2015 continued...

October Church Diary CHURCH DIARY JANUARY 2016

Sunday 3rd January 11:00am Mr Terry Silvey Holy Communion (offering for the Communion Fund) Duty Elder - TBC Wednesday 6th January 9:45am - 11:30am Joint Bible Study Group with Lancaster Road URC Sunday 10th January 11:00am The Worship Group Duty Elder - TBC Saturday 16th January TBC Church Vision Day

October Church Diary CHURCH DIARY JANUARY 2016 continued...

Sunday 17th January 11:00am Rev Henriette Wentink Family Parade Service and Induction of Elders Duty Elder - TBC Monday 18th January 2:15pm Friendship Club Organising dance competitions - Frances Bentley Wednesday 20th January 9:45am - 11:30am Joint Bible Study Group with Lancaster Road URC Saturday 23rd January 6:30pm 3rd Enfield Boys’ Brigade 125th Anniversary Quiz Night Sunday 24th January 11:00am Mrs Jill Nugent Duty Elder - TBC Sunday 24th January 4:00pm United Service for the Enfield Town & Forty Hill and North West Enfield Groups of Churches (at Enfield Baptist Church) Sunday 31st January 11:00am Rev Henriette Wentink United Service for the North Enfield Group of URCs (at Lancaster Road URC, no service at Christ Church)

October Church Diary CHURCH DIARY FEBRUARY 2016

Wednesday 3rd February 9:45am - 11:30am Joint Bible Study Group with Lancaster Road URC


Adventurers is the name of the Junior Church at Christ Church and is for boys and girls aged 3 upwards.

The group meets for games, drama, craft, activities and fun, based around a Bible theme.

The group meets on Sundays at 11:00am in the church

for the all age part of the service, and then moves to the hall until 12:00pm.

Further information can be obtained from

Rosemary Milns on 020 8363 6571.

Chase Side, Enfield, EN2 6NJ Website:

Twitter: @ccurc Facebook: /ccurcenfield

The Christ Church newsletter is published monthly (except for combined issues in July/August and December/January).

Back issues dating back to 2007 can be found on our website, as well as recordings of talks from our Sunday services

dating back to 2010.

Christ Church URC is a part of the North West Enfield Group of Churches and the

North Enfield Group of URCs.

Cover image ©