Post on 19-Jul-2018

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Thoughts from the Editor 3

A Word from the Chair 4

Conference ‘18 Update 6

Conference ’18 Wednesday Lecturers (OMGosh!) 8

God’s Plan for Saving the World 11

South East Regionals 14

Nemo’s Regeneration 16

Christmas Present Magic 20

The False Transfer 23

Bible Number 25

Bottle (or Other Item) from Empty Christmas

Stocking 30

‘Readers’ Proverbs 32

Contacts 34


Thoughts From The Editor (Adrian)

Have you ever had those moments when

you’re in a group or training session, or

maybe a magic lecture and someone asks if

‘Everyone is familiar with the ‘Elmsley

Count’, or the ‘False Transfer’ or some other

term or move?’ Everyone nods, ‘yes, of

course we are’, and yet in our heads (and here’s me putting myself

out on a limb here) we’re thinking ‘What’s an Elmsley Count ‘or

‘what does he or she mean by a ‘false/fake transfer’’.

One of the key things I noticed at Conference ‘17 is that there’s a

whole mixed bag of experience, skill and use of magic. Many

members are what you might call, ‘assembly magicians’ whose

primary use of magic is to illustrate the gospel or get the

children’s attention in youth club, assembly or all-age spot or

whatever your church calls it. Some of us are full-time magicians

performing in all manner of environments to pay our mortgages as

well as sharing the Gospel. Others are somewhere between those

levels, some are starting magic for the first time. But here’s the

thing, we all started somewhere. And at some point on our

magical journey we didn't know what an Elmsley from a double lift

or false transfer was. That’s why I’ll be adding some basic

‘instructions’ in Voila when someone, including me, uses one of

those phrases. If you know what it is, great, skip that bit; if you

don’t, then fill your boots (I might do the Elmsley Count next

edition); anyone got a good gospel trick using it?


I still have loads to learn and I always get something from lectures

or YouTube clips, whether it’s revised handling, or the way

something is said, a comic line, an additional step to your routine,

even great business advice. And, if you’re lucky, confirmation that

you’re doing something right! There’s n such thing as a stupid


Never forget, we’re in this together. It’s not about our egos, it’s

about Him; glorifying our Lord, bringing heaven to earth and

introducing people to Jesus in all that we do and say.

“The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will

hear today”

― Francis of Assisi

May God bless you and keep you motivated in your ministry.


A Word From The Chair

Barry Birchall

The committee met on 4th November. One of our jobs was to finalize the conference plan, in the main it’s all there but I do have to chat with a few people first and then I’ll get the plan on the Website.

The good news is that I can confirm we have our main lecturers:

Dr Matt Pritchard, Nathan Ward, Joe Ridgley, Ben Earl and Andi Gladwin.

Also on board in other areas:


Simon Williams, Adrian Ward and Mark Shortland

But keep your eye on Facebook and the Website for updates.

Charity application:

We now have the papers finalized for our second charity application, we need to get that over to Reg Bailey who will advise as to its suitability. However due to a couple of rule or constitution changes/amendments we can’t submit the application until after the AGM in February 2018.


The trustee positions of: Treasurer, Chair, Membership Secretary, Vice Chair and secretary are all up for election at the next AGM, therefor we invite application from the membership for any of the posts, and they will go to a membership vote at the AGM. All applications need to be in by 31st December 2017

We already have applications for the positions of Treasurer, Chair, Membership Secretary, Vice Chair but please don’t let that put you off applying.

We don’t have any applications for the role of secretary, a role that we can’t function without. It’s crucial that will have at least one application for that.

We will also have a vacancy for Media Rep (non-trustee). The role is to oversee our advertising, promoting our events with other clubs, websites like ‘Magicweek’ and promoting us on Social Media i.e. Facebook etc. Austin has already made some good contacts via email etc. it’s a job that can be done at home so you don’t have to travel about. Please let me know if you’re interested or even know someone that you think will fit the bill.

I just want to say thank you to all the “committee”. It’s through their dedication and hard work that we can continue to function


Conference 2018 Jean French Hello Everyone.

As I write this, it’s 2nd October 2017 and from today you have 133 sleeps until you will be travelling to conference. Or maybe not, if you haven’t booked!

Well there is still time to book just go to the website,,

fill in the form and you will be booked in; as easy as that. Conference is 12th to 16th February 2018 and we will be at High Leigh Conference Centre again.

Some of you may have picked up from Baz’s letter in the August Voila that Bernie and I are stepping down from the committee. There are pangs of sadness about this as we believe in this organisation and have thoroughly enjoyed serving on the committee in many roles. Bernie has been Welfare Officer and then worship co-ordinator / leader and I have been Conference Host since being elected on to committee in 2011. I have personally loved every minute of being involved if you haven’t

as the Christian Magicians UK. Also, massive thanks to the members that travelled with us from the FCMUK, we are nothing without you guys so thanks for having faith in us.



realised yet, I love the role of hospitality and, being Conference Host gave me every opportunity to exercise that, not least the Gala Dinners! But also looking after you all and making sure you were all taken care of to the best of my ability. As you can imagine, it was a hard

decision to make but we feel that the time is right; it is the end of God’s season for us in these roles and time to let someone else have a go. Don’t worry though, you have not got rid of us yet and we will both be there in our present roles until the end of February’s conference.

In other news, we have finally sold our house. We have chosen a house in Clayton-Le-Moors just outside Clitheroe in Lancashire and hope to be moved in in time for Christmas. A LOT FURTHER TO TRAVEL TO CONFERENCE!!!

If you have been keeping up with conference news on the website you will see we are busy booking speakers and organising the programme, by the time you get this edition of Voila we should have all speakers, workshops etc. confirmed, and you will be able to read all about it and plan your week.

Please remember, I am still your Conference Host for 2018 and if there is anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable and enjoy conference more please don’t hesitate to contact me.

133 sleeps and we will all be going crazy again!!! Hopefully I will see you there, sorry those of you who have a different half term and can’t make it; we will miss you!!


CONFERENCEGuest Lecturers


CONFERENCE Guest Lecturers


Conference Update: 5th November 2017

Hi Everyone, yesterday we had our final planning meeting for our 2018 conference. As you will see from other people’s contributions we have some great lecturers coming; as always, we will be inviting the public in on the Thursday evening. In previous years we have asked for volunteers to entertain people with some close-up magic before they go downstairs for the show. If you feel this is something you can do then please bring your equipment with you ready to amaze and astound our guests.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you there, if you haven't booked yet then check it out on the website

God Bless

Jean French. Christian Magicians UK Conference Host



Brian Mitchell (Original routine by Duane Larkin)

(Baz, you might want to skip this one!)


A bag is shown empty. Two silks are placed into it. They are apparently transformed into a black and white picture silk of Jesus in the manger. Then colourful silks are produced from the bag to illustrate how Jesus is wonderful, counsellor, mighty God, everlasting Father and

prince of peace. Finally, a full colour picture of Jesus Christ is produced to emphasise that Jesus is Lord.

Needed : one 12" black and one 12" white silk , one 18" manger silk (The manger silk can be made by downloading a copyright free black and white image of Jesus in the manger printing it off placing a white silk over it and tracing it onto the silk with a black sharpie), five 9" different coloured silks and one full colour 18" Jesus silk. You will also need a change bag.

Set up:

Load one chamber of the change bag as follows. On the bottom the full colour Jesus silk, tie the 5 coloured silks together and set them on top of the Jesus silk, place the manger silk on top of the


coloured silks, then place the black and white silks on top of the stack. Switch the bag so that it can be shown empty and you're ready to go.

Presentation idea.

Show the bag empty.

Comment about the prophet Isaiah writing in the time of danger and despair (Isaiah 9:6-7) like the bag is empty so the people were wondering if the future held victory and salvation for them or was it empty of all hope?

There was hope. God had a plan for bringing salvation and victory to the world. The plan was revealed to Isaiah and strangely enough the plan began with these words. "For to us a child is born, unto us a son is given" (Isaiah 9:6).

(Reach into the bag and produce the 12" black and white silks. Hold up each one as you comment on the plan centred on a baby). Yes, God was saying that a child would be born, (wave the black silk), and it would be a man child. A son (wave the white silk). What child was He referring to?

Place the black and white silks into the empty side of the bag and then switch it so that you can produce the manger silk (display it to the audience).

We know who the child was. The prophet was speaking about Jesus Christ. The one who was born in the town of Bethlehem many years ago and placed in a manger because there was no room for him at the inn.

Who really was the baby Jesus and what made him so special? (Begin to pull the string of coloured silks out of the bag while explaining that he was wonderful counsellor. The mighty God,


everlasting Father, the prince of peace." (you may choose to elaborate on each of these terms, then take the string of silks and wrap them in the manger silk)

Yes, wrapped up in this little baby were all of the hopes and dreams of the world. (Place the entire bulb into the change bag , into the side with the black and white silks . Then switch to produce the final production of the full colour Jesus silk and show the bag empty).

Jesus Christ was more than a little baby. He was the Son of God. Isaiah’s prophecy continued by saying, “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end..... upon His kingdom to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth even for ever: the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

Jesus is Lord. Gods plan for saving the world was for Himself to come to this word as a child. He then grew up to be a man. He faced our challenges and temptations, but He did not sin. He died and then rose again. In that He defeated sin and Satan. There is no enemy that can stand against Jesus Christ. When we receive Him as our own, eternal victory becomes ours. Jesus is our beautiful saviour and wonderful Lord!


South East Regional

Dave O’Connor

On Saturday 14th October the South-East regional was hosted by

our treasurer Richard Colpus at his church in Reigate. The regional

started at midday with a fine lunch, after which followed fun and

laughter as we discussed,

played with and tried out

different ways of presenting

tricks which the members had

bought with them.

The stage was then set up and

after the evening meal,

Richard was joined on stage by

Paul Morgan and David

O'Connor for a two-part magic show for the local community at

Richard’s church. During the first half David O'Connor introduced

Paul Morgan who delighted the

children and adults alike with silks,

wands and a magic money box

climax. After this Richard Colpus got

the crowd whipped into a frenzy

with, amongst others, the six-card

repeat and omelette roulette.

After a short interval Richard took the

MC role and introduced David

O'Connor for the second half of

comedy magic, and finished by delivering the message of Jesus

wiping away our sins.


Although a few of the

regionals do advertise as

hosting a show in the

evening for members to

partake in, there is never

any pressure to perform.

Therefore, no matter what

your level of ability, a

regional is the perfect

place for fellowship, and

extending your knowledge

and skills in a safe, friendly

and encouraging


Special thanks to Richard and

Anita for organising such a

great afternoon, meals and

evening entertainment.

Make sure you keep an eye on the

email updates and the website for

the next regional in your area

Cheers, Dave

‘Richard desperately prayed that no

one would notice he’d forgotten his




By Neil Keeble

As most of you all know, since I joined Christian Magicians UK (formerly FCMUK), I have led a double life. I was also known as ‘Nemo the Clown’.

Previously, I had dressed as a clown in basic clown trousers made by mum for a BB camp. With the birth of our children I started doing parties for

family and then friend’s children.

Nemo was born after our eldest’s (David) 8th birthday (2007) held a Hanningfield Reservoir, hunting bugs and such like creatures. At the end of the party as David’s friends left I gave them all a balloon animal. It was at this point that the Essex Wildlife Trust staff spotted my unusual talent and subsequently booked me for their fund raising day a couple of months later.

At that time, I was a clown with no name!!

When we got home I asked the boys to come up with a name. After several ‘interesting’ suggestions we agreed on ‘Nemo’.

From that moment on Nemo was advertised and party bookings were received over the course of a number of years. Nemo even made appearances at Church Fun Days, including our own Eastwood Baptist’s ’Party in the Park’, ably assisted by the Magician’s Apprentice (aka Rob Butcher).


I found that the calls for Nemo were gradually petering out as families chose to have parties at indoor play areas and other similar venues.

Some churches were also asking me to appear as Nemo, but also to present a Gospel message. This I wasn’t happy with, as I wasn’t sure people would take me seriously and listen to the important message presented.

In September 2015, at Eastwood Baptist’s Party in the Park, Nemo donned his make-up for the very last time.

Since then, unlike the real Doctor, Nemo has had a long regeneration to…..

Neil Keeble Magic

I’ve decided to finally stop hiding behind the make-up, give it back to my wife and daughter, and be ME!!

Performing at Eastwood Baptist Church


As you will see the new me is more formal, and everyone so far, according to feedback, has liked it.

I’m now concentrating on Gospel Magic, although I will consider the odd children’s party. I must admit I love performing at my wife’s Preschool Christmas Party. It’s my favourite!

Have a look at the new website, My friends in Canada put it together for me and I’m really chuffed with it.

I can also now say that I am International as well. I took a service at our friend’s church in Windsor, Ontario, Canada when we visited them earlier this year. They now want me to go on tour!!

Who knows….

Vineyard Church, Windsor, Ontario, Canada – Aug 2017


I’ll finish with this little story; I recently performed at a local church fun day. When one of the lads that I had picked for a trick, came up to me after one of the shows and said;

“I thought you were most excellent!”

Then you know it’s worth it!! Don’t you just love magic and the reactions you get!!

Neil Keeble

PS. Unfortunately, my cooking demonstration didn’t go down quite so well …..


Christmas Present Magic

By Adrian Ward

There are some amazing magic illusions that you can perform using forcing dice, Mission Magic’s Holy Roller is one


I frequently use ‘Forcing Dice’ by Diamond Jim Tyler when performing Sean Goodman’s ‘Shredded’. I like these as you have seven dice, one normal and the others each have a single number missing (It’s not blank, rather the opposite number’s printed twice). By having them strategically placed* in your suit pockets or table your volunteer has complete free choice of a number.; you just pick out the relevant dice that has the chosen number missing.

Wrap six boxes that have lids or buy six ready made gift boxes. Each box should be decorated differently or different sizes. Place either a boring or nice, but inexpensive gift in each, a satsuma, lump of coal, chocolate or a mince pie for example. In one box you could put money or an iPhone, both or similar. But it has to be a seriously GOOD prize. Remember which box has the GOOD gift in.

If using only one forcing die then number the boxes yourself. If


you’re using Jim’s Forcing Dice and have six dice you can have six cards numbered one to six. The volunteer/s then place a number against any choice of box giving the impression that the volunteer has a much freer choice. Just remember which box has the GOOD gift in.

Take the corresponding die that matches the GOOD gift box from your pocket and explain that in each box is a Christmas present. Let’s assume it’s box number four.

Invite one or two volunteers up to participate.

You could say, ‘On the table you can see six presents. Although there are six presents I’m now thinking that six is probably too many for two people so let’s go with five. However I want you to have complete free choice as to which gifts you take home and to make it’s fair we’ll roll a dice and whatever number you roll, that will be your prize, ok?’

Have the volunteer/s roll the die one at a time. On each roll let them open the corresponding box and you take out what they’ve won, really making it sound great.

Once you’ve got to the last box you could say something like, ‘You’ve rolled five times and won some ‘amazing’ prizes’. Recap what they’ve won.

‘So, well done, I hope you enjoyed your gifts’

It’s most likely that some audience members or even the volunteers themselves may demand to see what’s in the remaining box. If they don’t, say, ‘Oh by the way, the present you didn’t win wasn’t actually that interesting anyway. As you can see it would have been an iPhone, £200 and keys to a Ferrari … so I think you came out best. Have a great Christmas.

There’s a good chance someone will want to examine the die, be prepared for this! Once you’ve revealed the final prize step back, put both hands in your pockets and palm the proper dice. If


you’ve used a cup to roll the die then tip the die into your other hand or just pick it up with your empty hand. Do a false transfer** and give the volunteer the true die to study. They’ll confirm it has all six numbers. Only do this IF someone asks to inspect the die! I personally don’t think there’s any need to point out that it’s a ‘normal’ die. Remember: No need to run when you‘re not being chased!

* Strategically Placed Dice

I usually place the dice in numerical order in my suit as per the image below. This means retrieving it looks natural, it’s simply in your pocket. (Remember: The number you take out corresponds to the number that’s MISSING from the die)



2 (rear




6 (Rear



I often wear a waistcoat and so I may have a die in each waistcoat pocket instead of my rear pockets

Alternatively I may use a weekly pill dispenser, available from chemists, that’s in my case or table. I rub the letters off and number the compartments 1-7. I then go in my pill box to take out the corresponding die to the number of the GOOD present.

** The Fake Transfer

Hold the fake die in your hand with the real die in your other hand. Close you hand around the real die and turn the hand over

Move as if passing the fake die into your other hand but as the hand starts to turn put you thumb on it to prevent it falling out or actually


As your hand moves toward the other turn the hand concealing the real die face up and open it as if receiving/catching the fake die and move it toward the volunteer for them to inspect. Drop your other hand by your side. To ‘lose’ the fake die simply return both hands to the pockets casually and discard it.


Note: Putting both hands in your pockets looks more casual and doesn’t give the impression that you’re retrieving or dropping something, especially if you pause for a beat or two before bringing them back out.

TOP TIP: film yourself doing this as you can see where you might need to finesse this move.

Good Luck,



Bible Number Brian Hodge

Magician Mark James came to visit the Devon Magic Circle in June 2012 and, as I love ‘mathemagic’, I was really taken with his PEPSI effect.

So much so in fact that I purchased a large whiteboard (loads available about £20 – Amazon!). I wish I had bought one earlier as I have used it for so

many other things!

I have always performed this as a stage or cabaret effect; however, it could be done as a close-up item with just a piece of paper, prediction envelope perhaps with the Holy Bible picture on the envelope.

You will need ...

• Whiteboard or A3 pad of plain paper

• Whiteboard marker

• The sum on page 14, but without the answer, on your whiteboard and visible to the audience.

• A prediction envelope with the number 37818 inside, a pdf can be found on the Christian Magicians UK Website.

• An A3 Holy Bible poster (best laminated) with ‘Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth’ on the reverse somewhere visible’

The following patter was used with a family audience with a large


number of children during half term. I have adapted for other locations.

‘I know you have a week off school and your teachers are worried you will forget all your literacy and numeracy. Having tested your literacy (I had used a last pair matched effect) we will now move on to your numbers.

Having this board here will allow you to check my maths.

It is why we are so affected by the power of advertising. Similarly having reminders of our faith in our Christian homes is good for us, our family and friends.

Let me show you.

First, let’s add these five numbers.







‘This total is quite significant, so before we wipe it off, will someone look up the second book of the New Testament (NIV) and the last sentence of chapter 5 verse 20 (no one else please!) Mark 2 5:20 – Please do not share or read it out yet’.

Now, from these 5 numbers we will make 3 random numbers of your choice and total them up. I have tried to GUESS the number we will end up with!’ (Give the prediction envelope to one of the audience).

Rub out the 2520 and with a drywipe pen get members of the



audience to choose one of the digits from each of the numbers above in turn. Cross these off as you move through the five numbers.

As you can see below when you take any one number from each row you make three five-digit numbers that always add up to 37818.

Draw a line underneath.

‘We will now add up these 3 numbers – please help me. Add them up’. Ask the person to open the envelope and hold up the prediction.

But why was it easy to guess?

Because in front of you all the time was the answer!! The BIBLE. Draw their attention to the poster showing the Holy Bible. Turn the words UPSIDE DOWN and reveal 37818. Turn over to emphasise the message.

God gave us the scriptures as the ‘Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth!’

2 1 0

5 0 1

3 7 6

6 8 6

7 4 7

25367 21387 15764

10784 15767 20687

1667 664 01367

Total 37818 37818 37818


You will get applause at this stage but as it dies down say.

Wait! I almost forgot – do you remember our first total was 2520.

Will you read out, in a loud voice, LAST SENTENCE of Mark 5 verse 20.

“And all the people were Amazed!”

You will get further applause at this stage but as it dies down say.

‘You may have been surprised but why in Mark were they amazed?

Please read out the first sentence of the Verse.

“And the man went away and began to tell, in the ten towns, all Jesus had done for him.”

‘Jesus had cured Legion of all his physical and mental issues (even if the pig owner was upset). Jesus told Legion to go and tell what had happened.

So why don’t you? And all the people you share with will be amazed!’

Brian Hodge July 1st 2017


Bottle (or Other Item) From Empty Christmas

Stocking - Adrian

I’ve not used my ‘Splash Bottle’ utility to produce a bottle of wine

for a while, rather it holds my chop cup as my pockets are full of

other items. However, I’m now practicing my bottle production

with it and also this new routine for Christmas.

I’m sure the Splash Bottle utility’s been around for ages but I’ve

got to hear about it from David Stone producing a wine bottle

from a popped balloon or silk (

v=34sndrYxWVY). The utility simply allows you to carry and

produce a bottle from under your jacket.

In this routine you produce a bottle of

wine/soft drink or other item from a

seemingly empty Christmas Stocking.

I bought a cloth stocking from The

Range for £2.99 and cut a slit in the

back large enough to produce the

bottle or whatever you’re producing. To stop the slit getting larger

simply seal it with glue (Apparently

my daughter does this with the rips

in her jeans!)

Produce your folded stocking and

open it up. You can stick your hand in

too or upturn it and shake to show


it’s empty.

I’m right handed but if you’re left handed then reverse the

following instructions if it’s easier for you.

Holding the top left corner just above the top of your bottle.

Reach deep into the stocking and as if drawing something out

reach through the slit to retrieve the bottle and pull it out slowly.

Fold up the stocking and return to your pocket or case.




Readers’ Proverbs Inspired by King Solomon’s

wisdom some imaginary readers thought they could do better ...

‘He who ignores the light

gets run over’ Anonymous

‘A nagging wife is like a

dripping tap a very useful

sub-editor’ Adrian Ward

‘Like a sinking ship is


Like the ship that goes

down to the depths of the


For we all have holes in

our bottom’ Mr A. H


‘A wise son listens to his

father, but the foolish

child starts his own band’,

Mrs E.B, Gath

‘You cannot get to the top

by sitting on your bottom’, -

unless you’re on a ski lift’

‘Many scribes are a blessing.

For a king on the throne

requires much paper’, Mr

B.H. Hebron

‘Parents can tell but never

teach, unless they practice

what they preach’

‘A lie travels round the

world while truth is putting

her boots on’ French


‘You will never plough a

field if you only turn it over

in your mind’ Irish Proverb


Finally, I wish you all a blessed Christmas and I really hope you can join us for Conference ‘18. Thank you to those who’ve contributed to Voila, please feel free to

do so if you’ve never done so before; magic, jokes, inspirational stories, a lesson, questions and

comments; whatever, I really want to hear from you. After all, it’s your magazine

If I may ask, please pray for my family and another as we host Christmas dinner for the lonely on the 25th

December. Anyone else doing this?

Merry Christmas,

Adrian (


Contacts Chair: Barry (Baz) Birchall

Vice Chair: Steve Price

Secretary: Liz Siviter

Treasurer: Richard Colpus

Welfare Officer: Wilf Stansbury

Media Rep.: Austin Siviter

Membership Sec.: David O’Connor

Web Manager: Paul Morgan

Voila Editor: Adrian Ward

Conference Host: Jean French

Worship Leader: Bernie French

Committee Member: Mark Shortland

Website Username: magicmember

Password: MM2017