Christmas Colours

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Christmas Colours


There are many colors associated with Christmas such as the red of holly berries, of Santa Claus or Father Christmas outfit; the green of fir-trees; the gold of candles and stars; the whiteness of snowy fields.

Red is the colour that is considered the greatest excitement, and it is also the colour of the month December. As the religious symbol it stands for fire, blood and charity.

Green is the symbol for nature, youth and the hope of eternal life. It is for this reason that Christmas is a feast of hope, with a newborn child as its central symbol.

White is the religious symbol which stands for light, purity, joy and glory. White is seen in the robes of Christmas angels, in Santa's beard and suit trimmings, as well as in Christmas snow and snow flakes. In Northern Europe and in some of America, snow covers the ground at Christmas. In southern California roses are blooming. In the warmer climate but the snow is artificial, so as to show the link with the Northern Yuletide.

Gold stands for sunlight and radiance. It is the colour of the Christmas stars, tinsel, candles, electric lights. Christians who were once pagans saw the new god as they had the sun, that is the radiant being who lighted the world. Many artists show Christ in a pool of light, or with a bright halo around his head.