Christmas in Portugal

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Christmas in Portugal

There are many traditions in our


... in every house, on December 1, everyone decorate the Christmas

tree and mounts underneath the nativity

scene ...

…all major streets and avenue are decorated…

…in the evening on December 24, the table is filled with sweets of the

season ...

…and is traditional to eat codfish and


…and at midnight, all the families go to

church, to the midnight mass, “the rooster

mass” ...

…and from 24 to 25 of December, all the children

´s leave a shoe by the fireplace, for the baby Jesus leave a gift ...

In our school, we set up the Christmas tree…

…and all the children make the decorations…

…the childrens decorate all space´s…

…we make a big party and all classes present an


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and

a Happy New Year