Christmas Traditions In Portugal´2

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Christmas Christmas Traditions in Traditions in


Andreia Pinto 11ºCAndreia Pinto 11ºCAndreia Ferreira 11ºAAndreia Ferreira 11ºA

Sara Fonseca 11ºASara Fonseca 11ºA

BBirirthth o off BBaabby y JJeessuuss

Mary was the mother of Jesus. She and the Mary was the mother of Jesus. She and the carpenter Joseph, her husband, lived in Nazareth. The carpenter Joseph, her husband, lived in Nazareth. The Gospel of Luke account that the Archangel Gabriel Gospel of Luke account that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she would give appeared to Mary and announced that she would give birth to the son of God, the promised Messiah. Mary birth to the son of God, the promised Messiah. Mary and Joseph found shelter in a barn, and it was there and Joseph found shelter in a barn, and it was there that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a manger Mary did that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a manger Mary did the cradle for him. the cradle for him.         

The Bible also reports that came wise men from the east to see the newborn Messiah, followed by Bethlehem the light of a star. They brought offerings of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

NNaattiivviitty sy scceennee Beside the pine and gifts, the Nativity scene is Beside the pine and gifts, the Nativity scene is

perhaps one of the oldest forms of characterization perhaps one of the oldest forms of characterization of Christmas. The Nativity scene word means "a of Christmas. The Nativity scene word means "a place to gather the cattle, corral, barn."But this is place to gather the cattle, corral, barn."But this is also the name given to artistic representation of the also the name given to artistic representation of the birth of Baby Jesus in a barn.birth of Baby Jesus in a barn.

PPininee o off CChrhrisisttmmasas

In Portugal!

SSuuppppeer r ooff C Chhrriissttmmaass

In a Christmas dinner, that is on the 24th, it is tradition to In a Christmas dinner, that is on the 24th, it is tradition to eat agreement, which is made with cod, cabbage and bread, eat agreement, which is made with cod, cabbage and bread, then it is usually to eat boiled cod with potatoes and then it is usually to eat boiled cod with potatoes and vegetables. On 25th generally eats up roast turkey in the vegetables. On 25th generally eats up roast turkey in the oven with potatoes and rice. In relation to the sweet it is oven with potatoes and rice. In relation to the sweet it is usually eat noodles, dreams, flounder and king cake.usually eat noodles, dreams, flounder and king cake.

MMaass ss oof f tthhee rroooosstteer r

Mass of the rooster is the name given in Mass of the rooster is the name given in Catholic countries celebrated the Mass after the Catholic countries celebrated the Mass after the Christmas eve dinner that begins at midnight on 24 to Christmas eve dinner that begins at midnight on 24 to 25 of December.25 of December.