Christmas Word search

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Christmas Word search

Christ Child Baby Born Wisemen Shepherds Angels Sing Hallelujah Saviour King Prince Peace Love Joy Swaddling Hay Manger Mary Joseph

Issue 10 December 2010

errygrove “Living, learning and growing together towards

excellence and enjoyment for all”

Can you believe that Christmas is almost upon us and

that we are once again at the end of another busy

autumn term?

As we end the term to the sound of carols, Christmas

plays and Christingle it is very satisfying to look back

on a full term of which many of the events are recorded

in this Bugle, I would like to take this opportunity to

thank you all for the on going support you have given

to the children and staff by attending the many school

based activities throughout the term.

My thanks also go once again at this time of year to the Friends of Berrygrove

who have been equally busy fund raising and providing opportunities for the

children in particular to socialise. In addition sales of calendars were very good

and the raffles held at the evening performances have also raised over £250

towards school funds.

Thank you too for your kind and generous contributions of around £450 in

support of the Herts Air Ambulance Service which was collected following the

Christmas productions

On behalf of the staff and governors I extend to you and your families, seasons

greetings and best wishes for the New Year. Have a happy and safe holiday, we

look forward to seeing your children again on 4 January, 2011.

Mr Chris D Kronda


Whoops A Daisy Angel

Golden Letter Trip

On Wednesday 20th October 2010 the children of KS1 and KS2 received their ‘Golden

Letter’ treat a visit to the cinema as a result of good behaviour and achievement. All classes

headed up to the cinema on foot. The children enjoyed watching the following as part of

National Schools Film Week; KS1 ’Pooh’s Heffalump; Year 3/4 James and The Giant Peach;

Year 5/6 Chronicles of Narnia, The Prince Caspian.’

It was a long walk but worth it. We’re looking forward to the next ‘Golden Letter’ treat.

Year 2 child

News board

Golden Letter Trip

Safety with Electricity

On 6th October EDF Energy came to talk to the children about Safety with Electricity. The

children were able to examine a variety of cables and learnt how Electricity is generated and

received into houses and buildings.

Cycle Training

On the first day of the training the instructors checked our bikes. They checked the brakes,

the tyres, the handlebars and the helmets. Then we learnt how to put the bike on the road and

set off safely. We learnt how to signal and maintain balance. The most important thing we

learnt was to look for oncoming vehicles. On day one, all but one person passed level one. On

day two and three we went on small roads such as First, Third and Woodhurst Avenue. We

learnt how to do U-turns, pass parked vehicles and turn at junctions. On day four and five, we

went on main roads such as Garston Lane, St. Albans Road and Sheepcot Lane. This time, if

we made a mistake such as not signalling, we would fail the test, but we were given a second

chance. Everyone passed!

Ryan Newman, Mayank Mishra & Sohail Khan – 6E

Sport and After School Activities at Berrygrove

Netball Club this term has been an exciting opportunity

for years 5 and 6 to develop their skills. All children have

had the opportunity to take part in game situations during

training and have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Rugby Club this term has been enjoyable. The children

have really enjoyed coming to the club. It has been

particularly great to see so many girls taking part.

Hopefully we will be able to take part in some matches

next term too.

Many of the children in years 3,4,5 and 6 have been

taking part in either Football Club on Tuesdays, for year 3

and 4, or on Fridays for year 5 and 6. The people running

the clubs have been extremely impressed with the

commitment and effort shown by all the children taking

part. The children have been working on many different

aspects of football, including passing, shooting and

teamwork. We are looking forward to future training and

taking part in games against different schools.

Children in year 1 and 2 have thoroughly enjoyed Dance Club during this

term. We had a great time performing at the Christmas Fair. The boys

in year 2 especially loved playing the guitars to the dance ‘Jingle Bell






School Cabinet

During this half term the School Council have been discussing Road Safety in and

around the school. We are currently designing Safety posters with a view to entering a competition at the end of February. One idea we have discussed is

organising a ‘walking bus.’, Watch this space for more details which will follow.

A Message From The Chair of Governors

I was so pleased to become a member of the ‘Children’s Cabinet, where I have

enjoyed having discussions about our school withMr Kronda at our weekly Cabinet meetings. One of the highlights this term was to be presented with my cabinet badge

by MP Richard Harrington. Jack Mirkovic - 6L

The full Governing Body has met this term and has also held four committee Meetings throughout the term. We have reviewed and adopted numerous policies to

help ensure the smooth running of the school. We have additionally reviewed school data and have met with subject leaders to find out about the work going on in school.

The Governing Body also met with teachers this term so we could meet the many

new faces this year. We are primarily here to be a critical friend to the school; this involves tasks such as budget setting, policy review and providing support and

challenge. We all work together to provide the best environment for all children here

at Berrygrove Primary and Nursery School.

We are currently one parent governor short as we received no nomination for the last

election. It is vital we get support from parents so that we can be an efficient governing body. If you are interested please speak to Mr Kronda.

Finally, can I thank everyone who works at Berrygrove for their hard work this term

and wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. David Mackenzie

We have had a busy time in Year 3. On 5th October 2010, the children along with their

Teachers spent the morning at Gambados. The children learnt all about healthy eating and the

importance of exercise. They were also allowed to spend time playing on the equipment. A

good time was had by all! Thank you also to Gambados for giving the children this


Healthy Easting

Children In Need

To support Children In Need, Asda Supermarket, invited 24 Year 3 children to help them

decorate Pudsey Bear biscuits. The children also had their photograph taken with Pudsey.

Thank you to Asda the children thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity.

The children have been learning about measure and instructions; to support their learning the

children were given the opportunity to make cakes and scones. Year 3 Parents were then

invited to share these and the children’s homework projects. Many thanks to all the Parents,

and staff, who took the time to support the children in their efforts. We received some

fantastic projects. Well done everyone.

TESCIK (Technology, Science and Knowledge)

Berrygrove Nursery and Primary School is involved once again in a Multilateral Comenius project working for two years (2010-2012) in partnership with schools in Italy, France and Turkey engaging our children in a collaborative science and environmental project. The Comenius provides the opportunity for our children to experience the world in the classroom. A global perspective gives them the opportunity to appreciate diversity, develop a sense of the wider world and issues, and be more aware of international interdependence. Yet, in order to explore other cultures, children will learn about their own country and community so that they can share their lives with other children overseas. Mrs Bloomfield, Ms Visocchi and Mrs Laneri-Jamil planned to visit the school in Italy during the first week of December but unfortunately they got stuck in the snow at Gatwick airport and never made it to Fano (Italy)! Of course the TESCIK project will continue and our children will get the chance to learn more about their European friends.

Comenius Project

Christmas Bazaar

This year at Berrygrove’s Annual Christmas Bazaar Santa

brought not just his presents but his reindeer too!! The

event was a huge success with both the stalls and the halls

were bursting at the seams, and the afternoon raised

£2,100 which is fantastic! Thank you to everyone.

A Message from Friends of Berrygrove

The Friends of Berrygrove would like to share with you the

events which they organised to raise funds for the school

this term.

Machala Mirkovic & Marion Chambers

Christmas Disco

‘Saturday Night Fever’ was the order of the day on Friday 19th November when Berrygrove opened it’s doors to Rob the

DJ and it’s very own disco divas. The floor was full of children

and adults strutting their stuff and having fun. Thank you to

everyone who helped at this event.

A Message from Friends of Berrygrove

Our most recent donation to the school has been £1000 which helped to

purchase additional reading materials to extend the Rapid Reading program

which is used to support children’s reading at Key Stage 2.


International School Award 2010-2013 Berrygrove Primary and Nursery School has been accredited the Full International School Award for outstanding development of the International Dimension in the Curriculum. Dorothy Thornhill, Mayor of Watford, presented the school with its ISA Certificate at an assembly when she was visiting the school recently and in doing so congratulated the school for its achievements and involvement with the International Community. The pupils at Berrygrove have been learning two languages and they have been exposed to many cultures and traditions through the Comenius project with Cyprus and Hungary, as well as links with Burkina Faso and several International Events. During 2009-2010 the school organised an International Week, Bama Friendship week, visits to and from teachers in Cyprus and Hungary and an exciting International Food Soiree. Parents and children helped to design an International cookbook and to produce unique Eco-friendly International bags. We would like to thank parents and governors for their support at the various international project based activities

Mrs Laneri Jamil Modern Foreign Languages and International Developments Coordinator

International School Award 2010-2013

Year 1/2 - ‘The Nativity’

Foundation Stage - ‘Whoops A Daisy Angel’

Berrygrove School Christmas Productions

Berrygrove Staff Spotlight

Name? Mrs Kelly.

Role? Business Manager.

How long have you worked at Berrygrove? 5 years.

What do you most enjoy about your job? Always varied.

What is the worst thing about your job? Making the tea.

What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time? Reading and socialising.

Do you have any pets? A naughty dog called ‘Woody.’

What is your favourite meal? Pasta.

Which music/artists do you like? I enjoy lots of different artists.

What is your favourite TV programme? Come Dine With Me.

What is your favourite film ever? ‘The Green Mile.’

What is your favourite book? ‘Pride and Prejudice.’

If you had to live on a remote desert island which 3 things would you take

with you?

1. Family.

2. Chocolate.

3. Sun Cream.

Have you an unusual talent or unusual fact about yourself? I I

I was born on Christmas Day.

Berrygrove Staff Spotlight

Name? Mrs Bloomfield.

Role? Year 3 teacher and I look after the School Council.

How long have you worked at Berrygrove? 4 years.

What do you most enjoy about your job? The environment and the children I teach.

Also the amount of variety.

What is the worst thing about your job? The paperwork.

What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time? Swimming, travelling, cooking, going

out and being with family. Also, watching cricket at ‘Lords.’

Do you have any pets? Yes, a cat, a hamster and a bearded dragon.

What is your favourite meal? Indian cooking.

Which music/artists do you like? Anything from classical to Bon-jovi.

What is your favourite TV programme? Strictly Come Dancing.

What is your favourite film ever? Cool Running.

What is your favourite book? Poldark.

If you had to live on a remote desert island which 3 things would you take

with you?

1. My husband.

2. Some music.

3. Packet of Wine Gums.

Have you an unusual talent or unusual fact about yourself? I have a twin brother.

Year 5/6 - ‘No Room For A Baby’

Year 3/4 - ‘Jesus’ Christmas Party’

Berrygrove School Christmas Productions

A few weeks ago Emily and I were given the chance to be Flag bearers at Wembley Stadium for the Euro 2012 qualifier between England and Montenegro. We arrived early and after a short rehearsal were given the task of carrying the “Kick it out” flag at the opening of the match. We met some of the England players and walked onto the pitch with the players. Unfortunately, the match ended 0-0 but it was a once in a life time experience and one I will never forget.

Daniel Mackenzie – 6L

England Mascots

Big Family Festival

We were delighted to host on behalf of the North Watford Extended Schools Consortium, the Family Festival in September. This was a free fun day out for all the family and included

• Crafts

• Sports

• Consortium Café/BBQ

• Teenage zone

• Live music on stage

It was lovely to see so many of our families and children enjoying the Extended Schools Fun Family Festival which took place on the Berrygrove site on Saturday, 25

th September 2010. The event ran from 12 noon until 7.00 p.m.

Thankfully the weather kept fine and we were able to enjoy the huge number of different activities for all ages from toddlers to teenagers. The live stage was also host to a gym display, musicians, a gospel choir, dancers, a boxing club and live bands who performed throughout the day. The event was widely advertised locally and invites were sent out to all the local schools, nurseries and playgroups. We understand that over 1,000 people came through the Berrygrove gates during the day and our thanks go to all the organisers from the Extended Schools Consortium for making the event so successful and such an enjoyable day for everybody.

Eco Committee

Following a five year tradition, the choir, led by Mrs Michael,

sang at the recent Tree Lighting service at St. Mary’s Church in Watford town centre. The children sang an assortment of

carols and enjoyed festive refreshments after the service. Despite the cold, the children performed brilliantly, and their

fantastic singing and outstanding behaviour was commented

on by everyone involved.


Eco Committee

The Eco Group are organising a fundraising collection called Bag to School to take place on Friday 17th December 2010. The children have brought home a large

plastic bag which we would like you to fill with unwanted but clean, good quality clothes, bedding, curtains, soft toys, belts, shoes (tied together please) and

handbags. These will then be weighed and we will receive money according to

how much we collect. The donated items are then sent to Third World countries. Filled bags should only

be brought to the small dining room extension on the last day of term at 8.40am. Please do not send bags in before this time as we have no storage space.

The children have collected 5330 Morrisons vouchers and have ordered some exciting items for school including a green house, wooden raised beds for planting

and a selection of seeds. Thank you for supporting us in these ventures.