Christ's Chronicles 75

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  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    The ChristsChronicles27th Ma y Last day of summe r ha lf te rm

    28th Ma y-6th June Ha lf Term break5th June Frenc h exchange students a rrive

    7th June Year 10 Textiles Fashion Show

    10th June Yea r 7 Spanish trip dep arts

    11th June Our stud ents go to Franc e on Frenc h ex


    13th June PTA Me eting , 7pm

    18th June Frenc h exchange students return

    20th June Sports day at St Marys College

    22nd June PACE trip to Sc ienc e museum

    24th June PACE trip to Sc ienc e museum27th June New timetab le be gins

    28th June Sc ienc e mo dules

    29th June Yea r 10 Co lleg e Experienc e day

    1st July Yea r 10 Ge og raphy trip to Heng istbury

    Head/Year 11 Leavers Service/Year 11


    4th July15th July Yea r 10 Work Expe rienc e

    18th-20th July Huma nities wee k

    20th July Last day of sc hool year. 1pm finish.

    Future events for your dia ry

    Special points of





    Sports News




    Inside this issue:

    Ski Trip 2

    Yea r 9 visit 2

    PTA May Fa ir 3

    PSHEE Da y 4

    D of E 4

    Spanish trip 5

    Young Journa lists 6/7

    Music News 8

    Ruths Message 8/ 9

    Sports ne ws 10/1

    Adverts 12/3

    May 20 11 Issue 75

    Welcome to the latest issue of Christs Schools newsletter

    Please c hec k the sc hoo l spo rts boa rd for up to d at e w eekly fixtures

    You c an also c hec k the sc hool events c alenda r,

    which is upd at ed reg ula rly for more d iary da tes on our we bsite a t

    www .christs.richm ond .sc
  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Pag e 2 The Christs Chronicles

    After our usual 22 hour co ac h ride we a rrived in Saa lba c h on Sa turday afternoon to a 28 deg ree he a t !

    We had alrea dy b een informed that, due to very wa rm c ond itions, we wo uld b e ski-ing eve ryda y on

    the g lac ier. The Kap run gla c ier is a t 3000m, the highest ski resort in Europ e. Ski-ing on a g lac ier is some-

    thing that many people dont experience it was an amazing experience for everyone (despite the very

    high a nd long ca ble ca r!)

    On the first 2 da ys we had perfec t c ond itions a t the top , brigh t sunshine a nd 4 degrees. Unfortunately

    the w ea ther then ca me in for the rest of the we ek and rea c hed as far dow n a s -12 deg rees at times!

    The ski-ing w as a t times

    c hallenging b ut mad e for

    eve n b etter stories a t the

    hote l in the evenings !

    Next year we a re g oing toInnsb ruck, the trip is a l-

    rea dy full and we are

    p lanning fo r the first p a rent

    me eting in Sep temb er.

    Geo rgie Bea n

    Christs Ski 2011

    40 yea r 9 pup ils we nt o n a trip to

    Parliame nt w ith M r Butler and new REteac her Mr Simpson.

    After a tour whic h inc luded stand ing a t the

    de spa tc h b ox in the House o f Com mo ns,

    pup ils me t the ir MP Zac Go ldsmith fo r ove r

    45 minute s. Zac answe red som e d iffic ult

    questions from a mo ng others Sam

    Ormond e, Jac k Mo ss and G abriel Alvete g .

    He then ta lked pup ils throug h his frustrat ions

    at b eing a new m em be r of Parliam ent a nd

    som e o f the w ork he is trying to g et t he

    House to de ba te.

    James Butler

    Year 9 Visit Parliament

  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Issue 75Pag e 3

    The hea vy show er/thund erstorm tha t wa s pred ic ted neve r

    did m ate rialise so the dry wea ther held a ga in a nd w e ha d

    anothe r enjoyab le and suc c essful da y.

    Ma rie a nd Pauline were there at 7.30am unp ac king

    tom bola p rizes and putting the tab les in p osition.

    Reinforcements soon arrived along with Aprils huge van

    loa d and very quickly Ian a nd Colin ha d the b unting

    c heering a bove our hea ds; the fab ulous GCSE a rt wo rk wa s

    on d isp lay; Tom b ola ta b les we re load ed with their fantastic

    prizes; the Silent Auc tion a rea was rea dy for the first b ids;

    and Linda a nd Jude had the Ca kes tab les looking fit for a

    king. One lovely addition this year was Lilas Plant Stall which

    ga ve the ma rquee an a dd ed English ga rde n feel and

    proved very pop ular. Final a rrivals were Aziza with the Krispy Krem es, Stephen w ith he lium b a lloo ns and

    ice for the cold drinks. Students helped collect the Starbucks coffee and we were ready to go - in

    go od time for the 10am sta rt.

    There was a pa rty a tmo sphere througho ut the day w ith lots of old friend s c om ing in to say hello a nd

    keep ing the sta lls c ontinuously busy. Ca kes and b akes kept c om ing in and Bernad ette ma nage d a

    da sh to the Manor Roa d Allotments whe re som e kind ga rde ners do na ted mo re seed lings.

    Thanks are d ue t o SO m a ny peop le - Mrs Mc Grail and her tea m o f Y10 pote ntial prefec ts (sma rtly

    dressed in sc hool uniform); Mrs. Bea n for her jew ellery prize a nd for joining us for a la rge p a rt of the

    da y; othe r tea c hers and sta ff mem bers who drop ped by with their fam ilies; the pa rents, sta ff and

    c hildren who w orked in ad vanc e, turned out to support us on the da y, AND helpe d us c lea r up so

    quickly afterwardswe we re a ll done and dusted shortly afte r 5.30pm.

    The total amount is still to be finalised but its looking close to 1,000 which will go towards stocking thenew lib rary with som e w ond erful new bo oks, thus a llowing the schoo l to sp rea d their budg et m uc h


    So, on behalf of the School and our PTA, THANK YOU all and see you again next year!

    PTA Ma y FairSaturday, 14th May 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Pag e 4 The Christs Chronicles

    From 22nd to 24th Ma y, 30 yea r 10 stud ents ventured into the c ountryside to p rac tise fo r their Duke o f

    Edinburghs Award expeditions. Most of the students are aiming to achieve their bronze award but in

    addition, for the first time at Christs, a small group of students are aiming for the silver award.

    Working in groups and c a rrying their kit in the ir ruc ksac ks, they lea rnt t o use a c om pass and an o rd -

    na nc e survey ma p . They naviga ted their wa y a long footp a ths tha t crossed hea thland , fields and

    woodland; they pitched and slept in tents and they planned and cooked their own meals. It was a

    fun and rewarding experience, (Sophie), It was a fun experience but I would have liked a better

    nights sleep! (Fahris), It was hard work but felt like a great achievement, (Deanna), It was a great

    experienc e a nd I lea rnt a lot a bo ut naviga ting a nd ho w to wo rk in a tea m, although I did miss a go od

    nights sleep, (Lucy) Overall I really enjoyed it, especially as I learnt to navigate and I would encour-

    age all students to do it because you gain a lot and its a great experience (Wendy).

    Cla ire Lorenz

    PSHEE Da yHumanities Day

    Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburghs Award Expeditions

    The Sec ond PSHEE day of the yea r was he ld on

    Ma y 20th w ith a va riety of ta lks from outside p rovid-

    ers includ ing Straight Ta lking about the rea lities of

    tee na ge p reg na nc y, Aim Higher stud ents from King-

    ston a nd St.Ma ry's unive rsities and Tom Fitzimmons of

    Effort Persona l Training . Tom spo ke to yea r 10 pup ils

    in a shoc king but insp iriationa l sto ry of his desc ent

    into alcoholism, job loss, crime and family break-up,

    follow ed by sob riety reco very and extrem e m ara-

    tho n running . Mr Butler, who a rrang ed for Tom to

    c ome in, said a numb er of pup ils we re c lea rly de ep -

    ly mo ved by Tom's sto ry and tha t it serves as a warn-

    ing to all and a p ause for thought to any p upil, and

    inde ed ad ult, who listened to him.

    James Butler

    Head of Humanities

    Inspirational speak er - Tom Fitzimm ons

  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Issue 75Pag e 5

    My a la rm rung a t 2.30am a nd t his is whe n it da wne d o n me t ha t I had 30 minutes be fore our 5 da y

    ad venture to Spa in be gun a fter a yea r of planning! I wa s greeted at 3am w ith 45 excited c hildren and

    4 mo re sleep y mem bers of sta ff. Our journey went smo othly. No

    lost b ags or pa ssp orts, a good flight and b efore we knew it we

    had arrived at El Tejo which was our hotel for the next 4 nights.

    Our trip sta rted with a treasure hunt a round the village and a visit

    to the b ea c h. An hour of pa dd ling, laug hter and sunshine a nd it

    wa s time to return to o ur hotel. Whilst w e tho ught the kids wo uld

    wa nt to sleep , we e nde d up playing g am es on the nea rby field

    a fter a yumm y dinner before eve ryone finally settled do wn. The

    next three o f da ys we re jam p ac ked w ith ac tivities, inc luding a

    visit to Santa nd er, ta pas me a ls, markets, shopp ing c ent res, ca ves,

    c ab les ca rs and qua int villages. Mrs Mc Grail & Mrs Parmite rimpressed us with the ir hidden ta lents of b eing t our guide s on our

    coach journeys using the microphones. The wheels on the bus

    and the granny anthem will not be forgotten in a long time. Mrs

    Walsh d id a stern job of ne arly b rea king her knuckles on the d oo rs

    whilst trying to w ake the kids up in the mornings. Ms Needha m

    ac hieved he r full advanc ed whe elcha ir d riving licenc e a round c ob bled streets and stee p hills. Myself,

    I gained myself a nickname of Tigger apparently I have too much energy!! The final night ended

    with lots of laughter at the Karao ke and wa s enjoyed b y all. The last da y arrived and w e w ere sad to

    be leaving our hotel. We ate a wonderful huge paella however the purple squid wasnt appreciated

    by a ll. A last quick visit to the b ea c h, the b igg est ic e c rea ms we c ould find and we he ad ed to thea irport. There I was c om me nting how smo othly the trip had run whilst on the p lane, surely no one

    would lose a passport now

    Thank you year 8,9 and 10 and the o ther tea c hers for making this trip so w ond erful and e njoyab le.

    You were a ll a p leasure to go awa y w ith. Miss Taber aka Tigger.

    Spanish Trip 2011 4th8th May

    Huge paella!

  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Pag e 6 The Christs Chronicles

    Two yea r 10 stud ents, Wend y Barnes and Sop hie Jubeh, w ill be invited to the awa rds c eremo ny for

    Newsquests Young Reporter of The Year Awards 2011, to be held on 30th June. Around 500 students

    from the bo rough ha ve ta ken pa rt in the c omp etition, by writing a n article a nd m eeting a de ad line

    eve ry month. Their a rticles c an be viewed a t; In rec og nition o f their

    ac hievem ent, the students will rec eive a c ertific ate a nd a Letter of Rec og nition, a g rea t b oost for a c a-

    ree r in the me d ia and imp ressive on c olleg e or university a pp lica tions. In a dd ition, prizes will be aw ard -

    ed for be st a rticle, best p hoto grap h, quirkiest story, going the e xtra m ile and ove ra ll winner. Go od luck

    to Wend y and Sop hie.

    Mrs Lorenz

    These a re the ir latest artic les:

    Did you enjoy a stree t p a rty this we ek-end? Many com munities did

    ge t to ge ther to c elebrate a nd the g rea t British trad ition o f the

    street p a rty wa s the mo st p op ula r form o f ga thering. 5500 forma l

    roa d c losures we re a pp roved in Lond on, so p eo ple c ould mee t

    their neighbours and ge t to know them be tter. Som e p eop le w ere

    ac tua lly c eleb ra ting the w ed d ing while for othe rs, it wa s just a n

    excuse to g at her and have som e fun.

    Som e o f the a c tivities I hea rd about a t the street p a rties inc luded :ma king a nd ea ting p iles of sand wiches and lots of lovely ca kes,

    playing a ga me where you sit a stride a po le a nd hit your op po -

    nent w ith pillows until one o f you fa lls off. Then the re w as the tom-

    bo la, a pp le-bob bing a nd a sac k-rac e for kids. It a ll sound ed like go od fun and having a wedd ing and

    c eleb ra ting is a grea t d istrac tion from the c urrent ec ono mic c risis. It is a lso a go od wa y to g et fa milies

    together and ha ve a d ay off work.

    On the dow n side, I d id notice tha t, with the c losures of road s, there were ma ny frustrated p eo p le.

    There were less pa rking spac es for those w ho w anted to park. The o nly wa y you c ould g o th roug h

    som e road s wa s to w a lk and to try not to interrup t the p a rties. And som e p eop le in Ham w ere disap -

    pointed because parties werent allowed on key roads or public transport routes.

    Overa ll, how ever, I think it wa s a d ay o f pa triotism a nd p ride for ma ny pe op le a round Brita in, wha teve r

    their age or ba c kground. The Prime Minister himself rec om me nd ed tha t p eople should ha ve street p ar-

    ties and one wa s even he ld in Downing Street, in a id of va rious c ha rities suc h a s Age UK and Conta c t

    the Elderly. I hop e lots of mone y wa s ra ised and tha t ma ny pe op le b ene fitted from these p a rties.

    Sop hie Jub eh

    Young Journalists

    Street Parties for the Royal Wedding
  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Issue 75Pag e 7

    Com ba t Knife Crime

    Crime c annot be igno red . It is a ffec ting our soc iety in numerous wa ys. The numb er of c rimes c om mitted

    has dropped (over the last year? - can you use statistics?), but the overall percentage is still low. (?)

    These c rimes a re usually c om mitted by young peop le. 29% of sec ond ary sc hoo l children a dmit toroutinely carrying knives. Every 25 minutes a knife incident occurs, despite the fact that its a criminal

    offenc e to c arry a knife or any othe r we apo n on sc hoo l p rem ises.

    Child ren m ay ca rry knives for self-defenc e o r for self-estee m. Som e a re w orried t hat they a re g oing to be

    bullied o r a tta c ked. These c hild ren m ight not ge t the p rote c tion they need from the a dults in the ir lives.

    Othe rs rec eive a grea t d ea l of respec t from their friend s by simp ly ca rrying a knife. Without a knife, they

    wouldn't g et this respec t. This leads to furthe r troub le (suc h a s?? - try to b e


    A study has proven that society pays over twice the average household

    incom e for one prison inma te's inca rc eration. Som e p eople seem to think

    that c arrying a knife is not g oing to c a use the sam e a mount of d am ag e a s

    when you shoot someone. Either way, someone loses a life. Anyone carryinga knife or thinking of carrying a knife - dont! A knife isnt a defensive

    weapon, its a weapon of attack.

    Wendy Barnes



  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Pag e 8 The Christs Chronicles

    Music News

    A m essage from our Chapla in, Ruth Scott

    Forthc om ing Even ts:

    There w ill be a Summ er Conc ert on Thursday 30th June a t 7.00. Tick-

    ets will be ava ilab le from the sc hool rec ep tion a c ouple o f we eks be fore t he e vent, whic h will

    feature musicians throughout the school, including a farewell section from outgoing Year 11

    stud ents. Cho ir, orc hestra, stud ent c om positions, band s, jazz, voc a l and instrumenta l solos and

    examp les of c lass projec ts.

    The department is also planning another At Home in July (date to be fixed) to give the less experi-

    enc ed or confident m usic ians anothe r c ha nc e to p erform informa lly in the music c entre in front

    of p a rents and friend s; this follow s the suc c ess ea rlier in the Yea r of our Singing and Yea r 7&8

    soloists At Homes.

    Stud ents ma y also g et t he c hanc e to hea r a visiting Americ an Youth Orche stra in lat e June, and a visit

    to the BBC Proms is a lso being d isc ussed for July: watc h th is spac e.

    The m usic dep artme nt c ontinues to thrive a s a c rea tive hubc om position rema ins a t the hea rt of the


    Lea rn an instrument: why doesnt your son/daughter have a go at learning a musical instrument?? This

    c ontinues to b e a grea t wa y to d eve lop c onfide nc e a nd orga niza tiona l skills, as we ll as the p lea sure of

    ac tua lly learning an instrume ntresea rc hers c ontinue to de mo nstrate tha t learning an instrument

    helps to increase students academic potential! Email Mr. Wilson if you have any queries at pwil-

    son@c hrists.richmond .sc

    Community Choir. Sec ond time of a sking , as we ha ve not ha d a huge responseno e xpe rienc e re-

    quired!! It would be great to have a parent choir which could take part in events at Christs. Again,

    p lease e ma il Mr. Wilson w ith a ny queries about this.


    It hardly seems possible that were half-way through the term. Id like to tell you about three projects

    were working on at present.

    We rec ently sta rted the stud ent c a f w hic h will be op en every Tuesda y from 3-5pm. Som e o f Mr

    McPauls Year 10 Art students came up with the name Starburkes. At p resent w e a re in the

    sc hoo l c antee n but o nc e the exam s have finished we will mo ve into the Drama Stud io. We

    wo uld like the c a f to b e a relaxing p lac e. Stud ents have sugg ested

    having sag b ags and sofa s. We aim for the c a f to c ove r a ll its c osts.

    Eventually we hop e to b uy a c offee-making m ac hine a nd g et a little

    b it bette r eq uipped . If you com e a c ross any sag b ags or sofa s go ing

    for free that you think would be fit for the c af, p lea se let me know!

    The c a f w ill at som e p oint have a jew ellery-making c orner and any jew -

    ellery ma de w ill be sold late r for cha rity. If you have unwa nted bea ds,

    please send them our way.
  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Issue 75Pag e 9

    Essen tia lly we hope Starburkes will be a plac e the students c an c ome and relax with friend s at the

    end of sch ool. We hop e tha t the p resenc e o f the c af will help to b uild on the sense o f c om-

    munity in the sc hoo l. Som e students a re a lrea dy help ing behind the c ounte r. I am c o -

    ordinating the p rojec t w ith the help o f loc a l youth wo rkers, and our Kick Lond on m ento r, Tom

    Rutter. Teaching staff have also offered help. Were starting low-key a nd will see if the c a f b e-

    c omes pop ula r with the students. In future we hop e t hat Tutor group s ma y use it for c ha rity

    cake sales. Were also exploring Fairtrade products that we can use.

    Weve been rethinking the way we raise money for charity in the school. We dont want this activity

    to feel like a pressure for the students, but we also want them to leave Christs with a desire to

    help o thers. The Stud ent Counc il sugg ested tha t introduc ing a n eleme nt of c om petition into

    fund -ra ising would increa se incent ive. They felt tha t stud ents or tuto r g roups tha t raised the mo st

    money should receive prizes. We dont want to spend money raised for charity on prizes but we

    ha ve b ee n exploring the possibility of businesses d ona ting p rizessuc h a s tic kets to Thorpe Park

    or Chessington World of Adventure. If you are able to help in any way, Id love to hear from

    you. There w ill be a n op portunity for stud ents to g a in cred its for ra ising mone y for cha rity. We w ill

    ha ve som e sc hool-wide c ha rity eve nts, p rob ab ly for things like Comic Relief or Child ren in

    Need, b ut otherwise m ay leave it to tutor group s to d ec ide which c harities they wa nt to he lp.

    Even w hen Student Counc il c hoo ses the c ha rities we supp ort, the students ma y not b ec om e

    enthusiastic so we want to work with the enthusiasm that exists already in some tutor groups

    and hop e tha t it is c atc hing!

    As pa rt of the new sc hoo l build t here will be a Cha pel in the Rec ep tion area of the sc hoo l. It will be

    a p lac e w here the students c an g o w hen they wa nt to be quiet or to b e mindful of things that

    are concerning them. We will use it for meditative liturgies and Eucharists, some teaching, and

    for pastoral ca re. While we a re a Church o f England supp orted sc hoo l we hop e stud ents of a ll

    faiths and none will feel at home w ith us. On Frida ys and d uring Ram ada n, for examp le, the

    prayer space will be available for our Muslim students and while particular faith symbols will be

    present in the Cha pel at d ifferent t imes, the fixed dc or with enc ourag e a sense o f prayerful-

    ness tha t is not fa ith-specific. Mrs Bean is about to work with a group on designing the stained

    glass windows we will have, using abstract colour patterns to create atmosphere. My aim is

    tha t a nything in the Chap el is either designe d and m ad e b y students, or ha s their approva l.

    Ma ny thanks for the supp ort you give your children, and for enco urag ing them to play a n a c tive p art in

    the scho ol co mm unity.

    Kind reg a rds,


    (Sc hoo l Chap la in)

  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Page 10 The Christs Chronicles

    This half term Christs PE department hosted the Richmond inclusive sports day for the second time. Led

    by Richmonds lead teacher for Inclusion, Dave Francis, Year 9 students acted as leaders and helpers to

    the ot her sc hoo ls in the bo roug h attend ing the d ay. All the stud ents ta king p a rt enjoyed w hee lc ha ir bas-

    ketb a ll, boc c hia and round ers as pa rt of the d ay in a series of m ini c om petitions throug hout t he d ay.

    Tea c hers from the othe r sc hoo ls a ttend ing rem arked on how exce llent the Sports Lea d ers we re at sup -

    porting the ir a thletes and b eing genera lly helpful, c onsid erate a nd a

    credit to Christs School.

    Steve C olvin, Hea d of PE

    Christs Host Inclusive Sports Day for Richmond Borough

    Sp o rts Ne w s

    P.E. Extra Curricula r Summer Timeta ble

    Lunc h Time Lunc h Time Lunc h Time Afte r Afte r Afte r Afte r Afte r

    SGo MGr CNe SCo MGr SGo CNe Othe r

    Monday Mixed


    Y7/ 8




    Tue sday Aussie



    Y7/ 8




    Y7/ 8


    Y7/ 8





    Y9/ 10


    KS3/ 4


    KS3/ 4


    KS3/ 4


    KS3/ 4

    Thursday Aussie


    Y9/ 10


    Y9/ 10











    Y7/ 8


    Friday Touc h Rug-


    Y7/ 8

  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Issue 75Pag e 11

    The Autumn term highlights we re the succ ess of the Yea r 9 and 11 boys a t the Ca rneg ie Rugb y Lea gue

    events, with bo th tea ms go ing o n to represent the bo r-

    oug h in the South London c ha mp ionships. The sen ior Vol-leyba ll teams we re also highly suc c essful in the ir c om pet i-

    tions a lso. Afte r Christm as the Y8/9 g irls suc c essfully de-

    feated Waldeg rave to bec ome bo rough cham pions

    with excep tional p erforma nc es from Esme Gritten, Karen

    Valle & Freya Donne ll. The yea r 8 bo ys were a lso very

    suc c essful in the ir strong performa nc e a ga inst Twicken-

    ham Ac ade my, with Josh Pac ho a nd O llie Tugm an sta r


    The rea l highlights this yea r ha ve b ee n the o utsta nd ing

    row ing p erformanc es of tw o young lad ies and the Yea r 9

    girls Rugby League team. Emily Mayer & Deryn Ester-

    huyse w on t he senior girls bo roug h rowing c om petitionbe fore Easter and then the ne xt da y com pe ted in the

    Nationa l Row ing e rgo me ter c hamp ionships at Pic ketts Loc k Athletic s Cen tre in Enfield. Onc e aga in, the

    girls performances were excellent with Emily placing 3rd and Deryn 2nd in their age groups in the Na-

    tiona l Final. Outside o f sc hoo l c om pet ition , the g irls ha ve a lso a c hieved g rea t suc c ess with Kingston

    Row ing C lub , winning the inter-reg iona l finals in Nottingha m a nd a re now p rep aring for the Nationa l

    finals late r this mo nth.

    The yea r 9 girls Rugb y Lea gue tea m follow ed up the ir

    impressive vic to ry at t he Boroug h c ha mp ionships by fin-

    ishing sec ond in the south ea st regiona l co mp etitions to

    last ye a rs na tiona l runners up , Feltha m. As a result of the ir

    superb displays they travel to Wigan in the last week of

    term to represent the bo rough in the National c ham pion-ship s!

    Leadership @ Christs:

    The students of Christs have been highly involved in

    leadership th is yea r. Yea r 11 stud ents ha ve t rained to b e

    Volleyb a ll referees and assisted a t b orough tourna me nts,

    wh ile Yea r 10 Junior Foo tb a ll Orga nisers ha ve delivered a

    5-a -side tournam ent to ove r 100 prima ry sc hoo l students

    as pa rt of the ir lea rning . Yea r 9 GCSE PE stud ents were

    high ly praised for their lead ership and performa nc e a t the rec ent Inclusive Game s even t hosted a t

    Christs. Many students were praised for their excellent attitude and maturity in supporting the visiting


    Christs invited to watch England 7's train

    Friday the 13th of May saw Christs Gifted and Talented boys meet with the England 7's squad @ St

    Ma ry's University in a p rivate training session. Invited to a tte nd by 7's legend and Eng land c apta in Ben

    Gollings, the b oys go t a n op po rtunity to me et the England squa d and wa tc h them p rep are for the up-

    c oming Lond on Com pe tition.

    Steve Colvin

    Hea d o f Physical Education

    Successful Sports at Christs this year

    The year 9 g irls Rugb y Lea gue team have ac hieved

    fantastic results this te rm. The finished sec ond in the

    Southe rn Reg ional Comp etition before hea ding up to

    Wiga n to c om pete in the Nat iona l Fina ls. After a

    tough set of g ame s the girls finished in 8th p osition

    ove ra ll na tionally and we a re very proud o f their per-


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    Page 12 The Christs Chronicles

    Advert is ing

    Dear Parents,

    The Met ropolitan Police Vo luntee r Police Ca dets (VPC) a re c urrent ly re-

    c ruiting. The unit is based in Nelson Prima ry Sc hool, Whitto n a nd me ets on

    Thursda y even ings from 7pm till 9.30pm.

    The unit is op en to young peop le a ge d 14 to 19 yea rs, a lthough w e enc ourag e a ny 13 yea r-olds to a pp ly

    and g et the ir name s on to the w a iting list.

    The a ims of t he M etrop olita n Polic e Vo luntee r Polic e Ca dets a re:

    to p romote and enco urag e a practica l interest in po licing a mong young pe op le;

    to p rovide training, which will enc ourag e positive lea dership within c om munities;

    to enc ourag e the spirit of ad venture and d evelop qualities of lea de rship and go od citizenship.

    Ca dets are d rawn from a ll pa rts of soc iety. There a re a pp roxima tely 1,750 Volunteer Ca dets in the MPSand about 450 Ca det Sta ff. The Sta ff, most o f whom supervise t he C ad ets in a dd ition to their norma l role,

    c om prise o f po lice o ffic ers, polic e sta ff, po lice c om munity supp ort offic ers and spec ia l consta bula ry offic -


  • 8/6/2019 Christ's Chronicles 75


    Issue 75Pag e 13

    and spec ia l consta bulary offic ers.

    The C adets often perform d uties in support of loc a l po lic ing p lan ob jec tives. This is pa rticularly so in

    relation to Sa fer Neighb ourhood initiat ives. Whilst the y a re not a llow ed to pa trol with p olic e officers,

    the Ca dets c an perform ta sks suc h as c rime p revention initiatives, message/ lea flet delivery, test pur-

    c hase of a lc oho l, knives and firew orks, and b ec om e involved in non -confronta tional loc a l events

    suc h as p roperty ma rking etc . Ca dets a lso get invo lved in MPS wide d ep loyments suc h as Troop ing

    the Colour, Rem em branc e Da y Parad es, Lond on Ma rat hon a s we ll as in va rious Conferences and

    Charity Events.

    All Ca det a c tivities are Risk Assessed to c om p ly w ith Hea lth & Safety and Child Protec tion p olicies

    and p roced ures. Weekly mee tings usua lly inc lude d rill/ inspec tion, som e sort of physica l ac tivity, and

    a g uest spea ker or input on a polic e rela ted top ic a s pa rt of a training p rog ramm e. Cadet Units in-

    volve the mselves in other ac tivities at we ekend s and in schoo l holidays and this ma y include go ing

    aw ay o n d evelopm ent c am p, c onservation events and soc ial d ays out, suc h a s pa int-ba lling, go -

    karting a nd ice -skating to nam e b ut a few .

    The Ric hmo nd Unit is c om mitted to the Duke of Edinburgh awa rd sc hem e a nd a ims to e nsure a ll ca -

    dets lea ve a t 19 with a silver aw ard a fantastic a c hieveme nt, which is unriva lled o n any CV.

    Various Ca det Comp etitions are he ld during the yea r, which t est the skills de veloped within the VPC


    For more informa tion on the role and positive rea sons to ge t involved in the Vo lunta ry Polic e Ca dets

    please ta ke a look at the Me trop olitan Polic e Ca d et w eb site a t

    For an app lic at ion fo rm o r for mo re d eta ils plea se c onta c t Sgt Andree Tyler a t Richmond Polic e Sta -

    tion or e-ma il TWma ilbox-.c ad ets@me t.polic

    Quote from Supt Jim Davis below:-

    I believe that the Metropolitan Police Volunteer Police Cadets provide additional development op-

    portunities to allow young peop le to flourish in an environm ent of self-disc ip line, team work, c oopera-

    tion a nd fun. It allows for ma ny young p eop le to o wn a sense of 'belonging' and t o b e p art of the

    wide r 'police fa mily' whether or not the y eventua lly cho ose p olic ing as a c a ree r. The VPC ha ve my

    ab solute supp ort; they are keen, enquiring, motivated and mo st of a ll a fun group o f pe op le to be

    with. If in doubt, try it out!

    Jim Dav is

    Superinte nd ent


    If you would like to ad vertise your

    business or services in our newsletter

    please contac t: Mrs J Ralph at
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    Page 14 The Christs Chronicles

    Add itional information:

    To c onta c t Sta ff b y e-ma il p lea se use the ir first initia l

    and then surnam e w ritten a s one word followe d by

    generic end ing: @c hrists.richm

    There is a lso a quick link via sc hool website.Christ's Sc ho ol

    Que en 's Roa d



    TW10 6HW

    Phone : 020 8940 6982

    Fax: 020 8332 6085

    E-ma il: info@christs.richmond

    Timetab le for school day

    All stud ents to a rrive a t

    sc hool and b e rea dy for

    reg istra tion a t 08.30

    Morning break 10.40-10.55

    Lunc h break 12.55-13.40

    End of sc hoo l 15.00

    Winte r uniform required :

    b lazer, white shirt and sc hoo l

    tie o r summe r polo shirt

    To o rder uniform go to our

    website: http://

    c hrists.richmond .sc



    Summer Term

    26th April20 July at 1pm

    Pub lic Holiday, Frida y, 29th Ap ril 2011 - sc ho ol c losed

    Bank Holiday Mond ay, 2nd Ma y 2011 - sc hool c losed

    Half Term

    30 Ma y3 June

    Good Luck toyear 11 in their
