Chromosomes, chromatin and cellular cycle

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Cellular cycle is part of every cell, it

the growth, devolpement and even

dead of the cell

This area of studying help us

understad and investigate lots of

desease associated at the process

They identify the cell of origin in a case

of leukemia thanks for certain

experiment with mouses with MLL-AF2


They use differents states of cells to

analyzed in the mouses and

comparing them with a control


After the discover, the researchers said that

they’ll be more studies about it, but this

discover leads to a bran new future in

oncologic treatmens and even in the early


I think that by analazying the

bulk tumor, it open a brench

where cancer biomarkers

showing the impact in the

clinical progression in cancers

early steps, and to detect their

regions to a more focus

treatment and more

infromation of the illness itself.

The osteogenesis imperfecta is

a desease in wich the bones can

easily break, and has

deformities cause of it and very

stunted growth.

It can be acompany with some

other tissues problems in witch

the connective tissue


They were studied in two families with same

characteristics, with a total of 8 patients in

each family.

In both families the brittle bone disease was

caused by a mutation of the same gen

MBTPS2 that encode a protease.

They were surprised because the mutation

of the same gene also leads to a variety of

diferente desease, not only the brittle bone


This was all discovered by a simple test in

the urine at measuring metabolites.

This research is very important, cause it

shows that even thought we already

know about some of the desease in one

gene, the mutation of itself can make

other desease in exposure, the

uncertainly remainds unknown in so

many aspects, but this leads many other

investigations helping to understad how

it Works and how is done a lot of things

in our body

Even thought, lots of experiment may help us understand known

desease, it also help to recognize the unkown ones, this is an

example of how far is the human knowledge of the humans itself.

The first reserchr is a clear example of how technology is an usefull

tool on desease, such as cancer, in how to prevent and deal with the


The sencond let us known that we just know a small kind of

desease, that our world and knowledge is growing and changing,

but it also make us notice that our experience and our progress

leads our path to prevent and stunt among them.

Both researchers may cause an impact on how

diferentes studies are progressing, showing not

only a tratment or cure, so as well as different

kind of desease that remainds unkown.

This can help not only in the

knowledge, but as well in the health of

our patients and bring hope on those

that is still uncertain.

We might be far of know it all, but with this kind

of research, it brings a whole new area of studies

that can bring a new chance and more

understanding in our deseases.