Chuck Hester - Email Marketing - iContact

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Email marketing secrets from iContact's Chuck Hester. Presented at REMarTech on April 28, 2010 in New York City. Learn more at


Best Practices for Customer

Acquisition and Retention Using



April 28, 2010

Chuck Hester, APR

iContact Corporation

Chuck Hester, APR

• Communications Director, iContact

• Joined iContact’s in 2006 – Employee #27

• 30 years experience in marketing, branding

and public relations

• Traditional PR guy turned social media


• LinkedIn Power User with over 10,000 first

level connections

• National speaker and Author on Social Media

iContact Corporation: Our Story

• Email Marketing Software for Small/Mid Sized

businesses, associations and non-profits

• Founded in 2003

• 190 employees

• 63,000 customers

The Team


We sent 6.1 billion

emails in 2009

Up from 2.9 billion

emails in 2008









Total Emails

Small Biz



#1 Objective of Email Marketing is?

A: Acquisition

#1 Objective of Email Marketing is?

B: Retention

Email Marketing Best Practices

• Connect with your recipient. No matter how timely or

interesting your message may be. It must connect with

the reader.

Email Marketing Best Practices

• Inform and link. Provide information and tools that will

help them do their jobs better and give you an

authoritative voice as an expert.

Email Marketing Best Practices

• It is not all about you. Your newsletters should contain

roughly 80% industry information and 20% details on

your new customers, products, or news.

Email Marketing Best Practices

• Personalize. Use a personal email address, or at least

one that conveys an appropriate sense of placement.

Avoid “sales@” or other generic email addresses.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Personalize!Welcome to The Team (contact first name)!

I'm amazed at the strong positive reaction I've received for xxx concept. So

many people have called, emailed and joined xxx online that it's clear I'm not

the only one feeling frustrated out there in the sales profession.

Welcome to xxx’s first email newsletter, listing the most popular recent

articles and offering links to resources for sales professionals. Please contact

me with your questions, suggestions and feedback. We're figuring this one

out as we go along kids!

All the best,

Email Marketing Elements to Test

• Message Content

• Creative

• Frequency

• List Segmentation

Email Marketing Elements to Test

Message• Know what you want to say

• Make sure the wording matches the goals of the


• Compare the wording of different messages to

determine which is most likely to be read by

your audience.

Email Marketing Elements to Test

Creative• Choose the correct combination of colors and


• Try to envision what a customer wants to see or

will respond to best.

• Fall message = Fall colors

Email Marketing Elements to Test

Frequency• Consistency of contact is vital to the relationship

• Survey customers to determine an appropriate

level of contact

• Once you’ve established a schedule, stick to it!

Email Marketing Elements to Test

List Segmentation• Use split testing to test creative and content.

• Determine which pieces your customers prefer.

• Continue your campaigns with best practice

according to customers’ behavior patterns.

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

• Ensure all email recipients are opt-in or double opt-in.

This requires the recipient to ACTIVELY subscribe

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

ALWAYS provide an unsubscribe link.

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

Keep Email Short. 5-10 lines of text per paragraph.

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

Consider using a P.S. Readers may skim email but read

the P.S. Repeat an offer or incentive in that section.

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

Consider using a P.S. Readers may skim email but read

the P.S. Repeat an offer or incentive in that section.

As a member of xxx, you're eligible to a half-price initial consultation.

Normally $x for a two-hour meeting or phone consultation, I'll speak with

you about the challenges you're facing growing your sales for just $x.

Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

Add personality to your emails.

Email Don’ts


• Send test messages to your entire mailing list.

• Send multiple test messages to your entire mailing list.

• Send test messages with unprofessional text.

• Send out untargeted “spam” mailings.

• Send broken HTML links.

Email Don’ts


• Send large media pieces that take a long time to

download or view.

• Send out HTML mailings as text mailings.

• Send mailings to unsubscribed recipients

Email Marketing Do’s

Best Times:

• 11AM through 3PM for businesses

• 5 PM through 8PM for consumer

Best Days:

• Tuesday through Thursday for businesses

• Friday through Sunday for consumer recipients

Email Marketing Do’s


• Once a month is usually best. Time sensitive

offers may require more frequent mailings.


• Sending up to three variations of the same offer

is a good way to improve response rates. But no

more than three attempts is suggested.

Email Marketing Do’s

Prime the Pump:

• Get the recipient ready to receive sales offers


• Build credibility and then go for the sale.

Follow Up:

• A timely follow-up message sent one to two

weeks after an initial offer can improve the

response rate of that initial offer.

Contact Information

Chuck Hester,

(919) 459-1451



