Church Family, - Amazon S3...Happy Mothers’ Day! On the second Sunday in May of each year we...

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May 2016


Your monthly sourceYour monthly source Of information Of information And inspirationAnd inspiration

Church Family, Isn’t it funny how some of

God’s greatest

whisperings come to us

at life’s most unexpected

times? Last week Jeff

Parker, Randy McDaris, and I headed down to the

airport to fly to Louisville, Kentucky to attend the

“Together for the Gospel” conference. We parked at

the airport and paid about half a million dollars for

parking to ensure that our vehicle would still be there

upon return. Then we went through airport security

which involved: taking off our shoes, belts, emptying

our pockets, having our palms scanned, minds read,

intentions questioned, and carry-ons x-rayed! If I had

hair they probably would have wanted a sample! Don’t

get me wrong, I think airport security is important, but

things sure have changed over the years!

Finally we arrived at our gate, boarded the plane, and

sat down in our seats. A sight to see I’m sure, three

grown men sitting side by side in seats that are sized

appropriately for fourth graders! The first flight was

only from San Antonio to Atlanta, Georgia, and then

from there on to Louisville. As I sat there thinking about

the conference, I wondered what all we would learn?

Together for the Gospel… we will learn about unity….

maybe some new ways to share the gospel…..the

importance of the truth of salvation and redemption

….maybe a singular focus on how there is only ONE

gospel therefore we work TOGETHER for THE gospel?

After takeoff, I looked around our plane and I saw

many different things going on. Some people were

sleeping, others reading or doing a crossword puzzle.

Others were watching movies or listening to music. But

then all at once, almost the entire plane was unified!

There was one mission, one goal, one aim, and nothing

could stop the people on our plane for accomplishing

this purpose! And what I saw from where I sat, the very

last seat, on the very back row, of a completely full

flight, was a couple hundred people who went from

calm, occupied, and complacent people to a passionate

mob that would not be stopped! This great change

happened instantaneously, and only one thing had to

happen! What was this one thing you ask…the

stewardess opened up the door to the runway!

One moment we are all sitting quietly and peace is

amongst the plane. No one is getting up or moving

around, everyone is just fine sitting in their chairs with

their seatbelts fastened, tray tables up, and seats in the

upright position! But the moment that seatbelt sign flashed

off and the stewardess says that we can get off the plane,

our gentle crowd turned into a black Friday mob! It was

ridiculous! People jumping from their seats…hurrying to

grab their carry-ons…pushing and shoving in the aisles

knowing that there is no where they can go until the front

of the plane exits!!! If you have flown before, you know

exactly the scene in which I am describing! And in that

moment of chaos, the Spirit spoke to my soul.

God whispered in my ear… Josh do you see all of those

people? Yes Lord I see them. Do you see how they are

willing to do anything to get off of this plane? Them are

some crazy folks for sure Lord, I’m glad I’m in the back or

I’d probably get run over! Do you know what you can learn

from them Josh? Not really Lord, but I’ve got a feeling that

you are about to tell me!

Here is what I heard…..Josh…as desperate as they are

to get off this plane…you see it in their eyes…their

actions….their words….everything about them radiates

urgency…. will you be that desperate to share the gospel

with the lost? As determined as this crowd is to feel the

freedom and fresh air outside this plane, will you be that

determined to be refreshed by My Spirit? As driven as the

crowd is to exit the runway, when will My people be driven

to fill my house with praise? As much as they feel the

need to take steps down that airplane aisle, will you be

that desperate to take steps of faith and follow Me!

I expected to hear from the Lord at the conference, but

in God’s perfect timing I heard from Him before I even got

to Kentucky! In 1 Kings 19 Elijah experienced many

things: a powerful wind that broke the mountains, an

earthquake, and a fire! Often when seeking God we are

looking for winds and earthquakes and fires. We are

crying out and waiting for Him to use lighting to write us a

message in the asphalt! But Elijah says that God was not

in the wind, nor the earthquake, nor the fire. God came

instead to him in a still…small…whisper! Perhaps you

have been waiting to hear from the Lord and are looking

for wind, or an earthquake, or a fire? Know that today

God still speaks to His children, and if our hearts are

desperate to find Him, our souls are determined to serve

Him, and our will has decided to follow Him, then God

won’t have to speak very loud for us to hear Him

clearly……. He only needs to whisper!

-In Christ,

Pastor Josh

By Statement of Faith

Vaughn and Gayle Strickland

Dear Church Family,

Thanks to all of you for the hospital visits, get well

wishes, prayer grams, and your continuous prayers. My

faith is in God, my trust is in Him, and my hope is in Him!

Thank you for lifting my spirits. “By this everyone will

know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

God bless all of you my sisters and brothers. To God be

the glory!

-In Christ and with much love, Alice Herrera

To my Church Family,

Thank you very much for your prayers and for all your

cards and visits while I was in the hospital and here at

home. And, thanks to everyone who came and built the

ramp to my house. I thank everyone with all of my heart

and God bless you all.

–Inge McLain

To my Church Family,

Thank you for the prayers, phone calls, visits during my

surgery and after. God is great! He guided the surgeon’s

hand and was with me through it all. A special thank you

to Pastor Josh for being a very caring pastor. Hopefully I

will be back to full productivity in a couple more weeks.

Thank you for being such a great Christian Church.

- Sincerely, Mary Harkins


G.R.O.W. Outreach Ministry

La Vernia Bluebonnet Parade Saturday, May 21

We will represent our church with two parade entrees:

A 1966 Mustang in the old car section and our worship

band on a trailer playing music. There will be several

walkers handing out 500 bags to the crowd which will

include candy, church brochures, and a tract. This will be

a great outreach for Jesus and our church!

Church Tumbler

The GROW ministry will be able to give away one

tumbler for each one purchased. Our church tumbler

sales are at $900.00 as of this report. If you haven’t

purchased yours yet, they will be available in the church

office during office hours. Please pray for their ministry as

they give these to the people of our community as a way

to share Jesus.

- Randy Lockwood, Outreach Director

Happy Mothers’ Day!

On the second Sunday in May of each year we celebrate Mothers’ Day. It is the day set aside to honor our Mothers. On that day and every day, give thanks to God for your mother, and if you still have her, show her how much you love her and how much she means to you. From the cross, Jesus showed his love and concern for his mother when he said in John 19:26: “…Woman, behold thy son!” and then to assure his mother would be cared for, he said to His friend John in verse 27: “Behold thy mother!” Abraham Lincoln once said “God bless my mother; all I am or hope to be I owe to her.” Good mothers not only tell us how to live – they show us. Nothing touches a child like a mother’s love.

Of all the earthly things God gives, There’s one above all others: It is the precious, priceless gift

Of loving Christian mothers. - anonymous

May God Bless All of You, Bob Lockwood, Senior Adult Pastor

Tuesday Morning Bible Study 9:00 a.m.

(On Summer break-resumes in September)

Monthly Fellowship Lunch at Trail Riders Restaurant

In Floresville Friday, May 6

We will leave from the church at 10:30am. Desserts and table games in the fellowship hall.

All are welcome to join us!

Nursing Home Ministry Country Care Nursing Home

Tuesday, May 17 10:00am

Brief sermon, singing and visitation. All are welcome to join us.

Game Day Friday, May 20

10:00am – 2:00pm Fellowship hall

Potluck lunch, fellowship and table games, Mexican Train, come and learn 42...we’ll teach you! Bring a covered dish or dessert and bring a friend!

Noon Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday

11:30am Potluck lunch in the fellowship hall,

prayer requests and prayer and games.

For more information about our Senor Adult ministry, contact Shirley Summers at 830-391-1986.

I have two things to focus on this month. First we are

doing a local mission camp called Mission United which

will take place June 20-23. It is called Mission United

because six different youth groups in the La Vernia

area are coming together to train and do missions.

Missions is making the gospel visible. This will be the

focus of the camp. The cost is $40 which will help cover

the worship band and the training and food. Grace

Bible Church will host the event for the week. Students

will start the day at 9:00 and be done at 8:00 each day

where they will be dismissed to their homes for the

evening. We will be having a speaker from a missions

organization called iGoGlobal and a worship band.

Students will serve with Ethnos Missions Center on the

west side of San Antonio and do backyard Bible clubs

there for children. Students will also be doing a ramp

project and prayer walking during the week. Please

make plans to sign up for this event by the end of May

so we can have a count.

Youth camp is also coming up. It is July 10-14 at

Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center in

Spicewood, Texas. The cost is $260 for the week. We

need all paperwork and money to be turned in by

Wednesday, June 1. We have plenty of spots still open

but there is limited space so please act quickly. It will

be an amazing week and students will have fun and

hear the life changing message of the gospel.

Thanks, Randy McDaris, Youth Pastor

Worship Choir / Life Group Leadership Training / Pre-school Ministry Hello all, I pray you have had a wonderful spring. My

family and I really enjoy taking in the beauty of South

Texas during Spring. All of the wildflowers are truly a

testament to God’s handiwork in His creation. I just

want to bring a few things to your attention.

First, choir is back up and running. We meet on

Sunday afternoons at 4:00pm except for the first

Sunday of the month when we meet at 6:00pm

because of the Council and Deacon meetings. We

would love for you to join us if singing in the choir is

something you are interested in. Please speak with me

or our choir director Laurie Mollenkopf if you would like

more information.

Second, we will have an adult Life Group

Leadership Training on Saturday, May the 14 at

9:00am. We will cover some more of the functionality of

the new database as well as discuss what it means to

make disciples in today’s world. If you are a leader or

are interested in becoming one, please attend this

meeting. We will serve breakfast and will end around


Finally, we continue to search for God’s person who

will oversee our pre-school ministry. We have had some

interest but if you believe God is leading you to help in

our nursery please contact me and I will get you

connected. We also need a regular nursery worker as

well as volunteers. This is one of our greatest needs

right now and anyone who is willing to step out and help

us would be greatly appreciated.

For your joy and the glory of God,

Jeff Parker


TeamKID's meet every Wednesday from 6:30-

8:00pm. Kids Kinder through 5th grades meet in the

Fellowship Hall Kid's Wing. Come join us for fun and

energetic Bible, missions, music, and game time that all

point to how to know Jesus more!

Sunday, May 8 MOTHER'S DAY

Thank God for your mother!


after 2nd service in Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, May 22 CHILDREN'S CAMP PARENT MEETING after the second service in Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, June 5th

Preteen Camp money due. PRETEEN CAMP

Monday, June 13 through Thursday, June 16 at Texas Baptist Encampment in Palacios, Texas. CAMP SPONSORS ARE: Pastor Jeff Parker and

Amber Parker; Jason Thompson and Jeanette Thompson; Serina Holder and Mrs. Judy

I am so thankful for these men and women who are

willing to dedicate their time and energy to these


Preteen campers must be at the church at 6:00am for

final registration. PARENTS PLEASE PLAN TO SPEND


PROCESS. Preteen campers are allowed to eat and

drink on the bus. All drinks must be able to be capped

or sealed. There are no cup holders on the bus!


4:00pm. Mrs. Judy will have her phone with her at all

times. Also, she will check in daily with the church while

at camp.

-Judy Chesser Children's Ministry Director

Isaiah 30:21

Extra Credit

Philippians 4:14-19 (NIV84) 14Yet it was good of you to

share in my troubles. 15Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; 16for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need. 17Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account. 18I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. 19And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. First, Paul thanks the Philippians for their support. They had

sent Epaphroditus with their monetary gift some time ago.

Paul indicated early in the letter that Epaphroditus had been

very sick and that he was going to send him back home with

his letter. The Philippians had been quite faithful in their

support of Paul. Paul always made it clear that churches

should support their shepherds. But he was also careful not to

take any support while he was at a given church. He wanted

them to know that he was all about the Gospel and not about

the money. Paul worked to support himself while he was on a

missionary journey. The Philippians thought Paul’s work so

important, they sent money on several occasions to wherever

he was. In the letter, Paul is careful to explain that he isn’t

asking for more money, he is just thankful for what they sent.

Later in verse 15 and further on, Paul reemphasizes his

appreciation to the Philippians. He even mentions that they

brought him a gift when he was in Thessalonica. This is

interesting, because Paul went directly from Philippi to

Thessalonica. He had just been with them and they brought

him a gift of support! And they must have hurried because he

didn’t stay in Thessalonica very long!

Paul was also careful to remind them that when they

supported him, they were supporting the work of the Lord. So

then, the gifts were essentially a gift to God and certainly

pleasing to Him! In verse 19, Paul also indicated that he

believed that God would richly bless those who minister to the

needs of God’s servants. Imagine being blessed by God

“according to His glorious riches!” God’s wealth is infinite! But

aren’t you glad God’s wealth and blessings upon us are not

restricted to monetary blessings? I’m reminded of those crazy

rich people in Hollywood who have everything except true,

unconditional love in their lives.

I know of a church that has a Pastor Ministry-Ministry Team.

They are a group of people who have taken it on as their

ministry to minister to their pastors. Mostly, they ensure that

their pastors are prayed for and lifted up to the Lord. But they

also do some practical things, like sending a note to each

pastor once a month, taking a cake or cookies over to their

house, getting the pastor a restaurant gift card for date night,

washing the pastor’s car, or just whatever they can think of to

bless their pastors. They understand the necessity of blessing

our shepherds. They understand that as we fill up our pastors,

our pastors will be fully recharged and ready to minister to us

in times of need! The Philippians did this for Paul.

We had a visiting pastor at our church one time. For some

reason I don’t remember, I ended up running an errand using

the pastor’s car. I stopped at the gas station and filled it up.

I even ran it through the car wash. You would have thought I

moved a pyramid, he was so happy. It really is the little things

that make the difference. I also remember a time when we sent

blue jeans and peanut butter to a missionary. They were

elated!!! Really, think about it. Would most women prefer to

get a dozen roses once a year or one rose each month for

twelve months? We get so focused on doing the big things, we

forget that our pastors, church staff, yes, even our own family

members need to be appreciated as often as we can. It gives

them strength, it strengthens our relationships with them, and it

allows them to be ready to bless us back when we need it!

But there is some extra credit here, too! Most Christians are

not professional pastors or missionaries. Yes, we are to

represent Christ wherever we are, but I mean as a profession.

Isn’t it true that as we support them, they are better able to

carry out the work of the Lord? Yes! For every prayer we pray

for them, for every dollar we give in support of missionaries, for

every encouragement we give them, we gain a part in their

work: their work of sharing the Good News of Christ Jesus! By

supporting them, we become part of their team.

I was on mission recently with Beach Reach on South Padre

Island. More than any time before, I saw the necessity of team

work in winning people to Christ in the lives of Albert, Mario,

and Rocky. You see, these three young men found

themselves in jail one morning. As they were let out, they were

offered a ride to “free pancakes” by some crazy Christian

college students doing something called Beach Reach who

were hanging out in front of the jail. Free, fresh, and delicious

pancakes were prepared by a Texas Baptist Disaster team in a

church parking lot. Students and adults were there, engaging

people in conversation and pointing to Christ. I was there and

got to talk to Albert for a few minutes as a Texas Baptist

Disaster team member served us some orange juice. A few

minutes later, one of the Beach Reach students led Albert to

the Lord Jesus Christ! Then I had the opportunity to sit and

talk with Albert until his ride got there. In talking with him and

his friends, soon Mario gave his life to Christ! It wasn’t long

before Rocky was praying, dedicating his life to Christ! One of

the Baptist Student Ministry Directors spent some time talking

with Albert. Then a graduate student Beach Reacher, Joseph,

and I spent 6 hours at Whataburger pouring Jesus into the

three of them before their ride arrived. But I wasn’t there by

accident. Some people from my church gave money to get me

there, they sacrificed their time to pray diligently for us while we

were there. So you see, if any link in the chain that led to the

salvation of these young men had been broken, they may not

have found Christ. It took everyone, and especially the ones

that stayed home. Without the support of the ones that stayed

home, none of us would have been there!

So, you see. As you encourage, as you pray for, and as you

send pastors and missionaries out, YOU get credit in heaven

for the work the Lord is able to accomplish through them! That

is some pretty cool extra credit! Look around this week for

someone you can encourage, look for a ministry that is making

a serious difference for Christ, look for where God is at work,

and join Him there! And when you do, you will be just like the

Philippians as they got credit for what the Lord was doing

through Paul!

Keep The Son in Your Eyes,

Pastor Devin

First Baptist Church PO Box 279

La Vernia, TX 78121 Office: 830.253.1239

Fax: 830.779.4521 Office Email:


Monday through Friday: 9am-5pm


Deacons of the Week Schedule Sunday Worship 9:00am / 10:30am

1 Bobby Faulkner / Joey Goode 8 Mike Kinsey / Tony Costanzo 15 Ted Claus / Ken Holt 22 Hank Herrera / Ted Claus 29 Stan Walker / Lane Talbert FH = Fellowship Hall

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


8a-10:45a Pancake Breakfast Camp Fundraiser 3p Council Mtg 5p Deacons Mtg


6p Women’s Bible Study


8:30a Women’s Bible Study 9a Seniors Bible Study 5:30p GROW Ministry 6:30p Financial

4 Regular

Wednesday Schedule


Wake up


Pray for



Senior Adult Fellowship Lunch at Trail Riders in Floresville


FH reserved 12p-3p for baby shower


Men’s chorus to sing and

flowers for all our women at both


9 6p Women’s Bible Study

10 8:30a

Women’s Bible Study 9a Seniors Bible Study (Last one for

Summer break)

5:30p GROW Ministry 6:30p Financial


Regular Wednesday


12 13 14 9a-11a - FH Adult Life Group Leadership Training (Breakfast provided)



16 6p Women’s Bible Study


8:30a Women’s Bible Study 10a Nursing Home Ministry 5:30p GROW Ministry 6:30p Financial Peace Univ.

18 11a LVHS Senior Class Luncheon at the Chamber

Regular Wednesday

Schedule 7p

Business Mtg

19 20 10a-2p - FH Seniors Game Day


LV Bluebonnet Parade/Festival

22 Senior Recognition during worship

services 6p FBC hosts LV churches 1st Baccalaureate Service / Dessert Reception


6p Women’s Bible Study

24 8:30a Women’s Bible Study 5:30p GROW Ministry 6:30p Financial Peace Univ.


Regular Wednesday


26 27

Last day of school


29 30

Church Office closed

31 8:30a Women’s Bible Study 5:30p GROW Ministry 6:30p Financial Peace Univ.

JUNE EVENTS 3 - Senior Adult Lunch 3 - LVISD Graduation 11 - Men’s Breakfast 12 - Lord’s Supper 13-16 - Preteen Camp at Palacious 16 - SOUL Café Women’s Fellowship 19 - Father’s Day 20-24 - Youth Mission Project 26 - Church “Redemption” Picnic

First Baptist Welcomes you!


8:00-8:50 am Life Groups (adults only)

8:45 am Prayer in Pastor’s Office

9:00-10:00 am 1st Worship & Life Groups

10:30-11:30 am 2nd Worship & Life Groups

10:30-11:30 am Kid’s Worship

4:00 pm Worship Choir

5:00 pm Youth


11:30 am Senior Adults Prayer Group

5:30 pm Fellowship Supper

6:00 pm Children’s Choir

6:30 pm Prayer Meeting

6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study

6:30 pm Frontline Youth (G 6-12)

6:30 pm Children’s TeamKid (K-5)

6:45 pm Preschool Choir

Monthly Newsletter

PO BOX 279 LA VERNIA, TX 78121-0279






— Church Staff — Dr. Josh Walters, Senior Pastor Jeff Parker, Pastor of Worship & Discipleship Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9am-5pm Randy McDaris, Pastor of Youth & Missions Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9am-5pm Devin Butts, Assoc. Pastor & Business Administration Judy Chesser, Children’s Ministry Director Bob Lockwood, Assoc. Pastor of Senior Adults Shirley Summers, Asst. Senior Adult Coordinator Debbie McReynolds, Ministry Assistant Dan Rhoades, Church Treasurer Lisa Syma, Asst. Church Treasurer/Council Chair Jane Sijansky, Interim Nursery Director Randy Lockwood, Outreach Director James Woitaske, Deacon Chairman Kelly Mollenkopf, Director of Media Laurie Costanzo, Wednesday Dinner Coordinator Joan Robertson, Creative Director

First Baptist Church PO Box 279

201 S. Crews St. La Vernia, TX 78121

Office: 830.253.1239 Fax: 830.779.4521

Office Email:

Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9 am-5 pm

We are so excited to offer Financial Peace University at FBCLV.

Melanie and Mike Barker will be the Coordinators.

The class will meet on Tuesdays for nine weeks beginning May 3 and

ending on June 28, 6:30pm to 9:00pm. The cost is $100.

Scholarships are available.