Church of St. Raphael - Amazon S3 dream, Sadoth saw a ladder reaching up to heaven, with...

Post on 24-Jun-2018

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SACRAMENTSReconciliationWeekdays:7:30am-7:50amSaturday:7:30am-7:50am 8:30am-9:30am 4:00pm-5:15pmMarriagecontactFr.RudolphBaptismcontacttheParishOf ice763-537-8401

CONTACTwww.straphaelcrystal.orgParishOf ice-763-537-8401Fr.MichaelRudolph,Pastorx205frmichaelrudolph@straphaelcrystal.orgFr.RobertAltier,ParochialVicarx206frrobertaltier@straphaelcrystal.orgSchoolOf ice-763-504-9450




MassIntentionsMonday,February198:00amRichardCotter,SrTuesday,February208:00amJerrySundgrenWednesday,February218:00amRichardCavenaugh 5:30pmSt.RaphaelYouthGroupThursday,February228:00amRichardRudolphFriday,February238:00amAlmaWilliamsSaturday,February248:00amElenitaRayon5:30pmDickandTheresaCisewskiSunday,February258:30amTomFursman10:30amSt.RaphaelParishioners

Saint of the Day

READINGSFORTHEWEEK: Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10

Saints of the Day – Saint Sadoth and Companions

In the year 341, King Sapor of Persia, the land that today comprises Iran and Iraq—unleashed a violent persecu on against the Chris ans in the territory he ruled. Sadoth was the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, the “Twin Ci es” of that me and place, on the Tigris River, about twenty miles south-east of present-day Baghdad. Because of the persecu on, Sadoth and some of his clergy were driven into hiding, from where they s ll managed to minister to their flock. In a dream, Sadoth saw a ladder reaching up to heaven, with Simeon—his martyred predecessor—standing in glory at its top. Simeon called to him to come up, saying, “I mounted yesterday and it is your turn to-day.” Saboth took this to mean that as Simeon was killed the previous year, it was his turn this year. King Sapor found Saboth and arrested him, along with a number of priests, other clergy, and consecrated virgins, totaling 128 Chris ans. They were thrown into dungeons, where for five months they were horribly tortured. They were told that their sufferings would cease if they would obey the king and obey the sun. Sadoth replied for all of them that the sun was just a created thing, made by God for human-kind, and that only the Creator was worthy of worship. The whole group of martyrs declared: “We will not die but live and reign eternally with God and his Son, Jesus Christ.” They were led out of the city chained in pairs and put to death. Sadoth was separated from his flock and taken to Bait-Lapat, where he was beheaded. He had been bishop for less than a year. Saint Sadoth and Companions, pray for us! (Excerpted and adapted with permission of the Publisher from Butler’s Lives of the Saints, New Full Edi on ©Paul Burns 2003, Published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN)

Administra ve Assistant Posi on Available

The Church of St. Raphael is seeking a qualified candidate for the posi on of Part-Time Administra ve Assistant for the parish office. Responsibili es include gree ng visitors and answering telephone calls; coordina on of AV equipment, processing incoming and outgoing mail; calendar and building schedule management, bulle n and website administra-

on and other du es as assigned. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for this posi on please contact Ginny Metzger at 763-537-8401 or

Another Miracle from a Prophe c Pope?

Pope Paul VI was bea fied by Pope Francis on October 19, 2014. The miracle associated with his bea fica on was the healing of an unborn baby boy in California in 1996. The boy was diagnosed with serious brain abnormali es. His mother was advised by a doctor to get an abor on. She re-fused. Instead, she asked for the intercession of the late Paul VI, encouraged by a nun who gave her a relic of the late pope, a card with a piece of his cassock on it. When the boy was born, no defects could be detected, and he remains normal and healthy to this day.

Another healing of an unborn baby due to the intercession of Blessed Pope Paul VI was recently publicized. It happened in 2014. The child involved, named Amanda, is from Italy. Her mother,

Vanna Pironato, was in her 13th week of pregnancy when she had to be hospitalized because of the premature rupture of the placenta and the leaking of the amnio c fluid. When the situa on didn’t improve, the doctors advised a “therapeu c abor on.” They told her that con nuing the pregnancy would threaten not only the child’s life but also her own. Vanna and her husband, Alberto, refused to get an abor on. Instead, at the sugges on of a friend, they entrusted the child to the pray-er of Paul VI. The couple went on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Montorella, Mother of Graces to ask for his intercession. Paul VI loved that Shrine and celebrated his first Mass there. Then they asked for his prayer every day. Around 4:00 am on December 25, 2014, Vanna went into labor. About two hours later, she gave birth to her li le daughter, at the 26thweek of pregnancy. Miraculously, she had survived three months in the womb without amnio c fluid. The premature girl was in intensive care for only two days. Four months later, she le the hospital in good health.

If Pope Francis approves, this miracle will lead to the canoniza on of Blessed Paul VI, probably some me later this year. It seems very appropriate that both miracles a ributed to the intercession of Blessed Paul VI involved unborn children because of his strong pro-life stance. This is seen, among other places, in the name of his most famous encyclical, Humanae Vitae which is La n for “Of Human Life,” which was promulgated on July 26, 1968. This document is concerned primarily with God’s plan for human marriage and the twofold meaning of human sexuality, uni ve and procrea ve. As Paul VI writes:

The Church […] teaches that each and every marital act must of necessity retain its intrinsic relationship to the procre-ation of human life. This particular doctrine, often expounded by the magisterium of the Church, is based on the in-separable connection, established by God, which man on his own initiative may not break, between the unitive signifi-cance and the procreative significance which are both inherent to the marriage act. The reason is that the fundamental nature of the marriage act, while uniting husband and wife in the closest intimacy, also renders them ca-pable of generating new life—and this as a result of laws written into the actual nature of man and of woman. And if each of these essential qualities, the unitive and the procreative, is preserved, the use of marriage fully retains its sense of true mutual love and its ordination to the supreme responsibility of parenthood to which man is called.

The truth that Paul VI affirms above necessarily rules out both contraception and abortion. He continues…

We base Our words on the first principles of a human and Chris an doctrine of marriage when We are obliged once more to declare that the direct interrup on of the genera ve process already begun and, above all, all direct abor on, even for therapeu c reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as lawful means of regula ng the number of children. Equally to be condemned, as the magisterium of the Church has affirmed on many occasions, is direct steriliza on, whether of the man or of the woman, whether permanent or temporary. Similarly excluded is any ac on which either before, at the moment of, or a er sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procrea on—whether as an end or as a means.

Paul VI also predicted that if the use of ar ficial contracep on became widespread, it would open wide the way for marital infidelity, a general lowering of moral standards, stronger tempta ons for young people, coercive government policies with regard to family life, and a lessening of men’s respect for women. With regard for the la er, he writes that “a man who grows accustomed to the use of contracep ve methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emo onal equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the sa sfac on of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affec on.” Sound familiar? Blessed Pope Paul VI knew what he was wri ng about. If you haven’t already done so, please read Humane Vitae, and ask God to help you respond to his wisdom, with the courage and compassion of this prophe c and miracle-working pope.

Lenten blessings, Father Rudolph



YouthMinister&Con irmationCoordinator:AnnaScherber









ParishDirectoryParishOf ice763-537-8401PRIESTSPastor,Fr.MichaelRudolphx205ParochialVicar,Fr.RobertAltierx206PARISHADMINISTRATIONBusinessAdministrator,GinnyMetzgerx202Bookkeeper,CarrieNellex222SocialNeedsCoordinator,BunnyArseneaux214AnnulmentInquiry,x522CrisisPregnancyHotline,x500FAITHFORMATIONFaithFormationCoordinator,MikeGerads,x211YouthMinistry&Con irmationCoordinator,AnnaScherberx210RCIACoordinator,MaryJoSmithx511WORSHIPPrayerLine,x528SickLine,x523AdorationCoordinators: ThereseJuba763-533-8514 BettyKreuter763-537-1399PLEASEPRAYFOR…. ScottDehnJohnNoeAndrewEisenzimmerMarleneStalochElaineWosmekMichaelSchultzMartiKujawaDavidMcMillenMaryLouWensmanCatherineLillianA.MurphyRichardCavanaugh

J.P.EhlenzGaryGlasscockNorbMeierHaroldRemoldAnthonySmithMarcieMuellerBobFerryEricaLauingerDelorisMalrichBobGuimondJimFossland. Toaddanamepleasecall537-8401x523.

Dear Families, During Lent our community will par cipate in CRS Rice Bowl, a faith-in-ac on program that invites us to encoun-ter our neighbor, as companions on the journey, through prayer, fas ng and almsgiving.

We will reflect on how an encounter with our neighbor can be transforma ve. We will see how our prayers, fas ng and alms can support those worldwide who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or be er oppor-tuni es.

As we prepare for this holy season, it is especially mean-ingful to come together in prayer as a family. Reflec ng on the crosses of hunger, poverty and war carried by our brothers and sisters forced to flee their homes, we have an opportunity to also reflect on our roles in caring for them as members of our human family. Please consider these sugges ons in your family’s Lenten plan:

• Use your CRS Rice Bowl and Lenten Calendar daily to guide your prayer, fas ng and almsgiving.

• Read the Stories of Hope and daily reflec ons to in-spire your Lenten journey— and guide your Lenten almsgiving.

• Visit to watch videos of the people and communi es you support through your Lenten gi s to CRS Rice Bowl.

You may pick up your rice bowls on the tables in the church.

We will collect your CRS Rice Bowls at the end of Lent, so stay tuned to learn more. Thank you for par cipa ng in CRS Rice Bowl with your family.

February5,2018 Contributions: $17,222 Budget: $20,809 BuildingFund: $991Budget: $2,600 Mr.JScholarship: $50

February11,2018 Contributions: $15,068 Budget: $20,809 BuildingFund: $1,058Budget: $2,600 Mr.JScholarship: $300


LentenDayofRe lectionWithFr.RobertAltier


Re lectionTopics:




ExtendedRegistrationDate-RegistrationRequired-Cost$30———————————————————————————————————————————————————PleasereturnthiscompletedformandreturnalongwithpaymenttotheChurchofSt.RaphaelOf ice NOLATERthanFebruary24,2018.**MakeChecksPayableto:OurLadyofMountCarmel**Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TheChurchofSt.RaphaelwillbehostingLevelI“AllinGod’sPlan”aspromotedthroughtheOf iceofMarriage&FamilyLifeinourArchdiocese.Thisassistsparents,astheprimaryeducatorsoftheirchildren,teachtheiryouthaboutGod’sgiftofhumansexualityandthesacrednessofhumanlife.Theprogramforgirlsag-es10-13andtheirMomsisSaturday,February24,2018,from2:00-4:30pminMarianHall.Thecostis$15perfamily.TheeventissponsoredbytheSt.RaphaelRosarySociety.Registrationformsareavailableintheparishof

Massat8:00amintheChurch Confession8:30am-9:45amintheChurch Refreshments8:45aminMarianHall ExpositionoftheBlessedSacramentandAdoration8:30-9:45amintheChurchFirstRe lectionat10:00aminMarianHall Rosary11:00am-11:30amintheChurch Lunchat11:45am-12:45pminMarianHall SecondRe lectionat12:45intheChurch ChapletofDivineMercyat1:45pmintheChurch

PEOPLE OF THE COVENANT If there is one word that stands out in today's readings, it is "covenant." God's faithful-ness and goodness serve as examples to us of how to live. Genesis tells the story of Noah and of God's covenant not only with all people, but with all of nature. Never will the cleansing waters of the flood bring their destruc ve power to all the earth again. The sign, is the rainbow in the heavens. The psalm reminds us of this compassion of God, and begs God to remember us, not because of our goodness, but because of God's goodness and fidelity to the promise. God shows us how to be good by example. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Eucharis c Adora on - Subs tutes Needed contact Be y Kreuter at 763-537-1399

or Therese Juba at 763-533-8514

A subs tute for Adora on is an Adorer who is able to come and pray once or twice a month or only in the summer or only in the winter, etc. Lent has begun. Maybe you want to pray more, but you do not feel like you can commit to any one specific hour every week. You are invited to pray about placing your name on a subs tute list with a day or par cular

me you might be able to be a subs tute for an hour. Next month this list will be compiled and distributed to all Ador-ers so that they may use this as an aid to find their own subs tute when they are unable to pray at the Eucharis c Chapel during their commi ed hour. Subs tutes are very important in this ministry. Most o en, people make a life-long commitment to being an Adorer. Health, family emergencies, travel, etc. some mes prohibit the Adorer from being able to come to the Chapel. That is when a subs tute is called. A subs tute may always say “No, I am not available for that hour,” on that day or night. They too, may have a conflict of me. With Perpetual Eucharis c Adora on, Jesus may never be le alone. A minimum of 168 Adorers are needed to cover the hours of the week. A Prayer Partner is desired for each hour, so the ideal is 336 Adorers per week. Once in a while neither scheduled Adorer is available, and a subs tute is needed. Would you pray and consider to be on the Subs tute List for the Eucharis c Chapel at the Church of St. Raphael? If you want to speak to Barb about being on the list, contact her at 763-971-8460 or email Early to mid-March there will be sign-up sheets in the church. These following hours need a subs tute for the next couple months for those who are traveling or unable to get around as well in the winter: Fridays 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., and 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 a.m., Mondays 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., and Sundays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. If you are able to make a commitment, these hours are in urgent need of a commi ed adorer and a prayer partner: Sundays from noon to 1:00, Fridays 8:00-9:00 a.m., Fridays from 10:00-11:00 p.m., Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 a.m., and temporarily Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 a.m. If you have ques ons regarding Adora on, please contact Be y or Therese at the above numbers.




SchoolOf ice763-504-9450Principal,DougBallingerX352AdministrativeAssistant,PamInnigerx351

The Church of St. Raphael is part of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis

Great things are happening at St. Raphael School! We are keeping our eye on the present with an orienta on to-ward the future! We are turning our a en on to improving our instruc onal method with the goal of boos ng student learning outcomes, while adding enrich-ment ac vi es to our a er-school program.

Classical Educa on Offers: · A deeper vision for the purpose of educa on: crea ng an engaged, well-rounded human being · A vision that dovetails perfectly with the Catholic Faith: the goal of developing saints · The unifica on of the twin purposes of pursuing Faith and Reason, which benefit each other · A stronger, more focused community of faculty and stu-dents centered on learning · An educa onal mindset that is focused in a way that helps students get to the next level of their development · Improved outcomes that increase student engagement while developing a deeper unity of purpose · The benefit of receiving the wisdom of previous genera-

ons · Instruc on in thinking clearly with the ability to discern truth from falsehood · Study in the roots of the English language that strengthens the ability to learn other languages as well

St. Raphael Catholic School has so much to offer: a safe and loving environment a strong Catholic iden ty; a Christ-centered atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is free to move and work in our students, teachers, and staff; a rigorous curriculum where students are held to high aca-demic standards of performance; Preschool and Pre-K programs that set the bar for safety and compliance in a loving and nurturing environment where every child knows the love of Jesus ; growing a er school programs that challenge student’s thinking and helps build Christ-like character; and a compe ve sports program that fo-cuses on student-athlete excellence and character devel-opment. We are doing great things at St. Raphael School and are striving to improve outcomes across-the-board. In His Service, Doug Ballinger, Principal


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