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CIH Distance Learning Centre

Study to suit your lifestyle

CIH Distance Learning Centre

Work based route to CIHCM

Course details

Study to suit your lifestyle

October 2012

Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

Introducing a NEW route to Chartered


The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) are pleased to introduce a new and unique course for experienced

housing professionals.

Work based route

Are you a housing professional who has held at least two or more roles within the housing sector and have

experience of five years or more?

If so, you can now you can get the recognition you deserve for the depth of knowledge that you have

gained in the workplace.

To qualify you will need to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in housing practice and principles

against the specifications for CIHCM.

The Work based route to CIHCM provides you with the opportunity to benefit from chartered member

status via our distance learning programme with the support of an academic tutor and fellow students.

This course is specifically focused on learning derived in the work place. It will give you the tools to get

your learning recognised and to reflect on your learning in order to develop your career further.

The Work based route would suit ambitious, motivated future housing leaders or experienced

professionals with a passion for housing.

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Work based route to CIHCM course details


1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1. Work based route to CIHCM ............................................................................................................................. 4

1.2. Applying for this programme ............................................................................................................................ 4

2. About the course ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1. What is the Work Based Route to chartered membership? ............................................................................. 5

2.2. How is the course delivered? ............................................................................................................................ 5

2.3. Who is this course for? ..................................................................................................................................... 5

2.4. What are the entry requirements? ................................................................................................................... 5

2.5. Admissions process ........................................................................................................................................... 5

3. Frequently asked questions ...................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1. What will I receive when I register for this course? ......................................................................................... 6

3.2. What do I have to do to complete this course? ................................................................................................ 6

3.3. Syllabus and course structure ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.4. What support will I get to complete this course? ............................................................................................. 6

3.5. What does this course cost? ............................................................................................................................. 6

3.6. How long will it take me to complete the course? ........................................................................................... 7

3.7. How much time will I need to spend on the course? ....................................................................................... 7

3.8. What are the other benefits of learning with CIH?........................................................................................... 7

3.9. What are the benefits of becoming a chartered member? .............................................................................. 7

4. Application form guidance notes .............................................................................................................................. 8

4.1. Employment details .......................................................................................................................................... 8

4.2. CIH equality and diversity monitoring .............................................................................................................. 8

4.3. Fees and payment methods .............................................................................................................................. 8

4.4. Self-financing students ...................................................................................................................................... 8

4.5. Financial help .................................................................................................................................................... 9

4.6. Refunds policy ................................................................................................................................................. 10

5. Programme Structure ............................................................................................................................................. 11

6. Contact .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

All information in this pack is correct at the time of printing. The CIH reserves the right to change any

information in this pack.

Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

1. Introduction

1.1. Work based route to CIHCM

This innovative programme takes work place learning to a new level. As a participant in this programme you will build an online portfolio which matches your experience (and the learning that has come from it) against the specification for a Chartered Member of CIH. Our innovative programme focusses on the techniques you need in order to demonstrate your skills and knowledge and on how you have progressed as a result of your experiences. With the support of a tutor you will then work on your online portfolio and on undertaking activities to fill any gaps in your skills and knowledge.

This isn’t a run of the mill course, the focus and timetable will be developed by you (with approval from your tutor) but if you are motivated and well organised you have what it takes to be part of the 1st group to reach CIHCM through this route.

We’ll provide four study days (in three blocks), online recourses to support you in developing your portfolio and a tutor who will sign off your work, help you to plan your best route through the programme and be your first port of call if you have any issues.

CIH membership forms part of the course so, you will also have access to a range of resources developed by CIH for our students. You will also be linked to your course tutor who will provide support using online media.

This course will take approximately 18 months to complete, over this time you will need to attend compulsory study days. There is a two day session at the beginning of the course and two more individual days one about half way though the course and the other just before you submit your final assignment. They will be a chance to get to grips with the processes and techniques that you need to demonstrate your skills and knowledge and to meet your tutor and other people undertaking the programme.

Dates for this intake

Initial Study Days – 16 and 17 January 2013 – London

2nd Study Day - 10 July 2013

3rd Study Day – TBA

1.2. Applying for this programme

Please ensure you have read this pack fully before completing your application form, making sure you are registered for the correct course and that you include either authority to invoice from your employers or, if you are paying for the course yourself, your first instalment.

Applications for this course should be sent to the address on the back of this enquiry pack by December 15 2012 at

the latest. You can either complete a printed application form or download one and email it to us.

Go to

If you require further details regarding this course contact us on 024 76 851789 or email

Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

2. About the course

2.1. What is the Work Based Route to chartered membership?

The work based route to chartered membership allows housing professionals to gain recognition for their experience

by producing evidence of the knowledge, skills, understanding and experience that they have gathered throughout

their careers. This route to CIHCM will require you not just to demonstrate your experience and knowledge but also

to identify what you have learnt from your experience and how you should respond to future challenges. The

programme is a substantial one and will make considerable demands on students who undertake it. This route

recognises the diversity of experience housing professionals bring to the sector and offers a flexible framework for


Once you successfully complete the course you will be able to register for a final interview to become a CIH

chartered member.

2.2. How is the course delivered?

Students must attend a two day session; this will equip you to produce a plan about how you will put your portfolio

together. Your tutor will ensure that the right sort of evidence is produced to enable students to demonstrate that

the learning outcomes have been achieved. Following induction there are six modules to the programme that

students can work through at their own pace using the CIH online platform. There will also be two additional study

days later in the course with tutors and fellow students in attendance. Tutors will be available to support and guide

you throughout the course.

2.3. Who is this course for?

This course has been specifically designed for housing professionals who have accumulated a substantial knowledge

of the sector but have not been able to gain recognition through our more conventional routes to CIHCM. The entry

requirement reflects this. In order to be accepted onto the course you will need to show that you have

More than 5 years experience in at least two or more roles within the housing sector

The key to acceptance on this course is that the student has a broad experience and access to and support from

senior members of their organisation.

2.4. What are the entry requirements?

The ideal candidate would be a non-qualified housing professional who has held two or more roles within the

housing sector and has more than five years experience. The candidate will need the support of their organisation to

enable them to gain experience in a range of housing functions and must be committed to completing the portfolio

within a period of 18 months from registration. The candidate will need access to the internet for research and for

recording achievement.

2.5. Admissions process

Please complete the applications for and we will assess the candidate’s eligibility. We may come back to you with


Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

3. Frequently asked questions

3.1. What will I receive when I register for this course?

Course materials will be available online through e-learning resources. You will receive login details for your student

site and for access to your e-modules tasks and other course related information as well as:

Your Personal e-portfolio

A learner guide

Attendance at a two day compulsory enrolment/induction event

Attendance at two study days throughout the programme

Contact details for your tutor

3.2. What do I have to do to complete this course?

You must attend the induction event and agree your learning contract with your tutor. Following approval of your

learning contract you will undertake six modules (see section five) where you will address the learning outcomes of

each module. There will be set milestones which you must reach to make sure that you successfully complete the

programme. Then final step to becoming a chartered member requires that you attend an interview.

3.3. Syllabus and course structure

See section five of this document.

3.4. What support will I get to complete this course?

The Distance Learning Centre has a number of support mechanisms in place to assist you though your course.

At the beginning of the programme at the induction event you will be given an introduction to the course and agree

a learning contract with your tutor. Details of the online e-learning system will also be provided along with details of

the assessment process and the support you will get from the CIH team.

On an on going basis

You will be allocated a tutor who will offer you support throughout your course via email, telephone,

correspondence and at face to face events

Your tutor will mark your portfolio submissions and give you feedback as well as providing any advice and

support on any of the programme modules

You will be supported by staff from CIH Distance Learning throughout your course, who will also offer

guidance when personal/ work related problems arise which may affect your studies

3.5. What does this course cost?


This is a new programme and for this intake it is being offered at an introductory price.

This includes membership of the CIH for the duration of your course.

Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

3.6. How long will it take me to complete the course?

Depending on the level of prior experience you have and the amount of certificated learning you are producing as

evidence, it is anticipated that you can complete this programme in between 12 and 18 months following your initial

induction sessions. You will have the opportunity to meet your fellow students and your tutor again after you have

been following the programme for about 8 months. Once you have submitted your portfolio for assessment, it will

be taken through the CIH assessment process prior to you being called for your interview of Chartered Membership.

3.7. How much time will I need to spend on the course?

Depending on your existing knowledge and learning speed, you will need to study around six hours per week.

3.8. What are the other benefits of learning with CIH?

As a student on a CIH course you will be eligible to become a CIH member and to join a strong community of over

23,000 members throughout the UK and overseas. This membership is provided free of charge to those studying a

CIH accredited course and will provide you with access to a range of resources that are invaluable to your studies.

You will receive the Essential and Information packages as an inclusive part of your membership. Here are just a

couple of benefits you will receive:

Inside Housing – keep up to date with the news and current issues in the sector with your free copy of this

trade press publication.

New and Views – receive the weekly e-zine from the CIH which brings together news, links to useful websites

and developments both in the sector and at CIH.

Policy and Practice Focus – our new quarterly bulletin will keep you informed about consultations, policy

development and provide a way to get involved and be part of CIH’s wider work.

3.9. What are the benefits of becoming a chartered member?

Chartered members are entitled to use the designation CIH chartered member or CIHCM after their name along with

the CIH chartered member logo. Chartered membership status provides members with the recognition of being a

highly qualified and experienced professional in housing practices and policies and can be a gateway to career


Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

4. Application form guidance notes

Before you complete your application form, please read these additional notes which relate to sections of the

application form. These notes will help guide you through the application process.

4.1. Employment details

Please provide the address of your employer. Please include a contact telephone number, fax number and e-mail address (where appropriate) so we can contact you during the working day if necessary.

If your employer has a head office and this is different from the address where you work, please provide the head office address.

4.2. CIH equality and diversity monitoring

CIH is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or age. So we collect information about our students so that we can highlight any improvements needed in our service.

Learning support needs We want to make sure that you have the right support to successful complete the course so do this, it is important that you fill in this section in full, especially if you feel you have specific learning needs.

If you do have learning support needs we want to make sure you know what support we can offer so we will send you a Learning Support Agreement which sets out the level of practical support we can offer you throughout your studies with us. Please read, and sign the Learning support arrangement, to ensure that the course you are applying for is the right one for you before your registration is finalised.

4.3. Fees and payment methods

The cost of the course is detailed in section 4.4 of this document. This includes membership of the CIH for one year.

If your employer is paying for this course please ensure that the “Declaration by employer” section is fully completed and return this form to the Distance Learning Centre at the CIH.

If you are a non UK/EU national, you will still be able to enrol with CIH Distance Learning. Please contact us for further information and guidance.

4.4. Self-financing students

If you are self-financing you can either:

Enclose a cheque for the full amount. The cheque should be made payable to the Chartered Institute of Housing. If you are paying by credit card, please ring and give us the details after you have had confirmation that we have received your form. Please send the correct amount (if you do not send the correct amount there could be a delay in processing your application form). Or

Pay by instalments: If you are paying by instalments, you will not have access to all your course material at once. With the first instalment you will have access to the first module only. When you require access to your next module you will need to contact DLC with payment details for your next instalment. We will then authorise you for accessing the module(s) you are paying for. The instalment payments for Work based route to chartered membership are as follows:

Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

Payment 1: £1,000 due with application

Payment 2: £1,000 before you attend the 2nd Study Day

Payment 3: £1,000 before you attend the 3rd Study Day

4.5. Financial help

If course fees present you with an obstacle, there are a number of different sources of financial support for people

who wish to undertake courses of education.

CIH Butler Bursary

Details will be available on our website

Positive Action Training in Housing (PATH)

PATH National Ltd was set up in March 2000 following the merger of PATH London and PATH Local Authorities. PATH

schemes are run by many organisations providing education and training for Black and Minority Ethnic people who

wish to work in housing. For example, Sandwell MBC has run a PATH scheme for more than ten years. If you want to

find out more about PATH schemes in an area near you, please contact PATH National Ltd, Path National Ltd, 73-81

Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 0NQ, telephone 020 7939 9725 or email

Family Welfare Association (FWA)

The Family Welfare Association is another source of funding. It will consider applications from single parents, the

disabled, and others. They award grants of up to £200.

For further information call 020 7254 6251 after 10 am and ask for the Educational grant Advisory Service, or email

Prospect Training Services

This organisation is funded by the DFEE. Funding is provided for those wishing to embark upon adult work based

learning. Applications are considered on an individual basis. For more information call 01452 507131/331500 or



Learndirect was launched in February 1998. It is a telephone help-line which helps callers with learning and career

enquiries. The telephone number for Learndirect is 0800 100 900 or visit their website at

Learn with us. Improve with us. Influence with us | | 024 7685 1789

Work based route to CIHCM course details

4.6. Refunds policy

This policy will be strictly adhered to.

Stage Policy

Student has not attended Induction event Full refund

Student has attended Induction event/enrolled and it is within 2 months of the closing date of 15 December 2012

Full refund minus £500 for services already delivered

Student has attended Induction event and it is more than 2 months of the closing date of 15 December 2012.

No refund

All withdrawals from the course must be made in writing to the CIH Distance Learning Centre (address on the back

of this enquiry pack).

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Work based route to CIHCM course details

5. Programme Structure

The programme has been put together to support you in developing your e-portfolio, the titles of the modules you

will be undertaking are shown below:


Module 1: Making your housing experience count

Module 2: Contextualising housing knowledge

Module 3: Managing housing organisations

Module 4: Extending housing knowledge

Module 5: Extending professional and collaborative housing skills

Module 6: Reflecting on professional housing learning

Topics and Modules

During this programme you will need to demonstrate your skills and knowledge against the specification for CIHCM.

This is made up of a core (which covers areas that all Housing professionals need to know about) and 2 topic based


The core housing knowledge:

1st part: The context for housing – the social, political, economic and legal framework in which housing


2nd part: Housing organisations – housing businesses and service delivery

Approved topics:

Housing with care and support

Planning and development

Customer and neighbourhood services

Asset management

Resident involvement and empowerment

Housing finance

Scrutiny and accountability

Lettings and allocations


Private rented sector

Student accommodation

Rural housing

Managing leasehold housing services

Comparative housing study (suitable if you have worked overseas and then in the UK)

You may (with approval) undertake specialisms not shown on this list, if you would like to do this please call us and

we’ll let you know if the topic you are suggesting is suitable.

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Work based route to CIHCM course details

6. Contact

Chartered Institute of Housing Distance Learning Centre Octavia House Westwood Way Coventry CV4 8JP T: 024 7685 1789 F: 024 7669 4209 E: