Cinematogrphy of cabin in the woods

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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M : TH E C




This medium shot demonstrates two men having a conversation which demonstrates a relationship between these two men. Both share an equal eye level showing they are both of the same authority and also demonstrates a relationship. In this shot everything is in focus showing that it is important to the two men however there is some distance between them showing maybe they aren’t that good friends, especially about how one has his back to the camera showing mystery and almost like he is hiding something like many characters in a thriller genre.

The sequence then cuts to an over the shoulder shot showing possible dominance over the character. It then sticks to the 180 degree rule as the men are having a conversation showing a relationship between the two. Again, the eye levels remain the same also showing that they have a relationship of some sort. Only the man who is talking is in full focus showing that we as an audience should be focusing on him as he is talking possibly showing he has important information while the other man is on a slightly higher level, but not in complete focus.

This medium shot shows the man exiting the room but he is caught in between the door frame creating a ‘closed frame’ which could suggest that this character is stressed about his job or something has happened or about to happen. His eye level continues to be high still showing importance to the sequence.

This medium shot focuses on the two men and uses a shallow depth of field to blank out any other people to show they are the most importance. Although they have the same eye level one man is slightly closer into the shot possibly showing a higher authority compared to the other man. No space is shown in between the men showing they are partners and work together.

In this medium shot is shows how these three people have some kind of partnership here however the woman has a higher eye level than the men possibly showing more authority than them but it shows a man in the direct center of the shot showing the audience that he is the main focus. Everything in this shot is in focus to show that it all has some kind of importance and relevance to the rest of the story.

This medium high angle shot of the female character shows that she has importance to the story and holds power, however her eye level is fairly centered to show she isn’t maybe that confident in herself looking at her pose. Furthermore, only she is in focus compared to what she is looking at showing that she is possibly not thinking properly as possibly confused at what she is doing in her life altogether.

This medium shot between the two girls shows a friendship between them however the space in between them possibly doesn’t show that they are that close. This friendship is also suggested by the matching eye level however the girl dressed in blue is placed more to the left showing maybe a greater importance than the girl dressed in white. Also the girls are the only things in focus to show that the audience should be focusing on their conversation as it has a possible meaning.

This long shot could possibly demonstrate the little importance this character has as he is far away, this shot could also portray him as an outcast to the story and how he is different to the others. However his eye level is quite high which could portray him as a possible hero of the story. He is in an open frame which could reflect his personality being open or I could portray the mystery behind this film with the audience no knowing what will happen next.

CONCLUSIONTo conclude, the cinematography used in this genre varies, a

lot of medium shots are shown to demonstrate relationships between characters which would be good to show in my piece as I would want the audience to be clear on the characters but at the same time have a shroud of mystery behind them. In terms of depth of field, only important features are in focus like people or special objects which I would make sure to incorporate so I wouldn’t have pointless things in focus for no reason. Eye level was also shown to be an important characteristic in this genre as it demonstrates power and authority which is important for an audience’s understanding but at the same time it will also make them question why they are higher in power so it keeps them guessing, which is what I want to do with my audience.