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218 VOLUME 41J O U R N A L O F A P P L I E D M E T E O R O L O G Y

q 2002 American Meteorological Society

Cirrus Cloud Microphysical Property Retrieval Using Lidar and Radar Measurements.Part I: Algorithm Description and Comparison with In Situ Data


Department of Meteorology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

(Manuscript received 15 May 2001, in final form 1 September 2001)


A retrieval algorithm is described to estimate vertical profiles of cirrus-cloud ice water content (IWC) andgeneral effective size Dge from combined lidar and radar measurements. In the algorithm, the lidar extinctioncoefficient s is parameterized as s 5 IWC[a0 1 (a1/Dge)] and water equivalent radar reflectivity factor Ze isparameterized as Ze 5 C9(IWC/ri) , where a0, a1, C9, and b are constants based on the assumption of abDge

modified gamma size distribution and hexagonal ice crystals. A comparison of retrieved results from a cirrus-cloud case study with aircraft in situ measurements indicates that the algorithm can provide reliable cirrus cloudmicrophysical properties. A technique to estimate ice water path and layer-mean Dge is also developed usingthe optical depth and mean radar reflectivity factor of the cloud layer.

1. Introduction

Cirrus clouds have an important impact on the climatesystem of our planet (Liou 1986). To improve under-standing of the current and predicted future climate,cirrus clouds are regarded as important targets in manyresearch projects (Cox et al. 1987; Stokes and Schwartz1994). Stephens et al. (1990) have shown that the effectsof cirrus clouds depend strongly on cloud microphysicalproperties, which are poorly known. The microphysicalproperties of cirrus clouds have been studied with space-borne (Minnis et al. 1995; Ou et al. 1998; Platt et al.1999) and ground-based remote sensors (Platt 1979;Sassen et al. 1989; Mastrosov et al. 1992; Intrieri et al.1993; Mace et al. 1998), in situ aircraft measurements(McFarquhar and Heymsfield 1996), and model simu-lations (Starr and Cox 1985; Khvorostyanov and Sassen1998). In situ measurements may provide the most re-liable information about cirrus-cloud particles, but thesmall sample volumes of the probes and the high ex-pense limit aircraft applications in long-term observa-tion programs of cirrus clouds. Although ground-basedremote sensing can only provide cloud information ata given location, it can provide high time and spaceresolution over a long-term period, which are importantto improve the physically based cloud parameterizationsin GCMs. In addition, ground-based remote sensingstudies can help in the development of improved al-

Corresponding author address: Zhien Wang, Dept. of Meteorol-ogy, University of Utah, 135 S 1460 E 819 WBB, Salt Lake City,UT 84112-0110.E-mail:

gorithms for space applications using various satellitemultispectral radiance methods.

Several promising algorithms have been developedto study cirrus cloud microphysical properties by com-bining different ground-based remote sensors. Matrosovet al. (1992) estimated layer-average cirrus-cloud pa-rameters from ground-based infrared (IR) radiometerand millimeter-wave radar measurements. Mace et al.(1998) applied this general concept to the particular en-semble of observational platforms at the Department ofEnergy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)Program sites, which was used for routine data analysisat the southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and RadiationTest Bed (CART) site.

Matrosov et al. (1994) extended Matrosov et al.(1992) to retrieve ice water content (IWC) and a mea-sure of the characteristic particle size in each radar rangegate by applying a statistical technique to deconvolvethe measured radial Doppler velocity into mean air mo-tions and particle terminal velocities, often assuming apower relationship between the size of a crystal and itsterminal velocity. However, this approach can be usedonly in the absence of strong convection in clouds. In-trieri et al. (1993) proposed a technique based on carbondioxide lidar and 35-GHz radar measurements. By as-suming the size distribution and shape of ice crystals,this technique retrieves IWC and effective size profilesfrom the lidar backscattering coefficient b and waterequivalent radar reflectivity factor Ze profiles. To derivevertical profiles of cirrus microphysical properties, otherapproaches are also tested (Matrosov 1999).

To retrieve cloud microphysical properties correctlyin terms of the effect of clouds on the radiation budget,

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it is vital to include optical (i.e., visible and infraredspectral regions) measurements in the algorithm. Al-though b and downwelling IR radiance are used in somealgorithms (Intrieri et al. 1993; Matrosov et al. 1992),the extinction coefficient s, derived from the same lidarmeasurement, was not used. There are two importantreasons to use s rather than b of cirrus clouds derivedfrom lidar measurements. First, backscattering proper-ties of ice crystals are more difficult to model than ex-tinction, especially for visible wavelengths. Yang andLiou (1998) have shown that the phase function at 1808is very sensitive to ice crystal shape, which varies dra-matically in cirrus clouds. Second, to get an accurate bprofile from lidar measurements, the effect of cloud at-tenuation still needs to be corrected for; thus a goodestimate of the extinction profile is necessary. Thus,more robust algorithms should use the s profile ratherthan the b profile (Eberhard et al. 1997).

To retrieve more-reliable cloud macrophysical andmicrophysical properties, algorithms to combine mul-tiple remote sensors are highly worthwhile. Wang andSassen (2001b) developed algorithms to study cloudmacrophysical properties by combining lidar, cloud ra-dar, and microwave and IR radiometer measurements.In this study, we propose a method that relies on theuse of s from lidar measurements and Ze from radarmeasurements to retrieve cirrus microphysical proper-ties. The algorithm description and comparisons withaircraft in situ measurements are presented here. Thealgorithm is applied to Raman lidar and millimeter cloudradar (MMCR) data collected at the SGP CART site inOklahoma from November of 1996 to November of2000, leading to the derivation of basic statistics of cir-rus microphysical and radiative properties, as will bediscussed in detail in Part II (Wang and Sassen 2001a,manuscript submitted to J. Atmos. Sci.).

2. Algorithm description

The objective of this algorithm is to retrieve accurateprofiles of IWC and characteristic particle size in cirrusclouds using the s and Ze profiles measured by lidarand millimeter-wave radar. Theoretical studies haveshown that different characteristic particle sizes havedifferent efficiencies in the parameterization of the ra-diative properties of cirrus (Ebert and Curry 1992). Totake advantage of the parameterization of cirrus-cloudproperties developed by Fu (1996), we select the generaleffective radius Dge as the characteristic size of the par-ticles. From these two parameters, the radiative prop-erties of cirrus can be calculated (Fu 1996; Fu et al.1998).

The primary assumptions that are needed concern theshape and size distribution of the cirrus particles. Ex-perimental results show that cirrus particles have com-plex shapes, such as plates, columns, and bullet rosettes,that change over time and space (Sassen et al. 1994;Miloshevich and Heymsfield 1997). This fact means that

it is difficult to consider the actual shape of ice particlesfor a given cloud in an algorithm. Thus, simple shapesare usually used to develop algorithms (Matrosov et al.1992, 1994; Intrieri et al. 1993; Mace et al. 1998). Touse the parameterization of s with IWC and Dge de-veloped by Fu (1996), we use the same assumptionabout the shape of ice crystals: randomly oriented hexa-gons with the aspect ratio D/L (D and L are the widthand length of the ice crystal, respectively) given by

1.00, 0 , L # 30 mm

0.80, 30 , L # 80 mmD/L 5 0.50, 80 , L # 200 mm (1)

0.34, 200 , L # 500 mm0.22, L . 500 mm,

which roughly corresponds to the observations reportedby Auer and Veal (1970).

IWC and Dge are defined in the formsLmax3/23

IWC 5 r DDLN(L) dL and (2)i E8 Lmin



D 5 , (3)geLmax Ï3

2DL 1 D N(L) dLE 1 24Lmin

where N(L) is the ice crystal size distribution, Lmin andLmax are the minimum and maximum lengths of ice crys-tals, and ri is the ice crystal density.

Fu (1996) showed that the shortwave s (m21) in cirruscan be parameterized as functions of IWC (g m23) andDge (mm) as

a1s 5 IWC a 1 , (4)01 2Dge

where a0 and a1 are coefficients that depend on wave-length. These coefficients are 22.935 99 3 1024 and2.545 40 for 0.355 mm (the wavelength used in theRaman lidar), respectively. Fu (1996) also ascertainedthat the parameterization of s in terms of Dge does notdepend on the assumed ice crystal shape and aspect ratioif using a more general definition for Dge:

0.52(3) IWCD 5 , (5)ge 3r Ai c

where Ac is the total cross-sectional area of cloud par-ticles per unit volume.

The gamma distribution or modified gamma distri-bution is commonly used to represent the size distri-bution of ice crystals. Here we adopt the modified gam-ma distribution used by Mace et al. (1998):

aL LaN(L) 5 N exp(a) exp 2 , (6)X 1 2 1 2L LX X

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FIG. 1. The quantity Zi/IWC as a function of Dge calculated witha modified gamma size distribution, where a 5 1 and 2 and LX isvaried from 2 to 300 mm.

TABLE 1. Constants in Eq. (8).

The range of Dge

(mm) C b






where LX is the modal length, a is the order, and NX isthe number of particles per unit volume per unit lengthat the functional maximum.

If we further assume that the Rayleigh approximationis valid (Atlas et al. 1995; Schneider and Stephens 1995)at a radar wavelength of 35 GHz and that the radarreflectivity factor for nonspherical particles can be ap-proximated by its volume equivalent ice sphere, thenthe Zi (radar reflectivity factor of volume equivalentsolid ice sphere) can be expressed as

2Lmax 1.53 46 2Z 5 2 N(L) D L / p dL. (7)i E 1 2[ ]8 3Lmin

Setting a 5 1 and 2 (Dowling and Radke 1990), wecan calculate Zi , IWC, and Dge for each size distri-bution for different LX . Figure 1 shows Zi /IWC as afunction of Dge , where LX is changed from 2 to 300mm. From this figure, we can see that Zi /IWC has asimple relationship with Dge in a logarithmic scale.Therefore we can parameterize Zi (mm 6 m 23 ) withIWC and Dge as

IWCbZ 5 C D , (8)i geri

where C and b are constants. To have the best fit withthe data, we divide Dge into Dge , 34.2 mm, 34.2 mm

# Dge , 93.9 mm, and Dge $ 93.9 mm. The line in Fig.1 is the fitted result, and the corresponding C and b aregiven in Table 1. We also treated the usual gamma dis-tribution and found that there are no significant differ-ences for the constants in Eq. (8).

The radar data usually are recorded as Ze, which refersto a water temperature of 208C, and can be related toZi by

2 2Z 5 Z (K /K ), (9)e i i w

where and are the dielectric constants appropriate2 2K Ki w

for ice and water particles, respectively (Sassen 1987).For 35-GHz radar, 5 0.1768 and 5 0.93, and2 2K Ki w

they change negligibly with temperature (Atlas et al.1995). Combining Eqs. (8) and (9), we have

IWCbZ 5 C9 D , (10)e geri

where C9 5 / .2 2CK Ki w

The IWC and Ze of ice clouds are both dependent onthe ice crystal density, which is not known well. Becausewe selected the hexagon as the crystal shape rather thana sphere, we simply assume the crystal is solid, that is,ri 5 0.92 g cm23, though most ice crystals are not solidand the density changes slightly with size (Heymsfield1972). If we use the assumptions of spherical particlesand the modified gamma or gamma size distribution,effective ri would change with the particle effective size(Atlas et al. 1995; Mace et al. 1998).

Until now, we have parameterized Ze and s only interms of IWC and Dge. It is also straightforward to cal-culate the downward IR radiance given the IWC andDge of clouds (Fu et al. 1997, 1998). So, Ze, s, and thedownward IR radiance are linked together by IWC andDge.

Besides combining Ze with the downwelling IR ra-diance to retrieve layer mean size and IWC or ice waterpath (IWP, g m22; Matrosov et al. 1992; Mace et al.1998), it also can be achieved by simply combining Ze

with cloud visible optical depth t.Integrating Eqs. (4) and (10) along the vertical cloud

profile results int 5 s (z )DzO j


a15 IWC(z )Dz a 1 and (11)O j 0[ ]D (z )j ge j

IWC(z )jZ (z )Dz 5 C9[D (z )] DzO Oe j ge j rj j i

b[D (z )]ge j3 D (z ) , (12)ge j

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where Dz is the vertical resolution of the profile and zj

is the height of a given gate. To calculate the layer meansize ge, we have to neglect the change of Dge withDheight. With ge, Eqs. (13) and (14) are approximated asD

a91t 5 IWP a9 1 and (13)01 2Dge

2K b9(D )geiZ DH 5 C (D ) IWPD , (14)e 1 ge ge21 2K rw i

where DH is the thickness of cloud and e is the layerZmean Ze. Here C1, b9, , and are new constants,a9 a90 1

which should be different than those in Table 1 and Eq.(4) because of the effects of vertical inhomogeneitiesin the cloud and nonlinear dependence on Dge in Eqs.(11) and (12). To simplify the problem, we assume b95 b, 5 a0, and 5 a1 and only adjust C for C1 toa9 a90 1

take into account the vertical inhomogeneity of cloudparticle size; that is, we use C1 equal to e212.560 ande214.509 and b9 equal to 2.825 and 3.377 for ge # 34.2Dmm and ge . 34.2 mm, respectively. These adjustmentsDhave been tested in two case studies, which show themto work well (Wang 2000).

With the above parameterization, it is straightforwardto retrieve IWP and layer-average ge from t and e.D ZThe t in the visible region can be inferred from lidarand/or passive measurements.

Combining these equations with other algorithms, weuse a strategy to select an algorithm to retrieve cirruscloud microphysical properties under different situa-tions. If lidar s and radar Ze profiles are both available,we can combine these two measurements to obtain IWCand Dge profiles. For optically thin ice clouds, radars arelikely to detect only part of the cloud (Wang and Sassen2001b). In this situation, ge can be estimated from theDaverage s and Ze, and the ge and t can be used toDestimate IWP. On the other hand, lidar cannot penetrateoptically thick clouds, so it can only provide s profilesfor the lower portion of some ice clouds. In this region,s can be used to retrieve IWC and Dge at the corre-sponding altitude with Ze. For this situation, we can alsosimply get layer-averaged IWC and Dge by combiningIR radiance and Ze if the cloud infrared absorption depthis smaller than about 3.0 (Matrosov et al. 1992; Maceet al. 1998).

3. Estimation of errors

Uncertainties in IWC and Dge come from two kindsof errors: measurement errors in Ze and s and the pa-rameterization errors in Eqs. (4) and (10) due to theassumptions used. The measurement errors in s resultfrom the effects of signal noise, averaging time, andinversion methods (Klett 1981; Qiu 1988; Ansmann etal. 1992). Even if the SGP CART Raman lidar is usedto derive the s of cirrus clouds, a 630% error in s is

still possible (Ansmann et al. 1992), especially withdaytime measurements for high thin cirrus clouds. Forlidars with only an elastic channel, that is, which onlyreceive backscattering at the transmitted wavelengths,we need to use more complicated retrieval algorithmsto improve the accuracy of estimated s (Kovalev 1995;Young 1995).

The measurement errors in Ze mainly come from thecalibration error of the radar system and the effects ofnoise. A reasonable estimate for the calibration error ofmost cloud radar systems is 1–3 dBZ. For the SGPCART MMCR, however, the calibration error was re-ported to be about 1 dBZ, that is, about 25% error inZe. The effect of noise depends on the noise level ofthe system and the averaging time.

The differences between the actual situation and theassumptions involved in formulating the algorithm willalso result in errors in Eqs. (4) and (10). Fu (1996)showed that the accuracy of Eq. (4) is very good. How-ever, there is potential error in Eq. (10) due to assumingthe shape and size distribution of the ice crystals. Toevaluate these assumptions, we make comparisons be-tween the assumed results and the in situ measurements.The in situ measurements used here are about 17 h of2D cloud probe (2D-C; Particle Measuring Systems,Inc.) data collected by the University of North DakotaCitation aircraft during the SGP CART site intensiveobserving periods (IOP) of the spring of 1997, autumnof 1997, and spring of 1998. Figure 2 plots Zi/IWC asa function of Dge calculated from our assumptions (cir-cles, same as shown in Fig. 1) and in situ measurements(black dots). In Fig. 2a, Zi/IWC from in situ measure-ments is calculated from the size distributions derivedfrom 2D-C measurements after assuming the same crys-tal habit used in the algorithm (for more detail on howZi, IWC, and Dge are calculated from in situ measure-ments, see section 4b). On other hand, the in situ Zi/IWC in Fig. 2b is calculated by using the mass–lengthrelationship of unrimed aggregate plates, bullets, andcolumns (Locatelli and Hobbs 1974; Brown and Francis1995). The agreement shown in Fig. 2a indicates thatthe first- and second-order modified gamma distribu-tions are a good approximation for the actual particlesize distributions in cirrus clouds (Dowling and Radke1990). However, Fig. 2b shows that the crystal habitmakes a difference in Eq. (10), and the difference canbe up to 50%. Because of the strong variability in crystalhabit, the parameterization error in Eq. (10) is also var-iable for different cloud systems.

The measurement and parameterization errors in ourapproach affect IWC and Dge in a similar way. To sim-plify the problem, we only address how the errors in Ze

and s are transferred to IWC and Dge in this algorithm.If we neglect a0 in Eq. (4), we can express IWC andDge simply as functions of Ze and s:

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FIG. 2. The quantity Zi/IWC as a function of Dge calculated froma modified gamma size distribution (circles) and size distributionsfrom 2D-C aircraft measurements (dots), (a) assuming the same habitof ice crystal used in the algorithm and (b) using the mass–lengthrelationship of unrimed aggregate plate, bullets, and columns (Lo-catelli and Hobbs 1974).

TABLE 2. The errors in Dge (DDge) and IWC (DIWC) in percent,due to error in Ze and s.

D(Ze/C9) (%)

250 0 50 100

DDge (%)

D(s/a1) (%)










DIWC (%)

D(a1/s) (%)











1/(b11) 1/(b11)Z ae 1D 5 and (15a)ge 1 2 1 2C9 s

1/(b11) b /(b11)Z seIWC 5 . (15b)1 2 1 2C9 a1

From Eq. (15) we find that Ze/C9 has the same effecton IWC and Dge, but (s/a1) affects IWC and Dge indifferent ways. Table 2 shows how errors are transferredfrom Ze and s to IWC and Dge for b 5 3.37. We canalso see that the error in Dge is smaller than the errorin IWC for a given error in Ze and s. A 100% error inZe/C9 causes less than a 20% error in IWC and Dge,which indicates that this algorithm has good tolerancefor the measurement errors in Ze and parameterizationerror in Eq. (10). The accuracy of IWC is strongly de-pendent on the accuracy of s. If there is a 650% errorin s, the corresponding error in IWC is about 640%.Thus, we can improve the retrieval accuracy of IWC byusing accurate s measurements.

If we retrieve layer-average IWC and Dge from Ze andt or downward IR radiance, there is another source oferror due to the characteristic vertical inhomogeneity ofcirrus cloud microphysical properties (Khvorostyanov

and Sassen 1998). However, adjusting the parameteri-zations to take account of vertical inhomogeneity canreduce this system error.

4. Case study of 26 September 1997

The aircraft-supported cirrus case we examine con-stituted the remains of Hurricane Nora that made land-fall in the southwestern United States on 24 September1997 (Sassen and Mace 2001). The remnants of thecirrus blow-off from the hurricane covered the SGPCART site on 26 September 1997 during a major IOPin which data from several visiting instruments werecollected to augment the operational ARM observations.Coordinated in situ data were also collected by the Uni-versity of North Dakota Citation aircraft from 1800 to2030 UTC. The CART radiosonde temperature and rel-ative humidity profiles on 26 September 1997 are pre-sented in Fig. 3. The ice saturated relative humidity isplotted by the long-dashed line in Fig. 3a, showing thatthe moist layer between 8 and 12 km is partly ice su-persaturated by 2329 UTC. Figures 4a,b show the Uni-versity of Utah polarization diversity lidar (PDL; Sassen1994) relative returned power and the Ze from theMMCR observed from 1800 to 2100 UTC, as the thick-ening cirrus layer advected overhead.

Comparison of the lidar and cloud radar data in Fig.4 illustrates the fundamental differences between lidarand cloud radar. Because of the different wavelengthsof lidar and radar, their backscattering coefficients arein proportion to D2 and D6, respectively. Although lidaris sensitive enough to detect any kind of cloud in thetroposphere, the strong optical attenuation of clouds lim-its the capability of lidar to penetrate optically thickclouds, as shown in Fig. 4a around 2040 UTC. Cloudradar is considerably more sensitive to large particlesthan to small particles; therefore, it can fail to detectclouds with small particles. That is the reason why thereare holes in the radar display between 1800 and 1910UTC. For better cloud detection, it is necessary to com-bine lidar and radar measurements (Wang and Sassen2001b).

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FIG. 3. Radiosonde (a) relative humidity and (b) temperature profiles obtained at the SGP CARTsite at 1730 and 2329 UTC 26 Sep 1997. The long-dashed lines in (a) represent the ice saturatedrelative humidity.

a. Retrieved results

The s of cirrus clouds can be estimated from lidarmeasurements with different approaches (Klett 1981;Ansmann et al. 1992; Young 1995). The data quality ofthe CART Raman lidar for this case is too poor to derives profiles, but it is possible to estimate t from its mea-surements. Then, the estimated t are used to constrainthe retrieval of s profiles from the PDL measurements.Figures 4c,d show the corresponding height–time dis-plays of retrieved IWC and Dge using s derived fromPDL measurements and MMCR-measured Ze, in whichthe cloud microphysical properties can be seen to changewith time and increasing cloud thickness. The layer-integrated and mean properties shown in Fig. 5 highlightthis point more clearly. Before 1950 UTC, when thecloud is relatively thin, the cirrus cloud is characterizedby particles of small size and low IWC. After the tran-sition to thicker cirrus around 2000 UTC, t is typicallygreater than 1.5. Although the mean Dge changes withtime during this period, the mean IWC is almost con-stant.

b. Comparisons of cirrus parameters from in situ andground-based remote measurements

Despite the uncertainties in aircraft measurements anddifficulties inherent in sampling the same cloud volumewith aircraft and ground-based remote sensors, com-parisons between retrieved results with in situ mea-surements are widely used to judge the performance ofalgorithms (Mace et al. 1998; Matrosov et al. 1998).The traditional point-to-point comparison, which usesonly a very small portion of the data in the analysis, isbased on the assumption that they have sampled the

same cloud volume. If we assume that in situ and remotesensing measurements can both provide representativesamples of this cirrus cloud, then the results should showsimilar features in a statistical sense, such as in IWC–Ze and Dge–Ze relationships. The statistically-based com-parison has the advantage that all the in situ data canbe used. We will make comparisons using both ap-proaches.

We start from 5-s-average 2D-C data measured bythe Citation aircraft. Because the data from the 2D-Cprobe only contain particles with a maximum lengthlarger than about 50 mm, small crystal information islacking. There is no simple way to calculate IWC andan effective size from the size distributions measuredby the 2D-C because of the complex shapes of ice crys-tals. The most accurate way to calculate IWC is byparticle size spectra, habit percentage, and mass–lengthrelationships dependent on crystal habit (Heymsfield1977; Locatelli and Hobbs 1974). For most 2D-C data,we lack habit statistics and therefore have to assume thecrystal habit and then calculate IWC and Ze. Brown andFrancis (1995) suggested that the mass–length relation-ship of unrimed aggregate plates, bullets, and columnsgives the best estimate of IWC from 2D probe data.

Besides the use of mass–length relationships to con-vert the measured size information to IWC and Ze, wecan also assume the habit and aspect ratio of an icecrystal to estimate these quantities. As in Kinne et al.(1997), we assume an ice crystal is hexagonal with anaspect ratio from Eq. (1), although we do not employany particle breakup mechanism. Studies show that IWCderived from the habit-dependent mass–length relation-ship or the assumption of habit and aspect ratio is onlyaccurate to within a factor of 2 (Heymsfield et al. 1990;

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FIG. 4. Height–time displays of observed (a) University of Utah polarization diversity lidar backscatter in arbitrary units(based on a logarithm grayscale) and (b) SGP CART MMCR returns, and the retrieved (c) Dge and (d) IWC at the SGP CARTsite from 1800 to 2100 UTC on 26 Sep 1997.

Wang 2000). The differences in IWC using various re-lationships will result in a 1–3 dBZ difference in Ze.We should be aware of this in the comparison. In thefollowing comparisons, we use Ze, IWC, and Dge cal-culated by assuming a hexagonal ice crystal shape withan aspect ratio from Eq. (1).



Figure 6 provides comparisons of Ze values measuredby the SGP CART MMCR with those calculated fromaircraft samples. Figures 6a,b show the comparison for

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FIG. 5. The layer-integrated and mean properties of the cirrus layer on 26 Sep 1997: (a) opticaldepth, (b) IWP, (c) mean IWC, and (d) mean Dge. The dashed lines in (c) and (d) are for theminimum and maximum values.

measurements within 3.0 and 1.0 km of the CART site,respectively. The linear correlation coefficient R and themean difference MD between in situ measurements andlidar–radar retrieval are also shown in the figure. Thecomparison for measurements obtained within 3.0 kmclearly displays more scatter than at 1.0 km. This dif-ference is due mainly to the inhomogeneous nature ofcirrus clouds. However, R between measured and cal-culated Ze is as high as 92.1% for the measurementswithin 3.0 km. The mean bias between calculated andmeasured Ze is about 21.0 and 0.2 dBZ for the com-parisons within 3.0 and 1.0 km, respectively. Consid-ering the uncertainities in calculated Ze from in situsamples, the possible calibration error in measured Ze,and the limitations of the comparison due to differentsample volumes and instruments based on different prin-

ciples, we conclude that the agreement between mea-sured and calculated radar reflectivities is good.

The comparisons between IWC retrieved from lidar–radar measurements and calculated from aircraft sam-ples are shown in Figs 7a,b, again providing data be-tween measurements within 3.0 and 1.0 km of the CARTsite, respectively. The R between retrieved and calcu-lated IWC is only 67.7% for the measurements within3.0 km but is 98.4% for the measurements within 1.0km. The MD of log(IWC) between calculated and re-trieved values is very small, or about 20.08 and 20.09for measurements within 3.0 and 1.0 km, respectively.In other words, the retrieved IWC is about 20% higherthan that inferred from in situ measurements.

As mentioned above, the uncertainty in IWC calcu-lated from in situ samples can be up to a factor of 2.

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FIG. 6. Comparisons of Ze values measured by MMCR with thosecalculated from aircraft 2D-C data using the assumption of hexagonalice crystal with an aspect ratio from Eq. (1): (a) measurements within3.0 km and (b) measurements within 1.0 km from the SGP CARTsite. The linear correlation coefficient and the mean difference be-tween in situ measurements and lidar–radar retrievals are given.

FIG. 7. Comparisons of IWC retrieved from lidar–radarmeasurements and calculated from aircraft 2D-C data, as in Fig. 6.

If we use estimated IWC with the mass–length rela-tionship for unrimed aggregate plates, bullets, and col-umns, the inferred IWC will be higher than that re-trieved. On the other hand, we lack size information forsmall ice particles, which could have a significant con-tribution to IWC. The retrieved IWC also has about a10%–40% error. From Fig. 7, we can see that the var-iation in IWC is up to 3 orders of magnitude. Givensuch a large dynamic range in IWC and given the un-certainties in both measurements, the overall agreementbetween retrieved and calculated IWC can be consideredto be good.

Figure 8 presents the comparisons of lidar–radar andaircraft-derived Dge. The R is about 85%, and MD isabout 20.66 and 5.9 mm for measurements within 3.0and 1.0 km, respectively. Note that there is no largedifference in R between the comparisons for measure-ments within 3.0 and 1.0 km. For the retrieved Dge small-er than 45 mm, the in situ–derived Dge is always largerthan the retrieved Dge, which is mainly due to the 2D-C probe lacking small crystal size information. Thecomplex shapes of ice crystals make it difficult to es-timate any kind of characteristic size accurately, so dif-ferent approaches usually provide different results. As-

suming 20% random errors in both measurements, wewould satisfy the agreement between retrieved and cal-culated Dge. Taking into account the uncertainties in both2D-C and ground-based remote sensing measurementsand the limitations of point-to-point comparisons, theoverall agreement is reasonable.




To use the aircraft data more fully, we make com-parisons based on average IWC–Ze and Dge–Ze rela-tionships in Fig. 9. Figure 9a compares the scatterplotsof IWC retrieved from lidar–radar measurements versusmeasured Ze. The IWC-versus-Ze data points from air-craft data are also plotted as gray circles. The meanvalues of log(IWC) versus Ze are given in Fig. 9b, wherethe vertical lines indicate standard deviations. From Fig.9b, we can see that the derived IWC–Ze relationshipsare similar when Ze is between 230 and 210 dBZ. Theaverage difference in mean log(IWC) is less than 0.1 inthis Ze range. The standard deviations of log(IWC) fromaircraft samples are smaller than those of the lidar–radardata because the in situ sample volumes are much small-er. When Ze is less than 230 dBZ, the difference in-creases because the 2D-C probe data miss information

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FIG. 8. Comparisons of Dge retrieved from lidar–radarmeasurements and calculated from aircraft 2D-C data, as in Fig. 6.

concerning small ice crystals, which can be expected tohave a larger contribution to IWC than to Ze.

Similar comparisons for Dge–Ze relationships areshown in Figs. 9c, d. The average size difference inmean Dge is about 5 mm when Ze lies within 230 and210 dBZ. When Ze is less than 230 dBZ, the inferredaircraft Dge is much larger than the mean Dge from lidar–radar measurements, which is also mainly due to theunderestimation of small ice crystals in the aircraft data.From the above discussion, we conclude that the sta-tistical comparisons based on IWC–Ze and Dge–Ze re-lationships also show good agreement between lidar–radar and aircraft measurements, indicating that our li-dar–radar algorithm [Eqs. (4) and (10)] provides reliableinformation about cirrus-cloud contents.

5. Conclusions

A retrieval algorithm is presented to estimate cirruscloud IWC and Dge profiles from combined lidar andradar measurements. In the algorithm, s and Ze are pa-rameterized as simple functions of IWC and Dge; thusthe retrieval of IWC and Dge from measured s and Ze

is straightforward. The case-study results and compar-isons with aircraft in situ data indicate that this algorithmcan provide reliable cirrus cloud microphysical prop-erties. A technique to estimate IWP and layer mean Dge

is also developed using t and the mean Ze of the cloudlayer. Results from these new algorithms can be usedto study cloud radiative forcing and vertical and hori-zontal cloud inhomogeneity. The algorithms have beendeveloped based on several assumptions and thus canbe improved with more advanced knowledge concerningthe size distributions, ice crystal shape and bulk density,and backscattering properties of complex ice crystals atlidar and radar wavelengths.

A potential drawback to this approach is that milli-meter-wave radars, depending on their sensitivity, mayfail to detect those optically thin portions of cirrusclouds that contain small particles, especially near cloudtop, and lidar cannot penetrate optically thick cirrusclouds. We have suggested ways to overcome this de-ficiency to estimate data quantities in such regions.However, because experimental and model results haveshown that the size of cirrus-cloud particles varies char-acteristically with height (Sassen et al. 1989; Khvoros-tyanov and Sassen 1998), it may be possible to estimatean average particle size for the upper portion of thecloud from the size information derived in the lowercloud. Then, an IWC profile can be retrieved in theupper cloud region from the available s or Ze and theestimated particle size.

The algorithms developed in this study have the po-tential to improve our capability to study cirrus clouds.As an example, the algorithm has been applied to Ramanlidar and MMCR data collected at the SGP CART sitein Oklahoma during November of 1996 to Novemberof 2000, and basic statistics of cirrus microphysical andradiative properties will be derived and presented in PartII. Applying these algorithms to additional datasets fromthe ARM CART sites will provide a valuable databaseto study cirrus cloud microphysical and radiative prop-erties and, finally, to find an optimal way to parameterizecirrus clouds in GCMs. However, we recognize that li-dar–radar algorithms cannot retrieve cirrus microphys-ical properties in the presence of low- or midlevelclouds, which typically block lidar observation from theground.

The planned CloudSat and Earth System SciencePathfinder (ESSP-3) satellite deployments will carry amillimeter-wave radar and lidar to study the verticalprofile of clouds from Earth orbit. Although consider-able revisions to our algorithms will be required in viewof the different remote sensor specifications and oper-ational capabilities, we intend to develop an approachto maximize the information content of active remotesensing observation from satellites based on our ground-based algorithm research.

Acknowledgments. Algorithm development has beensupported by the Office of Biological and EnvironmentResearch of the U.S. Department of Energy (under GrantDEFG0394ER61747) as part of the Atmospheric Ra-diation Measurement Program and from NASA GrantNAS7-1407 from the CloudSat program. We thank M.

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FIG. 9. Comparisons of IWC–Ze and Dge–Ze relationships between aircraft 2D-C data (in gray circles) and ground-based remote sensing(black): (a) scatterplot of IWC vs Ze, (b) mean of log(IWC) (with std dev) vs Ze, (c) scatterplot of Dge vs Ze, and (d) mean Dge (with stddev) vs Ze.

R. Poellot for providing the in situ data. We thank theanonymous reviewers for their comments.


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