Citing and referencing Shelley Ahmed Academic Liaison Librarian for The Faculty of Computing.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Citing and referencing

Shelley Ahmed

Academic Liaison Librarian for

The Faculty of Computing

Throughout the project

• Show evidence of reading

• Referencing /citing

Referencing (or citing)

• Acknowledging someone else’s ideas – acknowledging the original source

• Provide a reference (or citation)

• Not doing this - plagiarism

Textual reference

• In the body of your writing.

• Directly following or before any information taken from another source.

When to reference?

• Summarise someone else’s opinions, theories or data

• Paraphrasing…

• Direct quotation

• Diagram, table

• Programming

In the text (Author, Date)

The design of a good chocolate cake involves complex systems analysis (Cake, 2001). Tasty (1981, p.24) is of the opinion that “in order to make a good chocolate cake it is best to use frozen cocoa beans”. Jackson and Smith(1992) also propose that adding chilli to the mixture makes for a very interesting cake. Recent research shows that adding an ingredient called ‘zin zin’ may even result in weight loss (Daydreamer, 2004)!

Reference list

• Any publications you quote or refer to in your writing must be listed (usually at the end of your project).

• Alphabetical order (Author, Date method such as Harvard system).

• The following slide gives of the Harvard style.

one version

Reference List. Cake, E.T. (2001) Chocolate and beyond [Online].

Available from: http://www.chocoholicsworld/ [accessed 19 March 2004].

Daydreamer, B. (2004) A wish come true. Untrue Discoveries Letters, 67(1) pp.35-44.

Jackson, J.A. & Smith, D.S. (1992) The strangest chocolate cakes in the world. 3rd ed. New York: Madd Food.

Tasty, B. (1981) Cake myths. London: Notavailable Press.

• Reference list

- List of ALL publications referred to

in the text.

• Bibliography means a

- List of any publications read (but not necessarily referred to in the text).

One Alternative

Tasty, B., 1981.Cake myths. London: Notavailable Press.

Referencing an online journal article

URL of a journal article from an online database?


• This is far too long!

Using the ‘overall URL’ or ‘entrance’ URL

Yan, L. Zhu, B. 2004. A ratio inequality for Bessel processes. Statistics & Probability Letters, [Online]. 66(1) pp.35-44. Available at: (Elsevier /Science Direct) [Accessed 3 November 2006].

Using the DOI to reference

Yan, L. Zhu, B. 2004. A ratio inequality for Bessel processes. Statistics & Probability Letters, [Online]. 66(1) pp.35-44. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2003.10.003 [Accessed 3 November 2006].


• DOI (Data object identifier)• Articles on the web may have been allocated a ‘DOI’.• A DOI or digital object identifier can be used to cite and link to

electronic documents. A DOI is guaranteed never to change, so you can use it to link permanently to electronic documents” (Science Direct, 2009).

• If you put the DOI into a DOI resolver like the one below, the browser will take you to a Web page (URL) associated with that DOI.

• Click on the link to the resolver below and paste the DOI 10.1016/j.spl.2003.10.003 into to the text box.

• DOI resolver:

One website to go to for referencing

• Leeds Metropolitan University (Author-Date system))

Quote Unquote: A Guide to Harvard Referencing

• There are many more.

• Find out about plagiarism from the University of Leicester, Avoiding plagiarism, online tutorial.

Understanding plagiarism