Citing Evidence to Make Inferences ELA State Test Prep.

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Citing Evidence to Make Inferences

ELA State Test Prep

Prior Knowledge

You will be working on a lesson about citing evidence to make inferences

What is an inference?◦A logical guess

When readers make an inference, they combine what the know with evidence in the text to figure out what is not said explicitly


Example: Think about a girl who comes home and fins that her parents and the dog are not there, but the car is parked out front

The girl notices that the dog’s leash is missing

Make an inference based on the evidence and your own knowledge◦The parents took the dog for a walk

This is a logical guess because all the information suggests this idea

Lesson 3 – Page 19

Read aloud the paragraphs that include the definitions of analyze, explicitly, and inference

Study the illustration and circle details that support the stated inference about the runner’s feelings◦Smile◦Says: “I love this sport!”

The text evidence means facts and details from the text


Read the first column, and use the details you circled in the drawing to help you fill in the blanks◦Happy or smiling◦“I love this sport”

Read the second columnDiscuss how the background knowledge

about sports and athletes, combined with text evidence, supports the inference in the third column

Lesson 3 – Page 20

Share what you learned on the previous page about using evidence to make inferences

This lesson will make inferences about what you read based on text evidence and your own knowledge

Read aloud, “The Flu Game”Read the questions: “What is Michael

Jordan’s attitude toward competition? What text evidence supports your idea?


The article doesn’t say directly what Jordan’s attitude toward competition is, but look for evidence for in the text that can help make an inference

In paragraph 1, Jordan was diagnosed with the stomach flu before Game 5

Look at the chartIt shows how textual evidence combined

with background knowledge can be used to make an inference


Look at the first clue in column 1◦In paragraph 2, Jordan suited up and appeared

on the court three hours before the start of Game 5

Write this clue from the text in column 1 of the chart

The Bulls were relying on Jordan greatly, because he was the team’s star player

Playing sports while sick requires determination because it is not easy


An inference can be made about Jordan’s attitude toward competition

Complete the inference in column 3Share your answers with the class

◦Michael believes that competition is extremely important


Find text evidence that supports the inference that Michael Jordan is a fierce competitor

Share your answers with the class◦Though Jordan was visibly weak in the first

quarter, he had scored 17 points by the second

Lesson 3 – Page 21

You will continue reading about Michael Jordan

Good readers notice important details that can serve as evidence when making an inference or supporting a point

Close reading will help identify evidence of Jordan’s feelings

The hint will help them connect the article to Jordan’s attitude toward playing basketball


Read the rest of the passage and underline two sentences that show what Michael Jordan thinks about losing, as directed by Close Reading

In the fourth quarter, Jordan scored 18 more points

I almost played myself into passing out just to win a basketball game

Use these underlined sentences and use them as evidence for making an inference


Answer the question, using the Hint to help

Respond to the question and share your thinking

Choice B is correct: Jordan scored many points in one quarter, closing the gap between his team and the Jazz


Michael Jordan is a dedicated basketball player

Find and write down a sentence from the passage that supports this statement

Explain your answer◦I almost played myself into passing out just to

win a basketball game◦So weak

Lesson 3 – Page 22

Read the historical account without referring to the Study Buddy or Close Reading text

Discuss the following questions to ensure comprehension:

Which explorer reached the South Pole first?◦Amundsen


Contrast the different ways the explorers planned to travel once in Antarctica◦Scott planned to use motor sleds, while

Amundsen used sled dogsHow did Scott learn that Amundsen was

on his way to the South Pole?◦Amundsen sent Scott a telegram


Reread Paragraph 1 and look at the Study Buddy

What does the Study Buddy help you think about?◦The Study Buddy tells you to look for evidence

relating to each of the two explorers so you can make inferences about them. Noticing facts and details about people in a text will help make inferences


Read the rest of the historical accountFollow the directions to the Close Reading

◦When contrasting two people or characters in a text, it is helpful to underline or highlight information about one of them and circle information about the other

This will help you organize the information so you can use it later to analyze the text

Answer the questions on page 23

Lesson 3 – Page 23

Read questions 1-3, using the Hints to help answer the questions

#1 – the correct choice is B◦By “finally” telling his men the destination, it is

implied that he secretively did not tell them earlier

#2 – the correct choice is A◦Scott was not prepared◦For example, his motor sled failed to work in

the cold


#3 – Sample Response: ◦Amundsen succeeded because he was well

prepared. His men were all veteran Arctic explorers who knew what they were doing, and they used sled dogs, which were much more reliable and better suited to the environment than Scott's motor sleds


Another sample response: One central idea is that Amundsen’s expert planning enabled him to make it to the South Pole first. Amundsen kept a low profile when setting out, which was part of his strategy. He brought skilled and experienced men and women with him, used a proven method of transportation, and brought ample supplies. He ended up proudly placing his country’s flag in the ground first.


Homework: Complete the Common Core Practice (Pages 24-26)

#4 – GRASP (Separate writing grade)