City as a Living Lab Esteve Almirall

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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3rd ENoLL Living Lab Summer School


The city as a laboratory living labs experiments in urban spaces

Esteve Almirall ESADE  Business  School  


Open Innovation in Cities 7 mechanisms x 1 enabler x 2 objectives

Increasing number diversity of services { }

Decreasing budgets

Re-invent cities (Smart Cities) . . .



Despite access to the same technologies applied by

these (private) innovators, our government had

historically failed to tap into the expertise of the

American people to help to solve our nation’s biggest


Annesh  Chopra  U.S.A.  -­‐  CTO  

180.000 + jobs

Involving Citizens & Constituencies

Experimenting in

Urban Labs Prizes, Challenges & Competitions

7 mechanisms for O.I. in Cities

Involving Citizens & Constituencies

Experimenting in

Urban Labs Prizes, Challenges & Competitions

Commons for Europe Open Cities


Smart World Capital Urban Labs

7 mechanisms for O.I. in Cities x 1 enabler

Involving Citizens & Constituencies

Experimenting in

Urban Labs Prizes, Challenges & Competitions

Commons for Europe Open Cities


Smart World Capital Urban Labs

managing ecosystems

Creating & nourishing marketplaces

EXPERIMENTATION  –  URBAN  LABS  Learn  locally  to  compete  globally  

Urban Labs = Test spaces in the middle of the city

Urban Labs = The City as a Urban Laboratory

Urban Labs = Urban Living labs

Urban Labs = Real-life experimentation with users in Cities

Example: Urbiotica pilot - Barcelona

8 containers for: Trash Paper Glass Plastics

 Urban  Labs  –  Living  Labs    

Starting date: 2008 Pilot proposals received: 43 pilot proposals Pilot tested or testing actually: 14 pilots Domains: Enviroment, Mobility, Telecom, …

Some of the pilot projects that have been trialled to date are:

A Barcelona experience: Urban LabPilots

Some results

Implementation of 12 outdoor public street lighting points Eco Digital with LED technology. 2009

Implementation of 2 charging points for electric cars. 2009 Pilot trial of 1 electrically and solar powered motorbike . 2010

Promoció Econòmica

Pilot trial of 1 electrically and solar powered motorbike . 2010 Traffic control cameras. 2008 Metering: gas, electricity and water meters without presence.2009 Fibre optics in homes (FTTH) . 2008 Bicycle lanes. 2008 Presence sensors for the public parking payment areas. 2010 Barcelona Noise-map. 2010 Among others…

FASTPRK - Parking Sensors (30) - Worldsensing

When we thought that the system was operative we tested it in the 22@Urban Lab. Testing in real-life environments allowed us to improve aspects that we couldn't even think of in the lab. The Urban Lab has been our best laboratory.

Jordi Llosa- Development officer Worldsensing

SIIUR - LED Lighting Pilot (12) - Arelsa, Circuitor, Santa&Cole, e-Control, Prysmian, Semal

The SIIUR experience allowed us the development of the SmartTower, a new family of electrical boxes for Smart Cities.

Anna Urbiztondo - Project Development Director - SECE

SIIUR - LED Lighting Pilot (12) - Arelsa, Circuitor, Santa&Cole, e-Control, Prysmian, Semal

Because of the pilot and the experience acquired in the Urban Lab, Eindhoven chose SIIUR for environmentally sustainable city lighting in one of the main districts of the city.

Gemma Batlle- TIC Cluster Director - BDigital

Urban Labs

1.- To develop innovative products taking advantage of real-life environments and involving citizens in design, proof of service and proof of business validation.

2.- Bridge the cognitive distances between city

administrations and innovative companies. 3.- Create an initial demand & provide a

showcase for innovative solutions.

- learn locally, compete globally-

apps  Connec=ng  ci=zens,  reinven=ng  ci=zenship,  sharing,  reusing,  finding,  …  

ADOPT-­‐A-­‐WHATEVER…  An  App  Becomes  a  PlaEorm  

1  App.  7  CiDes.  Many  Uses.  

Boston,  MA  SeaGle,  WA  Chicago,  IL  Buenos  Aires,  Argen=na      

Honolulu,  HI  Norfolk,  VA  Bloomington,  IN  

And  more  everyday…  

Why ?

- govs. - Service Providers

Platform orchestrators

resources to regulate (zero-sum game)

resources to leverage on (non zero-sum game)

- govs. - Service Providers

Platform orchestrators

developed in-house always fall short

high-cost no sharing local offer


co-developed with users, communities

free and not-free empowering entrepreneurship

driven by innovation stimulating growth

- govs.- Service Providers

Platform orchestrators

esteve almirall