CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019/09/22  · Congratula ons to our newly married couple, Robert Bock and...

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Mass Inten ons

Our 2020 Mass Book will open October 28, 2019 There will be ONE Mass Book for our

New Parish Grouping  

A Mass inten on or reques ng to have a Mass “offered” for an inten on, is an ancient tradi on of the church. The priest celebra ng the Mass will offer the Mass for a par cular inten on. As a parish, we can request specific inten ons for several reasons, including in Thanksgiving for a par cular grace, a prayer for the living or for the repose of the soul of a loved one. Please visit the City Center Offices 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh PA 15219 or call the Church Office.

CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi .org

Reverend John Odeyemi, Parochial Vicar—jodeyemi@diopi .org Deacon Samuel Toney—stoney@diopi .org

In Residence : Rev. Edward Bryce Monsignor Ronald Lengwin Rev. Augus ne Wayii

                Business Manager— Chuck Goetz Email: Administra ve Assistant and Safe Environment— Priscilla Davis Email: Administra ve Assistant – Cindy Goetz Email:

Spiritual Direc on

Interested in deepening your faith through Spiritual Direc on? To make an appointment with Fr. Chris contact Cindy at

SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR 91 Crawford Steet Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-281-3141 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email:

Music - Antonia Long

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-471-0654 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: Music - John Raevens

SAINT MARY OF MERCY 202 Stanwix Street Pi sburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412-261-0110 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email:

Outreach Staff - Carole Clifford Music - Amanda Bruce, A.R. Valle a Red Door ‐ Heidi Po er Maintenance - Ray Krivanek

New Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM Welcome to our Parish Family, Alyssa Dedola and Anthony Hassey (Church of the Epiphany)

Congratula ons to our newly married couple, Robert Bock and Leslie Sosovicka

40 Days for Life Campaign

Our parishes will be praying in front of Planned Parenthood on the following days and mes. All are invited to join us.

Day Date Time

Thursday October 3 8AM-9AM

Friday October 4 1PM-3PM

Thursday October 10 5PM-7PM

Thursday October 31 11AM-1PM

Thursday October 17 8AM-9AM


City Center Parishes

New Parish Name Selec on Form

This past week, we held our City Center Parish Assemblies. One of the topics we discussed was the naming of the new parish. Our City Center Parish “Grouping” will merge on January 6, 2020 to form one new parish. Before this can happen, we must select our top three names from the list of six that have already been approved for our “Grouping” by Bishop Zubik. The top three names must be submi ed to Bishop Zubik for his considera on by October 2019.

Today, you are receiving a sheet of paper that has six pre-approved parish names. Please select your top three (3) choices by placing an “X” in the box to the le of the names. Please place your sheet in the collec on basket or drop it off at the parish office. The sheets must be received in the office for considera on by 10/4/2019.

Thank you for your prayerful help.


Explana on of the selec on process is in the above paragraph. Please mark an “X” in the box next to only three (3) of the names listed below:

Divine Mercy Parish

Holy Cross Parish

Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest Parish

Most Holy Eucharist Parish

Most Holy Name of Mary Parish Most Holy Trinity Parish

I am a parishioner of one of our 3 parishes I am NOT a parishioner of one of our 3 parishes

_______________________________________________________ Name (please print)

Please pray for those who have requested our prayers: Jerry Barry, Laurie Bozik, Robert Dougherty, William Egger, Richard Gazzam, Katherine Gross, Margaret Hurney, Marva Josie, D.M.K., Barbara Kuhn, F.M.M., Jessie Marsh, Patricia Morra, Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Jus n Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon, Mary Ann Pacini, Clara Jane Roy, Marianne Wisdom Oines, C.Z.R., Sr. Mary Ann Troup, Elsie Urban, Bill Vergot, Derrick Gardener, Leah Lindenfelser, Diane and Jim Foley, Elizabeth Kochin

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Summer with Jesus and Mary

With the event of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:41-52) as the focus for Day 2 of the Summer with Jesus and Mary program, kids got to visually travel to the massive Temple of Herod, the second temple built in the history of Jerusalem. A replica of the Temple's Holy of Holies, or most sacred area, complete with menorah, a prayer rug, and samples of Earth from Jerusalem and water from the Jordan river, helped to truly transport the children for the morning's lesson. Each child made their own scroll with a unique scripture verse on it to take home later.


Television Ministry Saint Mary of Mercy’s daily noon Mass is televised and can be viewed seven days a week on Comcast channel 95 in the Greater Pi sburgh area or at www.chris Pi sburgh’s Faith and Family channel 40.9 also carries it Monday-Saturday.

OFFERTORY Weekday 9/9-9/13 - $1,239.78

9/15 Collection - $2,300.10 9/15 Maintenance - $923.25

Red Door Ministry: Those in need can receive a bagged lunch Monday through Saturday from 10:30 AM-11:30 AM The actual Red Door is located on the Boulevard of the Allies. New Hours Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

OFFERTORY 9/15 Collection - $1,692.45

9/15 Second Collection - $441.51

Great joy and enthusiasm filled Lawless Hall on the first Saturday of this month, September 7, as the Catholic Newman Club from both the Pi and CMU campuses entered the dining room with their hearts and hands ready to serve, ready to do good works! And good works they did! They worked hard to prepare bagged lunches as well as a warm meal. When it was me to welcome our Red Door guests inside for lunch, they were served a delicious meal as well as overwhelmed with hospitality. Some of the students served from behind the lunch buffet, while others went around to the individual tables with beverage and dessert carts, and s ll others opted just to take a seat and visit with our guests. The me went by so quickly as it always does. As one of the last guests was ge ng ready to leave, she turned to look at the students who were gathering together to begin the process of cleaning up the dining room. Burs ng with gra tude, she said to them, "You all just radiate God's love, and I thank you for working so hard for us." She, in turn, received the blessing of more than a dozen bright, young smiles that reflected back to her the same gra tude as well as the powerful reality that we are all God's handiwork, dearly beloved by Him. For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them." Ephesians 2:10

40 Days for Life Kick-off Event

Date: September 24, 2019 Place: Church of the Epiphany Time: 6:00 PM Event Informa on: Immediately following is a prayer procession to Planned Parenthood. You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobiliza on to pray and fast for an end to abor on! Through prayer and fas ng, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 volunteers!


José Mauricio Nunes Garcia (1767-1830) was an

Afro-Brazilian composer and organist who was

the grandson of slaves. Over 240 works of music

by Garcia have survived. Garcia’s mother was

Vitória Maria da Cruz and his father was

Apolinário Nunes Garcia, a tailor. Garcia was

born in Rio de Janeiro on September 22, 1767.

Salvador José de Almeida e Faria taught the

youth music. A biographer, Manuel de Araújo

Porto Alegre, wrote that Garcia sang beau fully,

wrote music, and played the harpsichord and

guitar without lessons. The biographer adds that

Garcia taught music from age 12, and was edu-

cated in the Royal Classes.


PRAYER LIST...KEEPING FOLKS BEFORE THE LORD Be y Bell, Gordon Bullard, Edward Davis, Dolores Denton, Carol Derewcz, Grace Dixon-Kizzie, Patricia Ellis, Debra Foster, Woody Frazier, Ann Fultz, Richard Gazzam, Janet Glass, Brenda Glenn, Helena Harris, Harold G. Heim, Jr., Osaruyi Osasere Igbineweka, Billy Jenkins, Sandra Johnson, Sean Kraus, Tiffany Livsey, Aisha Lado, Andrew Lyke, Ruth McCartney, Sherry McGinnis, Todd Ma ei, Be y Muse, Josephine O’Connor, Ira Ri er Sr., Mary Samuels, Genevieve Sanford, Debbie Sturm, Vincent Tucker, Barbara Tucker, Lyle Williams, Margaret, Leslie Wilson, Regina Zelik, FMM, DMK, Vic ms of Abuse

Saint Benedict the Moor School and Community News


Faith Afloat returns! High Schoolers, cruise along the three rivers celebra ng your Catholic faith aboard the Gateway Clipper Empress! The cruise takes place on Sunday, October 13 from 3:00PM – 6:00PM. Don’t miss dinner, dancing, and a chance to deepen your faith! This year's theme is Romans 12: "Rejoice in hope, endure in afflic on, persevere in prayer." Sr. Miriam O'Callaghan, TOR, will share how the Lord radically called her from her homeland in Ireland to religious life. Noah Pepmeyer will lead praise and worship and Voca ons Director Father Mike Ackerman will emcee. Tickets cost $21 and are available at un l October 1st.

OFFERTORY 9/15/19 is $2,471.87

EMMAUS RETREAT FOR WOMEN October 11-13, 2019 in the beau ful, historic St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center, this weekend provides women a safe and comfortable environment in which to recognize Jesus in their everyday lives and renew their rela onships with the Lord, through both personal reflec on and listening to other women share their own life experiences. You will leave the retreat renewed and refreshed! Space is limited. Financial Assis-tance is available. Register by September 20, so your name is included in the "early bird" raffle! For more info, email or call Theresa Zingrone at 412-287-5295.

Calling all CCD candidates, CCD will be star ng in October a er mass. We will need a list of candidates, who are interested in receiving their Faith Forma on through our parish. Classes will be twice a month. We are also looking for Catechists, who love God’s children and are willing to teach God’s word and work with them to know and share Christ’s love. Please call the church office at 412-281-3141.









Gree ngs from Saint Benedict the Moor School

With Fall in the air, (Fall begins on the 23rd) there is also music in the air here at Saint Benedict the Moor, Eurhythmics, which is rhythmical physical movements to music used to teach musical understanding, in grades Kindergarten, first and second grade has begun. Our school band, which is beginning its 8th year, under the direc on of Mrs. Joelynn Parham begins on October 1, for grades 4 through 8. The Saint Benedict band students are instructed by music majors from Duquesne University. There will be mes throughout this school year for you to come to Saint Benedict and hear the band perform. We will keep you posted! Have a blessed week!

CONFESSIONS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Monday and Friday 11:15 AM-11:45 AM SAINT MARY OF MERCY Monday through Friday 11:00 AM-11:45 AM NOVENAS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Saint Rita, Mondays a er 12:05 PM Mass Sorrowful Mother, Fridays a er 12:05 PM Mass SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR Begins 9 weeks prior to Feast Day after Sunday Mass SAINT MARY OF MERCY Miraculous Medal, Mondays after 12:00 noon Mass

Saturday, September 21 Saint Ma hew, Apostle and Evangelist

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Hartwick Family † (Rodgers Family)

2:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Wedding of Patrick Gartland and Mary Morrison

4:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Wedding of Ma Lo is and Alyssa Dezulovich

4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Mary Jo McCullough †

Sunday, September 22 Twenty-Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Janice Petruzzi †

9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany Barbara Weis † (Sam and Marilyn Manfredi)

10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Simone Whaby†(Simone Hickey)

10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Luigi Caruso † (Connie Caruso)

5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Joe Lewis† (Tom Olzewski)

Monday, September 23 Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Susan Voegtly †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Mary Doris †

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Salvatore Gaetano DiBacco† (Godmother/Aunt Gracey DeIuliis)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany David P. Moore† (Fr. Christopher Donley)

Tuesday, September 24

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Ray Newcomer†

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Danny Morgan † (Bud and Karen Burke)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Thomas Coyne † (Helen Coyne McKeegan) 12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Deceased of John P. Harris Family† (Cynthia Hahn Yothers)

6:00 PM Church of the Epiphany For all Unborn Children

Wednesday, September 25

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Charles Porter †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Connie Vaskov † (Gina Hu on)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Eleanor Legath † (Loving Nieces)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Bill Behling † (Family)

Thursday, September 26 Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Maha Basil † (Arlene Esterberg)

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Eleanor Nahay †

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Agnes Kerestan † (Mr. and Mrs. David Dvorabic)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Ronald DiBucci † (Ken Scherer)

Friday, September 27 Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Andrew and Julia Gajdosik † (B.Gajdosik)

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Jack Downey † (Bud and Karen Burke)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Mary Micklow †

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Dr. and Mrs. Leo O'Donnell † (Mr. and Mrs. Leo O'Donnell Jr.)

Saturday, September 28 Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr; Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, Martyrs;BVM

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Family Member of Napolitano †

4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Michalski Family †

Sunday, September 29 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Daniel Higgins †

9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany James and Josephine Vallango † (Gen and Dusty Dascola)

10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Charles O’Rilley † (Allen Weakland)

10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Deborah M. Soliday † (Helen M. Giles and Elaine and John Hemmes)

5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Thomas Halaburka † (Sam and Marilyn Manfredi)