City in 2 point perspective -...

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City in 2 point perspectiveback all ART-I lessons

Objectives: Students learn about proportions and the element of Space. Students create a cityscape using two point perspective technique. Studentsuse their drawing ability to create a city of their own and incorporate the required objects in their design. Students will illustrate how their creativeidea can be developed into a drawing.Essential questions:1. How do you create 2-point perspective?2. How do you apply perspective rules in artwork?

Design a city block using 2 point perspective.

Your drawing should include at least (for a D- grade):

Intersection of 2 streets with sidewalksSix buildingsAll buildings should have windows and doorsStreets should include crosswalks, citylights and 3 signs

Two point perspective is used when none of the structure's sides is parallel to your picture plain. In other words - you are facing a corner of abuilding, not a side.

You will start with drawing a HORIZON LINE, placing two VANISHING POINTS, and thed drawing the corner of the closest building.

Remember, that in 2 point perspective:all vertical lines stay verticalall horizontal lines go to one of the vanishing points

All windows, doorways, and other architectural elements shouldfollow the same rule. Look at the picture below: all lines are eighther vertical or go toone of the vanishing points.

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City in 2 point perspective

1 of 2 4/17/15, 11:39 AM

A large part of the grade for this assignment is creativity. Build a cityblock of your dream! Make it fun!

Here are some examples:


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City in 2 point perspective

2 of 2 4/17/15, 11:39 AM