City of Fall River FY21 Revenue Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020...2021/01/19  · City of Fall River...

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  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Revenue Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    Original Revised Actuals

    Budget Budget As of 12/31/20

    State Aid (Cherry Sheet) 168,735,075$ 169,591,002$ 84,010,221$ 49.5%


    School Aid Chapter 70 137,016,364$ 137,016,364$ 68,231,377$ 49.8%

    Charter Tuition Reimbursement 4,091,970$ 5,033,539$ 2,170,895$ 43.1%

    Charter School Reimbursements 0.0%

    General Government:

    General Municipal Aid 25,304,963$ 25,304,963$ 12,652,476$ 50.0%

    Veterans Benefits 1,575,928$ 1,485,318$ 702,279$ 47.3%

    Abatements: Vets, Blind, Spouses 412,580$ 419,909$ 87,348$ 20.8%

    State Owned Land 333,270$ 330,909$ 165,846$ 50.1%

    Real Estate Taxes 110,435,241$ 110,649,069$ 51,804,983$ 46.8%

    Real Estate Taxes 111,235,241 111,623,454 51,039,035$ 45.7%

    Overlay (800,000) (974,385) -$

    Tax Liens -$ -$ 765,949$ 100.0%

    Local Receipts 22,656,570$ 22,791,381$ 7,773,360$ 34.1%

    Motor Vehicle Excise 8,100,000$ 8,100,000$ 1,277,111$ 15.8%

    Marijuana Excise 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 498,812$ 33.3%

    Other Excise 1,325,000$ 1,285,000$ 693,694$ 54.0%

    Penalties and Interest 960,000$ 960,000$ 563,010$ 58.6%

    Payments in lieu of Taxes 410,000$ 410,000$ 48,269$ 11.8%

    Other Charges - Solid Waste 70,000$ 70,000$ 58,729$ 83.9%

    Other Charges -$ -$ -$ 0.0%

    Fees 3,358,375$ 3,133,475$ 1,535,739$ 49.0%

    Rentals 70,948$ 70,948$ 24,535$ 34.6%

    Library 9,000$ 4,000$ 574$ 14.3%

    Cemeteries 79,000$ 79,000$ 62,419$ 79.0%

    Other Departmental 1,028,752$ 987,851$ 188,726$ 19.1%

    Licenses and Permits 2,237,915$ 2,273,715$ 1,604,383$ 70.6%

    Fines and Forfeits 1,515,000$ 1,515,000$ 619,195$ 40.9%

    Investment Income 300,000$ 880,000$ 230,557$ 26.2%

    Recurring 1,525,000$ 1,415,000$ 347,627$ 24.6%

    Non-Recurring 167,580$ 107,392$ 19,978$ 18.6%

    Other Sources 9,476,559$ 9,466,564$ 3,760,428$ 39.7%

    Transfer from:

    Grants - Special Revenue 125,000$ 125,005$ 109,067$ 87.3%

    Stabilization Fund 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ -$ 0.0%

    Enterprise Funds - Indirect Cost Recoveries 7,351,559$ 7,341,559$ 3,651,361$ 49.7%

    Total Revenue 311,303,445$ 312,498,016$ 147,348,992$ 47.2%

    1 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Expense Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    Administrative Services 24,270$ 3,826,694$ -$ 3,826,694$ 3,850,964$ 2,040,941$ 720,568$ 53.0%

    City Administration - Salaries 212,247 212,247 212,247 16,943 8.0%

    City Administration - Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 0.0%

    Human Resources - Salaries 270,430 270,430 270,430 138,143 51.1%

    Human Resources - Expenses 11,375 11,375 11,375 3,788 33.3%

    Information Systems - Salaries 409,947 409,947 409,947 208,716 50.9%

    Information Systems - Expenses 24,004 2,133,615 2,133,615 2,157,619 1,322,599 720,164 61.3%

    Law Department - Salaries 282,913 282,913 282,913 153,469 54.2%

    Law Department - Expenses 266 192,000 192,000 192,266 97,666 404 50.8%

    Purchasing - Salaries 50,117 50,117 50,117 24,631 49.1%

    Purchasing - Expenses 12,050 12,050 12,050 996 8.3%

    Claims and Damages 250,000 250,000 250,000 73,990 29.6%

    Facilities Maintenance 39,427$ 2,392,142$ -$ 2,392,142$ 2,431,569$ 893,549$ 357,393$ 36.7%

    Facilities Maintenance - Salaries 754,803 754,803 754,803 391,096 51.8%

    Facilities Maintenance - Expenses 39,427 1,637,339 1,637,339 1,676,766 502,453 357,393 30.0%

    Community Maintenance 98,181$ 15,506,616$ -$ 15,506,616$ 15,604,797$ 6,777,355$ 4,222,642$ 43.4%

    Cemeteries - Salaries 377,424 377,424 377,424 182,680 48.4%

    Cemeteries - Expenses 199 61,915 61,915 62,114 27,393 1,840 44.1%

    Engineering - Salaries 227,066 227,066 227,066 75,805 33.4%

    Engineering - Expenses 6,460 30,300 30,300 36,760 29,776 4,263 81.0%

    Parks & Recreation - Salaries 707,534 707,534 707,534 335,556 47.4%

    Parks & Recreation - Expenses 5,350 467,800 467,800 473,150 170,449 10,923 36.0%

    Streets & Highways - Salaries 2,094,482 2,094,482 2,094,482 1,005,380 48.0%

    Streets & Highways - Expenses 81,058 1,046,450 1,046,450 1,127,508 412,840 106,027 36.6%

    Solid Waste Disposal - Salaries 228,959 228,959 228,959 135,523 59.2%

    Solid Waste Disposal - Expenses 5,114 8,659,776 8,659,776 8,664,890 3,921,115 4,044,161 45.3%

    Snow Removal - Salaries 105,000 105,000 105,000 24,228 23.1%

    Snow Removal - Expenses 421,243 421,243 421,243 35,781 18,699 8.5%

    Traffic and Parking - Salaries 680,670 680,670 680,670 306,661 45.1%

    Traffic and Parking - Expenses 176,200 176,200 176,200 32,223 16,419 18.3%

    Trees - Salaries 65,197 65,197 65,197 38,213 58.6%

    Trees - Expenses 156,600 156,600 156,600 43,731 20,310 27.9%

    Community Service 10,924$ 3,255,791$ -$ 3,255,791$ 3,266,715$ 1,386,161$ 92,943$ 42.4%

    City Planning/Lic Board - Salaries 230,834 230,834 230,834 114,574 49.6%

    City Planning/Lic Board - Expenses 33 31,540 31,540 31,573 2,148 546 6.8%

    Code Enforcement - Salaries 1,003,990 1,003,990 1,003,990 513,856 51.2%

    Code Enforcement - Expenses 352 126,100 126,100 126,452 30,220 23,132 23.9%

    Health & Human Services - Sal 420,808 420,808 420,808 180,765 43.0%

    Health & Human Services - Exp 1,036 42,490 42,490 43,526 2,406 419 5.5%

    Library - Salaries 804,092 804,092 804,092 381,306 47.4%

    Library - Expenses 9,504 595,937 595,937 605,441 160,887 68,846 26.6%

    2 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Expense Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    Financial Services 112$ 1,669,100$ -$ 1,669,100$ 1,669,212$ 798,951$ 1,007$ 47.9%

    Director of Financial Services - Sal 134,292 134,292 134,292 68,011 50.6%

    Director of Financial Services - Exp 830 830 830 - 0.0%

    Assessors - Salaries 321,007 321,007 321,007 135,174 42.1%

    Assessors - Expenses 102 89,030 89,030 89,132 72,655 780 81.5%

    Auditor - Salaries 319,171 319,171 319,171 158,354 49.6%

    Auditor - Expenses 2,290 2,290 2,290 118 134 5.1%

    Collector - Salaries 365,917 365,917 365,917 182,067 49.8%

    Collector - Expenses 75,275 75,275 75,275 34,087 45.3%

    Treasurer - Salaries 192,883 192,883 192,883 98,231 50.9%

    Treasurer - Expenses 11 168,405 168,405 168,416 50,254 93 29.8%

    Community Protection 164,036$ 38,113,573$ -$ 38,113,573$ 38,277,609$ 18,744,011$ 255,430$ 49.0%

    Police - Salaries 21,223,995 21,223,995 21,223,995 10,686,259 50.3%

    Police - Expenses 124,408 1,713,409 1,713,409 1,837,817 647,601 201,986 35.2%

    Harbor Master - Salaries 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,250 50.0%

    Harbor Master - Expenses 2,330 25,800 25,800 28,130 12,738 448 45.3%

    Fire/FREMA - Salaries 14,434,207 14,434,207 14,434,207 7,163,538 49.6%

    Fire/FREMA - Expenses 37,298 713,662 713,662 750,960 232,625 52,995 31.0%

    General Government 50,804$ 4,039,024$ -$ 4,039,024$ 4,089,828$ 1,648,414$ 130,046$ 40.3%

    Mayor's Office - Salaries 283,737 283,737 283,737 145,272 51.2%

    Mayor's Office - Expenses 27,100 27,100 27,100 16,626 61.4%

    City Council - Salaries 255,397 255,397 255,397 128,470 50.3%

    City Council - Expenses 3,500 176,000 176,000 179,500 13,011 120,000 7.2%

    City Clerk - Salaries 341,544 341,544 341,544 177,322 51.9%

    City Clerk - Expenses 49,623 49,623 49,623 7,493 421 15.1%

    Elections - Salaries 236,043 236,043 236,043 147,167 62.3%

    Elections - Expenses 76,380 76,380 76,380 8,715 2,092 11.4%

    Veterans - Salaries 266,335 266,335 266,335 156,921 58.9%

    Veterans - Expenses 47,304 2,326,865 2,326,865 2,374,169 847,416 7,533 35.7%

    Other Governmental 30,000$ 117,980,830$ 1,194,571$ 119,175,401$ 119,205,401$ 65,838,780$ -$ 55.2%

    Debt Service 12,982,757 12,982,757 12,982,757 7,764,539 59.8%

    Employee Benefits

    - Retirement 31,548,259 31,548,259 31,548,259 20,982,733 66.5%

    - Health 39,000,000 39,000,000 39,000,000 19,488,346 50.0%

    - Property Insurance 710,000 63,313 773,313 773,313 763,313 98.7%

    - Other Insurance 30,000 1,325,000 1,325,000 1,355,000 506,576 37.4%

    Reserve Fund - - - - 0.0%

    State & County Assessments 28,414,540 1,080,520 29,495,060 29,495,060 14,307,767 48.5%

    Vocational Assessments 4,000,274 50,738 4,051,012 4,051,012 2,025,506 50.0%

    3 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Expense Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    Total City Expenditures 417,755$ 186,783,770$ 1,194,571$ 187,978,341$ 188,396,095$ 98,128,162$ 5,780,029$ 52.1%

    Education 2,910,769 114,789,675 114,789,675 117,700,444 39,469,079 10,207,582 33.5%

    Education - Transportation 9,730,000 9,730,000 9,730,000 1,908,082 8,933,238 19.6%

    Total School Expenditures 2,910,769$ 124,519,675$ -$ 124,519,675$ 127,430,444$ 41,377,162$ 19,140,821$ 32.5%

    Total Expenditures 3,328,524$ 311,303,445$ 1,194,571$ 312,498,016$ 315,826,539$ 139,505,324$ 24,920,849$ 44.2%

    A. Note on General Fund Budgetary Revisions

    Budget Revision 1

    Cherry Sheet

    - City 1,194,155

    Budget Revision 2

    Tax Recap

    - City 416

    4 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    Sewer Enterprise

    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used


    Sewer Rate Revenue - 23,732,781 - 23,732,781 23,732,781 11,782,333 - 49.6%

    Expenses - Direct

    Salaries - 526,933 - 526,933 526,933 209,096 39.7%

    Expenses 262,410 11,836,254 - 11,836,254 12,098,664 5,240,986 5,309,169 43.3%

    Capital - 80,000 - 80,000 80,000 15,766 0.0%

    Debt - 10,162,815 - 10,162,815 10,162,815 8,737,926 86.0%

    262,410 22,606,002 - 22,606,002 22,868,412 14,188,007 5,324,935 62.0%

    Expenses - Indirect

    Health Insurance - 107,311 - 107,311 107,311 53,655 - 50.0%

    Pensions - 89,630 - 89,630 89,630 44,815 - 50.0%

    Other - General Fund - 1,473,058 - 1,473,058 1,473,058 736,530 - 50.0%

    - 1,669,999 - 1,669,999 1,669,999 835,000 - 50.0%

    Other Financing Sources:

    Prior Year Encumbrances 262,410 - - 262,410 - -

    Retained Earnings - 643,220 643,220 643,220 - -

    Other Financing Uses:

    Transfer to Stabilization - 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - 0.0%

    Transfer to Trust & Agency - - - - - - 0.0%

    - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 - - 0.0%

    Total Revenues - 24,376,001 - 24,376,001 24,638,411 11,782,333 - 49.6%

    Total Expenses 262,410 24,376,001 - 24,376,001 24,638,411 15,023,007 5,324,935 61.0%

    5 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    Water Enterprise

    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used


    Water Rate Revenue - 13,560,315 13,560,315 13,560,315 7,180,793 - 53.0%

    Expenses - Direct

    Salaries - 2,716,363 2,716,363 2,716,363 1,212,013 44.6%

    Expenses 11,781 2,029,960 2,029,960 2,041,741 665,566 451,299 32.6%

    Capital - 150,000 150,000 150,000 5,202 3.5%

    Debt - 5,862,100 5,862,100 5,862,100 4,526,212 77.2%

    11,781 10,758,423 - 10,758,423 10,770,204 6,408,993 451,299 59.5%

    Expenses - Indirect

    Health Insurance - 770,257 770,257 770,257 385,128 - 50.0%

    Pensions - 749,613 749,613 749,613 374,807 - 50.0%

    Other - General Fund - 1,236,971 1,236,971 1,236,971 618,486 - 50.0%

    - 2,756,841 - 2,756,841 2,756,841 1,378,420 - 50.0%

    Other Financing Sources:

    Prior Year Encumbrances 11,781 - - 11,781 - -

    Retained Earnings - 54,949 54,949 54,949 - -

    Other Financing Uses:

    Transfer to Stabilization - 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - 0.0%

    Transfer to Trust & Agency - - - - - - 0.0%

    - 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 - - 0.0%

    Total Revenues - 13,615,264 - 13,615,264 13,627,045 7,180,793 - 52.9%

    Total Expenses 11,781 13,615,264 - 13,615,264 13,627,045 7,787,413 451,299 57.1%

    6 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall River

    FY21 Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020UNAUDITED

    EMS Enterprise

    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used


    EMS Rate Revenue - 8,800,000 - 8,800,000 8,800,000 3,783,229 - 43.0%

    Expenses - Direct

    Salaries - 4,810,324 - 4,810,324 4,810,324 2,543,777 52.9%

    Expenses 31,872 1,002,258 - 1,002,258 1,034,130 645,959 50,823 62.5%

    Capital - 72,700 - 72,700 72,700 47,170 9,281 64.9%

    Debt - - - - - - - 0.0%

    31,872 5,885,282 - 5,885,282 5,917,154 3,236,906 60,104 54.7%

    Expenses - Indirect

    Health Insurance - 706,279 - 706,279 706,279 353,139 - 50.0%

    Pensions - 717,526 - 717,526 717,526 358,763 - 50.0%

    Other - General Fund - 1,490,913 - 1,490,913 1,490,913 726,038 - 48.7%

    - 2,914,718 - 2,914,718 2,914,718 1,437,940 - 49.3%

    Other Financing Sources:

    Prior Year Encumbrances 31,872 - - 31,872 - -

    Free Cash - - - - - -

    Other Financing Uses:

    Transfer to Stabilization - - - - - - 0.0%

    Transfer to Trust & Agency - - - - - - 0.0%

    - - - - - - - 0.0%

    Total Revenues - 8,800,000 - 8,800,000 8,831,872 3,783,229 -

    Total Expenses 31,872 8,800,000 - 8,800,000 8,831,872 4,674,846 60,104 52.9%

    7 1/8/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Revenue Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    Original Revised Actuals Favorable Budget  Budget As of 12/31/20 (Unfavorable)

    State Aid (Cherry Sheet) 168,735,075$       169,591,002$       84,010,221$              49.5% (85,580,781)    Education:

    School Aid Chapter 70 137,016,364$       137,016,364$       68,231,377$              49.8% (68,784,987)    Charter Tuition Reimbursement 4,091,970$           5,033,539$           2,170,895$                43.1% (2,862,644)      Charter School Reimbursements 0.0%

    General Government: General Municipal Aid 25,304,963$         25,304,963$         12,652,476$              50.0% (12,652,487)     Veterans Benefits 1,575,928$           1,485,318$           702,279$                   47.3% (783,039)          

    Abatements: Vets, Blind, Spouses 412,580$               419,909$               87,348$                     20.8% (332,561)          State Owned Land 333,270$               330,909$               165,846$                   50.1% (165,063)          

    Real Estate Taxes 110,435,241$       110,649,069$       51,804,983$              46.8% (58,844,085)$   Real Estate Taxes 111,235,241        111,623,454        51,039,035$              45.7% (59,610,034)    Overlay (800,000)              (974,385)              ‐$                           Tax Liens ‐$                       ‐$                       765,949$                   100.0% 765,949           

    Local Receipts 22,656,570$         22,791,381$         7,773,360$                34.1% (15,018,021)$   Motor Vehicle Excise 8,100,000$           8,100,000$           1,277,111$                15.8% (6,822,889)      Marijuana Excise 1,500,000$            1,500,000$            498,812$                   33.3% (1,001,188)      Other Excise 1,325,000$           1,285,000$           693,694$                   54.0% (591,306)          Penalties and Interest 960,000$               960,000$               563,010$                   58.6% (396,990)          Payments in lieu of Taxes 410,000$               410,000$               48,269$                     11.8% (361,731)          Other Charges - Solid Waste 70,000$                 70,000$                 58,729$                     83.9% (11,271)            Other Charges ‐$                       ‐$                       ‐$                            0.0% ‐                   Fees 3,358,375$           3,133,475$           1,535,739$                49.0% (1,597,736)      Rentals 70,948$                 70,948$                 24,535$                     34.6% (46,413)            Library 9,000$                   4,000$                   574$                           14.3% (3,426)              Cemeteries 79,000$                 79,000$                 62,419$                     79.0% (16,581)            Other Departmental 1,028,752$           987,851$               188,726$                   19.1% (799,125)          Licenses and Permits 2,237,915$           2,273,715$           1,604,383$                70.6% (669,332)          Fines and Forfeits 1,515,000$           1,515,000$           619,195$                   40.9% (895,805)          Investment Income 300,000$               880,000$               230,557$                   26.2% (649,443)          Recurring 1,525,000$           1,415,000$           347,627$                   24.6% (1,067,373)      Non-Recurring 167,580$               107,392$               19,978$                     18.6% (87,414)            

    Other Sources 9,476,559$           9,466,564$           3,760,428$                39.7% (5,706,136)$     

    Transfer from:Grants - Special Revenue 125,000$               125,005$               109,067$                   87.3% (15,938)            Stabilization Fund 2,000,000$           2,000,000$           ‐$                            0.0% (2,000,000)      

    Enterprise Funds - Indirect Cost Recoveries 7,351,559$           7,341,559$           3,651,361$                49.7% (3,690,198)      

    Total Revenue 311,303,445$       312,498,016$       147,348,992$          47.2% (165,149,023)$ 

    1 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Expense Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21 Favorable Encumbrance Budget  Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used (Unfavorable)

    Administrative Services 24,270$               3,826,694$               ‐$                    3,826,694$               3,850,964$                2,040,941$               368,295$              53.0% 1,441,728$           City Administration - Salaries 212,247                    212,247                    212,247                      16,943                      8.0% 195,304               City Administration - Expenses 2,000                        2,000                        2,000                          ‐                            0.0% 2,000                    Human Resources - Salaries 270,430                    270,430                    270,430                      138,143                    51.1% 132,287               Human Resources - Expenses 11,375                      11,375                      11,375                        3,788                        33.3% 7,587                    Information Systems - Salaries 409,947                    409,947                    409,947                      208,716                    50.9% 201,231               Information Systems - Expenses 24,004                  2,133,615                2,133,615                2,157,619                  1,322,599                367,891               61.3% 467,129               Law Department - Salaries 282,913                    282,913                    282,913                      153,469                    54.2% 129,444               Law Department - Expenses 266                        192,000                    192,000                    192,266                      97,666                      404                       50.8% 94,196                  Purchasing - Salaries 50,117                      50,117                      50,117                        24,631                      49.1% 25,486                  Purchasing - Expenses 12,050                      12,050                      12,050                        996                           8.3% 11,054                  Claims and Damages 250,000                    250,000                    250,000                      73,990                      29.6% 176,010               

    Facilities Maintenance 39,427$               2,392,142$               ‐$                    2,392,142$               2,431,569$                893,549$                  357,393$              36.7% 816,920$              Facilities Maintenance - Salaries 754,803                    754,803                    754,803                      391,096                    51.8%Facilities Maintenance - Expenses 39,427                  1,637,339                1,637,339                1,676,766                  502,453                    357,393               30.0% 816,920               

    Community Maintenance 98,181$               15,506,616$             ‐$                    15,506,616$             15,604,797$              6,777,355$               4,222,642$          43.4% 4,604,800$           Cemeteries - Salaries 377,424                    377,424                    377,424                      182,680                    48.4% 194,744               Cemeteries - Expenses 199                        61,915                      61,915                      62,114                        27,393                      1,840                   44.1% 32,880                  Engineering - Salaries 227,066                    227,066                    227,066                      75,805                      33.4% 151,261               Engineering - Expenses 6,460                    30,300                      30,300                      36,760                        29,776                      4,263                   81.0% 2,722                    Parks & Recreation - Salaries 707,534                    707,534                    707,534                      335,556                    47.4% 371,978               Parks & Recreation - Expenses 5,350                    467,800                    467,800                    473,150                      170,449                    10,923                 36.0% 291,777               Streets & Highways - Salaries 2,094,482                2,094,482                2,094,482                  1,005,380                48.0% 1,089,102            Streets & Highways - Expenses 81,058                  1,046,450                1,046,450                1,127,508                  412,840                    106,027               36.6% 608,642               Solid Waste Disposal - Salaries 228,959                    228,959                    228,959                      135,523                    59.2% 93,436                  Solid Waste Disposal - Expenses 5,114                    8,659,776                8,659,776                8,664,890                  3,921,115                4,044,161            45.3% 699,615               Snow Removal - Salaries 105,000                    105,000                    105,000                      24,228                      23.1% 80,772                  Snow Removal - Expenses 421,243                    421,243                    421,243                      35,781                      18,699                 8.5% 366,763               Traffic and Parking - Salaries 680,670                    680,670                    680,670                      306,661                    45.1% 374,009               Traffic and Parking - Expenses 176,200                    176,200                    176,200                      32,223                      16,419                 18.3% 127,557               Trees - Salaries 65,197                      65,197                      65,197                        38,213                      58.6% 26,984                  Trees - Expenses 156,600                    156,600                    156,600                      43,731                      20,310                 27.9% 92,559                  

    Community Service 10,924$               3,255,791$               ‐$                    3,255,791$               3,266,715$                1,386,161$               92,943$                42.4% 1,787,611$           City Planning/Lic Board - Salaries 230,834                    230,834                    230,834                      114,574                    49.6% 116,260               City Planning/Lic Board - Expenses 33                          31,540                      31,540                      31,573                        2,148                        546                       6.8% 28,879                  Code Enforcement - Salaries 1,003,990                1,003,990                1,003,990                  513,856                    51.2% 490,134               Code Enforcement - Expenses 352                        126,100                    126,100                    126,452                      30,220                      23,132                 23.9% 73,099                  Health & Human Services - Sal 420,808                    420,808                    420,808                      180,765                    43.0% 240,043               Health & Human Services - Exp 1,036                    42,490                      42,490                      43,526                        2,406                        419                       5.5% 40,701                  Library - Salaries 804,092                    804,092                    804,092                      381,306                    47.4% 422,786               Library - Expenses 9,504                    595,937                    595,937                    605,441                      160,887                    68,846                 26.6% 375,708               

    1 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Expense Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21Encumbrance Budget  Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    Financial Services 112$                     1,669,100$               ‐$                    1,669,100$               1,669,212$                798,951$                  1,007$                  47.9% 869,255$              Director of Financial Services - Sal 134,292                    134,292                    134,292                      68,011                      50.6% 66,281                  Director of Financial Services - Exp 830                           830                           830                           ‐                            0.0% 830                       Assessors - Salaries 321,007                    321,007                    321,007                      135,174                    42.1% 185,833               Assessors - Expenses 102                        89,030                      89,030                      89,132                        72,655                      780                       81.5% 15,696                  Auditor - Salaries 319,171                    319,171                    319,171                      158,354                    49.6% 160,817               Auditor - Expenses 2,290                        2,290                        2,290                          118                           134                       5.1% 2,038                    Collector - Salaries 365,917                    365,917                    365,917                      182,067                    49.8% 183,850               Collector - Expenses 75,275                      75,275                      75,275                        34,087                      45.3% 41,188                  Treasurer - Salaries 192,883                    192,883                    192,883                      98,231                      50.9% 94,652                  Treasurer - Expenses 11                          168,405                    168,405                    168,416                      50,254                      93                         29.8% 118,069               

    Community Protection 164,036$             38,113,573$             ‐$                    38,113,573$             38,277,609$              18,744,011$             255,430$              49.0% 19,278,168$         Police - Salaries 21,223,995              21,223,995              21,223,995               10,686,259              50.3% 10,537,736          Police - Expenses 124,408               1,713,409                1,713,409                1,837,817                  647,601                    201,986               35.2% 988,229               Harbor Master - Salaries 2,500                        2,500                        2,500                          1,250                        50.0% 1,250                    Harbor Master - Expenses 2,330                    25,800                      25,800                      28,130                        12,738                      448                       45.3% 14,943                  Fire/FREMA - Salaries 14,434,207              14,434,207              14,434,207               7,163,538                49.6% 7,270,670            Fire/FREMA - Expenses 37,298                  713,662                    713,662                    750,960                      232,625                    52,995                 31.0% 465,340               

    General Government 50,804$               4,039,024$               ‐$                    4,039,024$               4,089,828$                1,648,414$               130,046$              40.3% 2,311,368$           Mayor's Office - Salaries 283,737                    283,737                    283,737                      145,272                    51.2% 138,465               Mayor's Office - Expenses 27,100                      27,100                      27,100                        16,626                      61.4% 10,474                  City Council - Salaries 255,397                    255,397                    255,397                      128,470                    50.3% 126,927               City Council - Expenses 3,500                    176,000                    176,000                    179,500                      13,011                      120,000               7.2% 46,489                  City Clerk - Salaries 341,544                    341,544                    341,544                      177,322                    51.9% 164,222               City Clerk - Expenses 49,623                      49,623                      49,623                        7,493                        421                       15.1% 41,709                  Elections - Salaries 236,043                    236,043                    236,043                      147,167                    62.3% 88,876                  Elections - Expenses 76,380                      76,380                      76,380                        8,715                        2,092                   11.4% 65,572                  Veterans - Salaries 266,335                    266,335                    266,335                      156,921                    58.9% 109,414               Veterans - Expenses 47,304                  2,326,865                2,326,865                2,374,169                  847,416                    7,533                   35.7% 1,519,220            

    Other Governmental 30,000$               117,980,830$           1,194,571$        119,175,401$           119,205,401$            65,838,780$             ‐$                      55.2% 53,366,621$         Debt Service 12,982,757              12,982,757              12,982,757               7,764,539                59.8% 5,218,218            Employee Benefits

    - Retirement 31,548,259              31,548,259              31,548,259               20,982,733              66.5% 10,565,526          - Health 39,000,000              39,000,000              39,000,000               19,488,346              50.0% 19,511,654          - Property Insurance 710,000                    63,313               773,313                    773,313                      763,313                    98.7% 10,000                  - Other Insurance 30,000                  1,325,000                1,325,000                1,355,000                  506,576                    37.4% 848,424               

    Reserve Fund ‐                            ‐                            ‐                            ‐                            0.0% ‐                          State & County Assessments 28,414,540              1,080,520         29,495,060              29,495,060               14,307,767              48.5% 15,187,293          Vocational Assessments 4,000,274                50,738               4,051,012                4,051,012                  2,025,506                50.0% 2,025,506            

    2 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Expense Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    FY20 Approved Revised Total Actuals FY21Encumbrance Budget  Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    Total City Expenditures 417,755$             186,783,770$            1,194,571$         187,978,341$            188,396,095$            98,128,162$              5,427,756$           52.1% 84,476,471$          

    Education 2,910,769            114,789,675            114,789,675            117,700,444             39,469,079              10,207,582         33.5% 68,023,782          Education - Transportation 9,730,000                9,730,000                9,730,000                  1,908,082                8,933,238            19.6% (1,111,321)           Total School Expenditures 2,910,769$         124,519,675$            ‐$                      124,519,675$            127,430,444$            41,377,162$              19,140,821$         32.5%

    Total Expenditures 3,328,524$         311,303,445$            1,194,571$         312,498,016$            315,826,539$            139,505,324$            24,568,576$         44.2% 151,388,933$       

    A. Note on General Fund Budgetary Revisions

    Budget Revision 1Cherry Sheet‐ City 1,194,155           

    Budget Revision 2Tax Recap‐ City 416                       

    3 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    Sewer EnterpriseFY20 Approved  Revised Total  Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget  Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    RevenueSewer Rate Revenue ‐                    23,732,781    ‐           23,732,781  23,732,781 11,782,333           ‐                  49.6%

    Expenses - DirectSalaries ‐                    526,933        ‐           526,933       526,933       209,096                 39.7%Expenses 262,410          11,836,254    ‐           11,836,254  12,098,664 5,240,986             5,309,169      43.3%Capital ‐                    80,000          ‐           80,000         80,000         15,766           0.0%Debt ‐                    10,162,815    ‐           10,162,815  10,162,815 8,737,926             86.0%

    262,410          22,606,002   ‐          22,606,002 22,868,412 14,188,007           5,324,935      62.0%

    Expenses - IndirectHealth Insurance ‐                    107,311        ‐           107,311       107,311       53,655                   ‐                  50.0%Pensions ‐                    89,630          ‐           89,630         89,630         44,815                   ‐                  50.0%Other - General Fund ‐                    1,473,058      ‐           1,473,058    1,473,058    736,530                 ‐                  50.0%

    ‐                   1,669,999      ‐          1,669,999    1,669,999   835,000                 ‐                 50.0%

    Other Financing Sources:Prior Year Encumbrances 262,410          ‐                 ‐                262,410       ‐                          ‐                 Retained Earnings ‐                    643,220        643,220       643,220       ‐                          ‐                 

    Other Financing Uses:Transfer to Stabilization ‐                    100,000        100,000       100,000       ‐                          ‐                  0.0%Transfer to Trust & Agency ‐                    ‐                 ‐                ‐               ‐                          ‐                  0.0%

    ‐                   100,000        ‐          100,000       100,000       ‐                          ‐                 0.0%

    Total Revenues ‐                   24,376,001   ‐          24,376,001 24,638,411 11,782,333           ‐                 49.6%Total Expenses 262,410          24,376,001   ‐          24,376,001 24,638,411 15,023,007           5,324,935      61.0%

    1 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    Water EnterpriseFY20 Approved  Revised Total  Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget  Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    RevenueWater Rate Revenue ‐                    13,560,315   13,560,315  13,560,315 7,180,793            ‐                  53.0%

    Expenses - DirectSalaries ‐                    2,716,363      2,716,363    2,716,363    1,212,013            44.6%Expenses 11,781             2,029,960      2,029,960    2,041,741    665,566               451,299         32.6%Capital ‐                    150,000         150,000        150,000       5,202                    3.5%Debt ‐                    5,862,100      5,862,100    5,862,100    4,526,212            77.2%

    11,781             10,758,423   ‐               10,758,423  10,770,204 6,408,993           451,299         59.5%

    Expenses - IndirectHealth Insurance ‐                    770,257         770,257        770,257       385,128               ‐                  50.0%Pensions ‐                    749,613         749,613        749,613       374,807               ‐                  50.0%Other - General Fund ‐                    1,236,971      1,236,971    1,236,971    618,486               ‐                  50.0%

    ‐                    2,756,841     ‐               2,756,841    2,756,841   1,378,420           ‐                  50.0%

    Other Financing Sources:Prior Year Encumbrances 11,781             ‐                 ‐                 11,781         ‐                        ‐                 Retained Earnings ‐                    54,949          54,949          54,949         ‐                        ‐                 

    Other Financing Uses:Transfer to Stabilization ‐                    100,000         100,000        100,000       ‐                        ‐                  0.0%Transfer to Trust & Agency ‐                    ‐                 ‐                 ‐                ‐                        ‐                  0.0%

    ‐                    100,000         ‐               100,000        100,000       ‐                        ‐                  0.0%

    Total Revenues ‐                    13,615,264   ‐               13,615,264  13,627,045 7,180,793           ‐                  52.9%Total Expenses 11,781             13,615,264   ‐               13,615,264  13,627,045 7,787,413           451,299         57.1%

    1 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall RiverFY21 Budget Analysis: Dec 31, 2020


    EMS EnterpriseFY20 Approved Revised Total  Actuals FY21

    Encumbrance Budget  Transfers Budget Available As of 12/31/20 Encumbrance % Used

    RevenueEMS Rate Revenue ‐                    8,800,000   ‐              8,800,000 8,800,000  3,783,229            ‐                  43.0%

    Expenses - DirectSalaries ‐                    4,810,324   ‐              4,810,324 4,810,324  2,543,777            52.9%Expenses 31,872              1,002,258   ‐              1,002,258 1,034,130  645,959               50,823            62.5%Capital ‐                    72,700        ‐              72,700       72,700       47,170                 9,281              64.9%Debt ‐                    ‐              ‐              ‐             ‐              ‐                        ‐                  0.0%

    31,872              5,885,282   ‐              5,885,282 5,917,154  3,236,906            60,104            54.7%

    Expenses - IndirectHealth Insurance ‐                    706,279     ‐              706,279    706,279     353,139               ‐                  50.0%Pensions ‐                    717,526     ‐              717,526    717,526     358,763               ‐                  50.0%Other - General Fund ‐                    1,490,913   ‐              1,490,913 1,490,913  726,038               ‐                  48.7%

    ‐                    2,914,718   ‐              2,914,718 2,914,718  1,437,940            ‐                  49.3%

    Other Financing Sources:Prior Year Encumbrances 31,872              ‐              ‐             31,872       ‐                        ‐                 Free Cash ‐                    ‐              ‐             ‐              ‐                        ‐                 

    Other Financing Uses:Transfer to Stabilization ‐                    ‐              ‐             ‐              ‐                        ‐                  0.0%Transfer to Trust & Agency ‐                    ‐              ‐             ‐              ‐                        ‐                  0.0%

    ‐                    ‐              ‐              ‐             ‐              ‐                        ‐                  0.0%

    Total Revenues ‐                    8,800,000   ‐              8,800,000 8,831,872  3,783,229            ‐                 Total Expenses 31,872              8,800,000   ‐              8,800,000 8,831,872  4,674,846            60,104            52.9%

    1 1/12/2021

  • City of Fall River

    Employer Trust Fund: Dec 31, 2020

    FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY21

    Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Projections Total (Est.)


    Blue Cross Blue Shield-Active 21,552,169.60 17,514,624.87 16,540,941.83 7,135,648.31 11,200,000.00 18,335,648.31

    Blue Cross Blue Shield-Retirees 8,663,164.22 6,982,197.16 7,771,702.58 2,947,512.77 4,725,000.00 7,672,512.77

    Maxor Prescription - 5,737,040.62 6,197,135.97 2,849,959.66 3,245,185.17 6,095,144.83

    Canarx Services 548,469.69 588,663.13 605,861.26 272,401.50 313,408.18 585,809.68

    StopLoss Insurance 1,616,791.00 1,635,631.18 1,848,642.30 1,075,317.57 770,818.51 1,846,136.08

    32,380,594.51 32,458,156.96 32,964,283.94 14,280,839.81 20,254,411.86 34,535,251.67

    Blue Cross Blue Shield Medex 4,331,582.13 4,336,758.43 3,885,851.32 1,348,581.47 2,065,000.00 3,413,581.47

    Retiree Drugs 3,026,469.85 2,960,097.72 3,023,301.86 1,592,778.33 1,650,000.00 3,242,778.33

    7,358,051.98 7,296,856.15 6,909,153.18 2,941,359.80 3,715,000.00 6,656,359.80

    Health Insurance Opt Out 121,906.78 141,759.74 156,377.87 74,278.75 84,803.87 159,082.62

    Insurance Tax 21,552.00 27,057.00 32,552.86 11,279.50 23,454.36 34,733.86

    Altus Dental 750,446.49 749,170.36 742,351.09 362,519.03 325,000.00 687,519.03

    Boston Mutual 251,705.86 246,894.75 246,989.56 122,683.06 124,818.57 247,501.63

    GBS 45,758.16 45,474.72 46,865.04 27,337.94 19,527.10 46,865.04

    Misc Reimbursements 35,714.50 31,177.06 31,177.48 14,339.52 15,660.48 30,000.00

    LIPS Subsidy 21,594.84 12,278.93 - - - -

    Fed. Supplementary Med 35,925.40 27,840.10 22,571.20 10,270.50 10,270.50 20,541.00

    Accounting, Auditing, and Legal - - - - - -

    Retired Employees Health Ins - - - - - -

    CPA - Flexible Spending - - - - - -

    Other Charges & Expenses 16,912.00 7,912.00 32,812.00 7,912.00 28,988.00 36,900.00

    Transfer to Other Funds 750,000.00 - - - - -

    Transfer to School Dept - - 1,000,000.00 - - -

    Prior Year Adjustment - - - (172,070.85) - (172,070.85)

    Total 41,790,162.52 41,044,577.77 42,185,134.22 17,680,749.06 24,601,934.74 42,282,683.80


    Other Revenue 491,221.85 (71,435.26) (115,997.82)

    BCBS Humana Refund - - -

    Tobacco Health (4,832.40) (2,167.60) (7,000.00)

    Retirement Reimbursement (90,000.00) (90,000.00)

    Refunds, etc (5,431.35) - (5,431.35)

    School Grant Reimbursement (1,335,786.65) (1,448,647.82) (1,390,306.19) - (1,400,000.00) (1,400,000.00)

    BCTC Reimbursement (472,851.56) (493,011.12) (493,011.12) (197,590.44) (302,409.56) (500,000.00)

    CDA Reimbursement (98,528.02) (97,637.45) (97,443.98) (20,768.70) (79,231.30) (100,000.00)

    RDA Reimbursement - - (5,910.56) - - -

    Library Reimbursement - - (159,843.78) - (160,000.00) (160,000.00)

    Earnings on Investment (2,967.59) (26,566.94) (25,147.49) (6,911.06) (9,675.48) (16,586.54)

    Maxor Rebate - (719,312.62) (1,090,819.10) (478,210.74) (478,210.74) (956,421.48)

    Stop Loss Reimb (1,950,321.24) (1,148,766.14) (2,076,309.03) (1,332,006.46) (567,993.54) (1,900,000.00)

    Transfer from Stab Fund - - (1,000,000.00) - -

    Transfers from General Fund (39,600,000.00) (38,063,256.04) (36,732,000.00) (19,500,000.00) (19,500,000.00) (39,000,000.00)

    Total (42,969,233.21) (42,068,633.39) (43,186,789.07) (21,545,751.15) (22,589,688.22) (44,135,439.37)

    Excess (Revenue) over Expenditures (1,179,070.69) (1,024,055.62) (1,001,654.85) (1,852,755.58)


  • 01/07/2021 12:33 |CITY OF FALL RIVER |P 1cityaud |YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT |glytdbud

    FOR 2021 06

    ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT9051 GRP INS EMPLOYER CLAIMS TR FUN APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ BUDGET USED____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    90510010 GROUP INS CLAIMS TRUST FUND _________________________________________

    439900 OTHER REVENUE -15,969,173 -113,000 -16,082,173 -10,263.75 .00 -16,071,908.90 .1%439903 OTH REV SCHOOL GRANT REIMBUR -2,956,925 -1,400,000 -4,356,925 .00 .00 -4,356,925.22 .0%439905 BCTC BCBS REIMBURSEMENT -126,867 -500,000 -626,867 -197,590.44 .00 -429,276.07 31.5%439906 CDA BCBS REIMBURSEMENT -437,914 -100,000 -537,914 -20,768.70 .00 -517,144.84 3.9%439909 MAXOR REBATE-CITY -424,607 -1,100,000 -1,524,607 -205,630.61 .00 -1,318,976.38 13.5%439910 MAXOR REBATE-SCHOOL 279,739 0 279,739 -272,580.13 .00 552,318.84 -97.4%480000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE -33,963,296 0 -33,963,296 .00 .00 -33,963,296.03 .0%482000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS -308,873 -25,000 -333,873 -6,911.06 .00 -326,962.12 2.1%483200 STOP LOSS REIMBURSEMENT 597,121 -1,900,000 -1,302,879 -1,332,006.46 .00 29,127.05 102.2%483201 STOP LOSS REIMB-SCHOOL -461,712 0 -461,712 .00 .00 -461,712.15 .0%484050 MISC REVENUE -2,644,118 0 -2,644,118 .00 .00 -2,644,117.71 .0%495100 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND -9,325,445 -39,160,000 -48,485,445 -19,500,000.00 .00 -28,985,444.90 40.2%495600 TRANSFER FROM TRUST & AGENCY -600,000 0 -600,000 .00 .00 -600,000.00 .0%497000 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS -624,996 0 -624,996 .00 .00 -624,996.00 .0%497400 TRANSFER FROM ENTERPRISE FUN -987,033 0 -987,033 .00 .00 -987,032.86 .0%

    TOTAL GROUP INS CLAIMS TRUST FUND -67,954,098 -44,298,000-112,252,098 -21,545,751.15 .00 -90,706,347.29 19.2%

    90510015 GRP INS EMPLOYER CLAIMS TR FUN _________________________________________

    510000 PERSONNEL SERVICES 178,175 0 178,175 .00 .00 178,175.00 .0%564800 RETIRED EMPLOYEES HEALTH INS 193 0 193 .00 .00 193.00 .0%570000 OTHER CHARGES AND EXPENSES 2,080,510 0 2,080,510 .00 .00 2,080,510.17 .0%575400 SCHOOL-FED SUPP MEDICAL INS 3,132 0 3,132 .00 .00 3,131.55 .0%576400 CITY-FED SUPP MED INSURANCE 5,083 0 5,083 .00 .00 5,082.75 .0%579400 PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE ADJUSTMEN 0 0 0 -1,423,367.10 .00 1,423,367.10 100.0%

    TOTAL GRP INS EMPLOYER CLAIMS TR FUN 2,267,092 0 2,267,092 -1,423,367.10 .00 3,690,459.57 -62.8%

    90512015 SCHOOL _________________________________________

    530200 ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND LEG -3,319 0 -3,319 .00 .00 -3,318.75 .0%574601 SCHOOL CANARX 259,370 337,500 596,870 136,200.75 .00 460,668.92 22.8%574702 SCHOOL DENTAL 151,375 442,500 593,875 120,231.20 .00 473,644.15 20.2%574704 SCHOOL DENTAL RETIREE 137,865 0 137,865 92,818.37 .00 45,046.68 67.3%575100 SCHOOL-MASS BC-BS 10,216,275 9,951,952 20,168,227 4,160,905.14 .00 16,007,322.16 20.6%

  • 01/07/2021 12:33 |CITY OF FALL RIVER |P 2cityaud |YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT |glytdbud

    FOR 2021 06

    ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT9051 GRP INS EMPLOYER CLAIMS TR FUN APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ BUDGET USED____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    575101 SCHOOL RETIREE BCBS 8,471,974 4,428,846 12,900,820 1,366,042.06 .00 11,534,777.60 10.6%575102 SCHOOL HEALTH INS OPT OUT -59,310 76,800 17,490 27,418.39 .00 -9,927.98 156.8%575103 SCHOOL INSURANCE TAX 179,413 21,000 200,413 6,733.86 .00 193,679.56 3.4%575104 SCHOOL BCBS MEDEX 2,201,937 0 2,201,937 814,361.75 .00 1,387,575.25 37.0%575120 MAXOR EMPR ACTIVE SCHOOL -808,262 3,797,250 2,988,988 1,356,052.13 .00 1,632,936.00 45.4%575121 MAXOR EMPR RETIREE SCHOOL 202,878 0 202,878 342,828.64 .00 -139,950.90 169.0%575200 SCHOOL-AMERICAN STOP LOSS 2,076,116 1,087,500 3,163,616 632,515.17 .00 2,531,101.01 20.0%575300 SCHOOL-GROUP BENEFITS STRATE 862 25,000 25,862 13,668.97 .00 12,193.07 52.9%575400 SCHOOL-FED SUPP MEDICAL INS 23,666 12,000 35,666 5,135.25 .00 30,531.14 14.4%575500 SCHOOL-LIFE INSURANCE 38,606 142,500 181,106 69,929.34 .00 111,176.94 38.6%576602 MASS BCBS RETIREE DRUGS -156,374 2,495,215 2,338,841 1,022,894.73 .00 1,315,946.68 43.7%576603 LIPS SUBSIDY -412 0 -412 .00 .00 -412.43 .0%578000 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED ITEMS 530 0 530 .00 .00 530.00 .0%

    TOTAL SCHOOL 22,933,192 22,818,063 45,751,255 10,167,735.75 .00 35,583,519.10 22.2%

    90513015 CITY _________________________________________

    530200 ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND LEG -2,606 0 -2,606 .00 .00 -2,606.25 .0%570000 OTHER CHARGES AND EXPENSES -6,278 24,000 17,722 7,912.00 .00 9,810.00 44.6%574602 CITY CANARX 683,863 337,500 1,021,363 136,200.75 .00 885,162.64 13.3%574703 CITY DENTAL 302,601 307,500 610,101 76,427.93 .00 533,672.73 12.5%574705 CITY DENTAL RETIREE 255,601 0 255,601 73,041.53 .00 182,559.21 28.6%576100 CITY MASS BC-BS 16,211,454 8,644,179 24,855,633 2,974,743.17 .00 21,880,889.83 12.0%576101 CITY RETIREE BCBS 437,316 3,479,807 3,917,123 1,581,470.71 .00 2,335,652.11 40.4%576102 CITY HEALTH INSURANCE OPT OU -58,583 83,200 24,617 46,860.36 .00 -22,242.87 190.4%576103 CITY INSURANCE TAXES 72,360 14,000 86,360 4,545.64 .00 81,814.27 5.3%576104 CITY BCBS MEDEX 1,594,506 0 1,594,506 534,219.72 .00 1,060,286.28 33.5%576120 MAXOR EMPR ACTIVE CITY -235,967 2,427,750 2,191,783 738,749.36 .00 1,453,033.15 33.7%576121 MAXOR EMPR RETIREE CITY -227,825 0 -227,825 412,329.53 .00 -640,154.50 -181.0%576200 CITY-AMERICAN STOP LOSS 410,550 787,500 1,198,050 442,802.40 .00 755,247.70 37.0%576300 CITY-GROUP BENEFITS STRATEGI 4,664 25,000 29,664 13,668.97 .00 15,994.53 46.1%576400 CITY-FED SUPP MED INSURANCE 101,817 42,000 143,817 19,474.77 .00 124,342.56 13.5%576500 CITY-LIFE INSURANCE 70,092 107,500 177,592 52,753.72 .00 124,837.89 29.7%576602 MASS BCBS RETIREE DRUGS -42,471 1,403,558 1,361,087 569,883.60 .00 791,203.46 41.9%576603 LIPS SUBSIDY -640 0 -640 .00 .00 -640.07 .0%

    TOTAL CITY 19,570,453 17,683,494 37,253,947 7,685,084.16 .00 29,568,862.67 20.6%

    TOTAL GRP INS EMPLOYER CLAIMS TR FUN -23,183,361 -3,796,443 -26,979,804 -5,116,298.34 .00 -21,863,505.95 19.0%

    TOTAL REVENUES -67,954,098 -44,298,000-112,252,098 -21,545,751.15 .00 -90,706,347.29TOTAL EXPENSES 44,770,737 40,501,557 85,272,294 16,429,452.81 .00 68,842,841.34

  • 01/07/2021 12:33 |CITY OF FALL RIVER |P 3cityaud |YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT |glytdbud

    FOR 2021 06

    ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ BUDGET USED____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    GRAND TOTAL -23,183,361 -3,796,443 -26,979,804 -5,116,298.34 .00 -21,863,505.95 19.0%

    ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Jen Argo **

  • City of Fall River

    Capital Projects

    As of Dec 31, 2020

    Fund Name Page


    5326 Tansey School Repairs 2

    5328 Watson School Repairs 3

    5329 Resiliency Preparatory Academy Repairs 4

    5330 Westall School Repairs 5

    5415 New Durfee High School Construction 6

    5417 Oakgrove Cemetery IT Upgrade 7

    5424 Police Survellience 8

    5671/5680 Upgrade Street Lights/AMERSCO Energy 9

    5702 Streetscapes - Bank St/Columbia Square 10

    5704 Streetscapes - Bedford St 11

    5705 Streetscapes - South Main St 12

    5708 Street Repairs 13

    5749 Streets & Highways Dept Equipment 14

    5756 Streets & Highways Dept Sidewalks 15

    5757 Streets & Highways Sidewalks - Homeowners 16

    5852 Other General 17


    5619 Integrated Master Plan Phase I 18

    5620 Integrated Master Plan Phase II 19

    5621 CSO Project 20

    5645 Dam Repair 21

    5666 Flood Control Master Plan 22

    5667 Flood Control Middle St 23

    5684 Water Phase 16 24

    5689 Water Meter/AMR Replacement 25

    5690 Water Phase 17 26

    5691 Water Phase 18 27

    5694 Water Phase 19 28

    5695 Water Phase 20 29

    5850 Sewer 30

    5851 Water 31

    1/8/20212:27 PM

  • City of Fall River

    Capital Project Status Report a/o Dec 31, 2020

    Project Name - Tansey School Repairs


    Dept: Facilities Maintenance

    Project Manager: Chris Gallagher

    Total Project Budget: 2,970,496.00$

    Project Period: 9/25/18 - Present

    Council Authorization DATE AMOUNT

    Loan Order 9/25/2018 2,970,496.00

    Total 2,970,496.00$

    Scope of Work

    Funding Sources Proposed Actual

    Federal Grants

    State Grants

    MSBA 1,800,125.00 1,531,531.00

    Bond Premiums

    Open Market Short Term 2,400,000.00

    Open Market Long Term 1,170,371.00

    Total 2,970,496.00$ 3,931,531.00$

    Total Expended & Encumbered Actual


    Capital Outlay 2,909,915.00

    Other -

    Total 2,909,915.00$

    Total Actual

    Authorized 2,970,496.00

    Total Expended & Encumbered 2,909,915.00

    Balance 60,581.00$

    Description of work completed:

    Description of project changes:

    Description of work remaining:

    Any significant problems encountered?

    Can the Project Scope be completed with funds remaining?

    Replacement of windows, doors, and a boiler at the James

    Tansey Elementary

    Windows, doors, and boilers are installed.


    Controls on boilers & commissioning from MSBA




    1/8/20212:27 PM

  • City of Fall River

    Capital Project Status Report a/o Dec 31, 2020

    Project Name - Watson School Repairs


    Dept: Facilities Maintenance

    Project Manager: Chris Gallagher

    Total Project Budget: 7,426,775.00$

    Project Period: 5/15/19 - Present

    Council Authorization DATE AMOUNT

    Loan Order 5/15/2019 7,426,775.00

    Total 7,426,775.00$

    Scope of Work

    Funding Sources Proposed Actual

    Federal Grants

    State Grants

    MSBA 4,207,222.00 901,515.00

    Bond Premiums

    Open Market Short Term 3,246,085.00

    Open Market Long Term 3,219,553.00

    Total 7,426,775.00$ 4,147,600.00$

    Total Expended & Encumbered Actual


    Capital Outlay 5,699,649.00

    Other -

    Total 5,699,649.00$

    Total Actual

    Authorized 7,426,775.00

    Total Expended & Encumbered 5,699,649.00

    Balance 1,727,126.00$

    Description of work completed:

    Description of project changes:

    Description of work remaining:

    Any significant problems encountered?

    Can the Project Scope be completed with funds remaining?

    Replacement of windows, doors, roof, boiler, and fire

    suppression at the Samuel Watson Elementary

    Windows, doors, boilers, and fire suppression installed.


    Roof to be installed in the springtime.