City of Glendale California) IGSA With ICE

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  • 8/14/2019 City of Glendale California) IGSA With ICE






    This Inter-Governmental Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between United StatesDepartmimt of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (''ICE''), and The City ofGlendale, CA ("Service Provider") fortbe detention and care of aliens ("detainees"). The term "Parties" ..used in this Agreement to refer jointly to ICE and the Service Provider.FACILITY LOCATION.The Service Provider shall provide detention services for detainees at the following institution(s):City of GlendaleGlendale CityJail131N. Isabel StreetGlendale, CA 91206

    Article 1. Purpose. A. Pumose: The purpose of this Inter-Governinental Service Agreement (Agreement) is to establ .h anAgreement between ICE and the Service Provider for the detention, and care of persons detained

    under the authority of Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. All persons in the custody ofICE are l'Administrative Detainees". This term recognizes that ICE detainees are no t charged withcriminal violations and are only held in custody to assure their presence throughout theadministrative hearing process and to assure their presence for removal from the United Statespursuant to a lawful final order by the Immigration Court, the Board of Immigration Appeals orother Federal Judicial body .

    B. Responsibilities, This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities ofICE and the Service Provider.The Agreement states the selVices the SelVice Provider shall perform satisfactorlly to receivepayment from ICE at the rate prescribed in Article I, C.

    C. Guidance: This is a fixed rate agreement, no t a cost reimbursable agreement, with respect to thedetainee day rate. The detainee day rate is $85.00. ICE shall be responsible for reviewing andapproving the costs associated with th . Agreement and subsequent modifications ntilliing allapplicable federal procurement laws, regulations and standards in arriving at the detainee day rate.

    Article II. General


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    A. Funding: Th e obligation ofICE to make payments to the Service Provider is contingent upon theavailability of Federal funds. ICE wU! neither present detainees to the Service Provider nor directperformance of any other services unti! ICE has the appropriate funding. Orders wUl be placedunder this Agreement when specific requirements have been identified and funding obtained.Performance under this Agreement is no t authorized until the Contracting Officer issues an order,in writing. The effective date of the Agreement will be negotiated and specified in a delivery orderto this Agreement that is supported by the ICE Contracting Officer. This Agreement is neitherbinding no r effective lmless signed by the ICE Contracting Officer. Payments at the approved ratewUl be paid upon the return of the signed Agreement by the authorized Local Government officialto ICE.

    B. Subcontractors: The Service Provider shall notify and obta in approval from the ICE ContractingOfficer or the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) if it intends to house ICEdetainees in a facility other than the Glendale City Jail located in Glendale, CA. If either thatfacility, or any future facility is operated by an entity other than the Service Provider, ICE shall treatthe entity as a subcontractor to the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall obtain theContracting Officer's approval before subcontracting the detention and care of detainees toanother entity. The Contracting Officer has the tight to deny, withhold, or withdraw approval ofthe proposed subcontractor. Upon approval by the Contracting Officer, the Service Provider shallensure that any subcontrac t includes all proviSiOns of this Agreement, and shall provide ICE withcopies of all subcontracts . All paymentswill be made to the Service Provider. ICE will no t accept~ n v o i c e s from, ormake payments to a subcontractor.

    C. Consistent with Law: This is a finn fixed rate agreement, no t cost reimbursable agreement. ThisAgreement is permitted under applicable statutes, regulation, policies or judicial mandates. Anyprovision of this Agreement contrary to applicable statutes, regulation, policies or judicial mandatesis null and void and shall no t necessarily affect the balance of the Agreement.

    Article III. Covered ServicesA. Bedsnace: The Service Provider shall provide male and or female beds on a space available basis.

    The Service Provider shall house all detainees as determined within the Service Provider'sclassification system. ICE will he fmancially liable only for the actual detainee days as defined inParagraph C ofArticle III.

    B. Basic Needs: Th e Service Provider shall provide ICE detainees with safekeeping, housing,subSistence, medical and other services in accordance with this Agreement. In providing theseservices, the Service Provider shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, fire and'safety codes, policies an d procedures. If the Service Provider determines that ICE has delivered aperson for custody who is underthe age of eighteen (18), the Service Provider shall not house thatperson with adult detainees and shall immediately notify the ICE Contract ing Officer or theContracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). The types and levels of services shall beconsistent with those the Service Provider routinely affords other inmates.

    C. Unit of Service and Financial Liability: The unit of service is called a "deta inee day" and is definedas one person per day. Th e detainee day begins on the date of arrival. The Service Provider maybill ICE for the date of arrival bu t not the date of departure. The Service Provider shall no t charge

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    for costs, which are not direcdy related to the housing and detention of detainees in accordancewith OMB Circular A87.

    D. Interpretive Services: .The Service Provider shall make special provisions for nonEnglish speaking,handicapped or illiterate derainees. ICE will reimburse the Service Provider for the actual costsassociated with providing commercial written or telephone language interpretive services. Uponrequest, ICE will assist the Service Provider in obtaining translation services. The Service Providershall provide all instructions verbally either in Englishor the detainees ' language, as appropriate, todetainees who cannot read. Th e Service Provider shall include the actual costs that the ServiceProvider paid for such services on its monthly invoice. Except in emergency situations, the ServiceProvIder shall no t use detainees for translation services. If the Service Provider uses a detainee fortranslation service, it shall notify ICE within twenty.four (24) hours of the translation service.

    Article IV. Receiving an d Discharging DetaineesA Required Activitv: The Service Provider shall receive and discharge detainees only to and from

    properly identified ICE personnel or other properly identified Federal law enforcement officialswith prior authorization from DHS/ICE. Presentation of U.S. Government identification shallconstitute "proper identification." Th e Service Provider shall furnish receiving and dischargingservices twentyfour (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. ICE shall furnish the ServiceProvider with reasonable notice of receiving and discharging detainees . Th e Service Provider shall.ensure positive identification and recording of detainees and ICE officers. Th e Service Providershall no t permit medical or emergency discharges except through coordination with on.duty ICEofficers.

    B. Emergency Situations: ICE detainees shall no t be released from the fadUty into the custody ofother Federal, state, or local officials for any reason, except for or emergency situations,witham express authori.ation of ICE.

    C. Restricted Release of Detainees: The Service Provider shall no t reiease ICE detainees from itsphysical custody to any persons other than those described in Paragraph A of Article IV for anyreason, except {or either medical, other e m ~ r g e n c y situations, or in response to a federal writ ofhabeas corpus. If an ICE detainee is sought for federal, state, or local proceedings, only ICE mayauthorize release of the detainee for such purposes. The Service ProvIder shall contact the ICEContracting Officer or ICE COTR immediately regarding any such requests.

    D. Service ProvIder Right of Refusal: The Service Provider retains the right to refuse acceptance orrequest removal of any detainee exhibiting violent or disruptive behavior, or of any detainee foundto have a medical condition that requires medical care beyond the scope of the Service Provider' ,health care provider. In the case of a detainee already in custody, the Service Provider shall notifyICE and request such removal of the detainee from the facility. The Service Provider shall allowICE reasonable time to make alternative arrangements for the detainee.

    E. Emergency Evaenation: In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of the facility, theService Provider shall evacnate ICE detainees in the same manner, and with the same safeguards, asit einploys for persons detaIned under the Service Provider's authority. The Service Provider shallnotify the ICE Contracting Officer or ICE COTR within two (2) hours of evacuation.


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    Article V. DHSJICE Detention StandardsSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE.The Service Provider is required to house detainees and perform related detent ion services inaccordance with the most current edition of ICE National Detention Standards( ICE Inspectors will conduct periodicinspections of the facility to assure compliance with the ICE Nar tonal Detention Standards.Article VI. Medical ServicesThe Local Government agrees to provide federal detainees with the same level of medical care and

    . services provided to local prisoners, including the transportation and security for prisoners requiringremoval from the facility for emergency medical services. All costs associated with hospital or healthcare services provided outside the facility will be paid directly by the Federal Government. In the eventthe Service Provider has a conttac t with a medical facility/physician or receives discounted rates,the Federal Government shall be invoiced at the same rate as the Service Provider.ArtIclevn. No Employment of Unauthorized AliensSubject to existing laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and addenda to this Agreement, the ServiceProvider shall no t employ aliens unauthorIzed to work in the United States. Except for maintainingpersonallfving areas, ICE detainees shall no t be required to perform manual labor.Article VIII. Employment Screening ReqnirementsA. General. The Service Provider shall certify to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,

    ContractIng Officer that any employees performing under this Agreement, who have access to ICEdetainees, will have s u c c e ~ f u l l y completed an empIoyment screen ing that includes at a minimum acriminal history records check, employment reference checks and a citizenship check.

    B. Einployment Eligibility. Screening criteria that will exclude applicants from consideration toperform under this agreement includes:1. Felony convictions2. Conviction of a sex crime3. Offense/s involving a child victim4. Felony drug convictions5. Pattern of arrests, without convictions, that.brings into ques tion a person's judgment andreliability to promote the efficiency and integrity of the ICE mission.6. [ntenrtonal falsification and!or omission of pertinent personal information to influence afavorable employment decision.Subject to existing law, regulations and/or other provisions of this Agreement, illegal orundocumented alIens shall no t be employed by the Service Provider.The Service Provider shall certify that each employee working on this Agreement will have a Social


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    Security Card issued and approved by the Social Security Administration. The Service Providershall be responsible to the Government for acts and omissions of his own employees and for anySubcontractor(sl and their employees.The Service Provider shall expressly incorporate this provision into any and all Subcontracts orsubordinate agreements issued in support of this Agreement.The Service Provider shall recertify their employees every three years by conducting a criminalhistory records check to maintain the integrity of the workforce.The Service Provider shall implement a Sel.Reporting requirement for its employees toimmediately report one's own criminal arrest!s to superiors.

    C. Security Management. The Service Provider shall appoint a senior official to act as the AgreementSecurity Officer. The individual will interface with the COTR on all security matters, to includephysical, personnel, and protection of all Government information and data accessed by theServicerovider.

    The COTR and Contrac ting Officer shall have the right to inspect the procedures, methods, alldocumentation an d facilities utilized by the Service Provider in complying with the securityrequirements under this Agreement. Should ICE determine that the Service Provider is no t complyingwith the security requirements of this Agreement, the Service Provider shall be informed in writing bythe Contracting Officer of the proper action to be taken in order to effect compliance wirh theseemployment screening requirements. .Article IX. Period of PerformanceA. .This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of final signature by the ICE Contracting

    Officer and the authorized signarery of the Service Provider and will remain in effect indefinitelyunless terminated in writing, by either party. Either party must provide writren notice of intentionsto terminate the agreement, 60 days in advance of the effective dare of formal termination, or theParties may agree to a shorter period under the procedures prescribed in Article X.

    B. Basis for Price Adjustment , A firm fixed price with economic adjustment provides for upward anddownward revision of the stated Per Diem based upon cost indexes of labor and operatingexpenses, or based upon the SeIVice Provider's actual cost' experience in providing the selVice.

    Article X. InspectionA. Tail Agreement Inspection Report, The Jail Agreement Inspection Report stipulates minimum

    requirements for fire/safetycode compliance, supervision, segregation, sleeping utensils, meals,medical care, confidential communication, telephone access, legal c o u n s e ~ legal Hbrary, visitation,and recreation. The Service Provider shall allow ICE to conduct inspections of the facility, asrequired, to ensure an acceptable level of services and acceptable conditions of confinement asdetermined by ICE. No notice to the Service Provider is required prior to an inspection. ICE willconduct such inspections in accordance with the Jail Agreement Inspection Report. ICE will sharefindings of the inspection with the Service Provider's facility administrator. The Inspection Report


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    will state any improvements to facility operation, conditions -of confinement, and level of servicethat will be required by the Service Provider.

    B. Possible Termination: If the Service Provider fails to remedy deficient service identified through anICE inspection, ICE may terminate this Agreement without regard to the provisions of ArtidesVIII and X.

    C. Share Findings: The Service Provider shall provide ICE copies of facility inspections, reviews,examinations, and surveys performed by accreditation sources.D. Access to Detainee Records: The Service rrovider shall, upon" request, grant ICE access to any

    record in its possession, regardless of whether the Service Provider created the record, concerningany detainee held pursuant to this Agreement. This right of access shall include, bu t is no t limitedto, incident reports, records relating to suicide attempts, and behavioral assessments and otherrecords relating to the detainee's behavior while in the Service Provider's custody. Furthermore, theService Provider shall retain all records where this right of access applies for a period of two (2)years from the date of the detainee's.discharge from the Service Provider's custody.

    Article XI. Modifications and DisputesA. Modifications: Actions other than those designated in this Agreement will no t bind or incur

    liability on behalf of either Party. Either Party may request a modification to this Agreement bysubmitting a written request to the other Party. A modification will become a part of thisAgreement only after the ICE Contract ing Officer and the authorized signatory of the ServiceProvider have approved the modification in writi'ng.

    B. Disputes: The ICE Contracting Officer and the authorized signatory of the Service Provider willsettle disputes, questions and concerns arising ftom this Agreement. Set tlement of disputes shallbe memorialized in a written modification between the ICE Contracting Officer and authorizedsignatory of the Service Provider. In the event a dispute is no t able to be resolved between theService Provider and the ICE Contracting Officer, the ICE Contracting Officer wiU make the finaldecision. If the Service Provider does no t agree with the final decision, the matter may be appealedto the ICE Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) for resolution. The ICE HC A may employ allmethods available to resolve the dispute including alternative dispute resolution techniques. TheService Provider shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement pending finalresolution of any dispute.

    Article XII. Adjusting the Detainee Day RateICE shall reimburse the Service Provider at the fixed detainee day rate shown on the cover page of thedocument, Article l. (C). The Parties (either the Service Provider or ICE) may reqilest an upward ordownward adjustment of the detainee day rate twenty-fou!' (24) months after the effective date of theagreement and every twelve (12) months thereafter. The Parties shan base the cost portion of the rateadjustment on the principles of allowability and allocability as set forth in OMB Circular A-S?, federalprocurement laws, regulations, and standards in arriving at the detainee day rate. The request foradjustment shall be submitted on an ICE Jail Services Cost Statement. If ICE does no t receive anofficial request for a detainee day rate adjustment tllOt is snpported by an ICE Jail Services CostStatement, the fixed detainee day rate as stated in this Agreement will be in place indefinitely. The


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    Service Provider must submit the request for rate adjustment at least sixty (60) days prior to theexpected effective date of the new detainee day rate.ICE reserves the right to audit the actual and/or prospective costs upon which the rate adjustment isbased. All rate adjustments are prospective . .At, this is a fixed rate agreement, there are no retroactiveadjustment(s) .

    .Article XIII. Enrollment, Invoicing, and PaymentA. Enrollment in Electronic Funds Transfer: 'The Service Provider shall provide ICE with theinformation needed to make payments by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Since January 1, 1999,ICE makes all payments only by EFT. The Service Provider shall identify their financial institutionand related information on Standard Form 3881, Automated Clearing House (ACH) VendorMiscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form. The Service Provider shall submit a completed SF 3881

    to ICE payment office prior to submitting its initial request for payment under this Agreement. Ifthe EFT data changes, the Service Provider shall be responsible for providing updated informationto the ICE payment office.B. Invoicing: The Service Provider shall submit an original itemized invoice containing the following

    information: the name and address of the facility; the name of each ICE detainee; detainee's Anumber; specific dates of detention for each detainee; the total number of detainee days; the dailyrate; the total detainee days multiplied by the daily rate; an itemized listing of all other charges; andthe name, title, address, and phone number of the local official responsible for i,nvoice preparation.The Service Provider shall submit monthly invoices within the first ten (10) working days of themonth following the calendar month when it provided the services, to:Department of Homeland SecurityATTN: Immigration and Customs Enforcement300 North Los Angeles Street, Room 763IALos Angeles, CA 90012Phone: 213-83079 I1Fax: 213-830-7972

    C. P a y m e n ~ ICE will transfer funds electronically through either an Automated Clearing House, subject to the banking laws of the United States, or'the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System. ThePrompt Payment Act applies to this Agreement. The Prompt Payment Act requires ICE to makepayments under this Agreement the thirtieth (30,h) calendar day after the ICE Deportation officereceives a complete invoice. Either the date on the Government1s check) or the date it executes anelectronic transfer of funds, shall constitute the payment date. The Prompt Payment Act requiresICE to pay interest on overdue payments to the Service Provider. ICE will detenmine any interestdue in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act.

    'Article XIV. Government Furnished PropertyA. Federal PropertY Furnished to the Service Provider: ICE may furnish Federal Government propertyand equipment to the Service Provider. Accountable property remains titled to ICE and shall bereturned to the custody of ICE upon termination of the Agreement. The suspension of use ofbed


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    space made available to ICE is agreed to be grounds for the recall and return of any or allgovernment furnished property. .B. Service Provider Responsibility: The Service Provider shall no t remove ICE property from the

    facility without the prio r written approval ofICE. The Service Provider shall repor t any loss ordestruction of any Federal Government property immediately to ICE.

    Article XV. Hold Harmless and Indemnification ProvisionsA Service Provider Held Harmless: ICE shall, subject to the availability of funds, save and hold the

    Service Provider harmless and indemnify the Service Provider against any and all liability claimsand costs of whatever kind and nature, for injury to or death of any person(s), or loss or damage toany property, which occurs in connection with or is incident to performance ofwork under theterms of this Agreement, and which results from negligent acts or omissions of ICE officers oremployees, to the extent that ICE would be liable for such negligent act.s or .omissions under theFederal Tort Claims Act, 28 USC 2691 etseq.

    B. Federal Government Held Harmless: The Service Provider shall save and hold harmless andindemnify federal government agencies to the extent allowed by law against any and all liabilityclaims, and COStS of whatsoever kind and nature for injury to or death of any person or persons andfor loss or damage to any property occurring in connection with, or in any way incident to orarising out of the occupancy, use, selVice 1 operation or performance of work under the tenets ofthis Agreement, and which results from, the negligent acts or omissions of the Service Provider, orany employee, or agen't of the Service Provider. In so agreeing, the Service Provider does no t waiveany defenses, immunities or limits of liability available to it under state or federal law.

    C. Defense of Suit: In the event a detainee files suit against the Service Provider contesting the legalityof the detainee's incarceration and/or immigration/citizenship status, ICE shall request that theu.s. Attorney's Office, as appropriate, move either to have the Service Provider dismissed fromsuch suit, to have ICE substituted as the proper party defendant; or to have the case removed to acourt of proper jurisdict ion. Regardless of the decision on any such motion, ICE shall request thatthe U.S. Attorney's Office be responsible for the defense of any suit on these grounds.

    D. ICE Recoverv Right! The Service Provider shall do nothing to prejudice ICE's right to recoveragains.t thi rd parties for any loss, destruction of, or damage to U.S. Government property. Uponrequest of the Contracting Officer, the Service PrOVider shall, at ICE's expense, furnish to ICE allreasonable assistance and cooperatlon, including assistance in the prosecution of suit and executionof the instruments of assignment in favor ofICE in obtaining recovery.

    Article XVI. Financial RecordsA. Retention of Records! AU financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other

    records pertinent to contracts or subordinate agreements under this Agreementshall be retained bythe Service Provider for three (3) years for purposes of federal examinations and audit. The three(3) year retention period begins at the end of the first year of completion of service under theAgreement. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records hasbeen. started before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the records must be retained until


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    completion of the action and resolution of all issues which atise from it or until the end of theregular three (3) year period, whichever is later.

    B. Access to Records: ICE and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of theirauthorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papersor other records of the Service Provider or its sub-contractors, whlch are pertinent to the award) inorder to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. Access shall be permitted uponreasonable notice and during normal City of Glendale business hours. The rights of access mustno t be limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as the records are retained.

    C. Delinquent Debt Collection: ICE will hold the Service Provider accountable for any overpayment,or any breach of this Agreement that results in a debt owed to the Federal Government. ICE shallapply interest, penalties, and administrative costs to a del inquent debt owed to the FederalGovernment by the Service Provider pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 198"2, asamended.

    ArticIeXVII. Contraction Officer's Technical Representative (COTR):The Contrac tion Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) will be appointed by the ContractingOfficer. When and if the COTR duties are reaSSigned, an administrative modification will be issued toreflect the changes. This designation does no t include authority to sign contractual documents or tootherwise commit to, or issue changes, which could affect the price, quantity, or performance of thisAgreement.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized officers, have subscribed their names onbehalfof the City of Glendale, Glendale,CA and Department of Homeland Security, U,S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    ACCEPTED:U.S. Immigration and Customs EnforcementSusan EricksonContracting Officer

    By: ~ t i / ) a : : J Date: _ - , ! p ' ~ : . . : : . ; < - . I i . : : . . . d " / , - - _ _


    The City of Glendale, CAJames E. StarbirdCity Manager

    The Intergovernmental Service Agreement Number is IZ()I GSA-()7- Cl(A;3

  • 8/14/2019 City of Glendale California) IGSA With ICE



    I CE/Detention Mngt / Detention I GSAsImmigration and Customs EnforcementOf fice of Acquisition Management425 I Street NW, Suite 220BWas hington DC 205368. (No., 3treet, county, State and Z I P ~ )



    REO. NO.

    I CE/Detention Mngt /Dete n t ion IGSAsI mmigration and Customs EnforcementOf fice of Acquisi t ion Management42 5 I Street NvJ, Su i t e 220BAttn : J . Neve l eff




    o The above numbered sojicjation Is ~ e : l d e d a$ $&1. fOl'th in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipl of Offers 0 Is extended. 0 Is not extended.OffefS must acknowledge receipt of Itlis amendment prior 10 Itle hour and date specified In Ihe sOI!citaliOn or as amended, by one of the following methods: (8) By comp/atingliems e and 15, and retuming copies of the amendment; (b) By acknow ledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) Bysep arate letter or telegram whicl1 lncludes a reference to the soJicitalicn and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOVVLED GEMENT TO BE RECEIVED ATTl-IE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPEC IAED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFF ER H"by

    ' virtue of Itlis amencrnDf'it you desre to chang-e en offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram Of letter, provided each lelegrem or leiter mllkesreference to Ihe soticltatiml"'i:md Ihls am endment and is receiVed prior to the opening hour and date specifled.



    D. OTHER (Specify type ofmodification and authOrity)X HSCEDM-08-F-IG018 / DROIGSA-0 7- 0034

    E.IMPORTANT: Contractor 00 is not. 0 is required 10 sign thIs dact.KTlent and return caples 10 the issuin g office.14. DESCRIPTION OF AME NDMENT/MO DIFICATION (Organized by UCF secUon headings. Including solidtation/contract subject mstterwhere feasible.)

    DUNS Nwnber: 030384325Delivery: 30 Day s After AwardDiscount Terms:

    i Code: I CE/ DROICE Detent ion & RemovalImmig ra t ion an d Customs En forcement801 I Street , NWSui te 900

    ashi ngton DC 20536Continued ...Excepl ided her In. alii. . ." , erms an "'" re eren on om '" , .s a ""cond'lIi 01 the dorumenl' ced ' n 9A 10A her to1i changed remains U changed nd in full force nd effect15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print)


    (SignIltUff of .ulhorlzed o sign)NSN 754()'() 1-152-8070Previous edition lXV.lS8b1e

    16A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print)Jerald H Neveleff~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ O \ \ ~ " '" ($ignstUffJ of omoo f\


    n ~ L u.c.z"STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83)Prescribed by GSAFAR (48 CFR) 53. 243

  • 8/14/2019 City of Glendale California) IGSA With ICE




    ITEM NO.(A )



    FOB: Destinat ionChange Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shownis th e obl igated amount) :ALIEN DETENTION SERVICES FOR THE HOUSING AND CAREOF PERSONS DETAINED.BED COST ESTIMATE: 30 BEDS X 47 DAYS X $85.00 -$119,850.00.TOTAl COST ESTIMATE: $119,850.00This Task Order i s i ssued agains t t heInter-Governmental Services Agreement (IGSA) No.DROIGSA-07-00 34 to provide a l i en male and femaledetent ion an d guard services under the author i tyof th e Immigration an d National i ty Act, asamended, an d in accordance with th e IGSA, a t theGlendale City Ja i l , 131 N. Isabel St . / Glendale,CA 91206.Availabi l i ty of Funds -Funds for the period of 11 /2 8 /2007 through01/14/2008 are hereby provided. Funds beyonf11/14/2008 are not pre sent ly ava i lable for th i scontract . The Gove rnment ' s ob l iga t i on under th i scontract is contingent upon t he ava i labi l i ty ofappropriated funds from which payment forcontract purposes can be made. No l egal l iab i l i t yon th e par t of th e Government f or an y payment mayar i se unt i l funds are made avai lable to t heContracting Of f icer f or th i s contract and unt i lthe Contractor receives notice of suchavai labi l i ty , to be confirmed in writing by theContracting Officer.ORO PROGRAM POC: MACRINA P. HERNANDEZ 213-830-7980ICE O f f i c ~ o n Erick son t _ Management POC: SusanThe period of performance of th e provided fundsare from th e 11/27/2007 th rough 01/14/2008.

    NSN 7540-011628067

    (C )




    AMOUNT(F )


    OPTIONAL FORM 33& (4-86)Sponsored by GSA
