Citycell Assignment

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basic knowledge for marketing mix




COURSE TITLE: Principle of marketing


Mrs. Julia parveen





Md. Monir uzzaman 0815112109

Sarwar Ali siddiquee 0815112129

Fakrul islam (Apu) 0815112161

Khaled Mahmud 0815112130 Md. Anisul islam chowdhury 0815112126

3rd SEMESTER, SEC: (c)


, Submitted Date: July 14th, 2009

July 14th 2009

Mrs. Julia ParveenCourse InstructorPrinciple of MarketingPremier University Wassa , ChittagongBangladesh

Subject: Submission of marketing 4p of Citycell

Dear Sir,

We are extremely glad to submit the marketing plan that you have assigned us to do as a

part of this course. Our job was to prepare an marketing 4p on city cell

It was impossible to complete the plan without your sincere help, so we are very grateful

to you, and also thankful to our kind primary sources. We have a lot of outstanding and

valuable knowledge in doing this plan which will help us to be successful in future.

Therefore we will be highly obliged if you would be kind enough to accept our plan and

forgive us for any undue inconvenience.

Yours Sincerely,

Md. Monir uzzaman 0815112109 …………………

Sarwar Ali Siddiquee 0815112129 ………………..

Fakrul islam (Apu) 0815112161 …………………

Khaled Mahmud 0815112130 …………………

Md. Anisul islam chowdhury 0815112126 …………………


Any work like this credit must be goes to multiple people. Over the years, many

instructor of Premier University in the academic career, have provided us valuable

insights into the management and marketing, through their discussions and in attending

various classes. This is our humble effort to present gratitude in writing this “Marketing

4p” which we have truly drawn upon own experience as a student of BBA. First and for

most, we are indebted to Mrs. Julia Parveen, our course instructor of marketing, for his

generous guidance throughout the work. His outstanding support, faith in us, and

inspiration for this project, was a tower of strength in putting the pieces together and an

unfailing source of cheer and encouragement.

We are deeply indebted to the authors whose book we have consulted in preparing this

treatise. Our gratitude goes particularly to some Executive of citycell for their

cooperation, spontaneous help and constant guidance in carrying out the plan.

Finally we would like to add a few more words saying that this plan is prepared by

novice and naturally there could be unwilling errors and omission which are exclusively



Citycell is the oldest player in the telecommunication industry. Now it stands 4th

according to the market share. The market size of the telecom industry is quite big. In

addition, the all segments in the industry are not fully occupied. Moreover, the industry is

in growth stage which measures the increasing growth of the industry. Our task is to

prepare an Marketing plan for citycell. In this report, the description of citycell packages

and services is included to identify them. Also, there is an inclusive analysis of target

customers of citycell. On the basis of them we do some creative work and develop the

media plan, schedule, and budget to implement this advertising plan throughout the year.

There are some samples or layouts of our whole marketing campaign for the year. In that

portion we also talk about the basis of creating those Marketing layouts for the media.

The basis indicates the focus of the marketing campaign as well as the appeals and

executing style is used to develop those marketing layouts.

The preceding task for us to prepare a compete media planning and buying for citycell throughout the year. To prepare it we consider competition, peak buying period, as well as the different media and their importance for citycell services. Finally, we prepare a budget on each and every of our total marketing expenditure during the year.


Table of contents

No Particulars page


1.1 Introduction:

1.2 Objectives

1.3 Methodology

1.4 Scope

1.5 Limitations


Theoretical part

2.1 Marketing

2.2 Marketing planning

2.3 Marketing mix

2.4 Marketing mix chart

2.5 product

2.6 Product function

2.7 Price

2.8 Price function

2.9 Place


2.10 Place function

2.11 promotion

2.12 Promotion function

2.13 Target customers

2.14 Intended positioning

No Particulars page


Practical part

3.1 About citycell

3.2 Missions

3.3 Visions

3.4 Marketing mix


3.5 product

3.6 price

3.7 place

3.8 promotion

3.9Numbering Scheme

3.10Ownership Structure

3.11 questions

3.12 Competitive Advantages

3.13 Market Share

3.14 Target market of city cell


3.15 Positioning

3.16 Conclusion


1.1) Introduction:

To accomplish our “Principle of Marketing” subject successfully, it is a part

to complete an assignment. This particular report is being prepared based on

a topic “Marketing 4p”. The main goal of this task to achieve some real

experiences on the executive environment in Bangladesh.

1.2) Objectives:

The main objective of this assignment is to find out the marketing 4p of

City cell. How they run their company, how they satisfy their customers, who

are their customers, who are their competitors etc. are included in City cell’s


1.3) Methodology:

The type of this report is descriptive. The report is done both on quantities

and qualitative research. The major portion of this report is based on

qualitative research. A quantitative has been done on different financial


aspects. Primary & secondary data has been collected from City cell staffs

and website of City cell.

1.4) Scope:

For collecting information we went to the Customer Care Centre of City cell,

Which is located in Agrabad Commercial Area of Chittagong city? There we

go to the Customer Care Representative section to collect our data and


1.5) Limitations:

There are some limitations in every report, research or plan. This marketing 4ps also

indicates some limitations. These are as follows:

The executives didn’t give enough time to collect the sufficient information.


For the internal secrecy, they are not interested to share their financial


Due to the lacks of experiences, about getting information through an interview,

there are some shortages of data to link up with this plan.

Time shortage is another problem to complete the report in a distinct way.


2.1) Marketing:

Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.

Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or services.


2.2) Marketing plan:

A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives. It can be for a product or service, a brand, or a product line. Marketing plans cover between one and five years.

A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.

2.3) Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is generally accepted as the use and specification of the 'four Ps' describing the strategic position of a product in the marketplace. The 'marketing mix' is a set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that work together to achieve company's objectives.

These variables are known as the marketing mix or the 4 P's of marketing. They are the variables that marketing managers can control in order to best satisfy customers in the

target market. The marketing mix is portrayed in the following diagram (2.4)

2.4) Marketing mix chart

Product   Place






Price   Promotion

A Summary Table of the Marketing Mix

The following table summarizes the marketing mix decisions, including a list of some of the aspects of each of the 4Ps.

Summary of Marketing Mix Decisions

Product Price Place Promotion








List price



Payment period

Credit terms









Personal selling

Public relations




Sales promotion

2.5) Product:

The product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. In the case of physical products, it also refers to any services or conveniences that are part of the offering.


Product decisions include aspects such as function, appearance, packaging, service, warranty, etc.

2.6) Product Function:

Variety: Variety means different types of product which base on consumption differ.

Features: a product can be offered with varying features features are competitive tools differentiating the company’s product from competitor’s products.

Quality: product quality means performance quality – the ability of a product to perform its functions .product quality has two dimensions – level and consistency.

Packaging: packaging involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

Brand: a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of this, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service.

Warranty: warranty means during the period which given by the company for product.

Service/Support: any active or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything .

2.7) Price:

Pricing decisions should take into account profit margins and the probable pricing response of competitors. Pricing includes not only the list price, but also discounts, financing, and other options such as leasing.


2.8) Price Function:

List price: List price is the price which indicates the value of company’s product.

Discounts: discount is the reduction in the price of goods below list price

Allowances: Promotional money paid by manufacturers to retailers in return for an agreement to feature the manufacturer’s products in some way.

Payment period: payment period is the period which is the given by the company to buyer or consumers is the given his payment.

Credit term: credit term is the opportunity which given a company to his consumer or buyer to buy his product or service.

2.9) Place:

Place (or placement) decisions are those associated with channels of distribution that serve as the means for getting the product to the target customers. The distribution system performs transactional, logistical, and facilitating functions.

Distribution decisions include market coverage, channel member selection, logistics, and levels of service.

2.10) Place Function :


Channel: A set of interdependent organizations that help make a

product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user

Coverage: coverage means network which control the channel .

Assortments: assortments is a task involved together different types product in one place.

Locations: locations means where company running his business base on consumers needs ,wants, demand and company’s revenue.

Logistics: The tasks involved in planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of materials, final goods, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at a profit.

Transportation: The choice of transportation carriers affects the pricing of products, delivery performance, and condition of the goods when they arrive- all of which will affect customer satisfaction.

Inventory: inventory is way to maintain distributing product to consumers or buyers by stocking product.


Promotion decisions are those related to communicating and selling to potential consumers. Since these costs can be large in proportion to the product price, a break-even analysis should be performed when making promotion decisions. It is useful to know the value of a customer in order to determine whether additional customers are worth the cost of acquiring them.

Promotion decisions involve advertising, public relations, media types, etc.

2.12) Promotion function


Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion

of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Personals selling: Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.

Public relations: Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity. Building up a good “corporate image.” And handling or heading off unfavorable rumors. Stories, and event

Message: The set of symbols that the sender transmits-the actual HP copier ad.

Media: The communication channels through which the message moves from sender to receiver-in this case. he specific magazines that HP selects.

Budget: Budgets serve two main purposes to project profitability and to help managers plan for expenditures. Scheduling, and operation related to each action program

Sales promotion: Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.

2.13) Target Market:

A target market consists of a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve .because buyers have unique needs and wants, a seller common could potentially view each buyer as a separate target market

2.14) Positioning:

Arranging for a product to occupy a clear distinctive and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.


3.1) About citycell

Citycell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) is the first mobile communications

company of Bangladesh. It is the only CDMA network operator in the country. As of 1

March, 2008, Citycell's total mobile subscriber base is 1.56 million, up 137 per cent or

680,000 from two years ago, giving it the best growth rate of the company till date.

Citycell is currently owned by Singtel with 45% stake and the rest 55% owned by Pacific

Group and Far East Telecom. By the end of 2007 Citycell had refurbished its old brand

identity and introduced a new logo and corporate identity; the new logo is very

reminiscent of the old logo. However the slogan has remained unchanged "because we


Previous Citycell logo.

In 1989 Bangladesh Telecom Limited (BTL) was awarded a license to operate cellular,

paging, and other wireless communication networks. Then in 1990 Hutchison Bangladesh

Telecom Limited (HBTL) was incorporated in Bangladesh as a joint venture between

BTL and Hutchison Telecommunications (Bangladesh) Limited. HBTL began

commercial operation in Dhaka using the AMPS mobile technology in 1993 and became


the 1st cellular operator in South Asia. Later that year Pacific Motors bought 50% of

BTL. By 1996 HBTL was renamed as Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (PBTL) and

launched the brand name "Citycell Digital" to market its cellular.

3.2) Mission:

The mission of citycell is –

Good Business – To receive an economic return on its investment.

Good Development – to contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh

where telecommunication can play a critical role.

3.3) Vision:

Citycell has been established with the vision to grow as the leading provider of

telecommunication services and high speed internet throughout Bangladesh with satisfied

customers and enthusiastic employees.

3.4) Marketing mix strategy

Citycell has been established marketing 4p for their company because

without 4p business can not starting. Citycell how uses 4p.under

discuss that.

3.05) product of citycell :

VarietyCity cell offered different types of product with cellular mobile phone ,

without cell and modem customer can not enjoy that offer.


Present package :

Citycell one

Alap super

Citycell pco

Citycell zoom

Hello 0123

Previous package:

City cell 500

Shabar phone

Amar phone

Alap 1

Alap 2

Alap call me

Other product:

Citycell Ace

Global Roaming



Citycell continuously try to maintain the quality of their packages. To serve the best

quality they are doing their best to use the advanced CDMA technology and they are very

much conscious about their customer satisfaction.


Citycell is a service oriented company; design is not an alarming matter for them and

also design is not eligible for them. But as far as the cellular handset matter they try their

best to keep a regular eye on the CDMA handset manufactures, and they also try to

import fair designed sets form them at a margin price.

Brand name

Citycell brand name is renowned in the telecommunication sector.


As they are service oriented company packaging is not a vital thing for them, but still

citycell try their best to give the best packages for the handsets


As far as the service is concern citycell tries their level best to achieve customer

satisfaction. Citycell provides the following maintained exclusive and superior services

for their target customers.


Citycell opens its customer care center 7 days a week, 365 days a year country wide.

Saturday to Friday ( 8.00am - 8.00pm)

City cell offers different service:


Upgrade yourself with the leading national news by dialing the following numbers from you Citycell One connection. Listen to latest news updates 24 hours a day.

Dial 2010 for ATN Bangla NewsDial 2626 for Channel i newsDial 4141 for RTV newsDial 2021 for Ekushey TV newsDial 5959 for Channel 1 newsDial 2324 for BD News 24 newsDial 2008 for Focus Bangla news

Weather Report

To get up-to-date weather forecast and peep into the today’s temperature chart just dial *122

Daily Events

What’s hot and what’s not: Get detail information on daily events of Dhaka by dialing *123


Flight Schedule

Dial *124 from your Citycell One connection to access up-to-date flight schedules and plan your trip without hassles.

Train Schedule

Want to pick up your near ones from the train but don’t know the exact arrival time? Now you can call *125 from your Citycell One connection and listen to train arrival times from wherever you are.

Exchange Rate

be updated with the most current exchange rate. Just Dial *126 and get the current rates of foreign currencies.

Daily Horoscope

Keep yourself well informed about your luck. Hook into daily horoscope and know what your destiny is planning for you, just by dialing *127

Prayer Time

Don’t get confuse about the correct time for saying your Namaaj. Dial *786 and listen to the Namaaj timing.


Get the most recent updates of Cricket just by dialing 2580

Mobile Banking

In the world of Mobile Banking, you can pay your Citycell One post-paid  bill just by sending an SMS or from ATM or just by logging into the Bank website. Currently you can Mobile Bank with Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) only. The services available through Mobile Banking are



To avail the above services, you need to register with DBBL. For registration, go to the nearest DBBL branch; provide your Bank account number and your Citycell One number. After registration you'll get a PIN (Personal Identification Number) to avail the above services.

Citycell give some entertainment service:

Citycell music box: just dial 6269

Citycell dost : just dial 3678

Citycell hello tunes: just dial *007

Citycell gift shop: just dial *438


International call service and sms service:

Citycell offers lower call rate to calling others country and citycell international SMS service to the highest number of countries around the world. About 206 countries.


Citycell Helpline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can dial 121 from your Citycell phone and 011 99 121 121 from any other phone to get connected to our Customer Care representatives.

3.06) price of citycell

List price :

Citycell One

Outgoing call type 24 hour flat rate (Tk/min)

To Citycell 0.29 (60 sec. pulse)

To other operators 1.13 (60 sec. pulse)

BTCL (Local,NWD)1.13 (60 sec. pulse)


FnF (to other operators) 1.04 (30 sec. pulse)


SMS type 24 hour flat rate (Tk/SMS)

To Citycell 0.46

To other operators 1.04

  International SMS 2.88



4 FnF numbers to other operators. 30 sec pulse applicable for all outgoing voice calls to other

operators. TK. 50 monthly rent applicable. All Charges given here including 15 % VAT.

Alap super

Outgoing call type 24 hour flat rate (Tk/min)

To Citycell 0.29 (30 sec. pulse)

To other operators 1.50 (30 sec. pulse)

BTCL (Local,NWD)1.50 (30 sec. pulse)


FnF (to other operators) 1.00(30 sec. pulse)


SMS type 24 hour flat rate (Tk/SMS)

To Citycell 0.56

To other operators 1.00

  International SMS 2.88

4 FnF numbers to other operators. 30 sec pulse applicable for all outgoing voice calls to other

operators. All Charges given here including 15 % VAT.


City cell pco

Outgoing call type 24 hour flat rate (Tk/min)

To Citycell 0.49 (1 sec. pulse)

To other operators 0.901 (1 sec. pulse)

BTCL (Local,NWD)1.20 (1 sec. pulse)


FnF (to other operators) 1.20


SMS type 24 hour flat rate (Tk/SMS)

To Citycell 0.48

To other operators 1.0

  International SMS 2.88

4 FnF numbers to other operators. 1 sec pulse applicable for all outgoing voice calls to other

operators. All Charges given here including 15 % VAT.

Tariff Plan Taka/min

Peak 10.00 am - 09.00 pm 0.75

Off-Peak 09.00 pm - 12.00 am 0.50

Super Off-Peak 12.00 am - 10.00 am 0.25

All Charges given here including 15 % VAT

Data plan Monthly limit Monthly tariff (Tk.)

Zoom Saver N/A 0.02/KB

Zoom 2GB 2 GB 450

Zoom 5GB 5 GB 700


All Charges given here including 15 % VAT

Citycell Modem and price:



Interface: Rotatable USB type Convenient Plug & Play MicroSD card support up to 8GB SMS & Voice support Superior signal reception through Mobile Receive Diversity MAC compatible Handy & portable CDMA2000 1X/EV-DO Rel. 0/EV-DO Rev. A, 800/1900 MHz EV-DO Rev. A data service of up to 3.1Mbps download/1.8Mbps upload

ZTE MG880+ USB Modem

Bundle price

TK 4,000(Device + post-paid Zoom connection + amazing call rates & monthly plans)


Device Description:

Interface: USB type Data rate: Up to 153.6 kbps Voice and SMS Support Incoming Calling Display, ring prompt Supporting RIM card Operating System supported: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista  Air interface: CDMA2000 1X  

Bundle price

TK 3,000(Device + post-paid Zoom connection + amazing call rates & monthly plans)

Device Description:

Interface: (PCMCIA) type Data rate: Up to 153.6 kbps Voice and SMS Support Incoming Calling Display, ring prompt Large-capacity phone book Supporting RIM card Operating System supported: Windows 2000 / XP  Dimensions: 88.4mm (D) x 54mm (W) x 5mm (H) Weight: Approx. 38g Power consumption: <=3W  Air interface: CDMA2000 1X Retractable antenna



Citycell has given some kind of discount for their current consumer. They have reduced

their price in off peak time. And in post paid they have given 24 hours off peak rate.


Allowances are the promotional money paid by manufactures to retailers in return for an

agreement to feature the manufacture products in some way. As citycell is mostly based

on its retail dealers there must be an allowance service in practice between them. But we

could not get any information about that.

Payment period:

Citycell has two types of payment procedure::



1. Cash:

You can also easily settle your bills at the cash counters of all Citycell Customer Care Centers after banking hours and also on holidays. Our Customer Care Centers remain open from 8:00am to 8.00pm, 7 days a week.

2Cash Card:

Most convenient way to pay your bill. These cards are available with all our authorized dealers or retail outlets countrywide. Cash Card can be used anytime to pay your bills using your Citycell phone from anywhere.

3 Deposit Slip:

Available at all Citycell authorized banks.


You can pay your Citycell Bill or Security Deposit in cash using these deposit slips.

4 Bill Invoice Copy:

You can pay your bill at any of the Citycell authorized banks with the Bill Invoice Copy provided by Citycell.

5 Demand Draft / Telegraphic Transfer (only from AB Bank) / Pay Order:

You can also settle your bill by issuing a DD / TT / Pay Order in favor of Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Ltd.

6 HSBC Easy Pay (ATM) System:

HSBC offers 24-hours Easy Pay ATM service for Citycell Customers available at five convenient locations in Dhaka (Banani, Uttara, Gulshan, Dhanmondi) & Chittagong (GEC Circle). Customers do not necessarily need to be an account holder of HSBC in order to avail this payment system.

7 Standard Chartered Bank:

If you are a Customer of Standard Chartered Bank, you can settle your bill through their ATM with your ATM card (ebbs) or Auto Bills Pay system or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Bill pay system.

8 Eastern Bank Internet Banking:

If you are a Customer of Eastern Bank Limited, simply log on to to settle your Citycell bills online.

9 E-Cash (ATM):

Electronic Transactions Network Ltd. (ETN) is currently operating and maintaining a network of 20 ATM booths all over the country. E-Cash card holders of Dhaka Bank Ltd, Islamic Bank Ltd, NCC bank Ltd, Southeast Bank Ltd, Bank Asia Ltd, Social Investment bank Ltd, Argane Bank Ltd and Bank of India Ltd. can pay their Citycell bills in these ATM booths.



e top-up

Recharge Validty (for Citycell One Pre-paid Customers)

Amount (Tk.) Days

10 - 99 30

100 - 299 60

300 or more 180

Scratched card

3.07) place of citycell:


 citycell  have established over  30  exclusive  sales  outlets  in  addition  to  10000

outlets  for  recharge  cards   to  ensure  easy  availability  of  citycell connections.

Citycell has 6 distributors and their point of sale point (outlets) is about 440 throughout

the country.






Locations Dhaka

MohakhaliPacific Centre (Ground Floor)14, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-1212

Kakrail81, Kakrail, Dhaka - 1000


BCIC Sadden (2nd Floor)26 Agrabad C/AChittagong - 4202


House # 263 (Ground Floor), Sector # 02Uposhahor Housing Estate, Rajshahi - 6202


Tayamun Center (1st Floor)181, Khan A. Sabur RoadKhulna- 9100


Garden Tower (Ground Floor)Shahjalal Bridge Link RoadUposhohor PointSylhet - 3100



3.08) Promotion of citycell:

Advertising: Newspaper.Television.Island Dividers.Billboards.T-signs.Posters & Stickers

Personal selling:

They exercise highly personalized direct mailing procedure towards their corporate

client. This is the only personal selling tool for citycell.

Public relations:

Public relation is very much believable and believable. They do the following item in this promotional tool:

Distributes relief among fire victims.

Help hand with government to stop drugs

Stage concert to raise money to ease flood hardship.

Donates money for the flood affected.

Hands over relief to Rotary for the flood victims.

Donates Physiotherapy Equipment to underprivileged

intellectually disabled children.

Go for press conference once or twice in a month.

Donates money for the football and cricket



Citycell gives all information her customers and clients when they are starting any new product, service, and any new offer than they are sent by message. Message like sms, mms. Gatekeeper etc.


Citycell uses media to collect customer. Media selection involves finding the most

effective media to deliver the desired number of exposure to the target audience. Citycell

will use the following media that will effectively reach to its target customer:

Media selection involves finding the most effective media to deliver the desired number

of exposure to the target audience. Citycell will use the following media that will

effectively reach to its target customer:

Media SelectionPrint Media Newspaper, Magazine, Direct

MailBroadcast Media Television, RadioElectronic Media Web PageDisplay Media Billboards, Poster & Stickers,




Every company take budget for company promotion. Citycell take budget for promotion.

Under chat show that

Promotional Tools Budget Allocation (Tk.)

Advertising 6,30,00,000

Personal Selling 30,00,000

Sales Promotion 1,80,00,000

Public Relation 60,00,000


Advertising Tools Budget Allocation (Tk.)

Newspaper 250,00,000

Television 15,00,00,000

Magazine 20,00,000

Billboards 90,00,000

Web Page 1,20,000

Radio 2,80,000

Posters & Stickers 9,00,000

Transit 6,00,000

Sales promotion

citycellhas done a number of sales promotions. Citycell gives lower call rates and high

speed internet cost very low other competitors. Citycell sale officer come many

educational institution and show there zoom internet package student to buy. They are

also many markets and office to increase sales show zoom package because today

internet is very important whole country for business and education. Citycell arrange

many entertainment programs for sels promotion.

Example: Citycell™ hands over 5 golf carts to KGC, Tele-Video Health Service for all.

Under zoom and call rates:-


3.09) Numbering scheme:

Citycell uses the following numbering scheme for its subscribers:

+88 011 N1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8where, 880 is the International Subscriber Dialing Code for Bangladesh and is needed only in case of dialing from outside Bangladesh.

11 is the prefix for Citycell as allocated by the government of Bangladesh. Omitting +880 will require using 0 in place of it instead to represent local call, hence 011 is the general prefix.

The number N1 to N8 is the subscriber number

3.10) Ownership Structure

Citycell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) has been converted into a Public Limited Company with effect from 28 March, 2008 in compliance with the Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-159/Admin-03/23 of Securities and Exchange Commission of Bangladesh.

Following lists the shareholders of the company:

Pacific Motors Limited Pacific Traders Limited Pacific Industries Limited Far East Telecom Limited SingTel Asia Pacific Investments Pte Ltd SingTel Consultancy Pte Ltd Singapore Telecom Paging Pte Ltd


Why do the customers need the product ?

In today’s world telecommunication is a very important thing. And mobile phone is a part

of telecommunication. It is involving towards personal communication. It’s a phone that

anyone can take anywhere he or she want. We can say that people basically need mobile

phone for better communication as it portable. Some people also use mobile to increase

their status. As the network and customer service of citycell is much better than their

other competitors, therefore, a large number of consumers want citycell product.

Where and when do they buy the product?

From where the consumers will buy the product –

Citycell has some criteria of selecting authorized dealers. According to those criteria,

citycell select authorized dealers throughout the network-covered and high-speed

internet. Then citycell and those authorized dealers jointly select some authorized

sales outlets. Through this chain, end users can avail the connection.

When the consumers buy the product –

1. Usually, the clients are buying the product when they need. The buying force is

not actively depending on occasion. Various occasions may be slightly increase

the sales of product.

2. They organize some special package in Eid, Pohela baishakh and 31st December



When the citycell provide any new package such as the discount in free talk time, free

SMS, discount call price, etc

3. Citycell give powerful high speed internet services other telecommunication


3.13) Competitive Advantages:

1. The main competitive advantage of citycell is their high speed internet and good

customer service.

2. Another major competitive advantage o f citycell is their strong brand image.

3. Citycell network and customer service is much better than their competitors. Their

customers are brand loyal. Therefore, they can easily reduce their marketing cost

because of customer’s brand awareness and brand loyalty.

4. The demand for citycell is high in the market. The customers are expecting to

carry the brand. Therefore, citycell has more trade leverage in bargaining with

authorized dealers.

5. As citycell has normal perceived quality, therefore citycell charge a lower price

than their competitors

6. Citycell can easily lunch extent ion (example recently they launch citycell zoom)

because their high ability.


Organizational Structure:

3.14) Market Share:

Citycell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) has been converted into a Public Limited Company with effect from 28 March, 2008 in compliance with the Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-159/Admin-03/23 of Securities and Exchange Commission of Bangladesh.


Following lists the shareholders of the company:

Pacific Motors Limited Pacific Traders Limited Pacific Industries Limited Far East Telecom Limited SingTel Asia Pacific Investments Pte Ltd SingTel Consultancy Pte Ltd Singapore Telecom Paging Pte Ltd

Mobile Phone Subscribers in Bangladesh

The total number of Mobile Phone Subscribers has reached 44.8 million at the end of July 2008.

The Mobile Phone subscribers are shown below:

Operators Subscribers

Grameen Phone Ltd. (GP) 20.84

An axiata com (Aktel) 7.98

Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Limited (Banglalink) 9.90

PBTL (Citycell) 1.67

Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. (Teletalk) 0.93

Warid Telecom International L.L.C (Warid) 3.48

Total 44.8


3.15) Target market of city cell

Citycell has done their geographic segment by targeting the whole country.

Citycell has done their demographic segment as below:

Age: Under 18 – 60+

Income: Over 4000

Gender: Male, Female

Occupation: Businessman, Service Holder, Students, and Housewife

Social Class: Lower Middles, Middle class, Upper middles, Lower uppers, and

Upper uppers.

Citycell has done their behavioral segment as below:

Occasion: Special occasion as Eid, Pohela Boishakh, 31st

Decemember etc.

Benefit: Network, Customer Service, Emotional benefit such as

strong brand image.


User Status: Non-user, Ex- user, Potential user, First time user,

Regular user

Usage rate: Medium user, Heavy user


Citycell company situated 4th position in telecommunication company of Bangladesh

because their good customer relation and high speed internet service.


A nation’s development much depends on its telecommunication sector. The common

people of the developed countries are connected with the telecommunication network

information highway. People are directly depending on the telecommunication. And

mobile phone is the phone, which anyone can take anywhere he or she want. And in

Bangladesh citycell CDMA technology is the most widely accepted digital system in

the world. Citycell Phone believes in service, a service that leads to good business

and good development. They have provided their service by their product citycell

one, citycell zoom, citycell pco, Alap super. They have given better service to their

subscribers. But still many additional services can be added up with the existing

services. Citycell can give emphasis on the services for continuous improvement.




Shihab rizan ( Territory Executive)

(Sales & Distribution) (

Md. Monir uzaman

Third Semester, B.B.A I, D- 0815112109 E-mail: Year – 2009

Premier university, chittagong


Special Thanks: Sarwar ali siddque

Fakrul islam


The End

Khaled mahmud Amith dutta Rabiul islam Anisul islam choduhery Rony
