CIU 2013 Summer Issue

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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Spreading the Gospel in a fresh way!


Darnica Gordon Summer 2013

Mz. I Aint Skinny Comedian Lillian Cannon

Christ It Up

Accountability vs. Judgement

Couples In Christ


Lillian CannonStyled by: HerselfPhotographed by: G~Wiz

Couples In Christ

Meet David and Roni

Pg. 11

Check out super funny comedian Lillian Cannon

Pg. 8

Accountability vs. Judgement

Which side are you on?

Pg. 14


Vessel’s Note

Before this magazine was...handed to me I had no dreams of what my future would hold. All I knew was I had to work day in and day out to make sure my kids and home were taking care of. I was young and really wasn’t doing a good job at managing my money. But that’s neither here nor there.

Once I got saved things began to change. God had given me my prescription glasses and I could see clearly. He gave me the vision of this magazine which all I do is dream about. Like how it will evolve and how many lives it will touch. How I will be able to spread the gospel throughout.

Someone once asked me what I loved to do? What is something I would do for free?....



LeriaIt’s Not About Me

Lord, I’m trying to be grateful for the good in my life. Help me, please, because right now, I don’t see.And I know it’s not about me, but GOD, what about me?

Trying not to look around and do the comparison thingTrying to stay focused on you and you alone, Lord.But I am a human and I live in this world!

How do You expect Me to survive like this?I’m tired of this, definitely tired of that!I’m stressed and out of patience! Now what?

My child,You were bound and broken, then I stepped inI broke the bonds, setting you free from sinIf you would compare, look at then to nowYou came through victoriously, so show others how.If you’re stressed and tired, all your burdens I’ll bearIf you’re always afraid, My love casts out all fearI’m the GOD who makes old things newClose your eyes in prayer; I’ll change your viewThe life you live should be crystal clearWhen they look at you, they should see ME, dearYou go through these things for the testimonyWitness to others, tell of our historyStand in My mirror, which is my Good BookBreathe very deeply, now take a good lookOpen your mouth, practice and say:It’s not about me at all, today.



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Contentment By: Akita Donald

*Contentment (noun)-a state of happiness and satisfaction

What comes to mind when you think about contentment? I can recall sitting in church listening to the preacher’s sermon on contentment. I’m thinking to myself, “So Lord you want me to be content with where I am?” The Lord pricked my heart with a one word response, “Yes.” Like me, you may not be where you’d like to be in life. You may not be the weight that you desire, your finances may not be in order, your child may be acting foolish, or your marriage is in shambles. Again, you ask, “Lord, you want me to be content….How?”But godliness with contentment is great gain. (1Timothy 6:6) There’s such great power in these seven words. What the scripture tells us is that great gain comes from godliness and contentment. The scripture doesn’t instruct us to be content only when we have great gain. Somewhere along the way we got things misconstrued. We learned not to be joyful and pleasant during trials and turmoil. But I tell you in full confidence that if you are waiting to have all your heart’s desires and/or not to be enduring a trial before you’re happy, you will die with the opportunity of never experiencing life, and more importantly the graciousness and mercy of God. When you display contentment during sorrow and hardships, you are demonstrating faith. You are telling yourself, the world and the adversary that “I fully trust in the Lord. I will be strong and of a good courage and will not be afraid…for the Lord will not fail me, nor forsake me.” (Deuteronomy 31: 6). When I was a youth, my aunt told me about a mother who lost her two young sons in a water accident. The children were visiting family and fell into a body of water. My aunt said that this woman stood up and praised the Lord during her children’s funeral. I thought that the lady had to be insane. How could she praise the very God who took her sons away from her? Now in my maturity, I look back and say, “…nothing but God.” What this woman had done was trusted in God with all her heart and leaned on God, rather her own understanding. (Proverbs 3: 5). The world didn’t understand. But who cares? She and her Father were one, even during what I imagine to be one of the most tragic moments of her life.

God never said that if we trusted, loved and vowed to serve Him, we would be exempt from seasons of pain and misfortune. If a mother who lost both sons can stand up in her broken heartedness and praise God Almighty, why can’t you do the same in your circumstance? Do not have circumstantial type of faith. Stand on God’s word and in the midst of trouble; confidently know that He stands with you.

Contentment doesn’t mean stagnation. That’s what I thought when I sat in church questioning God’s message. Our society tells us to never be content and always strive for more. The word says that, “If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.” (Job 36:11). Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, not sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather. (Psalms 1:1). Where does it say in God’s word that contentment means stagnation? Do not let the world tell you that evil is good, and good is evil. Be godly and content and great gain will follow.

Let God be the lifter of your head. You are destined for greatness. Where you are today, is right where you should be. Life is a process. Faith is a process. Contentment is a process. Success is a process too. Don’t fast forward the process. A child remains in the womb for forty weeks. Why? Because there’s a process to its growth! You fast forward the growth period and you have a premature child at great risk of death and disability. Allow God to use you during this process and also, allow Him to show you His awesomeness. Pray for me, as I pray for you. Your best has yet to come!

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (Philippians 4:11)


Sister Doris,

Why are men easily embarrassed to show their emotions?

Signed,Need him to open up…

Dear Ms. Need,

Sit down sweetie while I get the tea off of the stove and we can chat.This is a hard question to answer because I don’t know your motive or the depth of your relationship. So I am going to answer this question a few ways.

1st scenario: A man and a woman just started dating He doesn’t know you that well. Be there for him and he can see if he can trust you to show you his emotional side. And, well, let’s be honest do you want a man that is emotional all the time with everyone? It would drive you nuts. Trust me Sis Doris been around a long time. I done seen the cry baby men. It is nothing nice.

2nd scenario: A man and a woman have been in relationship for yearsIf you have been in a relationship with a man for years and he will not show emotion to you it could be a couple of things.1. He can’t trust you. He has opened himself up to you and you used it against him. You either embarrassed him in public or used it to belittle him during a conversation2. He has been hurt so much in the past that he just can’t trust anyone. Not that you hurt him, but maybe his mama and daddy or the last 20 girls he was with. Can God heal him, you ask? God can heal him Psalms 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.3. He doesn’t know how. Some men are taught not to show emotion. He may not know how to show you what sad or happy looks like. He may only show anger because that is the only “acceptable” emotion to show. Pray. Pray. Pray and be sen-sitive to his needs. You may have to fast, pray, hop on one foot, do two backflips, run a mile, and fast again. Whew, because those types of men can be a doozy. 4. He is a man not a woman. Stop looking for him to act like you.

3rd scenario: You have no man in your lifeYou are just nosey stay out of folk’s business1 Thessalonians 4:11 And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you

I really hope that this helped. Remember sweetie, I am here for you with any questions you may have.

Until next time, Sister Doris will be praying for you.

Coffee with Sister Doris


This is a woman who I first saw at the Kelly Strayhorn Theatre in Pittsburgh’s East Liberty. She was dressed in a church robe and I believe she had on flip flops and socks. Hilarious! Then she blessed CIU with a set at the Christ It Up Magazine launch party. Even my family who isn’t saved found her to be extremely funny. With her upcoming show “Doing It Afraid” I wanted to get the “skinny” behind Mz. Lillian Cannon.

“I can’t give God 10% of nothing”


Mz. I Ain’t SkinnyLillian came in ready for the shoot and the interview. She was fresh from head to toe. And had the photographer (G~Wiz) and myself laughing from the start. Lillian says she grew up in the church. Being one of 12 she says she was right there in the pew while her mother sang in the choir. At four she began singing at church as well but found she was good at something else; being funny. At age 12 during a talent show at girls scouts she was prepared to sing but the girl that went before her blew. She said there was no way she was going up there to sing after that. So when it was her turn she told stories about her family, had everyone laughing, and won! “I won $10 and a bag of candy, you couldn’t tell me nothing”, says Cannon of her talent show win. As she grew, she knew she was funny when her family thought she was funny. “See your family knows you. They know the situation you’re talking about. They know your downfalls, shortcomings, mistakes, and when they can laugh at that, yeah. Plus they’re excited for the shows and things like that.” Lillian tried out a few churches before settling at Jubilee International Ministries under Pastors Nevelle and Connie Brooks. She has been there for the past 10 years in Plum Pa. “Churches like Mt. Ararat and Macedonia were too big for me. I would have had no accountability. I would have been out there sinning. Who would have known? I would have joined the choir.” [Insert laughs from me.]“So when I first started going to Jubilee my Pastor asked me where I seen myself in the ministry and I told her I wanted to preach. She told me she didn’t see me doing that. She wanted me to do an hour of comedy for an upcoming family event and I’m like WHAT! An hour!”But she did the hour and people told her that she great and how funny she was. She really is funny! Even in general conversation. I was laughing the entire interview. And it seems to have been a wrap since then. She has been to Chicago and Maryland. At one time she had a manager who wanted her to go to New York to pursue her career but Lillian had a daughter to take care of.Her daughter is 17 years old now and a senior in High School. Lillian also has a niece that she took care of who is to be married in November. Her husband, Mr. Cannon, passed away some time ago. When asked about single life she says she’s not pressed, just waiting on God to send her mate.

“I would like Him to send him while I’m still mobile.” She laughs. “It really doesn’t bother me until I need the grass cut or the trash taken out. Like right now my ‘check oil’ light is on in the car and I would love to say, ‘Here honey can you do something about this here light.” Even though she sees the funnier side to things doesn’t mean she doesn’t experience her own share of “what the flagnogs?” “I recently found out I have a bump on my vocal fold and have to get surgery. The doctor asked me if I could talk less…NO! Then I found out I have to use a sleep machine for sleep apnea. THEN I found out I

needed bifocals! I’m like really God, really Father?”, she says as we both share a laugh. “I’m not the, ‘oh why me God’, type of person. I’m like it had to be me, anybody else would have cracked. And it takes everything in me not to roll over and say, ‘honey they said’…, cause aint nobody there!” The upcoming show “Doing It Afraid” actually came to Lillian through prophesy that wasn’t directed toward her. But she received everything the woman spoke for herself.“Four years ago is when I decided to make this a career move. I would do little things here and there and then looked up like wait, I’m making people laugh and I’m not getting paid

for this.” Lillian goes on to say that it’s hard for a woman of God who is a comedian because people don’t want to pay. “I can’t give God 10% of nothing. I’m at home practicing too. It might be in front of my dog and kids but you can’t get discouraged, God gave you this gift.” But 2 years ago was when Lil cannon got her first big ticketed gig opening up for Jonathan Solocumb. “Doing It Afraid is literally that. I’m doing it afraid. This show has my name on it and if it fails…. But I know God got me. He told me He would give me everything in increments of 10%; everyone who is a part of the show was given to me by God. He has given me everything down to my dress! I hope that there is a good turn out because I want to be able to pay everyone involved before I hit the stage!”

Tickets for “Doing It Afraid” are on sell now. Get your tickets @ to book Lil Cannon you can go to the site as well. You can Email her at or give her a call at 412-425-4123.I really enjoyed interviewing Lillian and am looking forward to her show.

“I can’t give God 10% of nothing”

10% off

First Visit


Living for Christ isn’t easy in this world where sin is so dominant. Some would say it is impossible. Our story is a testimony that all things are possible with God. (Mat-thew 19:26) I was drawn by the Spirit of God to Lighthouse Cathe-dral and I gave my life to Christ, April of 2003. I thank God for my friend who invited me because since my salvation I’ ve not been the same. Through college, I had to learn how to handle things on my own which was a struggle itself. And the sin I did was another. As I learned to depend on God and trust His word, I turned from sexual im-morality, drugs, alcohol, cursing and other sins. (2 Chronicles 7:14) I’m thankful that He kept me while I ignorantly sinned.During college, I was dating a man I thought was “the one.” We got engaged after my graduation in 2008. Through our relationship we struggled because we were unequal-ly yoked. Several elements caused the end of our engagement. Though it was the right thing to do, I was so hurt, confused, and angry at the way our relationship turned out. I real-ized that the break up was a chance to do things God’s way as well as an escape because it wasn’t in God’s plan. At this point, I desired God so much that I pursued to be delivered, changed, and healed. I also pursued a mature relationship with Christ. It wasn’t an easy pursuit, but God’s grace surrounded me. (Romans 5:20-21)David and I met in December 2010, while our church group evangelized

door to door. While still on Fisher St., we saw two young men, David and his brother. We introduced our-selves and invited them to church. One Sunday, I saw that David did accept our invitation. Soon, he got saved and joined Lighthouse. As months passed, he began serving in the youth, van, and the evangelist ministries. He later became a deacon.During this time, I continued to be a faithful in ser-vice at Lighthouse and grew spiritu-ally. While single, I developed a desire to stay celibate until marriage and to date by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It was tough having celibacy as a part of my lifestyle but it was pos-sible through Christ and the guid-ance of the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 4:13) I appreciate what I gained, and even lost, through His guidance. I had come to enjoy my single-ness and I had delighted myself in the Lord. (Psalm 37:4) I had my times of loneliness but, I made up my mind that I wasn’t going back to fornication and my old dating behaviors. In early 2012, David had been engaged to a young lady for quite some time. The more he matured in Christ, the more he realized mar-riage is serious and forever. So he pursued God in praying and fast-ing. God revealed to him that she was not his wife. If he married this

woman, he would be in the permis-sive will, not God’s perfect will. This devastated him. I remember his sadness as he shared what God told him. Having been there, I encouraged him that God will send him his wife, to trust and to wait on God. At that time, I shared my tes-timony about my engagement, few years prior, and how God ended it. I shared I was waiting on God to send me a man of God and I also shared about my celibacy. After the break up, David was in so much pain. He told God, “this is the

best I can do” but God told him, “You have not seen the best I can do.” David allowed God to truly heal him. He became more focused on the works of God and pursued a deeper relationship with Him. (Psalm 147:3)That July, I received proph-esy, “My husband would be someone that I wouldn’t think is for me but, I would find that he is the perfect

one for me.” I felt honored that God gave me a word through his prophet. I knew that he was coming and wondered continuously, always asking GOD, “Who can it be?” I thought about this guy and that guy. When David popped into my mind, I said to myself, “Oh no, he is not my type.” I looked at David as my brother in Christ, only. I had marked him before giving him a chance. That August, unexpectedly, David asked me out. I turned him down, telling him I was not interested. And I wasn’t. But the Holy Spirit told me, “Don’t miss it.” The crazy thing is, I knew what He was talk-ing about just in those 3 words but, I had him elaborate on what He was really saying, so there wasn’t any confusion. So, I gave him a chance and we went on our first date on

Couples In Christ

Cont. on pg 15

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First Visit

Book Worm


My True EssenceBy: Shawneda Marks

This book was mainly about breast cancer awareness. It tells the story from the perspective of 3 different women about how breast cancer has affected each of them in some way.Great read!

Sunday BrunchBy: Norma Jarrett

Excellent read!This book follows the different perspectives women have on God. But one woman’s persistent praying for her and her friends pay off in a tremendous way. This funny, real story is an awesome read.

Chop ChopBy: L.N. Cronk

This was a great book!It’s about the life of a boy raised to follow Christ and we follow him from preschool through college and the different things he experiences along the way. His closest friends are Laci and Greg. They embark on some great adventures. This is book one of the Chop Chop series.Great read!

Words of the Lord

Joshua 8:2

“You shall do to Ai and its King as you did to Jericho and its King except that you may carry off their plunder and livestock for yourselves. Set an ambush behind the city.”

This scripture is so profound to me because of the chapter I read before it in Joshua’s 7 it talks about of soldier who was ordered to take any treasure and devoted to God 1 soldiers that it was a good idea to take some for himself so ultimately he was called out by Joshua who was instructed by God that someone took what they should have and he and his family were stoned to death the sad thing about it is the scripture of the state that God not only gave them another city but they were permitted to keep the things they weren’t allowed to keep in the other city are the sol-der had to do was be obedient and be patient and him and his family would still be left and they would have been able to enjoy in the treasures the moral of the story is God sees all knows all it’s best to just be obedient impatient.


Don’t judge me! Only God can judge me! Blah blah blah. It seems like that’s all you hear people saying. With social media sites such as Facebook and reality TV shows, people have more public avenues to do whatever craziness they want to do and back it up with the phrase, “only God can judge me!” According to Webster dictionary, judgment is both a noun and a verb. As a noun it means a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion, an opinion so pronounced, a formal decision given by a court, an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court, a certificate evidencing such a decree, a divine sentence or decision a calamity held to be sent by God, a proposition stating something believed or asserted. As a verb it the process of forming an opin-ion or evaluation by discerning and comparing, an opinion or esti-

mate so formed, the capacity for judging, DISCERNMENT, or the exercise of this capacity. Now by these definitions, only a person of authority, such as a judge or GOD can pass judgment on a person. Seeing that I am neither a judge nor God, I cannot therefore by definition judge you. What I can do is hold you accountable. So what is the definition of accountable? Accountable means subject to giving an account, held her account-able for the damage, capable of being accounted for, explainable. Synonyms include responsible, amendable, answer-able, and liable.Like everything else, this craziness has trickled over into the church. You see men and women of God doing any manner of sin and when someone ques-tions them, they want to scream, “Only God can judge me. Take the plank out of your own eye first. Blah, blah, blah”. No one is judging you. As men and women of God, we are to hold each other ac-countable. I’m not judging you. I am holding you accountable. This is what I am instructed to do. Ezekial 3:19-21 says, “Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.”Now I don’t know about you but I am not going to have anyone’s blood on my hands. Most times people do not like account-ability because it makes them feel convicted. And conviction does not feel good. But it is necessary if we are to succeed as Christians. So don’t talk about your haters or scream about folks judging you. We all know that only God can judge you. I’m not judging you. But I am being my brother’s keeper and I will continue to hold you accountable. And I pray you will do the same for me.

AccountABility VS. Judgement By Author Staci Bose

By: Darnica Gordon


Labor Day. I was very skeptical at first because I told God to keep my heart, to give it to the man that deserved it, and can be trusted with it. As David and I got to know each other, we began to see how much we had in com-mon. We spent hours on the phone and he took me out often. My eyes opened to see, naturally and spiri-tually, the man of God that I had been praying, fasting, & waiting for. I prayed for a man that truly loved God. I desired a gentleman, respectful, loving, caring, faithful, and much more- man of God. God blew my mind even more when he showed me the great things about David that I hadn’t prayed for. I was and still am amazed. David, also, began to see the fruit of what God had told him. God told David that I was his wife and He instructed him to pursue me. (Proverbs 18:22) We also prayed and fasted together, seeking GOD’s will. Through this, God confirmed that our joining together was His will. And God continued to confirm on other oc-casions as well. I remember saying, “there is no man for me at Light-house.” Little did I know that I was the vessel used by God to bring in my future husband, WOW!!!

David and I went through a court-ing ceremony before the church on October 14, 2013. We pledged to be pure, to date only each other with respect, and to keep God first. He also blessed me with a beauti-ful promise ring. Our journey of celibacy isn’t easy. We have the whole church watching us and we are accountable for our actions in public and in secret. There were times we struggled with our flesh because we grew to love each other and we knew we were the one for each other. But, we couldn’t let our flesh rule us and get the best of us so, we continued to pray and fast. We made the choice to deny our flesh and to flee from sin so we set perimeters and boundaries to not give in to sin. (James 4:7) We got engaged on Valentine’s Day this year and fortunately, we have been celibate throughout our relationship. Our wedding date is August 17th. I am excited, grateful, and so honored to have him as my husband. I am truly in love with this man and I am so thankful for God’s patience and endurance. I almost missed it!! I had no clue David was my husband because I was so focused on a made up man that I imagined. But, as I got to

know him I realized that I was go-ing to miss such a great blessing and I couldn’t ask for anyone better. I am grateful that he loves me like God loves me (Ephesians 5:25) and treats me like a queen. It amazes me that God feels I deserve him. He is my precious gift from God and I am going to cherish him all the days of my life. I want to encourage anyone who maybe waiting to meet their future mate or anyone who maybe dating to: wait on the Lord, to trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5) and to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and to coach you. (Psalm 143:10) Keep your spiritual eyes open. Seek God first, continually. (Matthew 6:33) Get to know who you’re dating. Take your time. Keep lust and sex out of the picture. Remain holy. (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) Always listen, and wait on the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And re-member all things are possible with Christ just as it was possible for us.I hope our testimony has blessed you. I pray the Lord blesses you, too.

David & Roni

Cont. from pg. 11