Civil War Computer Competency By: Tyranny Gallimore.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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  • Civil War Computer Competency By: Tyranny Gallimore
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  • Civil War dates The civil war occurred from 1861-1865 More specifically April 12, 1861 through April 9, 1865
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  • States involved in the civil war Union Oregon and California Minnesota and Iowa Kansas and Wisconsin Illinois and Indiana Michigan and Ohio Pennsylvania and New York New Jersey and Connecticut Massachusetts and Rhode Island Vermont and New Hampshire Maine Confederate Texas Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Alabama Georgia Florida South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Border Missouri Kentucky Maryland Delaware West Virginia
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  • Alliances Formed Alliances formed between French and British with the Confederacy The British saw the USA as a fast growing economical rival. So they were okay with it being divided The French wanted to influence Mexico and it would help them if there was a new nation that was pro-France between Mexico and the USA
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  • Union Leaders Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S. Grant William T. Sherman John Brown
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  • Ulysses S. Grant 1843- Grant graduated from West Point, is commissioned a second lieutenant 1845- Grant summoned to active duty in Louisiana and then Texas 1846-47 -Grant serves in the Mexican War rising to lieutenant He marries Julia Boggs Dent Grant resigns from the US union army with rank of captain
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  • Confederate Leaders Jefferson Davis Robert E. Lee Stonewall Jackson Braxton Bragg
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  • Jefferson Davis Born June 3 rd 1808 1832- Served in the army during the Black Hawk War 1835- Resigned from army and married 1845- Elected to congress February 18, 1861 was inaugurated President.
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  • Main Battles Fort Sumter 2 nd battle of Bull Run 2 nd battle at Fort Fisher Battle at Appomattox Battle of Gettysburg
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  • Battles 1861- Fort Sumter- After union refuses to surrender. Confederates open fire on fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, the union troops are short on ammunition they fire only a few rounds. No casualties 1862- 2nd Battle of Bull Run-August 28-30 Jackson ordered an attack to pull Popes army into battle. Popes army was greatly reduced. Just when pope thought he had a chance the unions left flank was destroyed causing them to retreat. Confederate Victory. 22,180 Casualties.
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  • Battles 2 nd Battle at Fort Fisher-1865, Jan 13-15. Major General Terry coordinated his attack with a huge naval force led by Admiral David D. Porter. Major General Robert Hokes goal was to block Terry and not allow a Union advance up the peninsula towards Wilmington. When Terry got to Fort Fisher he began landing his troops between the fort and Hoke's position on January 13. On January 15, Porter's ships opened fire on the fort and succeeded in silencing all but two of its guns.18,000 casualties. Battle at Appomattox- April 9, 1865. what was left of John Broun Gordons corps and Fitzhugh Lees cavalry formed a battle line at Appomattox Court House. Gen. Robert E. Lee war very determined to escape the union and reach his supplies in Lynchburg. At dawn the Confederates advanced, initially gaining ground against Sheridans cavalry. The arrival of Union soldiers stopped the advance in its tracks. Since Lees army was now surrounded on three sides he surrendered to Grant. Union Victory
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  • Battle Of Gettysburg Battle of Gettysburg-1863 July 1-3 General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia of 75,000 men and the 97,000 man Union Army of the Potomac, under George G. Meade, came together at Gettysburg and fought a battle This battle was the marking point of the norths victory over the south.\ 51,112 individuals were killed, wounded, missing, or captured
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  • Weapons Used Artillery Small arms Minie Ball Edged Weapons
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  • Weapons Napoleon- cannon, 1857, Favorite of Union and Confederate, smoothbore,muzzle- loading 12 pounder gun-howitzer Saber- all of civil war, few casualties, edged sword, very dangerous, used by a trained trooper Mountain Howitzer- small, most portable artillery, 12 pounds, used in mountainous areas
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  • Vehicles Used Horses!!! Wagons, including Ambulance wagons in battle
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  • The outcome The Civil War officially ended on April 9, 1865 when General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant. The formal surrender ceremony took place in the home of Wilmer and Virginia McLean in the town of Appomattox Court House, Virginia But the final surrender was on June 23, 1865
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  • Effects of the Civil War on Americas Future Since the union won it think this prevented the South (confederates) from establishing itself as an independent republic and dividing the nation the abolition of slavery
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  • Information accuracy 186,00 African Americans fought in the civil war is what the book said But the website said that more than 200,000 blacks fought in the union alone.
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  • Did You Know?! South Carolina was the first state to separate, followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama and several others General "Stonewall" Jackson died during the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. He was shot by his own men, who thought he was the enemy. More than half of all deaths during the American Civil War were the result of disease (not bullets). The primary culprits included typhoid fever, dysentery, tuberculosis and pneumonia The last man to die in combat was killed more than a month after the surrender ceremony, in a battle at Palmito Ranch in Texas Over 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the Civil War The battle of Sharpsburg/Antietam, September 17, 1862 was the single bloodiest day in American history. There were more than 20,000 casualties
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  • Bibliography Osborne, Linda. Traveling the Freedom Road. New York, NY: Library of Congress, 2009. pg #. Print. WGBH, Educational Foundation. " Africans in American, The Civil War." (1999): n. pag. Web. 18 Mar 2011.. Crompton, Samuel. Ulysses S. Grant. New York, NY: Chelsea House Publishing, 2009. #. Print. Westell, Ian. The Civil War. Mankato, MN: Brown Bear Books, 2008. Print. Weapons article Alliances article Textbook