Claim Researcher Informational Slideshow

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Lauth Investigations, Lost Assets Division is looking for dedicated and hard working employees to become Claim Researchers. Please visit any and all of our websites for more information about our company, as well as our newly revamped social media sites!


Approximately 1 in 10 Americans have unclaimed property

Only 5% of unclaimed property has been returned to its rightful owner/heir

Of unclaimed property and assets are being held by the State Treasury Office

Most State Treasury Offices do not actively locate heirs to their unclaimed assets

Forms of Unclaimed Assets:

Meet Jack

Jack has a stable job with a reliable income, but would like to increase his personal income.

Jack heard about Lauth Investigations offering a part time virtual job

This job allowed him to have flexible hours to work around his carpentry job

Sarah is a single mother working hard to pay for her monthly bills

Sarah’s friend informed her that she could become a Claim’s Researcher

She could work virtually from home

Now Sarah can pay all her bills while working another job and caring for her children

Franklin is a retired law enforcement official who has three adult children

Franklin enjoys the internet research portion of the position, and the extra income

This is where the Lost Assets Division of Lauth Investigations comes in!

Through an easy training program run by dedicated and intelligent staff…

Our mission is to help people find a new and interesting job to supplement your income

Now Franklin, Jack, and Sarah can help their personal income by helping others reclaim their lost assets

Not only does Sarah help families reclaim their lost assets…

… But also helps the economy by freeing up assets in the state treasury offices

Heirs of these unclaimed assets can utilize the money for anything essential in their lives

Essential items could include a vehicle, upper level education, or savings for the future

There are endless benefits of this position, the easiest to highlight is the earning potential!

Most importantly Lauth Investigations provides ongoing team support for all Claim Researchers!

Lauth Investigations has been in business for over 20 years. Licensed and incorporated, with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau!

Become a part of unclaimed property and earn money, help others, and work virtually like Jack, Sarah, and Franklin!

Please Contact Us or look for our pages on Facebook and Twitter!