Class Osteichthyes (Bony Fishes)

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum:



Class Osteichthyes(Gr. Osteon,bone + ichthyos, fish)

-also called bony fishes.

are taxonomic group of fish that have bone in their skeletons.

It is the largest class of vertebrates in existence today.

Bony fishes share several distinguishing features: A skeleton of bone

Scales Bony operculum covering the gill openings

Lungs or a swim bladder

Osteichthyes are primitively

 ectothermic (cold blooded)

Osteichthyes are divided into 2 subclasses: Actinopterygii the ray-finned fish  Sarcopterygii lobe-finned fish

Subclass ACTINOPTERYGII contains fishes that are sometimes called the ray-finned fishes because their fins lack muscular lobes.

They usually possess swim bladders, gas-filled sacs along the dorsal wall of the cavity that regulate buoyancy.

ray-finned fish 


have muscular lobes associated with their fins and usually use lungs in gas exchange.

lobe-finned fish

Some bony fishes are hermaphrodites, and a number of species exhibit parthenogenesis.

Fertilization is usually external, but can be internal.

Development is usually oviparous (egg-laying) but can be ovoviviparous, or viviparous.

Although there is usually no parental care after birth, before birth parents may scatter, hide, guard or brood eggs,

The ocean sunfish is the largest bony fish in the world (1,000 kg (2,200 lb)

The longest is the king of herrings 

Thank you for listening

God bless Prepared by:

Glory Fie P. BetonioBSED II- Bio. Sci.