Class Procedures We can all work together to create a fun and productive class.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Late Log Students who come in late without a pass MUST sign the late log. 1 st time: warning 1 st time: warning 2 nd time: lunch detention 2 nd time: lunch detention 3 rd time: lunch detention and parent contact 3 rd time: lunch detention and parent contact 4 th time: office referral 4 th time: office referral


Class Procedures We can all work together to create a fun and productive class Class Rules 1. Come to class ready to learn. 2. Follow directions quickly. 3. Raise your hand before you speak or leave your seat. 4. Promote a constructive learning environment. Late Log Students who come in late without a pass MUST sign the late log. 1 st time: warning 1 st time: warning 2 nd time: lunch detention 2 nd time: lunch detention 3 rd time: lunch detention and parent contact 3 rd time: lunch detention and parent contact 4 th time: office referral 4 th time: office referral Signing Out You must ask permission in French/Spanish and sign out every time you leave the room, even just to get a drink of water. You must ask permission in French/Spanish and sign out every time you leave the room, even just to get a drink of water. You must sign back in when you return. You must sign back in when you return. You must sign out when you leave for Sectionals, GT, or for any other reason. You must sign out when you leave for Sectionals, GT, or for any other reason. Card System In addition to school policies, the following procedure allows for class to proceed with minimal disruptions. 1 st warning Verbal reminder to stop behavior 1 st warning Verbal reminder to stop behavior 2 nd warning Yellow card: Talk to Monsieur/Seor after class 2 nd warning Yellow card: Talk to Monsieur/Seor after class 3 rd warning Red card: Lunch detention, parent contact 3 rd warning Red card: Lunch detention, parent contact Card system part 2 Any cards placed on your desk will remain on your desk and need to be turned in at the end of the period. Any cards placed on your desk will remain on your desk and need to be turned in at the end of the period. Remember: in some cases, if you do Remember: in some cases, if you do something really bad, you can get a red card something really bad, you can get a red card without getting a yellow card first! without getting a yellow card first! I pity the fool who doesnt hand in his/her yellow card at the end of the period! Listen to Mr. Sherrow the first time every time! Donne-Moi CINQ 1) Lve la main 1) Lve la main 2) Assieds-toi 2) Assieds-toi 3) Silence 3) Silence 4) Regarde le prof 5) coute Dame CINCO 1) Levanta la mano 1) Levanta la mano 2) Sintate 2) Sintate 3) Cierra la boca 4) Mira el profesor 5) scucha Game Time AKA everyones favorite part of class AKA everyones favorite part of class Every day you can earn minutes for good behavior or performance. Every day you can earn minutes for good behavior or performance. There are many ways to earn game time: There are many ways to earn game time: On Fridays, the class plays a game for the amount of game time! Theres no limit to how much time you can earn! On Fridays, the class plays a game for the amount of game time! Theres no limit to how much time you can earn! Leftover time from Question du jour / Pregunta del da Everyone comes to class on time Everyone does homework Hurry up bonuses Responding to Donne-moi Cinq/ Dame Cinco quickly Good behavior, especially with a substitute Speaking French/Spanish No yellow cards received Participation in speaking activities Game Time (continued) Any game time earned can also be lost. Examples of way to lose game time: Any game time earned can also be lost. Examples of way to lose game time: Not following the rules Not following the rules Talking and being disruptive Talking and being disruptive Talking during ponge Talking during ponge Being too loud during classwork Being too loud during classwork Not responding to Donne-Moi Cinq Not responding to Donne-Moi Cinq Using extra time for Question du jour Using extra time for Question du jour Homework Youll never have homework. Youll never have homework. Dont bother doing homework, it doesnt matter anyway. Dont bother doing homework, it doesnt matter anyway. Its only worth 10% of your grade. Its only worth 10% of your grade. You might as well just play video games instead. You might as well just play video games instead. BAZINGA! Homework I dont give homework all the time. When I do, it is because it is purposeful and will help you practice in order to be prepared for class the next day. I dont give homework all the time. When I do, it is because it is purposeful and will help you practice in order to be prepared for class the next day. You are expected to study vocabulary on any night that you do not have written homework. You are expected to study vocabulary on any night that you do not have written homework. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! I have informed you thusly. Honesty Projects and other work for French class are to be completed by you and only you. Do not use your older sibling as a dictionary for words that you do not know. Projects and other work for French class are to be completed by you and only you. Do not use your older sibling as a dictionary for words that you do not know. Dictionary vs. Translator: Dictionary vs. Translator: You use a dictionary to look up individual words. Example: You use a dictionary to look up individual words. Example: You use a translator to look up sentences. Example: Google Translate You use a translator to look up sentences. Example: Google Translate YOU MAY ABSOLUTELY NOT USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR. Translated work is considered plagiarized and will receive a score of zero. YOU MAY ABSOLUTELY NOT USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR. Translated work is considered plagiarized and will receive a score of zero. You will learn how to use a dictionary in class and may use it as specified. You will learn how to use a dictionary in class and may use it as specified. Absent? Check the folder on the side blackboard for work that you missed. Check the folder on the side blackboard for work that you missed. Check with a classmate if you dont understand. Check with a classmate if you dont understand. See Monsieur if you have questions or to schedule a missed quiz. See Monsieur if you have questions or to schedule a missed quiz. Tour of Classroom Late log & sign out sheets Late log & sign out sheets Homework board Homework board In and out boxes In and out boxes Absent board Absent board Finished Early Finished Early Beginning of Class Finish your conversation before you enter the room. Finish your conversation before you enter the room. Enter the room without talking and go straight to your seat. Enter the room without talking and go straight to your seat. Take out last nights homework and write down tonights homework. Take out last nights homework and write down tonights homework. Open your notebook and complete ponge/Esponja without assistance from your neighbors. You have 3 minutes from when the bell rings to complete the activity. Open your notebook and complete ponge/Esponja without assistance from your neighbors. You have 3 minutes from when the bell rings to complete the activity. When Monsieur greets the class, respond in French/Spanish. When Monsieur greets the class, respond in French/Spanish. Example: Buenos das Seor/ Bonjour, Monsieur Example: Buenos das Seor/ Bonjour, Monsieur End of class procedures DO NOT LEAVE when the bell rings. DO NOT LEAVE when the bell rings. You need to be seated and quiet. You need to be seated and quiet. Mr. Sherrow will give you a thumbs up to let you know that you can leave. Mr. Sherrow will give you a thumbs up to let you know that you can leave. Question du jour/Pregunta del da All students sit on desk SILENTLY All students sit on desk SILENTLY When the ball is passed to you, answer the question When the ball is passed to you, answer the question Pass the ball to someone else and then sit down in your chair Pass the ball to someone else and then sit down in your chair If everyone answers the question within the time limit, the class earns the time left for game time. YAY! If everyone answers the question within the time limit, the class earns the time left for game time. YAY! But, if there is an interruption, we start all over. But, if there is an interruption, we start all over. Deux lignes/ Dos Lneas When Monsieur says Deux Lignes / Dos Lneas When Monsieur says Deux Lignes / Dos Lneas Find a partner Find a partner Stand in the front of the room facing your partner Stand in the front of the room facing your partner Pairs will form 2 lines across the front of the room Pairs will form 2 lines across the front of the room If you have an odd number, the extra person stands on the end of one of the lines If you have an odd number, the extra person stands on the end of one of the lines Do all of the above QUICKLY and QUIETLY! Do all of the above QUICKLY and QUIETLY!