Classroom & Conference Cleaning - Global Industrial

Post on 15-Apr-2022

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Classroom & Conference Cleaning


✓ Powerful

XPOWER’s Ozone Generator has a powerful extended airflow specifically suited to quickly cover large areas (up to 2,000 ft2) in minimal time.

✓ Technological Design

The combination of air mover and commercial ozone generator are the critical components designed to increase air flow to maximize efficiency in generating ozone gas.

✓ Refresh the Air

The Air Mover replaces stale air and bad odors with fresh air post-Ozone Treatment to provide for a clean environment.

XPOWER’s Ozone

Generator helps disinfect

your classrooms and

conference rooms to

keep people safe.

XPOWER Ozone Generator

M-25 & M-27

• High concentrations of ozone gas capable of killing microorganisms like bacteria, fungus mold, and viruses.

• Integrated axial air mover increases efficiency of ozone generator and delivers O3 quickly and evenly across large areas.

• Timer for easy, hands-off usage. We recommend it to be set for 1-2 hours for treatment.

• Speed control for air mover that can also operate as a ventilator to help reduce ozone concentration to safe levels.

The Technology

Timer Speed Control

What To Know About

Ozone Generator Use

• PLEASE NOTE: Ozone Treatment must occur in enclosed spaces. The treatment can only take place when PPP are removed from the space: People, Pets, and Plants.

• An ozone concentration above 2 ppm is sufficient for sanitation.1

• After the Ozone Treatment, you can use an ozone meter to measure safe levels of ozone (below 0.2 ppm), typically around 10 minutes after treatment depending on the size of your space.2

1. Source: Dubuis ME, Dumont-Leblond N, Laliberté C, Veillette M, Turgeon N, Jean J, Duchaine. “Ozone efficacy for the control of airborne viruses: Bacteriophage and norovirus models.” 2020, PLoSONE 15(4): e0231164. Accessed 27 Apr. 2020.

2. Source: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), OSHA Occupational Chemical Database,

Examples of Ozone Meters

The Air Mover increases the air flow provided to the Generator. This allows the Generator to produce a greater amount of ozone

particles to be distributed throughout the space.

Increased Air Flow → Increased Efficiency

How To Use

Ensure the space is empty of people, pet, and plants to begin operating the Ozone Treatment Safely.

Turn on the machine to start the Ozone Treatment

Turn the air mover speed to maximum or according to the

size of space.

Turn on the Ozone generator

Set the timer according to the

size of your space

a. b. c.

Ozone levels should be built to a concentration of 2-4 PPM in order to effectively sanitize



How To Use

Ozone levels will naturally dissipate to safe levels (<0.2 PPM) automatically after 10 minutes of shutting down ozone generator.

Eliminate odors, freshen indoor air and ventilate spaces by opening doors and windows while directing air outward with our Axial Air Mover with Ozone Generator set to off.

Once ozone treatment is complete, please store unit in a safe place for future use.




Example Spaces Size Tools Treatment Time

Seminar Room 300 sq ft M-25 (5g)

Ozone 60 min

Clean Air 30 min

Total 90 min

Conference Room 600 sq ft M-25 (5g)

Ozone 90 min

Clean Air 30 min

Total 120 min

Lecture Hall 1,000 sq ft M-27 (10g)

Ozone 90 min

Clean Air 30 min

Total 120 min

Ampitheatre 2,000 sq ft 2 x M-27 (10g)

Ozone 120 min

Clean Air 30 min

Total 150 min

What will my space need?