Classroom talk from Language Show 2013 by Rachel Hawkes

Post on 26-May-2015

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Rachel Hawkes' Classroom Talk from the Languages Show 2013


Classroom talkF – A – S – T

Strategies to support quality TL talk in the languages classroom

Speaker: Dr Rachel Hawkes

F – A – S – T• Fun• Accessible• Selling• Tenacious

Fun – a reason to talk• Note and respond to what students

want/need to say• Exploit and invoke humour• Open-ended tasks• Subverting the norm

“Teachers informally monitor and assess spontaneous TL use, keeping track of learners’ progress.”

Lesson 1Ypsilon – mit Ypsilon (when spelling out names)Wie heißt du? Ich heißeGuten TagHalloBitteDanke

Lesson 2 janeinsprechennichtschreibeneine FragevergessenWie viele?sagendannfreiwillig

Lesson 3Hausaufgabenein Substantivist nicht dalaut(er)Mädchen (mit Umlaut)Junge

Lesson 4wiederholenabschreibenmitohne

Lesson 5Wie viele?Wörterjede Personeins, zwei, drei, vierrot, blau, gelbDreieck, Viereck, Kreisspätmein Heft ist nicht daIch habe ein Problem

Lesson 6schnell (schneller)Ich braucheklar?gross/klein

Lesson 8noch mal?das ist klasse! (said by student)

Fun – a reason to talk• Note and respond to what students

want/need to say• Exploit and invoke humour• Open-ended tasks• Subverting the norm

Frau HawkesKlasse

Fun – a reason to talk• Note and respond to what students

want/need to say• Exploit and invoke humour• Open-ended tasks• Subverting the norm

Comment il s’appelle?

Quel âge a-t-il?

Il est comment?Qu’est-ce qu’il a comme famille?

Il a des animaux?

Où est-ce qu’il habite?

Qu’est-ce qu’il aime faire?

Qu’est-ce qu’il n’aime pas faire?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a fait hier?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a à la main?

Il parle avec qui?

Qu’est-ce qu’il a regardé hier soir à la télé?

J’habite dans un village.

Chez nous il y a beaucoup de pollution.

A Cambridge on peut faire les magasins.

Le weekend on va souvent au centre de loisirs.

Mon frère va normalement au stade.

Mes copains vont à la piscine.


Nadal Paella

David Villa Andy Murray


¿Qué piensas?

¡Sí, es verdad!¡No, es mentira!

¡Yo también!¡Yo tampoco!

¡Estás loco/a!

Pienso que...


¿Qué piensas?

Pienso que… I think that…

Creo que.. I believe

La excepción es.. the exception is

porque because/for

Es (from verb ‘SER’ to be) It is (permanent characteristics)

un animal – una persona - un país – un continente -

an animal – a person - a country – a continent

de Inglaterra, Escocia, España…

plural/singular plural/singular

un verbo – un adjetivo – un sustantivo a verb - an adjective - a noun

masculino - femenino masculine - feminine

diferente different

los otros son… the others are…

Trouve quelqu’un qui…..1)…va souvent au cinéma.2)…va de temps en temps à l’église. 3)…ne va jamais à la pationoire.

Trouve deux personnes qui…..4)…vont au centre commercial tous les weekends.5)…vont souvent au centre de loisirs.

¿Qué se puede ver?¿Qué van

a hacer?

¿En qué piensan?

Gracias @ Pete Spain

Fun – a reason to talk• Note and respond to what students

want/need to say• Exploit and invoke humour• Open-ended tasks• Subverting the norm

¿Qué va a hacer Lara este verano?

¿Qué no va a hacer ?

En las vacaciones voy a ir a España. Voy a alojarme en un hotel. Voy a comer platos típicos en el restaurante. Voy a nadar en la piscina. No voy a nadar en el mar. Voy a ir al centro. Voy a sacar fotos de los monumentos. Voy a visitar los museos.

Fenomenal futures*Basic sentence:Voy a + infinitive.

Enhanced by the ‘super’ structures:

EsperoMe gustaríaQuieroTengo queTengo ganas deTengo la intención deTengo pensado } + infinitive

Now read this passage out, without using ‘voy a’ more than once!

¿Cuáles son las preguntas?1. Tiene el pelo


2. Me gusta el teatro

3. Son fáciles.

5. sí.

4. El español.

Fun – a reason to talk• Note and respond to what students

want/need to say• Exploit and invoke humour• Open-ended tasks• Subverting the norm

Accessible• Explicitly teach the language you/they need to

use• Know what they know and build on it as

logically as possible• Support TL teacher talk with gestures,

cognates, examples, visual cues, drawing modelling

¿Puedo…trabajar con…?

usar el diccionario


ir al baño?

mirar en mi libro de


sentarme allí?

ir a mi clase de música?

Accessible• Explicitly teach the language

you/they need to use• Know what they know and build on it

as logically as possible• Support TL teacher talk with gestures,

cognates, examples, visual cues, drawing, modelling

der Apfel die

Bananedie CD

die Diskette

der Elefant

der Fussball


der Hund


der Junge


der Löwe

dasMädchen die



das Iglu die


der Löwe

Selling• ‘Sell’ the methodology you use appropriately• Reward the risk-takers in speaking• Ensure suitable differentiation and


Education with an international outlookLanguage learning and leadership development

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."

Nelson Mandela

Selling• ‘Sell’ the methodology you use

appropriately• Reward the risk-takers in speaking• Ensure suitable differentiation and


Selling• ‘Sell’ the methodology you use

appropriately• Reward the risk-takers in speaking• Ensure suitable differentiation and


Tenacity• Practise what you preach• Insist (consistently)• Push through the ‘pain barrier’

Classroom talkF – A – S – T

Strategies to support quality TL talk in the languages classroom