Clean eating's dirty secrets analysis (2)

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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INTRODUCTIONIn this presentation I will be analyzing a documentary called 'clean eating's dirty secrets'. I will be going over some key features such as: camera,editing,sound and mis-en-scene. I will be discussing denotation- what can be seen and connotation- what is the meaning. I will be using codes and convention.

Camera is different shots/ positions the camera is being used or held in such as MCS (middle close up). The camera is the main thing needed if your making a film or documentary because it is needed for the action.

Editing Is skills you use after you have filmed everything to put it together you can use multiple editing techniques such as cutting rates where the speed of the film increases really fast when an exciting or scary scene is taking place.

Sound can also be used after the filming is done or while the filming is taken place. For example sound affects is used after and diegetic sound is when talking is taken place in the movie/documentary.

Mis-en-scene is basically the props/ the location/ the lightening and costumes that are used when filming.

CAMERA1. MCU (medium close up) is used to make the audience see her image and what her characters about. It also emphasizes on her size which is big which shows why she's on a diet.

2. High shot angles to show prove that she is searching "clean eating diets"

EDITING1. Cutting rate is used to show her previous pictures to show flashbacks in the past.

2. First hand camera is used in this video to show different dietitians on youtube from

her laptop this is effective because it shows the audience that she is researching diets.

3. Cuts has been used in this documentary to show different times of the day. This is

affective because it shows that she's getting prepared for her diet.

SOUND1. Non-diegetic sound Is used with music; the music changes quite regular but doesn't play while she is talking directly the camera

2. Diegetic sound is used when she is typing on her computer and putting her food on

the counter.

3.Voice-over/narration is occurred during these scenes. She mostly

talks to the camera because she's the main character.

4. Sound affects is used when images on instagram pop up on the screen. It

is also used when youtubers/ dietitians are explaining something.


1. The location is mainly at her house.

2. Costumes are gym clothes/work out clothes when they're at the


3. Props used: camera/phones/laptops/ dieting websites/ instagram
